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<title> The governable metrics approach </title>

background-color: lightgreen;
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h2, h3, h4{
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<h1> The compact mirroring pressure of governable conscious characters </h1>
<img src="LizU03.jpg">
<figurecaption> <center> The scalability dynamics in its real truth of
conscious characters invoke supervisory common sense </center></figurecaption>

The governable metrics approach is shielding the behavior concept of

conscious characters are dealing with a universal point overview does seemly
pressure on somewhat reasonable justification of any occurred happening which is
revealing the descriptive design of <marquee> discrete event simulation: <em> event
= mapping(probability(event == happening), time = occurrence time, value =
assignment of corresponding encoding through a mount management of concepts of
value change dump show (= each signal would have been encoded within string name
and values could be pressure of expertise on how to use technology of envelop
engendering mechanism for example <em> X <sup> 2 <sup> * Y <sup> 2 </sup> * (X
<sup> 2 </sup> - Y <sup> 2 </sup>) over (X <sup> 2 </sup> + Y <sup> 2
</sup>)<sup> 3 </sup> </em>) </em>, </marquee> while the list programming is still
affair of some interpreters like <mark> Common Lisp and co </mark> for reasonable
scheduling schemes of governable metrics approach whose weighing pressure is affair
of the trust in selfish ownership show.

<h2> The judgment of situations is statement of robust logic pressure</h2>


Boolean algebra and similar credibility courses are involving the sensitive
behavior (to behave like a cat or like a child or like an innocent transparency
reign or like a Lord or like a Creator or like a God or like someone else),
meanwhile this sensitive behavior is reference the synthesis show of <mark> human
flux </mark> whereby the revealing dependency is generating pressure on requiring
requests <em>(money mount management, skillful expertise, knowledge culture to
refer to robust reign of innocent transparency reign show, clever kindness
concepts, educational behavior, logic assumptions, purposeful personification,

<h3> Introduction and abstract </h3>

The grid simulation is taking over away to demonstrate the conscious pressure
on approval terminology does recognize how to explore the reality show of
transition traceability.

<fieldset> Introductory pressure:
<form id="IntrXf" name="IntrXf" action="#IntrVal()" event="oninput"
onsubmit="return false" oninput="zIntr.value = IntrVal()" list="IntrChoice"
<select id="IntrChoice" name="IntrChoice" event="onselect"
list="IntrChoice" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="active pressure deal with characterization"> active

pressure deal with characterization </option>
<option value="materialization of corporation"> materialization of
corporation </option>
<option value="in person show represents an embodiment of abstract
quality"> in person show represents an embodiment of abstract quality </option>

<option value="performance substantiation in person show"> performance

substantiation in person show </option>

<option value="abstract idle stating quality or idea as a person or

creature"> abstract idle stating quality or idea as a person or creature </option>

<option value="act of attributing human characteristics to abstract

ideas"> act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas </option>

<option value="metempsychosis once mimics mimicking show">

metempsychosis once mimics mimicking show </option>

<option value="figure of speech in which idea or opinion is being to be

involving within dynamics show">
figure of speech in which idea or opinion is being to be
involving within dynamics show </option>
<option value="no longer idle abstract idea or opinion"> no
longer idle abstract idea or opinion </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xIntr" name="xIntr" event="onchange" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="post">

<input id="yIntr" name="yIntr" event="onchange" type="number"


<output type="output" id="zIntr" name="zIntr" event="oninput"

form="IntrXf" for="IntrChoice xIntr yIntr IntrVal()" method="post"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function IntrVal(){

var chs = document.getElementById("IntrChoice").value;

var xo = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xIntr").value);
var yi = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yIntr").value);

yi = Math.log2(1 + yi);

var xi = (yi - Math.sqrt(yi)) / (1 + yi);

var yo = Math.log2(1 + yi * xi / ( yi + xi));

var vx = 32 / 11;

switch( chs ){

case "active pressure deal with characterization": vx = Math.log2(1 +

vx - 2.0000);

case "materization of corporation": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.1077);


case "in person show represents an embodiment of abstract quality":

vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3077);

case " performance substantiation in person show": vx = Math.log2(1 +

vx - 2.3155);

case "abstract idle stating quality or idea as a person or creature":

vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3779);

case "act of attributing human characteristics to abstract idea": vx

= Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.5177);

case "metempsychosis once mimics mimicking show": vx = Math.log2(1 +

vx - 2.5779);
case "figure of speech in which idea or opinion is being to be
involving within dynamics show": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.7177);

case "no longer idle abstract idea or opinion": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx

- 2.7771);

case "others": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.9777);



var z = Math.log2(1 + xo * Math.log2(vx + yo));

return z;

<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxIntr()"> Introductory
pressure </button>
<canvas id="DxIntr" width="600" height="300"></canvas>

<script event="onchange">

function DrxIntr(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxIntr");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;
var y = yi;
var z = yi;
var sum = 0;

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xIntr").value);
var kj = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yIntr").value);
kj = Math.log2(1 + kj);
var ko = Math.log2(1 + ki * kj / (kj + ki));
var kk = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zIntr").value);

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0037";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0039ff";
ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";
for(var n = 1; n < xi; n++){

var ux = Math.log2(1 + n * ko / (n + ko));

var vx = Math.log2(2 - n * ko / (n + ko));

var rx = ux * vx * (ux - vx) / Math.pow(ux + vx, 3);

var wx = Math.tan(2 * Math.PI * rx * sum * n );

wx = Math.pow(wx, 2);

var ox = yi * Math.log2(1 + wx * ko /(kk + ki * wx));

var yu = Math.log2((1 + n * ux) / vx);

var yv = Math.log2((1 + n * vx) / ux);

var ax = yu * yv * (yu - yv) / Math.pow(yu + yv, 3);

//var ax = yu * yv;

var bx = 1 + 16 * ox * Math.exp( ux / vx);

var ex = 1 + 16 * ox * Math.exp( vx / ux);

var oy = 10 * (ax / bx) || (ax / ex);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("2px");
y = yi - ox;
z = yi - oy;

var vn = Math.log2(1 + n);

sum += (vn - Math.sqrt(vn)) /(vn + 1);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


The reality show of governable metrics approach does restore a universal

modeling language of exploring exploitation deal with existence characteristics.
Thereof the universal language of <mark> Discrete Event Simulation </mark> which is
appointment of a probabilistic stochastic world would look towards deterministic
world of meaningful common sense of explanation (exploring answering question of
why shall *this happen?) of happening of phenomena(like phenomenon of Earth's Moon
or sun rise, or dropping rain, or other similar phenomenon show) are responsible to
enable methodology of mimetic learning and principles of lordliness hacking show.

<a href="#Muenchen"> <img src="Ownership/imagesww.jpeg"></a>

The perfect images of wavy behavior


The wavy behavior is important show reference has to speak and talk about the
appreciation of duality recovery once the weighing pressure of the common sense and
the symbolic synthesis of linguistic concepts are involving mechanism of
morphological sounds

<h2> The abstract personification of descriptive weighing of governable

metrics </h2>
The judgment of situations whereby the proposal processing on somewhat trust
in selfish confidence would joing the universal preferation with maintaining mount
management concepts can turn the transformation statements into pressure of
decisive choice show.
<form id="PersXf" name="PersXf" action="#PersVal()" event="oninput"
onsubmit="return false" oninput="zPers.value = PersVal()" list="PersChoice"
<select id="PersChoice" name="PersChoice" event="onselect"
list="PersChoice" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">
<option value="topical outline"> topical outline </option>
<option value="generic hypothesis"> generic hypothesis</option>
<option value="metaphysical likeliness"> metaphysical
<option value="brief abstraction"> brief abstraction</option>

<option value="clear compression show of hidden soul"> clear

compression of hidden soul show </option>

<option value="draft drain show"> draft drain show </option>

<option value="postulate portrait"> postulate portrait </option>

<option value="ideational skeleton sketch"> ideational skeleton sketch


<option value="speculative sustainability in figurative subtracting

visionary"> speculative sustainability in figurative subtracting visionary

<option value="recapitulate summary in printing plot out">

recapitulate summary in printing plot out</option>
<option value="illumination and illustration of rubric run away with">
illumination and illustration of rubric run away with </option>

<option value="make off with belongings of others"> make off with

belongings of others </option>

<option value="sketchy summary of main points of argumentative

agreements"> sketchy summary of main points of argumentative agreements </option>

<option value="in the abstract ... not in person"> in the abstract ...
not in person </option>

<option value="abstractly consideration or theoretically

specification"> abstractly consideration or theoretically specification </option>

<option value="subject deal with in the abstract without practical

purpose or intention"> subject deal with in the abstract without practical purpose
or intention </option>

<option value="rendering specification"> rendering specification


<option value="stand up comedy act"> stand up comedy act </option>

<option value="itemization of a morality portrait"> itemization of a

morality portrait </option>

<option value="brief literary description in summary overview points

describe humorous characters or satirical in human psychology lay out"> brief
literary description in summary overview points describe humorous or satirical in
human psychology lay out

