Chaloping-March - The Mining Policy of The Philippines and Resource Nationalism Towards Nation-Building

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The mining policy of the Philippines and «resource nationalism» towards


Article  in  Journal de la Société des océanistes · December 2014

DOI: 10.4000/jso.7067


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The mining policy of the Philippines and
«resource nationalism» towards nation-building

Minerva Chaloping-March*

This paper looks at the extent to which the Mining Cet article examine l’adéquation de la loi minière de
Act of 1995 responds to the aspirations of citizen consti- 1995 aux aspirations de la représentation c­itoyenne,
tuencies such as local governments. The law provides the dont les gouvernements locaux. Cette loi fournit le cadre
regulatory and institutional framework for the operation régulateur et institutionnel pour l’accueil de grands
of large-scale mining in the hope that substantial foreign projets pour financer le budget de l’État. Elle offre
capital is brought into government coffers. The law also aussi des mécanismes garantissant la consultation des
provides for mechanisms to ensure community consul- communautés, le renforcement des pouvoirs des gouver-
tation, local government empowerment, concern for the nements locaux, le respect des communautés autochtones
indigenous communities, and equitable benefits sharing. et un partage équitable des bénéfices. Mais le gouverne-
However, the national government – with the country’s ment national – avec l’industrie minière du pays – s’est
minerals industry – has focused on foreign investments concentré sur les investissements étrangers aux dépens
at the expense of equity and benefit allocations for local d’une redistribution équitable. Des gouvernements
communities. Several local governments have blocked the locaux ont interdit le démarrage de gros projets miniers
entry of large-scale mining or forbidden open pit mining. ou l’extraction à ciel ouvert. Ces actions, incluant la
Such action, including new local legislations, mani- promulgation de lois locales, expriment un nationalis-
fests sub-national resource nationalism that is founded me des ressources « infranational » ancré dans la localité
on locality and affinity to homeland, and confronts the et le lien au territoire et opposé au gouvernement natio-
national government in matters of resource governance. nal en matière de gouvernance des ressources
Keywords: resource nationalism, Philippines Min- Mots-clés : nationalisme des ressources, Philip-
ing Act, local governments, social imaginaries, pines, Loi minière, gouvernement local, imag-
mining policy inaires sociaux, politique minière

In current literature, most discussions on re- tionalism is viewed as a cyclical phenomenon

source nationalism have focused on its causes (Stevens, 2008) and is one in which the global
and manifestations (Clarke and Cummins, and the national landscapes and their relation-
2012) particularly its impact on industry and ship with one another are «tested and refined»
investment patterns on the producing country (Ward, 2009). In certain cases, these global-na-
and the risks on the part of investors (Bremmer tional landscapes are characterized by long-term
and Johnston, 2009; Emel, Huber and Makene, extractive industry dependency that restricts po-
2011; Ernst and Young, 2013). Resource na- licy options of the producing country (Kohl and

* Development Anthropologist, Senior Research Fellow, Philippines-Australia Studies Centre, La Trobe University,
Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 138-139, année 2014

Farthing, 2012). Resource nationalism has been minerals are in situ, mining companies have to
investigated as a demonstration of a resource- go to the areas where the resources are found. A
endowed country’s motivation to expand its host country accommodates foreign companies
share of resource rent. to carry out mining within its territory. An inves-
What has remained largely unexamined in- ting company receives rights to extract minerals
cludes the complex interactions in resource na- under conditions which are largely defined by
tionalism and the main actors involved other the political, institutional, socio-economic and
than the host country and the foreign investors. cultural landscape of the host country. Thus a
There is scarce understanding about whether a mutually interdependent relationship develops:
resource nationalist position of a state is shared the host country relies on the mining company
or concurred, or conversely, challenged by its for foreign capital while the latter is granted cer-
citizens. This paper deals with these issues by tain rights in extracting minerals.
examining the case of the Philippines. The paper Over time, the form and scope of this contrac-
looks into constituent citizens confronting the tual relationship undergo changes. The ensuing
centralized control of the State over mineral re- changes have important implications for pur-
sources and their development and exploitation. suing the interests of each party. It is during this
The paper begins with some definitions of key instance when resource nationalism not only
terms such as «resource nationalism» and «sove- manifests itself but is re-examined by the host
reignty» pertinent to mining. I then proceed to government. Resource nationalism involves ac-
look into the economic liberalization policy em- tions and motivations of a resource-endowed
braced by the Philippine state. This brings the country to ensure primacy over the development
discussion to the enactment of a new mining po- of its mineral resources vis-à-vis the participation
licy in 1995. The passage of this law and the pro- of foreign investors. It represents the attempts of
cess of implementing it have provided a context the host country’s assertion of greater control
for the collision of several perspectives on «deve- over how the mineral resources located within
lopment» and ideas of equity, locality, and sove- state territory are developed in order to maxi-
reignty. I present the narratives which form part mize government revenues from production.
of social imaginaries of the key actors in mining. During the 1980s through 1990s, resource-en-
The paper ends by tying together the key points dowed countries centred on attracting foreign
I earlier raised towards the conclusion: resource investment by boosting the competitiveness
nationalism is not plainly an assertive posturing of their fiscal regimes for mining. This meant
of a government pertinent to administering re- that their policies established generous terms
source extraction. Rather, resource nationalism in favour of mining companies. Heeding to
is rooted in connectedness to a homeland. Given recommendations of international financial ins-
their shared experiences and common visions of titutions such as the World Bank (Haselip and
change in the status quo, key sectors of the Phi- Hilson, 2005; wb-ifc, 2003), many developing
lippine citizenry forge actions to confront the countries revised their mining policies. This
Philippine state. was a trend that reflected in part the stiff com-
For this paper, I use some of the fieldwork data petition and the apparent exigency to stir and
collected during my PhD research (June – Aug promote mining investments (Smith and Naito,
2003, July 2004 to May 2005), and interviews du- 1998). During the period 1985 to 1995, there
ring separate fieldworks in March-April 2010 and were over 90 countries that legislated new mi-
August 2011. I add some data generated through ning laws, revised substantially their prevailing
interviews which I carried out for a recent project1 mining policies, or were formulating new legisla-
in December 2013-January 2014. These are sup- tion (Otto, 1997). Policy changes made by deve-
plemented by information synthesized from archi- loping countries include simplifying permitting
val materials and critical review of published lite- procedures to provide flexibility in investment
rature, government documents, and press releases. agreements. In addition, taxation schemes were
becoming more comprehensive to both attract
investors and maximize government revenues
(unctad Secretariat, 1997).
Mining and resource nationalism However, the situation has changed in the se-
veral years that followed. By 2003, commodity
The continuity of mining as a global industry prices have soared. Host countries have become
depends on the availability of minerals to ensure more concerned about obtaining a bigger cut of
a stable supply of commodities. However, a rea- the mining revenue pie (Gravelle, 2012). The
lity in mining as an economic activity is the im- rise in commodity prices prompted producing
mobility of mineral resources. Considering that countries to raise royalty and taxation in their

