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A Thesis Presented to
The Senior High School Department
Polytechnic University of the Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Practical Research 1



Boquio, Jeamela Mae C.

Cabalida, Jannel Angela V.
Campos, Eunice Joy F.
Galendez, Danna M.
Manapolio, Glenn Kenneth

March 2017
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………......i
Editor’s Certificate……………………………….………………………….…………….…iv
Table of Contents………………….…………………………………………………………v
List of Tables………………………….………………………………………………
List of Figures………………………………..…………………………………………........vii
List of Appendices………………….……………………………………………………….viii


The Introduction
The Statement of the Problem
The Research Postulates
The Study Framework
Theoretical Framework
The Conceptual Framework
The Scope and Delimination
The Significance of the Study
The Explication of Terms

The Research Design
The Tradition of Inquiry
The Data Generation Method(s)
The Participants/Key informants and Seection Technique
The Instrumemtation
The Sample Interview Guide
Th Data Generation Report


(Presentstion of Results and Discussion by Concept/Theme/Objective)


Thesis Title: The Effects of belonging in a broken family on a PUP SHS HUMSS
Student’s Academic Performance

Research Approach: Qualitative Research

Researchers: Boquio, Jeamela Mae C.

Cabalida, Jannel Angela V.
Campos, Eunice Joy F.
Galendez, Danna M.
Manapolio, Glenn Kenneth

Curriculum Program: Humanities and Social Sciences/ Senior High School

Adviser: Nikki Fabon



Family is the basic unit of society (Saique, 2016), because family is the basic

building block of a community. It is one of the most essential components of a nation.

Based from the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminar, the family is said to be universal

because it is found in more societies than any other social institution, including the

economy, the state, religious communities, and educational organizations.

Family is the primary source of happiness in each person. We may not feel it sometimes

but in the end of each passing day, our family is the only people we can run into. They

are the only people we can share our problems with and they are the only people that

will help us deal with it.

Many families don’t have a home. They have a house but not a home. Because a house

is where a family lives but a home refers to the intangible things that bind the family

together. A home where good values and virtues are commonly taught by the family.

Strong families build strong communities. Strong communities build a strong nation.

Families are keystones to nation building.

However, no matter how happy a family is in the terms of their relationship, there are

still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. Starting a family is a

serious business for it is the primary source of the morality of every living person here on

Earth. It should involve proper preparation, planning and education. Many couples who

fail to undergo in this process inevitably struggle in their relationships leading to splits,

separation and divorce which leads to a broken family.

A broken family is a family that has split or separated due to a variety of reasons.

It may be the death of one family member, unconditional administration in the family,

parental or friends’ influence or simply, divorcement of parents. The problem of having a

broken family is a universal phenomenon that highly affects every single thing that is

going on inside the family itself. According to Philip Tubeza of Philippine Daily Inquirer

(2011), “The number of annulment cases has risen by 40% in the last decade with at

least 22 cases every day, according to the Catholic bishops’ news agency.” Meaning,

the rate of broken families is increasing in each passing day.

When there are, children involved, they become innocent victims. Children from

broken families are more likely to suffer mental troubles than those whose parents stay

together. In an ideal atmosphere, Children should happily be there with their parents.

One of the tasks that parents should fulfil to their children is to educate their children

because education does not start from school, it starts from their family– in which a

broken family cannot fulfil for it is indeed, broken. As a result of loss of one parent, these

children suffer emotional, social or even psychological problems.

Belonging in a broken family is experienced by some students, not only with

those in poverty line families, but same goes to middle and higher class families. Parents

chose to live separately regardless of how their children will feel and how it will impact

their children’s lives. However, there are still parents who, in spite of their situation

continuously support and care for their children in their studies and others.

The academic performance of children from broken homes is often adversely

affected, as well as the stress of inadequate financial resources. Some of them do not

go to school anymore, some also dropped out of school prematurely. The students’

academic performances play an important role in producing the best quality graduates

who will become great leader and manpower for the country, thus responsible for the

country’s economic and social development. So, when a child belongs to a broken

family, it would be hard for him to cope with these things. Stephen Lunn of News Corp

Australian says that children from broken homes experience a hard time finishing school

and finding a job. Self-doubt, lack of confidence and insecurities are some of the

possible reasons why the child becomes uninterested in doing school activities.

Their environment is considered to be unhelpful and unacceptable for learning.

In most broken families, the children are generally disadvantaged because they are

regarded to be deprived academically, economically, socially and culturally.

The research topic was chosen because of the rising rate of broken families in

our country and the fact that some of the researchers are born in one. Therefore, the

researchers, as concerned students and citizens, will attempt to figure out the effects of

belonging in a broken family in a students’ academic performance and how it affects

other students’ educational state and how they cope up with it.


Topic: Implication of being part of a broken family

1. Determining the different kinds of a Broken family set-up

1.1 Living with mother or father? Or even both?

1.2 Living with a guardian?

1.3 Living alone?

1.4 Reason behind parents’ separation

2. Identifying the factors that affect a student’s academic performance

2.1 Emotional Problem

2.2 Financial Problem

2.3 Communication Skills

3. Identifying the coping strategies of the students to the factors that affect their

academic performance.


1. Most of the respondents have a single parent family Set-up

2. These factors are the hindrances that could greatly affect the grades of the


3.The students have their own approach on how they overcome these problems

despite of belonging in a broken family.

