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Principles of Teaching 1

Subject General Biology

Lesson Cell

Grade Level 11 Week:

Competency Students will able to understand how parts of the cell works

and its importance.

Objectives Understand the cell theory

Enumerate the parts of the animal and plant cell and its


Explain the difference between plant and animal cell

Create an image of animal and plant cell

Activities/Materials 1. Illustration of cell Pen, paper and coloring materials.


Synthesis At the end of the day, what have you learned about the


Does the activities help you to understand the importance

and difference between animal and plant cell?

Take home activity Create an animal or plant cell model using recycled

My learning principle is having a collaborative and engaging exchange of

knowledge in a classroom. I believe that collaborative learning will help students

to understand more the topic. Collaborative learning promotes a student-

centered classroom. There will be an exchange of knowledge, thoughts,

opinion, and ideas wherein they will discuss a concept or how they will find a

solution to one complex problem. This learning principle will help them to

enhance their collaborative, communication, understanding, problem-solving,

and critical thinking skills.

The implication of this principle in effective and efficient teaching is students

will able to have teamwork and collaboration to explain a concept or to find a

solution to a problem. This is effective because there will be an engagement

between students and it will also efficient because it will save time and


The learning environment must be a student-centered place to make it

conducive. If there is communication between students, it means that there is a

collaboration that will turn into teamwork. This will set a positive classroom where

all students are comfortable to learn and listen.

As a future effective educator, my approach will be fair for all because all

students is different and not the same. I will have a sense of humor for them to

feel comfortable while I’m teaching. In addition, I will follow the SMART criteria to
make sure that my goal for my students is possible and organize. I will make sure

that I will embody the aspiration of being a good teacher.

In order to achieve the goals or objectives in my lesson plan, I will make sure

that my objectives must follow the SMART criteria. My objective must be

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-Oriented, and Time-bound. The smart

criteria will help me to achieve my objective for my students to learn and to

have a student-centered environment.

To accomplish my objectives in my lesson plan, I will make sure that it follows

the SMART criteria because this will help me to organize, establish and reach my

goals for my students. Moreover, SMART criteria provide clarity in direction and

motivation that elucidates the importance of the lesson.

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