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Purple: subheadings into groups

Green highlight: important pieces to look back on
Pink writing: additional comments and annotations made
Yellow comments: Where to find things
Words in orange: new vocabulary words
Blog Peer Review Notes

● Rework the organization of the page so weebly enables me to add different fonts,
subheadings, and emphasis to specific quotes. (italicize important quotes)
● Separate the text into headers… although there already are headers, possibly choose one
title, such as “Personal Legends” and reorganize so the titles of each blog are the

Additions to Blog
● Possibly add more pictures that go along with the text (add new pictures to sections
where you feel could have used a more meaningful picture or one that goes along with
the topic better)

What Else to Do
● Reference the rubric (look back at the rubric for blogs to see what you need to improve to
get a better grade… look in both sections, there are two rubrics).

● Need to share proposal: in the title it was called “proposal”. Find that and include it (this
is for the speech video we did… add a 30 sec - 1 minute clip of your speech where you
felt it was the most meaningful. Then, share your narrative or excerpt of the narrative you

Words with “ism”

● Asterism: a prominent pattern or group of stars
● Racism: prejudice and discriminations that is directed towards a person or group based on
their membership in a certain ethnic or racial group.
● Anthropomorphism: the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to an animal,
god, or object

Oppression of anyone (words with ism continued):

● Sexism: prejudice or discrimintation (discrimination is hate and stereotyping a group

negatively) based on sex and gender: especially directed towards women and girls.
● Heterosexism: a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of oppositie-sex
sexuality and relationship: “opposite-sex relationships are surperior”
What is the difference between these terms?
How do they intersect?:
The difference between the two is sexism is focused towards gender specifically as if one gender
is better than the other, and heterosexism is focused towards relationships that are the same
gender saying that opposite-sex genders are superior and therefore right. They both intersect with
one another in a way of discriminating against genders actions and relationships that are outside
the normal of society.

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