Theoretical Framework

Since the purpose of this thesis is to know the effects of the broken family

structure on a student’s academic performance, we gathered four theories that are

apparent in this thesis regarding family structure. These are theory of Moral Absolutism,

Attachment Theory, Social-Cognitive Theory, and the Psychoanalytic theory of


Theory of Moral Absolutism

The Theory of Moral Absolutism provides absolute standards to judge if a certain

action is right or wrong even if the action was done for the welfare of others. This theory

proposes that the right way of raising a child is through two biological parents, a man

and a woman, instead of one (single parenthood). This theory also suggests that a

child’s academic performance can be based on their family structure.

Attachment Theory

The Attachment Theory was gestated by John Bowlby and was later revised and

filtered by Mary Ainsworth. This theory asserts the relationship of children between their

caregivers which are usually their parents. This theory also suggests that a strong

emotional bond with at least one caregiver is essential to the child’s personal

development. This can only mean that a child from a single-parent family can still

competitively handle his/her academic performance well.

Social-Cognitive Theory

The Social-Cognitive Theory is a theoretical perspective which presents that

people can learn by observing others (Bandura, 2002). This theory states that human

development is influenced by his/her environment which just means that a child’s

development is in fact, influenced by his/her family structure.

Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality

Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytiic Theory of Personality conveys that there is an

interaction of nature and nurture. In this theory, nature is defined as the innate instincts

while nurture is how the parents influence their child.

All these theories suggest that the child’s family structure can majorly influence

his/her personal development which also concerns their academic performance and how

they behave in school.








Figure 1 Conceptual framework of the study



This study is limited to the effects of belonging in a broken family in terms of the

students' academic performances and does not include their behavior. The population of

respondents are 5 students in the age of 16-18 years old specifically in Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of the year 2016-2017 at Polytechnic

University of the Philippines (PUP)

The purpose of this study is particularly to know the effects of belonging in a

broken family on a student's academic performance.


Students- This study will help students who belong and do not belong in a broken family

to overcome and strive for a better understanding to others and for the betterment of


Teachers- This study will benefit teachers by helping them understand and cope up with

their students’ academic performance and needs. This study will also guide them for

teaching effectively.

Parents- This study will guide parents for a better understanding of their children’s needs

and emotions. A strong relationship between a parent and his/her child is important for it

will serve as a motivation for their children to face challenges and strive hard.

Future Researchers- The study will guide them and give them ideas when they conduct

a more detailed research about the topic of this study.



• Academic Performance- refers to how well a student fulfils his/her tasks and studies.

• Annulment- a judgement by a court that retroactively invalidates a marriage to the date

of its formation. (Webster’s New World Law Dictionary. C (2010)

• Broken family- a family that has split or separated due to variety of reasons.

• Divorce- a court decree that terminates a marriage, also known as marital dissolution

(Webster’s New World Law Dictionary. C (2010)

• Education- the act of obtaining knowledge with the help of teachers or mentors.

• Environment- the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress,

and development of a person.

• Family- the fundamental unit in society consisting of two parents guiding their children.

• Home- a home refers to the intangible things that bind the family together.

• Poverty- the condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support.

• Society- people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with

shared laws, traditions, and values




This chapter presents the reviews and studies of all related literature we have

thoroughly researched.


The creation stated that God made human reproduction possible by the uniting of

man and woman through marriage (Olayinka, 1990). And of course, this will start the

journey of a couple in creating a family.

Marriage is defined by the Catholic Church as a matrimonial covenant where a

man and a woman settle themselves on a whole life partnership. It is seen as an

enduring union of a man and a woman done freely and can only be lawfully terminated

by death (Ahiaoma, 2013).

Children have a natural right to a mother and a father, and this is the best

environment for them. Therefore, it is deserving of special recognition and promotion by

the state (Pastoral Challenges of the family in the Context of Evangelisation, 2014).

These children need love, support, nurturing and discipline. In traditional

westernized nations, this was thought to be best provided in a two-parent married family

existing within an extended family structure (Bianchi and Casper, 2000)

According to the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars, the definition of a family is

hotly debated because of the significant consequences of its possible definitions to the

lives of people. It is often debated because a certain definition can sometimes wrongly

convey to people what should be right and acceptable, when in reality is not.

Being a part of most societies, the family is often described as universal (WFIS).

Meaning, it has a deep significance in every social institutions or communities.

In Figure A, the classification of families is sorted by Ooms and Preister (1988)

according to its structures and characteristics.


The word ‘family’ has no definite meaning in terms of legalities, though the most

common used definition is that a family consists of one or more other persons living

together who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption (Census, 1990).

The definition of families can be classified into two, 1) its structure and 2) how it

functions (WFIS).

By structural definitions, the family is outlined by the family members’

characteristics, whether they live in the same residence or if they are related by blood or

bound by legal contracts (WFIS). The most used definition is indicated by the Census

Bureau, “a householder and one or more other persons living in the same household

who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption (Census, 1990). This

definition also covers the family whose members may not be living together but are still

cognate biologically or by legal contracts.


By functional definitions, the family is any unit that exists where there is a sharing

of properties, a continuously supportive and caring relationship, commitment to the

family, and preparation of children for their future (WFIS).

The word ‘family’ has no definite meaning in terms of legalities, though a

reference used depicts of a traditional model of a mother and father, married with

biological or adopted children (WFIS).

But despite having promised that only death will keep them apart, a couple facing

many problems and circumstances may have a split. This will cause a broken family if

there are children involved. A broken family is a family that has split or separated due to

a variety of reasons but the majority of breakups seem to be the result of unsatisfactory

unions rather than overwhelming family problems (Desrosiers, Cardin, and Belleau,


Separation is an accord legitimately decided by a wife and husband to not live

together anymore (Ahiaoma, 2013). Depending on the circumstances, the separation

may result to positive or negative effects on both the parents and their children. This also

reports deterioration in children’s educational achievement and ability to study.