1. The project is on social mapping and analysis of key stakeholders in exploration and mining in Camarines Norte, a
major mining province in the Philippines.
mining policy and nation-building (philippines) 95

attempt to maximise their income revenues. The affairs of another. Sovereignty is a principle as
overall global trend is an increase in the tax bur- well as a practice (Litfin, 1997). It is not an «ei-
den on mining companies as host governments ther or» matter. A state must not be regarded
regard mining companies to be making ample as either «having» or «not having» sovereignty.
profits in light of soaring mineral prices. Rather, as Yasin (2010) clarifies, sovereignty is
In the Philippines, the current president Beni- a matter of degree. James Rosenau (1995: 195)
gno Simeon Aquino III issued on July 2012 explains that the sovereignty of a state must be
Executive Order 79 (2012), which makes mo- understood as lying within a continuum rang-
difications of the Mining Act of 1995 and arti- ing from «convenience-of-state» at one end, to
culates the mining policy of his administration. «states-are obliged-to-go along» at the opposite
The issuance of Executive Order 79 is partly due end. This means that depending on situations,
to the growing clamour of various stakeholders the state relocates its sovereignty from one point
(i.e., local governments, communities and civil to another along the continuum.
society groups) for a fair share of the value of ex- In a global economic system, a resource-en-
tracted resources. In addition, these stakeholders dowed country becomes open to external eco-
claim that there has been lack of meaningful in- nomic events beyond its control. It finds itself
volvement of communities in decisions and ini- inviting foreign investors in order to generate
tiatives affecting them. Resource nationalism, as adequate capital to be able to fully participate
this paper discusses, involves what community in the global market. The strength of the state is
citizens regard as the core of managing resources tested and demonstrated in the ways by which it
for the good of communities. This refers to affi-
accommodates the demands of the global econ-
nity to the place where a resource is found – and
such sense of attachment exists only among local omy. It might appear that as the state fulfils the
residents. Hence, the idea of «development» that requirements of regional or transnational bodies,
appeals to local communities is that which in- its power as a sovereign entity is allocated away.
volves their initiatives, systems, and knowledge However, this is not so. The allocation of power
in the utilization of natural resources and subse- «away» from the state is authorized or consented
quently benefit them. and that the consenting entity remains and is
always the state (Yasin, 2010). Rosenau further
clarifies that under conditions of globalization,
Sovereignty and Mineral Resources sovereignty is both saturated by and placed with-
in dynamic, persistently repetitive, turbulent po-
A key notion that is closely tied to resource na-
litical processes.
tionalism is «sovereignty». The modern concept
of this term is traced to the French jurist and The two elements that are vital to the idea of
political philosopher Jean Bodin who made the sovereignty are control and authority (Nagan
earliest discussion of the theory of sovereignty. and Haddad, 2012: 435). Litfin (1997: 169)
According to Bodin (1955: 24), sovereignty is adds a third one which is essentially the most
that «absolute and perpetual power vested in a critical as far as the Philippines is concerned, i.e.,
commonwealth». For the purpose of this paper, legitimacy, which he defines as the «recognized
we take the quintessence of the term that is ex- right to make rules». The concept of legitimacy
pressed in Bodin’s definition – the power of a incorporates a clearly normative component
state. Bodin noted that this power: and is reinforced by control and autonomy.
This means that the idea of sovereignty does not
«is in the first place absolute, in that it is wholly free apply only to a state’s relationship with external
from the restraint of law, and is held subject to no bodies. Rather, a state’s sovereignty in governing
conditions or limitations» (Merriam, 2001: 7)2 resources involves establishing and maintaining
legitimacy before its citizens.
In our present-day world, sovereignty of the In the specific case of the Philippines, the 1987
state is associated mainly with the idea that states Constitution (Article II Section 2) declares the
have the power to run their own affairs, inclu- following:
ding how mineral resources must be extracted,
by whom and under what terms. «The Philippines is a democratic and republican
A sovereign state is an autonomous entity and State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all go-
no state has a right to intervene in the internal vernment authority emanates from them.»

2. Bodin was not advocating for an absolutist state. It would be clearer to view Bodin’s idea of sovereignty in the con-
text of the political chaos of his time. According to Nagan and Haddad (2012) the public order of Europe and the idea
of Christian universality were crumbling under the influence of the Reformation. The end of the Holy Roman Empire
marked the weakening of Christian Universalism in Europe and in turn a legacy of religious wars. These wars seemed
unending and generated social disorder and anarchy.