<option value="morality plot out"> morality plot out </option>

<option value="portraying lay out and map out of occurrence show">

portraying lay out and map out of occurrence show </option>

<option value="synopsis variety show working and drawing illustration

of happening"> synopsis variety show working and drawing illustration of happening

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xPers" name="xPers" event="onchange" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="post">

<input id="yPers" name="yPers" event="onchange" type="number"


<output type="output" id="zPers" name="zPers" event="oninput"

form="PersXf" for="PersChoice xPers yPers PersVal()" method="post"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function PersVal(){

var chs = document.getElementById("PersChoice").value;

var xo = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xPers").value);
var yi = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yPers").value);

yi = Math.log2(1 + Math.pow(yi, 2));

var xi = (-1 + Math.exp( 1 / (xo + yi))) / (Math.exp(1) - 1);

var yo = (yi - Math.sqrt(yi)) / (yi + 1);

yi = Math.log2(1 + yi * yo /(yo + yi));

var vx = 32 / 11;

switch( chs ){

case "topical outline": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0000);


case "generic hypothesis": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0099);


case "metaphysical likeliness": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0399);


case "brief abstraction": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0599);


case "clear compression show of hidden soul": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx -


case "draft drain show": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.1555);


case "postulate portrait": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.1777);


case "ideational skeleton sketch": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.1999);


case "speculative sustainability in figurative subtracting

visionary": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3011);

case "recapitulate summary in printing or plot out": vx = Math.log2(1

+ vx - 2.3077);

case "illumination and illustration of rubric run away with": vx =

Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3111);

case "make off with belongings of others": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx -

case "sketchy summary of main points of argumentative agreements": vx
= Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3399);

case "in the abstract ... not in person": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx -


case "abstractly consideration or theoretically specification": vx =

Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.3955);

case "subject deal with in the abstract without practical purpose or

intention": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.5177);


case "rendering specification": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.5555);


case "itemization of a morality portrait": vx = MAth.log2(1 + vx -



case "stand up comedy act": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.5911);


case "brief literary description in summary overview points describe

humorous characters or satirical in human psychology lay out": vx = Math.log2(1 +
vx - 2.7111);

case "morality plot out": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.7155);

case "portraying lay out and map out of occurrence show": vx =

Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.7599);


case "synopsis variety show working and drawing illustration of

happening": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.7799);


case "others": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.9777);


var z = Math.log2(xo + yo * vx / (xi + yi * vx));

return z;

<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxPers()"> morality portray

<canvas id="DxPers" width="600" height="300"></canvas>
<script event="onchnage">
function DrxPers(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxPers");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var sum = 0;

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xPers").value);

var kj = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yPers").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zPers").value);

kj = Math.pow(kj, 2);

var kp = (kj - Math.sqrt(kj)) / (1 + kj);

kp = Math.log2(1 + kj * kp / (kj + kp));

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0031";
ctx.strokeStyle ="#0031ff";
ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


for(var n = 1; n < xi; n++){

var ux = Math.log2(1 + n * kp / (n + kp));

var vx = Math.log2(2 - n * kp / (n + kp));

var wx = ux * vx * (ux - vx ) / Math.pow(ux + vx, 3);

var ox = Math.tan(2 * Math.PI * n * wx * sum + kz);

var jx = (-1 + Math.exp( 1 / (ki + Math.pow(ox, 2)))) /

(Math.exp(1) - 1);
ox = 0.25 * yi * ox;
var oy = 0.25 * yi * jx;

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("2px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

var px = Math.log2(1 + Math.pow(n, 2));

var qx = (px - Math.sqrt(px)) /(1 + px);

sum += Math.log2(1 + n * qx / (n + qx));


ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);

The study of conscious characters do purpose to maintain pressure on the hidden
secret of discrete event simulation which is invoking knowledge culture deal with
the trust in selfish confidence

<textarea rows="3" cols="30"> Abstraction is a powerful technique that is applied

in many areas of computing and elsewhere while the descriptive concept is leaving
out ongoing edges to reflect details of simplified usefulness show </textarea>

The judgment of situations is a mechanism of knowledge culture does comply with

principles of <mark> catch and try show </mark> while the purposefulness show is
requesting the <em> catch </em> to list ahead stuffs of variety and diversity would
believe in the conscious concepts of <mark> owning characters would mount the
behavior of awareness projecting objectivity </mark> once the basic benefit of
human collectivism is looking for descriptive designation of serviceability involve
characters show and methodology does matter.
<textarea row="5" cols="70"> outline gives only the bounding lines of some scene or
picture. Sketch fills up the outline in part, giving broad touches, by which an
imperfect idea may be conveyed. Delineation goes further, carrying out the more
striking features of the picture, and going so much into detail as to furnish a
clear conception of the whole. Figuratively, we may speak of the outlines of a
plan, of a work, of a project, etc., which serve as a basis on which the
subordinate parts are formed, or of sketches of countries, characters, manners,
etc., which give us a general idea of the things described. </textarea>