A sudden split or anomaly will cause a family breakdown which is a process that

works in complex ways before and after the separation or divorce (Mooney, Oliver, and

Smith, 2009). What do you expect someone to feel when the ones who should support

him/her through thick and thin will be torn apart?


The effects of a family breakdown may be experienced in a long or short term.

These effects may vary from the behaviour, mental health, academic performance and

achievements, and self-concept and competence (Mooney, Oliver, and Smith, 2009).

Parental absence hurts children with a mix of shock, confusion, shame (feeling

unlovable and unworthy), even if other adults are genuinely nurturing and attentive, guilt

(feeling that they did something bad or wrong that caused the abandonment), fear of

bonding with some or all adults or others that they may be abandoned one more time

(Mc Guirck, 2016). This causes them to avoid interacting with the people around them.

Chase-Lansdaleand, Hetherington (1990), Wallerstein and Kelly (1980), Hammer (1999)

and Brown (1999) says that adolescents who are experiencing the divorce of their

parents usually exhibit poor social development with their peers and they often end up

as miscreant, political thugs and armed robbers in the society.

Adolescence can be a hard time for children and should really be given the full

support and nurturing of their parents since it is the most difficult time in someone’s life.

It is the period where a boy/girl discovers what he truly is and what he/she truly wants.

This is the part of life where realization hits in and makes them more concerned about

everything going on around them.

Paul Amato in a review of the research evidence on the impact of divorce

highlights the difficulty of making sense of this literature because results from individual

studies range from finding serious effects to modest effects and to no effects at all

(Amato, 2005). All in all, there can be positive or negative effects to be derived from this



Claimed by Selimian (2010), the family is the first social influence in a child’s life.

And the child as a result, obtains socialization skills and initial education from his/her

parents and other significant persons in the family (Omoruyi, 2014). Chador (2008) also

stated that the students’ environment highly influences his performance in school.

Therefore, being part of a broken family will have varying effects on him/her since the

family is the one to guide the child as he/she grows.

Amato (1994) studied mother and father relation to young adults and the result of

this study indicated that a close relationship with the parents influences the young adults’

happiness, life, satisfaction, distress and self-esteem.

It is mainly considered for a home to be identified as an overwhelming factor that

affects the students’ performance academically, it also appears that a large amount of

danger may be present in a broken home. This includes the emotional, personality, and

mental adjustment of the young adolescent. This factor will greatly clash on a student’s

performance academically (Omoruyi, 2014).

Based on an article by Gudrun Schultz (2006), in a wide range of child behaviors

that influence their academic performance such as emotional distress and attention

disorders, the family structure is consistently reported as the deciding factor.

Fagan (1992) concluded that children from broken families are more likely to

drop out of school rather than children from intact families. It was also found out that

children from broken families have a higher significant rate of difficulty with all levels of

education (Schultz, 2006).


In this study, we divert the focus on the academic effects of parental separation

on the students since separation and divorce appears to cause a reduction of the

affected children’s academic accomplishments (Fagan, 1992).

Omoruyi (2014) defined academic performance as the skills, the knowledge

attained, and of course, the performance of a student in school.

Akinboye (2004) stated that academic performance has two types, the poor or

negative performance and the positive performance

A child’s emotions can be a great factor to his/her academic performance since a

full concentration of the child and the full support of the parents are needed as


Many studies indicate that compared to children from traditional families, children

from non-traditional families are more vulnerable emotionally either from before when

the family conflicts started, or after when the separation has begun.

A parental separation contributes to the increasing symptoms of anxiety and

depression in children. However, parental breakup seemed less pronounced on

symptoms of depression and anxiety on children whose families they belong to are not

functional (Desrosiers, Cardin, and Belleau, 2013).

A research done by Fagan (1992) asserts that separation and divorce increases

the parent’s financial responsibility and hours of work away from home which may

rupture his/her network of support of parenting to his/her children. This will put children
from broken families to a high risk of developing an anti-social behaviour as adults. He

(Fagan, 1992) also stated that the children have a 25 to 50% chance of showing

behavioural problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and dependency.

Johnson (2005) claimed that children from unmarried parents and separated

parents frequently fail and are at an emotional risk.

Most of the time, the child’s basic needs are not fulfilled and this less attention is

striking great impact on the child’s socialization (Qureshi, 2016).

Based on an article by Steve Doughty for the Daily Mail (2008), government

research in UK have found that children from broken homes are nearly 5 times more

likely to suffer mental problems than those with parents staying together.


However, Dr. Scott (2013) stated that there are still plenty of children from

broken homes who don’t end up with serious emotional problems. According to Stanley

and Fincham (2002), it is important to apprehend the context of the parental separation

to better determine the impact on the children. This is the reason why this research

indicates the reason of the parental breakup of the students.

Money or the financial resource is almost the centre of the modern life. If you

don’t have some, what would likely happen to you?

One consequence of a broken family is the conversion of role performed by its

members. Often times, the female who is left behind would have to execute the role of a

substitute father, or the other way (UNESCO, 1999). This consequence will be a
problem for it will cause a financial challenge for the family. Being left behind alone with

children to take care of will result to hardships for the family.

Being a contribution to a family breakdown, financial hardship and the stress it

produces is often also the consequence of the breakdown (Mooney, Oliver, and Smith,

2009). For both the child and the single parent, it will be very stressful to be faced with

challenges especially with insufficient financial resources (Children defense find, 2004).

This Financial problem will be a great major aspect that will affect a student’s

academic performance. As Fagan (1999) have said, some from broken families tend to

experience low educational attainment and earn less. Not only will it affect the students

now, but it will also affect their future.