The Philippine national government, in coopera- aimed to rejuvenate the country’s economy.
tion with the country’s mining industry – mainly Known as the «Philippines 2000», Ramos envi-
through the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines sioned the Philippines to join the newly indus-
(comp) – has been feverishly promoting mining as trializing countries by the year 2000. The pro-
the engine of economic growth. However such ac- gram components are outlined in the Philippine
tion has caused factions among other key stakehol- Medium-Term Development Plan for the years
ders in mining. As an economic activity and as an 1993-1998. It emphasized the need to achieve
industry, mining has prompted debates involving global competitiveness for the Philippines (Ra-
views from government agencies, mining execu- mos, 1993). The Plan called for a continuation
tives, academicians, economists, local government of the policy of liberalization, deregulation, and
officials as well as representatives of the religious globalization (Jurado, 2003) that was started by
sector, indigenous organizations, and environ- Corazon Aquino, Ramos’s predecessor.
ment and conservation groups. There are several During her term, Aquino began liberalizing
reasons why mining remains a polemical subject the economy that involved privatization of more
matter in the Philippines: than 250 government-owned and controlled
a) an earnest goal, or desperate objective, within the corporations (Gonzalez III, 2001). Aquino is-
national government to address fiscal difficulties, sued Executive Order 279 in July 1987 to foster
b) an eager anticipation of business and industry investment in the mining industry. This law gave
groups to seize opportunities for foreign invest- authority to a cabinet-level officer, the Secretary
ment in mining, of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (denr), to «enter into, for and in be-
c) a genuine concern of many citizens about half of the Government», business transactions
the long-term adverse social and environmental such as joint venture or production-sharing
consequences associated with mining activities, agreements that involve the exploration, deve-
including the cultural and economic wellbeing lopment, and utilization of mineral resources
of communities especially after a mine operation «with any Filipino citizen, or corporation or
has long shut down, association at least sixty percentum of whose
d) a lingering distrust of many citizens in the capital is owned by Filipino citizens» (Executive
ability and sincerity of the national government Order 279, 1987, Section 1). This authority
and the minerals industry to address the con- which was formerly a prerogative reserved only
cerns of communities who are adversely affected for the President of the Philippines was intended
by mining operations, and to ease, as it did, the entry of many foreign mi-
e) a continuing doubt and skepticism among or- ning companies.
ganized citizen groups that exploitation of min- Succeeding Aquino as President, Ramos ope-
erals by foreign companies is the right path to ned more extensively the doors to foreign inves-
national development. tors for all industries: deregulating, liberalizing
In other words, the actions of the Philippine na- and privatizing almost all government owned
tional government, which include granting foreign corporations. The Philippines was one of many
investors nearly monopolistic rights over mineral developing countries to adopt neo-liberal econo-
resources and entitling them enormous tax incen- mic policies to attract more mining investments.
tives, is not fully supported by several sectors of the
Philippine citizenry. The national government’s The Mining Act of 1995
granting priority rights to those who have the
foreign capital, and undermining the aspirations Under President Ramos, Republic Act 7942,
of local citizens, negates nationalism. The over- known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995,
centrality of control by the national government was approved. As hoped for by the national go-
in directing the exploitation, development and vernment, the passage of this law led to the entry
utilization of mineral resources repudiates local of foreign investors. Scarcely a few months after
initiatives and mechanisms in addressing resource the law was passed, more than 50 applications for
and environment concerns. In effect, enormous financial technical assistance agreements (ftaas)
setbacks have dragged the full implementation were already filed at the Mines and Geosciences
of the Mining Act. Until the present, the law has Bureau (mgb). In 1996, 20 of the world’s largest
continued to saunter a thorny path. mining companies established offices in the Phi-
lippines. They filed applications for various mi-
Economic Liberalization: Launching Phase and ning tenements. Subsequently, the applications
Full Realization led to the approval of several exploration projects
(Cabalda, Banaag, Tidalgo, and Garces, 2002)
In the early 1990s, the 12th President of the and brought euphoria within the Chamber of
Philippines, Fidel V. Ramos, pursued his admi- Mines of the Philippines (comp), the mgb and
nistration’s grand industrialization scheme that the national government.
mining policy and nation-building (philippines) 97

Under the Mining Act, there are three types «I am thinking, rather, of the ways in which people
of permits: an exploration permit, a mineral imagine their social existence, how they fit together
agreement, and a financial technical assistance with others, how things go on between them and
agreement (ftaa). A detailed discussion of each their fellows, the expectations that are normally met,
and the deeper normative notions and images that
is not permissible in this paper due to limited
underlie these expectations.» (2004: 23)
space. Among the three, the ftaa has been the
most controversial. It is an agreement between In other words, a social imaginary incorporates
a contractor and the Government of the Phi- normative ideas, i.e., how matters ought to be
lippines and allows 100% foreign ownership. It based on how processes or systems have been
grants the contractor rights for large-scale explo- carrying on. Thus, a social imaginary blends
ration, as well as development and utilization of both factual and normative dimensions of social
minerals. An ftaa has a term of 25 years, and ex- existence. It plays an important role in unders-
tendable for another 25 years. It requires a mini- tanding, orchestrating, and promoting develop-
mum committed investment of US$ 50 million ment in a society. Key sectors of the Filipino
for infrastructure and mine development. The population generally share narratives pertinent
terms and conditions of the contract, including to what they consider as «development». Actions
the government share, are negotiated. The Mi- pertinent to realize desired changes in the sta-
ning Act also grants mining companies to occupy tus quo, and other initiatives which are directed
an area of 81,000 hectares where the company at achieving betterment of economic, environ-
enjoys timber rights, water rights and easement mental and social conditions all embody a social
rights. The incentives granted to foreign mining imaginary, and are expressed in narratives of key
companies include tax holidays and 100% repa- players in mining, about which I now turn to.
triation of their capital and profit.
The avenue given to foreigners to fully own and
control mining operations in the Philippines has National Government
become an extremely contentious issue. The situa-
tion has triggered what Rosenau describes as ‘tur- The 1987 Philippine Constitution (1987, Article
bulent processes’ that have defined the ebb and 12 Section 2) declares that the Philippine State owns
flow of the Mining Act’s implementation. «all lands of the public domain, waters, minerals,
coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of
potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife,
Social Imaginaries flora and fauna, and other natural resources.»

