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Assessment Task 1: (Role play and Written Report) Organisational review

1. Develop a written statement that:

a. describes the mission, purpose, vision and values of the organisation


Cocoa Delight’s mission is to be known as unique company which belongs to highest

quality Australian chocolate on the benefits of dark chocolate. They set the mind to be
only one capable company to satisfy in national marketplace.


• The production and distribution of process of Cocoa Delights has been impacted
by reducing the environmental reason.
• To be the highest quality Australian chocolate available, blending locally.
• To become the gourmet chocolate market leader within 5 years.
• To become a national retail brand for chocolate connoisseurs within the next 5
• To communicate the health benefits of the Dark Decadence chocolate products
throught campaign as advertising and social media.

Cocoa Delights will become a national retail brand that satisfies our customers within
the next 5 years, with finest quality gourmet Australia chocolate with sustainable
behaviour and innovation, as well as providing exceptional customer service from our
highly skilled and dedicated staff.


• Sustainability and high quality.

• Cultivate leadership
• Combination of innovation creativity and specialising handmade dark
• Maintain high level of safety
• To provide exceptional Customer service.
• Expansion and growth

b. identifies strategic directions and targets for the organisation.

strategic directions and target:-

• To create awareness of health benefits of dark chocolate.

• To increase market share and become national retail brand.
• Focus in media with a national reach, it is opportunity to save money.
• 22 stores in the greater Melbourne area and growing to 100 stores Australia
• By 2016, I see Cocoa Delights as being a significant retail presence in every
Australian capital city.

You are required to meet with the CEO (your assessor) and confirm that you have correctly described
the strategic directions for the organisation. After receiving confirmation, you need to complete an
organisational review:

1. Complete a situational analysis (including a PEST analysis) for the organisation.

The pest analysis is very helpful for understanding market growth or decline and such as position
potential and direction for the businesses analysis is a business measurement tool. Pest is an
acronym for political, economic factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or
The government is currently Economic
passing legislation that requires DISPOSABLE income has reduced due
business to monitor and reduce to rising INTEREST RATES this shortfall
their waste and energy use expected to be recovered in the long
insignificant penalties are planned term, with wages including expected to
for business that don’t comply Outstrip inflation rates by 2%.The unemployment levels are
with the new directives also increasing and expected to climb steadily to 6% in the
coming year.

COCOA DELIGHT will Technical
try to capitalize Technology development with the broadband rollout across
on the social trends of consumers Australia has been delayed, although the rollout is continuing
being more conscious, by and will be completed in the next three years. Internet
promoting health benefits of Dark retailing options are expanding and most retailers are taking
chocolates and offer largest range advantage of this new technology.
of different varieties of dark

2. Identify legal and ethical requirements for the organisation to address sustainability issues.

Providing high quality of customer service is also a major objective of Cocoa Delight as the
customers are the most valuable external stakeholder. There lies the significance of
innovation and creativity being initiated by them. This is the mode of manufacturing
Chocolate in unique manner and thereby serve the customers with excellent experience.
Cocoa Delights has always practiced this activity and is proud to be Australian made.
Government is also a major external stakeholder. Therefore, compliance with rules and
regulations is very much important. As government is putting ample stress on
manufacturing imported chocolate. We see this as an opportunity to increase our market-
share, as some of our competitors are selling chocolate products that are imported from
countries with a poor reputation for quality and employment ethics.

There is a big push by governments on the issue of sustainability. This focuses mostly on
the environmental issues of waste management and energy conservation. In the past,
Cocoa Delights stores have been deliberately designed to be bright and comfortable
places to shop. This meant a significant cost in electricity usage to run the lights and
airconditioners. With the new laws, we are going to have to find ways to provide
customers with what they want, without the high electricity usage.

3. Describe the impact of the organisational strategic direction on current marketing activities.

The fundamental aim of the firm is to become the national retail brand within five years by
providing the customers with unique services. With the assistance of strong strategic
planning, the company has become able to amplify their marketing activities which is the key
of strengthening the public image.

Sustainable growth in both store and sales is the biggest achievement of Cocoa Delight. The
rate of gross profit margin of the company has been increased by 46%. However, it is their
firm belief that, their profit should be 65%.

The inclusion of radio advertising strategy has played a significant role for Cocoa Delights to
promote growth in their sales result. They have focused on the fact that PR advertising has
also played a significant role for them to gather the attention of the customers by providing
them with the information regarding their unique offering.
4. Analyse current key products or services and major markets for strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats.

Strengths :
• Innovation and creativity in creating handmade dark chocolate.
• Long term sustainability
• Providing best of the best customer service.
• Strong brand presence in Australia
• Increased rate of sales and profit margin


• Online presentation seems weak

• Lack of awareness among the customers regarding the health benefits of consuming
dark chocolate
• Lack of brand awareness.
• Unable to run business in a cost effective manner


• Increased rate and value of chocolate consumption

• Usage of social media, which can have a firm impact on attracting a strong base of
• Increased budget in market
• Satisfying unique dietary demand in the market
• Execution of promotional activities as per the requirements of the Australian


• Higher rate of interest, which is affecting consumer spending power.

• Lower Probability
• Australia is also increasing in a rapid manner.
• Strong presence of the companies like Hershey Chocolate

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of previous marketing undertakings, including:

a. performance against established objectives (including profitability)

Cocoa Delights achieved their store growth and sales growth but our gross profit
margins are currently sitting on 46%. I think we are still below the threshold for gourmet
chocolate and hot drinks, which we predict should be at an average gross profit of 63%.

Expansion in sales and cost effectiveness are key issues here. They have spent $60,000
on radio advertising and $280,000 overall, including PR, magazines and direct
marketing. While this radio advertising expenditure achieved sales results, it was at a
significant cost that was not initially planned for.

The customer loyalty lists had achieved a total of 34,500 and a survey indicates that
58% of people in the target market recognise the Cocoa Delights brand and what it

b. critical success factors

Cocoa Delights is one of the booming companies in Australia. The inclusion of

innovation and creativity in their marketing activity is playing a pivotal role for them to
drag the attention of the customers and thereby accelerate their image in the society. In
addition, the rate of consuming chocolate is also increasing promptly. This is also paving
the way for Cocoa Delights to run their business without any hindrances.
The digital media for executing marketing activities is also acting as a strong opportunity
for Cocoa Delights to exploit the target market and thereby satisfy the requirements of
customers, which is changing rapidly. Successful implementation of proactive marketing
activity has helped Cocoa Delights to achieve sustainable growth in the rate of sales.

c. areas for improvement and lessons learned.

As the employees are the most significant asset of an organization. the higher authority
of Cocoa Delights always, offer motivational factors for the employees. They always
supports the employees to develop independent team. The financial stability of the
company plays a very important role in attaining very high quality of cocoa beans which
is the key of making fine quality of dark chocolate. However, based on their marketing
activities, it can be said that, there are two different in areas Cocoa Delights needs

7. Notes from meeting with CEO to include:

● any points of clarification about the identified strategies

Cocoa Delights has already spent $60,000 on radio advertising and $280,000 overall, including
PR, magazines and direct marketing. While this radio advertising expenditure achieved sales
results, it was at a significant cost that was not initially planned for. PR has been particularly
useful, resulting in many write-ups on our unique offer.

● feedback provided by CEO.

Need some changes local suppliers of services to national ones, and to think about
opportunities to save money by gaining a wider geographic benefit and choosing media with a
national reach. Overall, our SWOT analysis in 2010 is still valid for today. Not much has changed
in that regard.

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