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“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

CULTURAL PRACTICE FOR COFFEE (Coffea arabica & C. robusta)

A. Seedbed Preparation

1. The site for the seedbed must be close to a water source and the chosen
plantation. It must have good drainage and far from big trees or shaded areas.

2. Construct the nursery to allow only 25% of sunlight. Normally accomplished

by using coconut palm leaves or grass (talahib or cogon) as cover.

3. Seedbed must be 1 meter wide and 15 cm high and of convenient length.

4. Fill seedbeds with screened sand or light topsoil to allow good drainage and

5. Sow the seeds in small furrows, 3 cm apart and 0.5 cm deep. Place the seeds
along the furrow 2 cm apart.

6. Cover the bed with thin layer of straw as mulch. Remove the straw when
seedlings start to sprout.

7. Water the bed daily or when necessary to keep the soil moist. Seeds will
germinate in about 45 days after sowing and are then transplanted or pricked in
plastic bags.

8. During pricking be sure to cut defective roots. Roots must grow straight. Use
15-cm diameter by 30-cm deep plastic bags.

9. Use screened light topsoil mixed with organic fertilizer using a 50:50 ratio for
potting soil. This will accelerate the growth of seedlings.

10. Provide between 1600 to 2300 bags of seedlings for every 1 hectare plantation.
A 120 sq. m. nursery is enough for 1 hectare plantation.

B. Nursery Maintenance

1. After pricking sprinkle the seedlings with water to keep the soil moist throughout
and as frequent as necessary.
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

2. Spray foliar fertilizer at the rate of 0.67% mixed with urea (46-0-0) at the rate of
1% in solution once a month which are attained by mixing 1 liter and 1.6 kg of
the fertilizers, respectively in 160 liters of water.

3. Minimize pests and diseases with good sunlight and sanitation. If damping-off
and brown eye spots (Cercospora) occur use copper-based fungicide. Control the
presence of caterpillar and other insects by spraying the appropriate insecticides.

4. Practice hardening. When the seedlings has 4 to 5 pairs of leaves, start

transferring seedlings every third row and segregate the fast-growing seedlings to
allow slow-growing seedlings to recover.

5. Before planting to the field gradually remove the shade to accustom plants to
direct sunlight. Increase sunlight 25% six weeks before planting and do it
gradually until total shade is removed two weeks before planting.

C. Plantation Establishment

1. Select a site with good drainage and pH ranging between 5.5 and 6.5. If pH is
low add lime at the rate of 2 to 2.5 tons per hectare to increase pH by 1 count.

2. Chop or cut grass manually or mechanically. Wait for new growth until 15 cm
tall then spray Glyphosphate herbicide following the recommended dosage.

3. Plow and harrow land along contours until weeds are suppressed. Take note of
the orientation of rows allowing sunlight penetration between them.

4. Dig holes (40 x 40 x 40 cm) to provide for root development. Place ¼ kg of

organic fertilizer per hole mixed with 25 grams of Ammophos (16-20-0)
inorganic fertilizer. Transplant the 6-month old seedlings ( 6 to 8 pairs of leaves)
then fill up the hole with the top soil which was removed.

5. Recommended planting distance for Robusta is 2.75m x 3.0m between rows and
2.0m to 2.75m between hills; for Arabica it is 1.25m to 2.0m between rows and
1.2m to 1.25m between hills. Double-row system may be used to get higher
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

6. As soon as the seedlings reached 50 cm in height (3 to 6 months old) bend the

stem at a 45-deg. Angle from the ground. Bend from east to west, north to south
or along the contours using a string tied to a peg on the ground.

7. When sprouts are 10 cm high select those that will be allowed to grow
continually. Leave 5 to 6 sprouts if target is 3 to 4 verticals; or leave 7 to 8
sprouts if target is 5 verticals.

8. When sprouts are 30 cm high select uniformly distanced sprouts from the base to
about 25 cm of the main stem. Remove extra sprouts, usually weak or damage
or those coming out of the sides or bottom of the same stem.

9. Leave main stem if vigorous and bent upward at about 25 cm from the base. As
vertical sprouts grow, train towards the outside of the crown. This encourages
more sunlight penetration and the development of inner laterals.

D. Fertilization

1. During the first year apply a mixture of 15 to 20 grams of urea (46-0-0) and 25 to
50 grams of complete (1-14-14) inorganic fertilizers and 200 to 250 grams of
organic fertilizer in a band around the base of every tree about 10 cm and
gradually further away from the base of the drip line of lateral branches once
every quarter. Cover the fertilizers with fine soil to avoid losses.

2. Spray foliar fertilizer at the rate of 0.67% mixed with Ammosul (21-0-0) at the
rate of 1% in solution bi-monthly or once in 2 months.

3. During the second year apply a mixture of 100 to 150 grams of complete (14-14-
14) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) and 500 grams of organic fertilizer applied in
the same manner mentioned in Step D-1 once every 4 months.

4. Spray foliar fertilizer on the foliage at the rate of 0.67% mixed with muriate of
potash (0-0-60) at the rate of 1% in solution once every quarter.

5. During the third and subsequent years apply a mixture of 250 to 300 grams of
each of complete (14-14-14) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) and 1 kg of organic
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

fertilizer applied in a ring 50 cm from the base of the tree up to the drip line once
every 4 months.

6. Spray the trees with a mixture of foliar fertilizer and muriate of potash as in Step

7. If necessary, spray the trees with the recommended crop protection chemicals
following the manufacturer’s recommendation.

E. Harvesting and Processing

1. Only ripe berries (yellow-orange to red) are harvested. Green berries cannot be
pulped properly and result in poor quality coffee.

2. Process the coffee beans within 12 hours following harvest, otherwise

undesirable fermentation occurs.

3. Sun drying is normally used in drying the beans. The endocarp or seed coat is
removed by milling. Safe storage for the dried coffee beans is about 14 %

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