The preference pressure is somehow a reality show could distinguish between the
universal models of the trust in selfish confidence show and the implementation of
constructive consciousness show

<textarea rows="5" cols="70"> An outline or general delineation of anything; a
first rough or incomplete drafty show or plan of any design; especially, in the
fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's
purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original

<h2> Scalability once traceability </h2>

The scalability show is proposal processing would unify the mount management of
governable metrics approach

<h3> Introduction and abstract </h3>

<form id="UsssXf" name="UsssXf" action="#UsssVal()" event="oninput"
onsubmit="return false" oninput="zUsss.value = UsssVal()" list="UsssChoice"
<select id="UsssChoice" name="UsssChoice" event="onselect" list="UsssChoice"
role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<input id="xUsss" name="xUsss" event="onchange" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="post">

<input id="yUsss" name="yUsss" event="onchange" type="number" method="post">

<output type="output" id="zUsss" name="zUsss" event="oninput" form="UsssXf"

for="UsssChoice xUsss yUsss UsssVal()" method="post"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function UsssVal(){

var vx = 32 / 11;

var z = vx;

return 2;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxScal()"> Scalability once
Traceability </button>

<canvas id="DxScal" width="600" height="300"></canvas>

<script event="onchange">

function DrxScal(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxScal");
var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");
var xi = Dx.width / 2;
var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;
var y = yi;
var z = yi;
var sum = 0;

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0031";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0037ff";
ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


for(var n = 1; n < xi; n++){

var ki = Math.pow(Math.log2(1 + n), 2);

var kj = (ki - Math.sqrt(ki)) / (1 + ki);

var ux = Math.log2(1 + n * kj / (n + kj));

var vx = Math.log2(2 - n * kj / (n + kj));

var wx = ux * vx * (ux - vx) / Math.log2(ux + vx, 3);

var ox = Math.tan(2 * Math.PI * wx * sum + kj);

var oy = 0.25 * yi * Math.log2(1 + ux * ox / (kj + vx * ox));

ox = Math.tan(2 * Math.PI * wx * sum * n + kj);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - oy);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - ox);

x = n * parseInt("2px");

y = yi - oy;

z = yi - ox;

sum += Math.log2(1 + ux * Math.log2(1 + vx * kj));

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


The growth on the proposal subjects of purposefulness is mounting intentional units
of wellness pressure does refer to reality show of optimization while the judgment
of situations is subject of abstract show does refer the reality of a mount
<img src="LizU01.jpg">
<figurecaption><center> The true real truth pressure on comprehensive
scalability behavior </center></figurecaption>
The judgment of situations whereby the transition traceability is still believing
in the real dynamics of implementable pressure would recover the common sense of
logic Algebra.
<fieldset> Implementable pressure:
<form id="LizU" name="LizU" action="#LizUVal()" event="oninput"
onsubmit="return false" oninput="zLizU.value = LizUVal()" list="LizUChoice">
<select id="LizUChoice" name="LizUChoice" role="switch" event="onselect"
list="LizUChoice" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="may perform adequately"> may perform adequately </option>

<option value="average response time probably likely"> average response time
probably likely </option>
<option value="quality of being adaptive"> quality of being adaptive
<option value="scaling slope of a mountain">scaling slope of a mountain
<option value="partially covered with thin"> partially covered with thin
<option value="somewhat resemble scales"> somewhat resemble scales </option>
<option value="structural coverage"> structural coverage </option>
<option value="accordingly to fixed ratio or scale"> ccordingly to fixed
ratio or scale </option>

<option value="o weigh or measure according to a scale"> To weigh or measure

according to a scale </option>

<option value="to grade or vary according to a scale or system"> to grade or

vary according to a scale or system </option>

<option value="Scaling present level bearing with past list of fulfillment">

Scaling present level bearing with past list of fulfillment </option>

<option value="topographic chart">topographic chart </option>

<option value="take by storm"> take by storm </option>

<option value="thematic map"> thematic map </option>
<option value="sinusoidal projection"> sinusoidal projection </option>
<option value="representative fraction of a thing"> representative fraction
of a thing </option>