In addition,
In this paper, I use the term social imaginary
as elucidated by the philosopher Charles Taylor. «the exploration, development, and utilization of
He observes that community populations come natural resources shall be under the full control and
together to envision their lives in particular and supervision of the State.»
often instinctively shared ways. Taylor refers to
these as «social imaginaries». Taylor explains: This is a critical premise and a clear fact that is well-
accepted by all sections of the Filipino population.
«Our social imaginary at any given time is complex. The narrative of key government officials per-
It incorporates a sense of the normal expectations we tinent to economic development is encapsulated
have of each other, the kind of common understan- in key phrases enunciated by former President
ding that enables us to carry out the collective prac-
tices that make up our social life. This incorporates
Ramos in his state of the nation address in 1993.
some sense of how we all fit together in carrying out He presented his program that was hailed as the
the common practice. Such understanding is both «Philippines 2000». Ramos stressed that the Phi-
factual and normative; that is, we have a sense of how lippines has to engage in «opening the economy»
things usually go, but this is interwoven with an idea in order to be at par with competing countries,
of how they ought to go, of what missteps would «dismantle the structure of protectionism and
invalidate the practice.» (2004: 24) controls», and alleviate poverty which is the «cen-
tral thrust of all our programs» (1993, emphasis
Taylor asserts that a social imaginary involves supplied). These ideas have been re-echoed in
«something much broader and deeper than the the Mining Act of 1995 and reiterated in a law
intellectual schemes people may entertain when issued by Ramos’s successor Gloria Macapagal-
they think about social reality in a disengaged Arroyo. Executive Order 2703 (2004, emphasis
mode». Taylor describes: supplied) states:
3. National Policy Agenda on Revitalizing Mining in the Philippines issued on 16 January 2004.

«It shall be the policy of the Government to pro- presentatives of foreign mining companies. The
mote responsible mineral resources operation, purpose was to promote the mineral prospects of
development and utilization, in order to enhance the Philippines particularly the 24 priority mi-
economic growth, in a manner that adheres to the ning projects5. As earnestly hoped for by comp,
principles of sustainable development and with due the conference resulted in the signing of many
regard for justice and equity, sensitivity to the culture
of the Filipino people and respect for the Philippine Memoranda of Understandings (MoUs) and let-
sovereignty.» ters of intent between foreign mining companies
and local mining partners (Disini, 2006).
Executive Order 270 is impressively benevolent
and democratic in its rationale and intent, and is Local Governments
also extensive in its coverage. Furthermore, it de-
clares as its guiding policy the following (2004, The welcoming stance of the national govern-
emphasis supplied): ment towards mining projects and the enthu-
siasm of the comp in promoting the Philippines
«Government recognizes the critical role of invest- as a haven for mining investments have not been
ments in the minerals industry for national develop- shared fully by a few local governments. Across
ment and poverty alleviation and shall provide support the Philippines there have been varying degrees
mechanisms for a sustained mineral exploration pro- of local government inhospitality towards po-
gram, responsive research and development priorities tential mining projects within their specific
and capability building for industry manpower; Clear, political-geographic jurisdictions. Republic Act
stable and predictable investment and regulatory 7160, otherwise known as the Local Govern-
policies shall be instituted to facilitate investments in
mining, leading to a prosperous minerals industry; ment Code of the Philippines (1991) devolved
Value-adding as a measure of optimizing benefits certain functions – such as environmental ma-
from minerals for the Filipino people shall be pursued nagement – to local government units which in-
through the development of downstream industries to clude provincial, municipal and barangay6 («vil-
achieve greater productivity and efficiency.» lage») levels of governance.
One of the local governments that has demons-
Represented mainly by the Office of the Pre- trated early unreceptiveness towards mining is
sident, the mgb, the Department of Trade and the provincial government of Capiz that im-
Industry, the National Economic Development posed in 1999 a 15-year moratorium on all large-
Authority and other agencies, the national go- scale mining (Capiz Provincial Ordinance No.
vernment regards mining as a critical means to 6, 1999). Similarly, the Oriental Mindoro pro-
pave the country’s path to industrialization by vincial government declared in 2002 a 25-year
generating wealth, employment and other bene- freeze on ‘large-scale mining or extraction in all
fits in both rural and urban regions (Defensor, forms’ (Oriental Mindoro Provincial Ordinance
2005). The national government acknowledges No. 01-2002, 2002). The following provinces
its need for strong partnership with the minerals also have legislations disallowing large-scale mi-
industry. Thus, true enough, both key govern- ning operations within their jurisdictions:
ment agencies and the comp have bonded them- - Albay (ordinance took effect in March 2011),
selves into a solid and busy team in marketing - Bukidnon (ordinance took effect in May
to foreign investors the Philippines as an invest- 2011, buttressing a related legislation passed in
ment destination. 2009),
In early 2005, representatives of the national
government and top officers of the comp had - Occidental Mindoro (ordinance took effect in
engaged in what they termed as ‘mining roads- 2009),
hows’ in various parts of the world including - and Zamboanga del Norte banning specifi-
China, Singapore, South Africa, Canada and cally open pit mining (ordinance took effect on
Australia4. These roadshows consisted of mee- November 2011).
tings and discussions with foreign investors on The most controversial opposition to mining
mining investment opportunities in the Phi- by local governments, supported by their consti-
lippines. Subsequently in 2006, the comp or- tuent citizens, have been waged in Palawan
ganized an international investment mining (misn, 2010), Romblon, and South Cotabato
conference in the Philippines attended by re- (Minda News, 2011a, 2011b) because the local

