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Maryhill College

Basic Education Department

Lucena City



Quarter 4TH
Week TWO
Lesson Title  Writing a research paper
Learning Resources/Materials
A. ICT Integration: pre-recorded video; powerpoint presentation
B. Supplementary Material/s: printed story (PDF format)
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:
1. understood what is and how to produce a position paper;
2. written a complete position paper about a chosen issue; and
3. used position paper to empower people.
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
 Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing texts that are
useful across disciplines:
A. Position Paper

A. Getting Started

Good day! Remind yourself that slow progress is still

progress. Don’t rush yourself in achieving and finishing
everything. Celebrate even small wins 

Any academic essay is essentially a position paper, complete with a thesis statement,
supporting points, counterarguments, and background or relevance, all of which will
be discussed in this lesson proper. The position paper, however, specifically targets a
social issue not only to address inequalities, but more importantly, to effect social
change. As a student afforded with quality education, you are expected to be aware of
and address issues pervading your community. One way of doing so is writing a
position paper, your contribution to your community both as a demonstration of your
keen awareness of your surroundings and genuine attempt to circumvent social ills.

Give your insight in about this quotation:

“The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is in itself a discussion. It is a
silent acquiescence to evil”
It is a sin or a serious error to not do anything about such problems, you know
they are not morally appropriate. It's a passive way to commit misdeed.
Before we start with the discussion, I want you to remember the last time yiu feel into
sickness and this experience hampered you from doing your day-to-day activities.
How was your experience? What befell your usual healthful condition? What were the
things you did to turn to your usual self? How did you manage to continue your
everyday routine despite the sickness?

I want you to freewrite on these questions for ten minutes.

I remember the time I was eating my favorite food and it was expired I have a very
bad diarrhea that day I spent most of my time recovering and slowly doing my
activities. But I stayed in bed because I was also not feeling well and most of my I’m
resting and doing something else to entertain me just to kill time. And time pass I feel
like my old self is coming back so I can my daily activities again.
B. Exploring the Lesson
Before you read the selection, familiarize yourself with the following terms first:

a. Republic Act 1082 (Rural Health Law)

b. Malaria
c. Yaws
d. Schistosomiasis or Snail fever
e. Gastroenteric Disease
f. Tuberculosis
g. Malnutrition

After, researching yourself with the terms, you can proceed in reading the
selection on page 210-212

For our discussion, read pages 214-216 in your book. If you are done reading
watch the discussion video in your OTG.

C. Assessing Learning

Are you done reading the power point presentation? If you are let us
practice what you have learned from the discussion. Are you ready?

For your activity, answer Exercise: Analyzing author’s craft on page 216.
A. The social issue revolves around global public health and its importance to
economic development. We should extend this to our present situation because
there is a CoVid-19 pandemic and our people's health is at risk.
B. In front of a gathering of League and City Health Officers, President Carlos P.
Garcia gave a speech at the FEU Auditorium.
C. The thesis statement of President Garcia is that health interventions should be
targeted at the population most at risk, whether due to a situational or a service
requirement. In the third paragraph, we can see his thesis statement, which was
placed there to quickly grab the audience's attention.
D. The following are some of the points that backed his thesis statement:
• The passage of Republic Act 1082, also known as the Rural Health Act, is
without a doubt one of the most important pieces of legislation in our country's
history. It is the only law in rural areas that has a direct impact on every man,
woman, and child. It has come a long way since it was established to provide
vital health services in remote neighborhoods and rural areas, which it does
admirably. It has made people more conscious of their welfare, even asking it.
What matters is that, as a result of new knowledge and demand, people who are
well feel a sense of obligation.
• I believe that health's successes in recent years have played a critical role
in advancing national growth. I keep track of malaria and yaws prevention, the
possibility of doing the same with snail fever, tuberculosis prevention, the creation
of artesian wells and waterworks, the fight against leprosy, the commitment to
improve conditions in the National Psychiatric Hospital and to promote mental well-
being, and all other measures critical to national public health.

These are some of the supporting points to his thesis statements, and it's
particularly noteworthy because he cited Republic Act 1082, which we all know is
currently being researched.

E. The following is the counterargument outlined in his thesis statement: • As a

result of your efforts, people now consider health to be their business. This is a
far cry from the paternalistic demands that affected or shaped the government's
attitude previously. While it gave people in government more influence, it
weakened the foundation's fabric and strength.
F. President Garcia made this comment in his address to emphasize that public
health had stalled 20 years earlier, but that it has now reversed and has become
our country's highest priority as time has passed. It has been stated as a
statement that shows how far our country has progressed in terms of health
care and how close we are to realizing that, thanks to the efforts of each person
and the government over the last 20 years of WWII, the health of each Filipino
has become paramount.
G. President Garcia thanked and expressed his appreciation to the participants,
knowing that without them, our country's stability would be jeopardized. The
aim of presenting a token of appreciation is to demonstrate that these
individuals have checked his point and served as a reminder of his words.

Since the counterargument is only included in his thesis statement, it did not
overshadow or outnumber the arguments.

What have you learned today? Answer the question below. I can empower people
through writing position paper by:
I learned about the components of a position paper, such as the thesis statement and
counter arguments, as well as how to spot them in a document or post.
I can inspire people by writing a position paper that gives them all sides' arguments
and truth, as well as letting them know what I think by providing supporting evidence.
D. Enhancing Skills
For this part, read and answer the Application on page 216 of your book.

E. Reflection
Reflect and complete: The activity that helped me the most: is the enhancement
section of skills in which I have had to write my own role paper in class.

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