<option value="photogrammetry"> photogrammetry </option>

<option value="relief map"> relief map </option>
<option value="proportion and progression"> proportion and progression
<option value="hierarchy and greatness"> hierarchy and greatness </option>
<option value="graduation"> graduation </option>

<option value="grid simulation"> grid simulation </option>

<option value="extension and extensible array"> extension and extensible

array </option>

<option value="reach the highest point of"> reach the highest point of

<option value="pattern, regulate, set, estimate according to some rate or

standard">pattern, regulate, set, estimate according to some rate or standard

<option value="indicator having a graduated sequence of marks"> indicator

having a graduated sequence of marks </option>

<option value="series of notes differing in pitch according to specific

scheme"> series of notes differing in pitch according to specific scheme </option>
<option value="relative magnitude"> relative magnitude </option>

<option value="succession of ascending and descending steps and degrees">

succession of ascending and descending steps and degrees </option>

<option value="scheme of comparative rank or index"> scheme of comparative

rank or index </option>

<option value="to reflect reference standard"> to reflect reference standard


<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xLizU" name="xLizU" event="onchange" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="post">
<input id="yLizU" name="yLizU" event="onchange" type="number" method="post">
<output id="zLizU" name="zLizU" type="output" event="onchange" form="LizU"
for="LizUChoice xLizU yLizU LizUVal()" method="post"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function LizUVal(){

var chs = document.getElementById("zLizU").value;

var xi = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xLizU").value);
var yi = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yLizU").value);

yi = Math.log2(1 + yi);

var yo = (yi - Math.sqrt(yi)) /(yi + xi);

var vx = 32 / 11;

switch( chs ){

case "may perform adequately": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0000);


case "average response time probably likely": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx -



case "quality of being adaptive": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0399);


case "scaling slope of a mountain": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0599);


case "partially covered with thin": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.0799);


case "others": vx = Math.log2(1 + vx - 2.9777);



var z = Math.log2(xi + vx * yo);;

return z;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxLizU()"> Implementable pressure
show </button>
<canvas id="DxLizU" width="600" height="300"></canvas>
<script event="onchange">

function DrxLizU(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxLizU");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;
var yi = Dx.height / 2;
var x = 0;
var y = yi;
var z = yi;
var sum = 0;

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xLizU").value);
var kj = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yLizU").value);
var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zLizU").value);

kj = Math.log2(1 + kj);

var ko = (kj - Math.sqrt(kj)) /(1 + kj);

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0031";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0037ff";
ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";

for(var n = 1; n < 10*xi; n++){

var ux = Math.log2(1 + sum * ko);

var vx = Math.log2(2 - sum * ko);

if(ux == 0 ){

if( ki != 0){

ux = Math.log2(1 + ki / (1 + ki));
vx = 1 - ux;
else if(ki == 0){ break; }
var ax = Math.log2(1 / vx);
var bx = Math.log2((1 + n * vx) / ux);
var ex = Math.log2(ki + ko * n /(n + kz * ki))
var wx = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * 0.25 * n * sum);
var oy = (yi * ax * bx) / (1 + 16 * wx * ex * Math.exp(ux / vx));
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("2px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("2px");
y = yi - oy;

var px = Math.log2(1 + ki /( 1 + n * (1 - ki)));

sum += Math.pow(px, 2);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="EconomyReign()"> Economy
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="IndustryReign()">
Industry Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="FarmingReign()"> Farming
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="CultureReign()"> Culture
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="ResearchReign()">
Research Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="EmploymentReign()">

Employment Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="TradeReign()"> Trade
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="FinanceReign()"> Finance
Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="foreignReign()"> Foreign

Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="TourismReign()"> Tourism
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="YouthReign()"> Youth
Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="EnvironmentReign()">

Environment Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="FamilymReign()"> Family
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="HealthReign()"> Health
Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="SocialAidReign()"> Social

aid Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="ArtViewReign()"> Art View
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="PredictionReign()">
Prediction Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="RecognitionReign()">

Recognition Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="OwnershipReign()">
Ownership Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="AmortizationReign()">
Amortization Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="CapabilityReign()">

Capability Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="FluxReign()"> Human flux
Policy </button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="InertnessReign()"> Human
inertness Policy </button> </td>

<td> <button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="CertaintyReign()">

Certainty Policy </button> </td>
The conscious characters on somewhat trust in selfish ownership would lead the
abstracting personification of active acts into leadership of the clever morality
show whereby the terms of transition traceability do maintain procedures of
morphological meaningfulness sounding implementing the concept of graphic schemes
show does appear reflecting the reign of symbolic significance would refer to
running reign of revealing reference show.


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