4. The «mining roadshows» in Australia were held in three cities namely Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The author
attended the one held in Melbourne on 10 August 2005.
5. The 24 priority mining projects include potential medium- to large-scale mining ventures many of which need
capital which local mining companies lack.
6. The barangay is the smallest and most basic administrative political unit in the Philippines. A group of barangay
makes up a municipality. A cluster of municipalities constitutes a province. In 2011, there are 42,027 barangays in the
entire Philippines (dilg, 2011).
mining policy and nation-building (philippines) 99

laws are being challenged by mining companies lion to us as part of our share in the excise taxes paid
and the mgb-denr, both arguing that national by mining companies. We are not supposed to beg
government laws have primacy over local go- the national government but we are compelled to,
vernment laws. However, in August 2013, the lest we will never get the money that belongs to us.»
denr Secretary conceded not to challenge South (Interview on November 2004, Poblacion, Itogon,
Cotabato’s ban on open-pit mining (Business
Mirror, 2013b). Meanwhile, the governor of
Romblon has reaffirmed his resolve to challenge The misgivings of local government officials to-
the resolution issued by a Regional Trial Court wards the national government about revenues
that rendered Romblon’s provincial ordinance, from mining are also expressed in the views of a
placing a moratorium on mining, as unconstitu- prominent member of the League of Provinces
tional (Business Mirror, 2013a). While disputa- of the Philippines (lpp)7. During the 9th Gene-
tions have been continuing until the present, the ral Assembly of the lpp in 2012, Governor Joey
initiatives of some provinces in legislating ordi- Sarte Salceda described the mgb as needing to
nances to restrict mining operations, are likely to heed to the «doctrine of local preference and
trigger other provinces to follow suit. the philosophy of subsidiarity» in administering
Under the Mining Act and its implementing mining projects (Bicol Mail, 2012). This implies
rules and regulations, local governments are en- that provincial, municipal, and barangay levels
visaged to realize wealth creation from mineral of government must be the bodies to grant ap-
resources to drive growth and provide livelihood provals for mining projects. Salceda also noted
and income opportunities for their constituen- that at the same time, mining companies must
cies. In particular, the Mining Act provides that pay taxes direct to the provincial and municipal
local governments are entitled to a 40% share governments. Salceda is the governor of Albay,
from the gross collection of the national govern- the location of Rapu-rapu mine which became
ment from mining taxes, royalties and other the first large-scale mining project that opened
fees. In addition, occupation fees entitle the pro- in the Philippines – and eventually advanced to
vince to 30%, and host municipalities to 70%. production stage – after almost three decades
These provisions are strengthened by the Local during which no new mine in the country com-
Government Code. Section 292 stipulates that menced operation.
if a natural resource is located in the province, The criticism against revenues from mining is
then the provincial government will have a share not only about long delays experienced by local
of 20%; municipality, 45%; and the barangay, governments in receiving their allocated share.
35% out of the 40% revenue that the national More important is the ratio of local government
government remits to the local government. allocation relative to how much is ultimately ta-
These all seem auspicious. However, local go- ken by the mining companies. Salceda is a major
vernments receive their share of tax revenues at critic of what he considers an austerely «Lilipu-
a much delayed time. The yearly taxes collected tian» share of local governments from mining.
from mining operations accrue to the national In 2010, mining companies in the Bicol Region8
treasury and it would take at least a couple of posted PhP9.2 billion9-worth production du-
years for a local government to collect its fund ring the first half of the year. According to Sal-
allocation. The insight of a mayor of a mining ceda, the mammoth amount was for the mining
municipality offers a picture of the situation. companies, not for the people in the region. He
added that mining companies paid PhP647 mil-
«Our hometown as you know very well is a place of lion10 in taxes to the national treasury and re-
mining. But take a look around and tell me, have we mitted a meager share of only PhP90 million11
progressed significantly through the 80-decade-long to local governments (Southern Luzon Business
operation of that company? The company has been Review, 2011).
paying its taxes to the national government every
year. We had to wait like beggars for decades before The concerns of local governments are not li-
we receive our internal revenue allotment from the mited to the perceived miserly revenues from
national government. As for our latest allotment, it mining. The reasons for local governments’ hin-
is debasing that we have been prodding the national dering the entry of mining projects, or restrict­
government since 2000 to remit about PhP87 mil- ing certain methods (e.g., open pit) of mining

7. The League of Provinces is a formal organization whose creation is mandated by the Local Government Code. Its
objectives, among others, include: to foster unity and cooperation among all provinces of the country, and to serve as a
forum of discussion and feedback mechanism on policies affecting local governments.
8. Albay and five other provinces (Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon) comprise
the Bicol Region. Each of the provinces has mining operations.
9. PhP9.2 billion equates to roughly US$206 million (PhP0.0224 = US$1).
10. PhP647 million is about US$14.5 million.
11. PhP90 million is approximately over US$2 million.