Due to lack of attachment, improper supervision, and unsupportive parenting, an

antisocial behaviour is more likely to develop, usually in the handling or care of a single

parent structured family (Kierus and Baer, 2003).

According to Omoruyi (2014), broken homes may possibly introduce a serious

hazard to the personality, emotions, and mental adjustment of adolescents which will

cause an impact on their academic performance.

Quresshi (2016) stated that children from broken families often possess low

confidence and self-esteem. Some teachers also complain about these children having

an aggressive, hostile, fearful and destructive attitude towards others.

Children from broken families also tend to be jealous from their friends or

classmates for the lack of attention from their parents. This results to their negative

behaviour towards others.




This chapter presents the research design, tradition of inquiry, data gathering

method, the participants, instrumentation and report that will make or complete the

subject matter. It will give us knowledge about the data given in the previous and next

chapters of this research.


This study was intended to find out the impact of a broken family on a student’s

academic performance. It will classify and distinguish what type of set-up of broken

family the participants have.

In this study, the researchers gathered several kinds of a broken family set-up.

There are three types that we’ve gathered, living with their mother or their father, living

with their guardian, and living alone. The study also possesses the reason behind the

separation of the students’ parents.

Moreover, this study will figure out the factors that affect a student’s academic

performance, namely, emotional problem, financial problem and the respondent’s

communication skills.
In addition, the study will also feature the coping strategies of the students to the

factors that affect their academic performance.

The researchers used the inductive approach to observe and collect data regarding a

specific idea about the effects of belonging in a broken family on a PUP HUMSS

student's academic performance. Then through analysis,

examination and comparison, themes form a general conclusion. It also takes advantage

by detecting patterns from the interview and observation.

The purpose of this research is to help provide information and awareness to the

students, parents, teachers, and future researchers that may encounter the same


This study is limited to determine the effects to PUP HUMSS students regarding

with their academic performance by being part of a broken family. It is conducted at


Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta.Mesa, Manila Mabini Campus in their

second semester, school year 2016-2017.

For this research, the researchers used Qualitative Method because the topic will

be expressed widely through an interview and it will also classify the different results on

a student’s academic performance considering that the respondents are in broken



This study adopted a Phenomenological research because the topic given is all

about having a broken family which is experienced by people and is called a

phenomenon. The design is considered appropriate for this study because the research

will rely on the participant’s own perspective that will provide insight to their motivation.

This study was intended to find out the impact of family conflicts on the academic

performance and intrapersonal relationships of PUP SHS HUMSS students.

This research is composed of what people experience in regard to the effects of

belonging in a broken family and how they interpret those experiences.


The researchers used “In depth or One-on-one interview” because the topic and

the data needed are based on the respondent’s point of view. It allows the interviewer to

express himself/herself through this interview and may add data or topics that can be

used in the study, if necessary.


In this way, the data that will be gathered in the respondent’s answers in the

interview will be clear so that the researchers won’t have a hard time interpreting it.


In this study, the analysts have chosen 5 selected PUP SHS HUMSS students

because they are approachable and accessible knowing the fact that the researchers

and the respondents are on the same strand in school.

The non-probability sampling method that the researchers used is purposive

because the prospects are from different sections and since the researchers chooses 5

respondents in the HUMSS strand, it will be easy to identify the different implications of

being part in a broken family.


This part of the research shows the kind of method that the researchers used to

collect the information of their respondents.

The researchers used an interview guide in order to gather the data properly.

Also, the researchers used audio record and video record for the interview, in that way

the researchers can identify easily their facial expressions, movements, and gestures.

In order to test the validity of the instrument used in this study. The researchers

conducted a mock interview to a student who is belong to a broken family.

These are the questions that the researchers need to gather data from the respondents

in order for them to analyze the effects of being a part of a broken family on a student's

academic performance.



Sample Interview Guide

The Effects of belonging in a broken family on a PUP SHS HUMSS Student’s Academic Perfor


I. -Kamusta ka po

-Sinong kasama mo po sa bahay?

-Si papa/mama asan?

-Bakit sila naghiwalay?

-Ilang taon kana noong naghiwalay ang iyong magulang?

-Anong klaseng pamumuhay ang meron ka sa guardian mo?

-Mahirap bang mapabilang sa tinatawag na "broken family"?

II. -Simula ng naghiwalay ang magulang mo, nagkaroon ka ba ng financial problem?

-Ano ang epekto at naramdaman mo nang maghiwalay ang magulang mo?

-Sa facebook nakakapag-usap pa ba kayo?

-text? Tawag? nagkikita kayo?

-Kamusta naman ang grades mo ngayon?

-Kung maayos (hindi ka ba nahirapan? Hindi mo ba nadadala/sumasagi sa isip mo sa paa

problemang ito)
-Kung hindi (bakit hindi?)

-Paano nakaapekto sa iyong pag-aaral ang mga problemang ito

III. -Ano ang naging paraan ko upang masolusyunan ang mga suliraning ito?

Data Generation Report

On this part of chapter 3, it contained details about the report during the interview

between the interviewer and the respondents. It also involved the variation response of

the interviewee including their facial expressions, gestures, and body movements.

The first interview was happened on January 19, 2017 at 2:39 pm. That time it

was sunny day and it is the researcher’s vacant time. The researchers went to the

respondent enable to start the interview at the 2nd floor North Wing of Mabini Campus,

Main Building. And the interview lasted for about 8-9 minutes.


For the second interview, it was occurred on January 21, 2017 at 3:08 pm. Since

their professor was not yet there, the researchers took the opportunity to have an

interview with her at 6th floor West Wing of Mabini Campus, Main Building. The

ambiance was a little bit quiet because it was Saturday and during that time there were

only few classes. And the interview took only 10 minutes and 8 seconds.