within their jurisdiction, include the perceived as farmers, fishermen, and in several cases, indi-
need to protect, conserve and rehabilitate the genous peoples. In general, local ordinances be-
environment; judiciously and equitably use na- come the formal shields of communities against
tural resources; and consult with community the probable entry of mining projects into their
members (Business Mirror, 2013a; Cleanbiz Asia, towns or villages. In the same manner, local of-
2013; Philstar, 2013; South Cotabato Provincial ficials make public declarations that the legis-
Ordinance No. 04, 2010). The foreseen reper- lations they enacted are based on consultations
cussions of mining operations on the environ- with their constituencies. Thus far, this is the
ment, are expressed in the explanation of a ba- case, broadly, of South Cotabato and Romblon.
rangay chairman why he and his community are Unfortunately in other places (e.g., Cantilan
opposed to mining: in Surigao del Sur, Didipio in Nueva Vizcaya),
communities are divided in which members are
«We do not want mining here in our barangay. Our lamentably categorized as either «pro-mining» or
water sources are being destroyed. We are alarmed. «anti-mining».
Any mining operation is a major disruption in na-
ture’s processes. This means mining brings a serious
threat to our water sources, and an invitation to Civil Society
landslides and flashfloods. It is us, the people in the
barangay, that will suffer the harmful consequences of When it comes to dealing with the actions of
mining. It is not those at the mgb and the executives the combined strength of the state and the mine-
of mining companies much less the foreigners that rals industry, some local governments and com-
own the companies. They do not feel what we feel be- munities who are not convinced about the wis-
cause they are not of this place. They do not unders- dom of opening their doors to mining, look for
tand our situation, and they cannot sympathize with
us. They come here and stay only as visitors. The mgb
support. At both the national and village levels,
and mining companies insist that digging our mine- some help is often found in the Roman Catholic
rals is what needs to be done. That is their own idea, Church. Catholic clergymen, particularly mem-
not ours. They do not live our lives that is why they bers of the politically influential Catholic Bis-
see our coconut farms as dispensable. But this is our hops Conference of the Philippines (cbcp), raise
place; we have no other.» (Interview on 30 December an ethical issue pertinent to mining: the land
2013, Labo, Camarines Norte) must not be «defiled», the environment protec-
ted and the disadvantaged sectors particularly
The above insight underscores the attribute the indigenous peoples must not be displaced.
of rootedness in a place – the locale. It suggests The clergymen are supported by the advocacy
ideas of concord and affinity with the locality. activities carried out by nationalist groups that
According to local government officials, an un- tend to be ideological in orientation and whose
derstanding of local situations is a trait which is rhetoric appeals to citizens and communities
manifestly lacking among representatives of the desperate for support. Their discourse includes
national government and the minerals industry. claims to stop the entry of transnational mining
The above remark also draws attention to the no- companies into the Philippines, and views that
tions of domain and locality, which are absent foreign mining companies are «imperialist plun-
in the discourse of national government officials. derers». Many nationalist organizations are ei-
The claim to locality and attachment to place ther directly allied with or sympathetic to bayan
reechoes the viewpoint of Arthur Pingoy, the (Bagong Alyansa Makabayan)12, a leftist supra-
governor of South Cotabato Province whose en- organization that coordinates mass movements.
vironment code bans open pit mining. In a press bayan takes a political position during elections
release where he was asked about his reaction to and represents peasants, industrial workers, wo-
Executive Order 79, the governor stated : men, public transport drivers, teachers, indige-
nous peoples, and others. bayan organizations
«Our ordinance stays unless its validity is challenged are overtly revolutionary and seek involvement
in court…We in the local government are in the best
position to know what is good for our people and the in any constituency of resistance that they can
environment. I will continue to implement the law identify.
(anti-open pit ordinance) unless it is declared by the In many ways, non-government organizations
court illegal.» (2004: 24) (ngos) and peoples’ organizations (pos) derive
their reason for being, as well as the legitimacy
The concerns of local governments essentially and stability of their avowed causes from com-
incorporate the views and aspirations of local munities. One of these ngos is the Alyansa Tigil
communities that include specific sectors such Mina13 (atm) which plays a significant role in

12. Bagong Alyansa Makabayan means «The New Patriotic Alliance». For related information, see http://www.philip-
13. Alyansa Tigil Mina stands for «Alliance Against Mining». More information is available at
mining policy and nation-building (philippines) 101

providing the channel through which communi- ted and fishing which was a major livelihood for
ties have been able to articulate their apprehen- more than 20,000 families in 42 communities
sions towards mining projects. atm is an alliance stopped due to the flow of mine tailings burying
of large and small organizations with the com- the channels and the valley floor (sepo, 2005)14.
mon cause of confronting «the official line of The tailings spillage drew calls from mainly the
thinking about mining». The atm (2014) is: country’s Catholic clergy, church-based organi-
zations, civic-oriented groups, and conservation
«[…] a coalition of organizations and groups who and environment activists for opposition to mi-
have decided to collectively challenge the aggressive ning in general and the outright scrapping of the
promotion of large-scale mining in the Philippines. Mining Act in particular.
Composed of Non-Government Organizations,
People’s Organizations, Church groups and academic
institutions, the atm is both an advocacy group and Mining Act petitioned as unconstitutional
a people’s movement, working in solidarity to protect
Filipino communities and natural resources that are Partly as an apprehensive response to «more
threatened by large-scale mining operations.» Marcoppers in waiting», and as a circumspect
reaction towards the entry of foreign mining
As an association of pro-environment activist companies to the country, a group of ngos filed
organizations, and advocates against large-scale on 10 January 1997 a petition at the Philippine
mining, the organization is calling for, among Supreme Court questioning the constitutionali-
others, the scrapping of the Mining Act of 1995 ty of the Mining Act and its implementing rules
and the passage of an Alternative People’s Mining and regulations. The group of ngos was led by
Act. atm claims that it is not against mining. the Legal Rights Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan
Rather, it «is against the policy regime in pro- (lrc-KsK). Known as the La Bugal-B’laan Case,
moting foreign-controlled and export-oriented the petition called for the Supreme Court to nul-
large-scale mining» (Alyansa Tigil Mina, 2014). lify the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 and the
ftaa entered into in 1995 by and between the
Implementing the Mining Act: an arena of social Philippine Government and Tampakan Mine-
imaginaries ral Resources Corporation, Inc. This company
was owned by the Australian Western Mining
The Mining Act was passed in March 1995. Corporation (wmc)15. Although wmc is the only
formal private respondent in the case, the entire
As described earlier in this paper, the year wit-
minerals industry had actually been handed the
nessed the scores of mining companies filing ap- legal challenge.
plications for exploration and mining projects in The key issue of the appeal pertains to the
the Philippines. Barely a year after however, the unconstitutionality of the ftaa provision of
ecstatic momentum within the national govern- the Mining Act because, as claimed by the pe-
ment and the minerals industry dissipated. This titioners, such provision allows 100% foreign
was due to a combination of historical, political ownership in large-scale exploration, develop-
and economic factors. The process of implemen- ment, utilization and exploitation of mineral
ting the Mining Act has demonstrated the clash resources in the Philippines by filing ftaas.
of social imaginaries. Such practice, the petitioners argued, violates
the constitutional provision that the natural re-
The disaster that stimulated mass opposition to sources of the Philippines are a national heritage
the Mining Act which foreign companies, through ftaas, should
not exploit.
On 24 March 1996, a major tailings spillage From the time the La Bugal-B’laan case was
occurred at the Marcopper mine in Marinduque filed in 1997, the Supreme Court had not issued
Island. An estimated 1.5 to 3 million cubic me- a decision. In January 2004, after seven years
ters of mine tailings flowed into the Makulapnit of deliberations, the Supreme Court decided
River, Boac River, and ultimately the ocean at that the provision of the Mining Act allowing
the Westside of the island (Plumlee, Morton, foreign-owned corporations to operate and ma-
Boyle, Medlin and Centeno, 2000). It was a nage mining activities in the country contravenes
catastrophe of unprecedented proportions in the Constitution on the grounds that it was in
the Philippines: agricultural fields were inunda- the nature of a «service contract» (Panganiban,

14. Inquests on the accident established that the mines’ pollution problems had been occurring for many years. Previous
penalties were imposed on the company for its marine disposal of over 200 million metric tons of tailings in Calancan Bay
resulting in marine pollution and siltation of about 0.84 km2 during 1975 to 1986 (Ramos, Cabalda and Banaag, 2000).
However, permanent closure was never enforced.
15. In 2004, Western Mining Corporation (Australia) sold the project to the joint venture of Sagittarius Mining, Indo-
phil Resources, Xstrata Holdings and J.P. Morgan.

2005). The Supreme Court ruled in favour of and Atty Cesar Europa challenged at the Su-
the petitioners, thereby nullifying the Mining preme Court the constitutionality of the ipra.
Act’s ftaa provisions that allowed the execution The petition is perceived by observers as a coun-
of service contracts with foreign firms for explo- termove to the La Bugal-B’laan case. The issues
ration and mining ventures. The Supreme Court in the petition pertain mainly to the ownership
also declared null and void the ftaa entered into of minerals, property rights, priority rights and
by and between the Philippine Government and self-delineation by the iccs/ips. The petitioners
wmc. also questioned the powers and jurisdictions of
the ncip and the applicability of customary law
to the settlement of disputes involving ancestral
domains and ancestral lands as violating due
Enactment of a law to protect indigenous process of law.
peoples rights With the legal challenge confronting the ipra,
the government withheld the release of the ncip’s
While the Mining Act was wedged in a legal budget in September 1998. Thus, the ncip was
challenge, a policy to protect indigenous re- precluded from performing its functions. Indi-
source rights was enacted by the Congress of genous and other concerned sectors were asking
the Philippines: Republic Act 8371, otherwise why the government did not also suspend the
known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act implementation of the Mining Act, which was
(ipra). Its final passage16 on 29 October 1997 similarly facing a legal challenge before the Su-
was the result of a decade of lobbying, delibe- preme Court. On 6 December 2000, the Su-
rations and consultations by concerned ngos, preme Court dismissed the petition against the
peoples’ organizations and indigenous peoples’ constitutionality of the ipra (see Supreme Court
representatives with the support of public inte- of the Philippines, 2000). Subsequently, the
rest lawyers who are themselves environmental petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration.
activists. However on 21 September 2001, the Supreme
The ipra is a realization of the State policy on Court resolved and declared that the ipra is
rights of indigenous peoples and cultural com- constitutional.
munities as declared in Section 22, Article II of
the Philippine Constitution. The ipra provides
for formulating procedures to set right the his-
torical injustices suffered by indigenous cultural Reversal of earlier ruling on the Mining Act
communities/indigenous peoples (iccs/ips). In
this way, the ipra exalts the state «by its belated As earlier noted in this paper, the Supreme Court
but profoundly significant acknowledgment that ruled in January 2004 against the Mining Act.
some laws are not rooted in the colonial past, Expectedly, the High Court’s decision caused a
but originate and endure in our indigenous heri- stir within the Office of President Macapagal-Ar-
tage» (Leonen, 2004: 154), royo, the denr, and the mining industry. Thus,
The ipra created the National Commission the mgb enjoined by the private respondents and
on Indigenous Peoples (ncip) as «the primary the minerals industry represented by the comp
government agency for the formulation of and immediately appealed the High Tribunal’s deci-
implementation of policies, plans and programs sion. They argued, among others, that the Philip-
to promote and protect the rights and well-being pine Constitution allowed foreign contractors to
of iccs/ips and their ancestral domains as well as have reasonable management over mining pro-
their rights thereto» (RA 8371, 1997). The ipra jects and the Mining Act ensured a fair and equi-
gives explicit recognition to and protection of the table sharing of the proceeds of mining projects
rights of iccs/ips «to their ancestral domains to between the contractor and the state.
ensure their economic, social and cultural well- The appellants also asserted that annulling the
being». The ancestral domain of iccs/ips not ftaa provisions would deprive the country bil-
only covers the physical land they occupy but lions of dollars of potential investments from
the totality of resources and environment inclu- outside. The President of the comp argued that
ding mineral and natural resources underneath. the Philippines has already lost at least $20
The ipra provides for priority rights to iccs/ips billion-worth of export revenues because the
in the extraction, development or exploitation Mining Act was not fully implemented since
of any natural resources within their ancestral its passage in 1995 (Clancy, 2005). The comp
domain (ncip Administrative Order 3, 2002). worked closely with the Office of the Solicitor
A year after ipra was enacted, two lawyers, i.e., General and then filed a motion for reconside-
Isagani Cruz (a retired Supreme Court Justice) ration to the Supreme Court to plead for an oral