In the third interview, it was conducted on January 25, 2017 at 2:01 pm. During

that time the researchers went to the respondent’s room to check if he’s busy or not,

then they found out that the interviewee is free that’s why they started already the

interview at the 6th floor Dome of Mabini Campus, Main Building. The atmosphere was
hot because the respondent was using a mini fan to less his tension in answering the

questions. The duration of the interview is 8 minutes and 17 seconds.

The fourth interview was on cloudy day. January 26, 2017 at 3:27 pm. The

interviewer brought the respondent in a vacant room wherein they started the interview

at 4th floor West Wing of Mabini Campus, Main Building. The interview ran smooth

because of the good cooperation of the interviewee. It lasted for 11-12 minutes.

The fifth interview was also held last January 26, 2017 at 3:46 pm. Right after the

fourth interview, the last interviewee came up next, during that time the communication

with the respondent was quite good because the interviewer and the interviewee easily

understood each other. The respondent retorted the questions actively and some of his

answers were already in English that is good is some ways because there would be only

few answers to be translated. This interview took 11 minutes and 4 seconds.



The researchers gathered data through an interview with different respondents

belonging in a broken family from different sections in Humanities and Social Sciences

strand. The interview included questions about the different point of view of the

respondents regarding their difficulties on their family and also their own approach in

overcoming those struggles as a part of broken family.

In this chapter, the given questions will be answered by the respondents that are

related in the topic of this research.


The interview starts with a question “How are you?” the Respondent A said

“Okay naman po, stress po sa ano sa pag aaral” (I’m fine, stressed in studies). The

second respondent was asked with the same question and the Respondent B said

“Ayos lang naman ako” (I’m fine), the interviewer asked again “Aren’t you lonely?”

then she replied “ Di naman, hindi ako malungkot” (No, I’m not sad). The respondent

C stated “Ayos naman medyo surviving ang PUP, humihinga parin” (I’m fine, still

breathing and surviving at PUP). The Respondent D also stated “Okay naman ako, so

far so good” (I’m fine. So far, so good). The last interviewee which is the Respondent E

answered “Ahmm.. okay naman po ako” (Ahmm.. I’m fine). All the respondents are

stable before the interview.

The second question asks about whom are the respondents living with on their

house. Respondent A answered “Kasama ko yung pangalawa kong ate. Dito rin siya

nag-aaral sa PUP” (I’m with my second older sister. She also studies here in PUP) The

interviewer asked again if it was her stepsister then the respondent said “Hindi po…

Ano lang po… Kasi tatlo kaming magkakapatid eh. Yung isa, sa ina tapos kaming

dalawa, sa ama tsaka ina” (Nope.. Only just… We are three siblings. The first one,

she’s only my mother’s. Then the two of us [pertaining to the second sister] are the

original children of my parents) The Respondent B stated “Kasi ano may dalawang

bahay akong inuuwian. Sa Quezon City madalas akong umuwi kasama ko dun

yung kuya ko at yung asawa nya pati narin yung dalawa nilang anak na kambal.

Sa Cavite, kasama ko yung ate ko pati yung anak niya at yung pinsan ko” (I have

two houses that I am living at. I often go in Quezon City together with my older brother

with his wife and their twin children. In Cavite, I am with my older sister with her child

and my cousin). Respondent C said “Kasama ko yung mama ko, yung lolo ko tsaka
yung dalawa kong kapatid” (I’m with my mom, grandfather and my two siblings).

Respondent D replied “Kasama ko ngayon sa bahay yung mama ko tsaka yung

kuya ko.. bale tatlo lang kami” (I am living with my mother and my brother.. so there’s

only three of us at home). The last respondent answered “My father and three sisters”.

Most of the respondents have a single-parent family set-up.

The researchers asked regarding the whereabouts of their parents. Respondent

A replied “Si mama kasi nag wo-work sa Makati. Tapos may sarili siyang bahay

dun. At every weekend siya sa ‘min umuuwi sa Muntinlupa. Yung papa ko naman,

nasa Batangas” (My mother is working at Makati. She has her own house there. Then

every weekend, she visits us in Muntinlupa. About my father, he’s in Batangas). The

second respondent said “Si mama, nagtatrabaho ngayon sa Qatar bilang

beautician. Pero sabi niya sabihin ko raw sa iba na domestic helper siya. Tapos si

papa, wala kaming communication. Pero nagtatrabaho raw siya sa abroad,

pagkakarinig ko sa Dubai raw” (My mom, she’s working in Qatar as a beautician.

However, she asked me to tell others that she’s a domestic helper. My dad, we don’t

have communication. But according to what I have heard, he’s working in Dubai). The

third respondent answered “Ahmm.. si mama nagtatrabaho sya bilang call center so

stable naman kami ngayon kahit di masyadong sumusuporta yung papa sa’min”

(Ahm… my mother is working as a call center agent, as of now we’re stable even though

our father isn’t supporting us ). Respondent D stated “Si Papa, hindi ko alam kung

nasan sya kasi hindi pa’ko pinapanganak hiwalay na sila, hindi rin naman

nagkukuwento sa’kin si mama. Si Mama naman, may negosyo sya ngayon.

Nagbebenta siya ng piyesa ng tricycle tapos nagbebenta rin siya online” (My

father, I don’t know where he is because they already separated even before I was born.

My mother never tells stories about him. About my mother, she currently has her own
business. She sells parts of tricycle and she also do online shop). Respondent E said,

“Kasi di na siya namamasada ngayon pero we have different units of pedicab so

yun yung trabaho nya ngayon. Si mama naman, ay kasama nya yung isa nya pang

pamilya”(He’s not driving pedicab anymore but we have different units of pedicab so

that is he’s current job. My mother is living with her new family). All of their parents have

stable occupation.

The third question is about the reason behind the separation of the respondent’s

parents. The first respondent told the interviewer “Medyo complicated. Kasi yung

pinapalabas nila sa ‘ming paghihiwalay nila is dahil hindi maganda yung relasyon

naming magkakapatid sa papa namin. Pero ang totoong dahilan eh yung pagbalik

ng first husband ni mama” (It is somehow complicated because the reason that they

told us behind their separation is about our bad relationship with our father. But the real

reason is the return of my mother’s first husband.) Respondent B answered “Madalas

na dahilan eh yung third party sa father’s side.” (Most of the time, the reason is

about my father’s third party.) Respondent C uttered “Magkaiba kasi ng pananaw

yung mama at papa ko sa mga bagay bagay. Siguro ‘di nagkakasundo kaya

nagkahiwalay.” (My mom and my dad have different perceptions about things. Maybe

they can’t agree with the same thing so they decided to break up.) Respondent D stated

“Sabi ng mama ko palagi raw kasi inaaway ng papa ko yung kuya ko. Tapos

pinapili ni papa si mama. Pero kami yung pinili ni mama. So yun, nag-decide

nalang sila maghiwalay.” (My mother said that my father always beats my older

brother to the point that my mother had to choose between her children or my father. But

my mom chose us and because of that, they decided to get separated.) The fifth

respondent said “Well, syempre hindi naman maiiwasan ang problema tapos yun,
lumala. Hindi nag work-out yung relationship nila.” (Well, of course we can’t hide

from problems. Then it got worse. So their relationship didn’t work out.)

The interviewer asked “Ilang taon ka ‘nung naghiwalay yung magulang mo?”

(How old are you when they separated?). The Respondent A uttered “Sixteen po, 17

na’ko ngayon bale last year po ng summer” (I was sixteen years old. It was just last

year in summer.) The Respondent B said “Aware na’ko nung 12 ako pero nabigyan

linaw yun nung 13-14 years old ako” (I was already aware of it when I was 12. But it

was confirmed when I was 13 to 14.) The Respondent C stated “ 9 years old palang

ako nun, grade 3” (I was 9 years old then, grade 3.) The Respondent D answered

“Hindi pa’ko pinapanganak hiwalay na yung mama at papa ko. Kaya hindi ko pa

nakikita yung papa ko” (I was already aware of it when I was 12. But it was confirmed

when I was 13 to 14.) The Respondent E said “Eight years old”.

The next question is about the lifestyle of the respondents in their current

guardian. The first interviewee said “Okay naman po kasi every week umuuwi yung

mama ko sa’min sa Muntinlupa. Tapos nagbibigay siya ng allowance at groceries.

Kapag kulang yung pera namin, humihingi kami ng pera kay papa.” (We’re fine

because our mother visits us every week at Muntinlupa. Then he gives us allowance and

groceries. And if the money is insufficient, we asked money to our father.) The second

interviewee stated “ Kasi ako yung type ng tao na parang independent. Hindi ako

umaasa sa kuya or ate ko sa mga bagay na gusto kong gawin sa sarili ko, medyo

di kasi ako family oriented. Kaya parang ganun naging independent ako”( I am the

type of person that is independent. I’m not depending on my older siblings in the things

that I want to do in myself. It seems like I’m not family oriented that’s why I became

independent.) The third interviewee answered “ As of now stable naman kami, kahit

hindi kami sinusuportahan ng papa naming.” (As of now, we’re stable even though
our father isn’t supporting us.) The fourth interviewee replied “Masaya kasi may sarili

kaming bahay, stable, masasabi kong stable kasi nakakakain kami ng tatlong

beses sa isang araw, yun..nakakapag aral ako, nakaka---makakapag graduate na

yung kapatid ko. yun Masaya naman kami” (Happy because we have our own house.

And I can say that we are stable because we eat 3 times a day, I can study well, and my

older brother will graduate soon.) The fifth interviewee uttered “Katamtaman lang,

nakakakain naman kami ng tatlong beses sa isang araw atsaka may sarili naman

kaming bahay. As of now, satingin ko natutugunan naman yung mga

pangangailangan ko”( Average. Eating 3 meals a day and we have our own house.

And as of now, I think my needs are provided.) The respondents never suffered too

much regarding with their lifestyle as a part of a broken family.

The interview continued with the question “Is it hard to be a part of broken

family?” then the Respondent A stated “Syempre, kasi parang nawawalan na kami

ng patnubay at gabay ng magulang” (Of course, because it seems like we’re lacking

of parental guidance.) The 2nd respondent replied “Hindi, kasi sabi ng mama at lola

ko, huwag daw akong makiki-alam sa away nila kaya naman nagfofocused nalang

ako sa pag aaral” (No, because my mother and my grandmother told me not to be

involved in their fights that’s why I focused myself in studying.) The 3rd Respondent said

“Mahirap lumaking hindi mo kasama yung tatay mo. Minsan nasanay na lang din

kasi ako na ganong yung set up naming kaya wala naring epekto sa’kin” (It’s really

hard to grow up without your father. Sometimes I get used to it that’s why it doesn’t

affect me anymore.) The Respondent D answered “mahirap..oo mahirap kasi……ang

hirap na hindi mo nakikilala yung papa mo…. Pero buong buo sa—yung

pagmamahal sakin ng nanay ko kaya…. Yun ok nam—ok parin” (It’s hard.. Yes it’s

hard... It’s hard not to know who your father is but my mom fully loves me so much that’s
why she’s enough for me.) The last respondent said “Syempre, mahirap. Sabi nga nila

hindi ko daw dapat yun tawaging broken family instead tawagin ko daw siyang

modern family kasi napapanahon at karamihan sa mga kaibigan ko ay broken

family din”(Of course it’s hard. But others say that I shouldn’t call it a broken family.