16. The law’s passage had a considerably lengthy history in which one change built incrementally upon another. Cir-
cumstances leading to the enactment of the law can be traced to as early as 1974.
mining policy and nation-building (philippines) 103

hearing of the case in order to explain better the provide for mechanisms to ensure community
implications of the decision. Thus, an exhaustive consultation, local government empowerment,
constitutional review and the oral hearing in the respect and concern for the indigenous cultural
Supreme Court were held in July 2004. communities, and equitable sharing of benefits
In December of the same year, the Supreme of natural wealth. However, the national govern-
Court reversed its January 2004 decision: it de- ment has not paid attention to actualizing, in
clared the Mining Act of 1995 as constitutional. full, these principles. This was due to the mgb
The High Court ruled that the mining laws that and other government agencies having been fo-
were questioned earlier – the implementing rules cused on the external dimension of the state’s re-
and regulations (irr) crafted by denr, and the source nationalist posturing – the government’s
ftaa with wmc-Philippines which was executed relationship with foreign investors. The national
in 1995 – do not breach the constitution. It af- government, in close partnership with the mine-
firmed the legality of the ftaa. In other words, rals industry, has devoted so much resources to
there was nothing unconstitutional about the the prospects of generating foreign investments
mining law’s implementing rules and regula- but serious issues of equity and allocating bene-
tions, and foreign ownership of large-scale mi- fits from mining have remained unresolved in
ning operations is legal. the local communities.
This article demonstrates that local-level deci-
sion-making – enshrined in the Local Govern-
ment Code – brings in the participation of
Conclusion communities in matters of resource governance.
The involvement of communities legitimizes the
This paper looked into the Mining Act of 1995 legislative actions of local governments. Local
and the extent to which this law accommodates governments formulated relevant ordinances
or responds to the aspirations of constituencies that have restricted or completely blocked the
such as local governments, which are assumed entry of large-scale mining or specific methods
to represent the aspirations and concerns of local such as open pit mining in the provinces. The
communities. legislations, which incorporate the concerns of
Under the Mining Act, the exploitation, deve- communities whose lifeways are threatened by
lopment and utilization of the country’s mineral foreseen adverse impact of mining, have created
resources involve two major actors: the state that the efficiency and effectiveness in local resistance
owns the resources, represented by the national against the actions of the national government
government; and the mining companies bringing and mining companies. This resistance becomes
in the much needed foreign capital. However, a long-run because the confrontation between na-
mining project is not complete with the settling of tional government and local government is about
the terms and conditions of the contract between legislations that clinch the claims of the latter
these two parties. A mining project involves the and repudiates the actions of the former. In other
default participation of other important players words, the confrontation concerns the rule of law
that include the following: a) members of com- and the autonomy of local governments.
munities whose aspirations and notions of «good Local governments have served as effective
life» or «development» have been shaped by their corporate bodies for not only articulating the
relationship to their homeland and the resources concerns and interests of constituent communi-
that support it; b) local government officials who ties vis-a-vis the distant national government but
assume to represent the interests of their consti- also securing the legal bases of long-term resis-
tuent communities; and c) civil society groups tance. The unwelcoming initiatives of local go-
whose goals include directly challenging the neo- vernments towards foreign mining projects aim
liberal policies of the state. to conserve mineral resources and prevent fore-
Resource nationalism is a position that sup- seen environmental problems that are associated
ports the goal of a state to generate revenues. with mining operations. The organizing initia-
However, this is not true if the particular form tives of other actors such as civil society groups
of resource nationalism that the state espouses are critical in creating venues where views and
is not shared or concurred by the larger num- activities of local populations and community
ber of its citizens. The case of the Philippines leaders are considered, coordinated, and forma-
demonstrates the deficient legitimacy of the lized both in the formulation of ordinances as
state – before its citizens at the local level – in well as in ensuring their implementation. The
mineral resources governance. The anomaly lies actions of lower-level political-administrative
in the over centralized approach of the national units manifest sub-national resource nationalism
government in decisions and actions pertinent that is founded on locality and affinity to home-
to the exploitation, development and utilization land, and confronts the national government in
of the country’s mineral wealth. The Mining matters of resource governance.
Act and its implementing rules and regulations

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