Instead, it is a modern family. Because it is very timely, and my friends are also a part of

a broken family.) All of the respondents said that it’s really hard to be a part of broken

family except for the Respondent B.

Since their parents separated, have they encountered any financial problem?

Here’s the answer of Respondent A. “Hindi. Kasi nga diba tinutustusan naman kami

ng mga magulang ko kahit na magkahiwalay sila.” (No because our parents are

providing all our needs even though they are separated). Respondent B said “Hindi

naman kasi sinusupport naman ako kahit pa nung di pa sila naghihiwalay” (Not

really because they are supporting me even before they are not yet separated.)

Respondent C uttered “*coughs slightly* nung una tas ano si—ano hanggang

highschool kami nun yung parang hindi namin masustain yung everyday namin

pero ngayon ano nakalipat na si mama ng ibang callcenter mas ok na --- mas

stable na kami tsaka yung isa kong kuya sa—nasa abroad na siya tas yung isa

naman sa globe na nagwo-work” (*coughs slightly* At first until high school, we

couldn’t sustain our daily needs but my mother was transferred in a better call center

company. And now we’re stable because our brother is working abroad at Globe

Company). The next respondent said “hindi kasi..may maayos na ni—may maayos

na negosyo yung nanay ko so.. yun ok naman. Nap-provide naman ng nanay ko

kung ano yung mga pangangailangan ko bilang anak”(No, because my mother has

a fine business and it’s enough because it provides all my needs). The 5th respondents

replied “of course syempre, mawalan ba naman ng isang kumikita sa loob ng

isang bahay pero…dahil sa…pag t-tyaga lang ni papa ayun hanggang ngayon ok

pa rin” (Of course. But because of the diligence of my father, until now, we’re stable.)

Some respondents experienced difficulties financially however some are provided by

their parents. But at the end, their needs were provided by their parents.

The respondents were asked about what they felt in the separation of their parents.

The first respondent said “madalas kasi may mga prof kami, may mga subjects

kami na natatanong yung family eh tapos napapakwento syempre maaalala mo

ulit tapos kapag naririnig mo yung mga kwento ng classmates mo about sa family

nila may ibang Masaya parang nasasaktan ka na lang kasi ano buti pa sila yung

family nila kumpleto tapos… tas yung mga ibang nagrereklamo pa dun minsan na

hala mabunganga naman yung mama ko tapos yung parang iniisip na –para sakin

iniisip ko na lang na ah atleast kayo kasama niyo yung magulang niyo kahit

mabunganga eh yung akin.” (Often, we have professors which is their subject is

asking about family. And we’re required to share our family story that makes me

remember everything. Then I heard my classmate’s stories, some are happy and

complete however some are complaining because their mothers are nagger. But for me

they’re lucky because their mother is still with them). The 2nd Respondent stated “Wala

kasi hindi naman ako nangingialam sa away nilang mag asawa” (Nothing, because

I’m not involving myself in their fights as a couple). The 3rd respondents uttered “ano—

sye- yung syempre umiyak ako nun kasi nag away sila sa harap namin

magkakapatid, bata pa lang kami ah tas wala pa kaming masyadong alam tas

yun ano……yun ok na” (of course, I cried because they’re always fighting in front of us,

we’re innocent that time and we don’t have any idea about what’s going on). The 4th

respondent replied “grabe kasi yung ano, kasi yung dati nun nag activity kami, nag

activity kasi kami nun sa Filipino tapos kung naging teacher niyo si mam.. mam
lomtong , yung activity naming nun tinatanong—itatanong yung pangalan ng

tatay.. yung ano yung first letter ng surname first letter ng first name, di ko alam,

alam ko siya yung apelyido lang, bautista pero diba apelyido ko na yun frias so di

sila kasali, tapos di ko rin alam kung ano yung first name niya so wala talaga ako

nun iyak ako, naiyak ako nun kasi..parang.. parang para akong tanga na

nakakalungkot kasi yung mga kaklase mo “hala hala ano nga yun? Ay R, dito ko

dito ko” tas ako wala, luh di ko alam pano na ako kaya nga naawa rin ako sa mga

ka grupo ko nun kasi ano—nang dahil sakin di kami nagkaroon ng puntos parang

ganun. Pero ok lang kasi.. yun.. nakakaiyak lang nun lalo na n- nung tinanong ako

ni mam lomtong kung kung bat di ko daw alam yung pangalan ng tatay ko ganun “

(I remember our activity in Filipino from Ma’am Lomtong. It asks about the first letter of

the surname and name of the father and I don’t know what to answer, I only know his

surname ‘Bautista’ but my surname is dissimilar to him. I pitied myself because my

classmates are saying ‘hala hala ano nga yun? Ay R, ay ditto ko ditto ko” while I have

nothing because I don’t know what to do. I also pitied my group members because I am

the reason why we couldn’t earn points. But it’s okay… I even cry when Ma’am Lomtong

asked why I didn’t know my father’s name). The 5th respondent answered “yun sobrang

lungkot iyak ako ng iyak and hinahanap ko si mama tuwing syempre natutulog

kasama ko sila” (I was so sad back then. I was longing for my mother every night. But

my sisters comfort me by giving me my favorite food).

The next question is “Do you have communication with them? Text, calls or

facebook?” then the first respondent replied “yung papa ko --- yung father ko kasi

bali..ah…. 1 year mahigit na kaming hindi nagkikita pero nag uusap naman kami

sa tawag tapos text” (My father, it’s been a year since the last time we’ve met but we

have communication in calls and text). The Respondent B also replied “tumatawag
siya tapos, facebook ganun. At umuuwi siya every 2 years kaya nagkikita naman

kami” (She’s calling then also in Facebook. And she returned every 2 years so we still

meet each other). The Respondent C said “ano—walang facebook yun si papa ano

lang pumupunta siya sa bahay lagi mga once a week kasi magkabilang barangay

lang eh. Tapos nagkakatext din kami kapag kukuha kami ng baon sa kanya” (My

father doesn’t have facebook account but he visits us once a week because he’s just

near at our barangay. We text him every time we get our allowance from him). The

respondent D answered “Wala talaga akong komunikasyon kay papa, hindi ko rin

alam kung nasaan siya” (I really don’t have communication with my father or idea

where he is). Then the Respondent E uttered ”ahhhhhm…ewan ko talaga wala---

kapag tumatawag siya sa phone ko kasi I shutted it down wala kong magagawa”

(When my mother calls me, I shut my phone down. I don’t know why. I think because of

my grudge to her).

Since the topic of the researchers is about the effects of belonging in a broken

family on a student’s academic performance. The interviewer asked the respondents

about how are their grades and then the respondents A answered “Okay naman po

matataas” (It’s just fine). The respondent B replied “Hindi naman mabababa yung

grades ko” (My grades aren’t low). The Respondent C said “ok lang naman ano

naman kami mm---.. di naman kaming ano *ehem* pelene—pinalaki naman kami

ng mama ko na … maayos tas ano.. di naman kami..kahit na naghiwalay sila ni

papa di naman kami parang naligaw ng landas ganun ganun” (it’s fine,

we’re just…*ehem* I was raised properly by my mother even though they’re separated.

We never lost in a right path). The Respondent D stated “taas! De joke lang.

babagsak, de joke lang, ano.. de ayos siya, ayos naman at masasabi kong nung

first sem matataas naman yung grado ko wala naman akong bagsak di pa ako
nakakakuha sa buhay ko – katulad ng 75? 70? pinakamababa kong nakuha 80

kaya masasabi ko naman na mataas grades ko” (My grades are great, joke! My

grades are bad.. just kidding. It’s fine, and I could say that they’re good because I don’t

have any failure grades like 75? or 70?My lowest grade is 80 that’s why my grades are

good). The Respondent E said “salamat sa diyos at ayos parin naman ahmm kahit

medyo terror talaga yung iba at hindi nagsisipasok yung mga prof.” (Thank God it’s

all fine though some professors are terror and doesn’t attend our class regularly.) No

one from the respondents got a failure grade that means they all study well despite of

having a family problem.

The next question is “Does your family problem affect your communication

towards the people around you?” then the 1st respondents stated “ Hindi naman, kaya

lang minsan naiinggit ako sa mga kaibigan ko na complete pa yung pamilya” (No

however sometimes I envy my friends especially when they’re family is complete). The

2nd respondent said “Hindi kasi hindi naman ako masyadong family oriented kaya

hindi ko dinadala yung problema ko sa pamilya kahit saan” (No because I’m not

family oriented and I’m not bringing my problem in family everywhere). The next

respondent is Respondent C and he said “Hindi naman” (Not that much). While

Respondent D answered “hindi, di, hindi, wala kasi yung pagmamahal sobra

sobrang pagmamahal sakin ng nanay at kuya ko ng mga mahal ko sa buhay

parang…sumasapat yun yung parang kasama na rin yung pagmamahal sakin ng

tatay ko, so ok lang naman”(No, nothing because the love of my mother and older

brother is really enough to feel that I still felt the love of my father). The last respondent

said “ Hindi naman, hindi nakaka apekto yung problema ko sa pamilya sa

pakikitungo sa mga kaibigan ko” (No. My family problem does not affect my
communication with my friends). Even though the respondents are facing a lot of

problems, their communication skill isn’t affected by their family problem.

Aside from knowing the grades of all the respondents, the researchers determine if

their family problem affects their studies. The 1st respondent uttered “di—actually ano

eh di naman siya naging ano di naman siya mas nag pabigat sakin kasi iniisip ko

kasi ngayon ano.. na mag-aaral mag-aaral ako para ano talaga.. ah yung kung

sakali man palagi kong mauuwian yung papa ko sa province kahit malayo siya,

ako kasi di ko na iniisip na magkakaayos kami kasi dumating na nga yung first

husband niya so wala na sa mind set ko na maayos pa yung family namin, so nag

aaral ako ng ano ng mabuti para ano para.. matustusan ko yung mga… example

kung kumabaga kelangan ng papa ko ng kasama dun birthday niya ganun

Christmas pwede ko siya mauwian anytime kasi may pera ako tas may maayos na

trabaho” (Actually it isn’t a hindrance to me because I focused myself in studies

probably I want to visit my father regularly even he’s far away. And for me, I never think

of fixing our family because my mother’s first husband is there so it’s not in my mind set

that someday our family would fix. So I rather choose to study hard to provide all things I

need, and when I get an occupation, I can visit my father on his birthday and in

Christmas because I have money already). The 2nd respondent said “Hindi, kasi ako na

yung nagdedecide sa mga desisyon ko sa school. At ako kasi yung tao na hindi

dinadala yung problema ng pamilya sa school” (No, because I’m making my own

decision at school and I’m not bringing my family problem at school.) The 3rd

respondents answered “ahm ano.. somehow pero hindi naman ano eh literal na

nakaapekto kasi yung school namin walking distance lang sa bahay namin tas

ano nakakasurvive naman” (Ahm… It doesn’t affect my studies literally by my

problems in family. Our school is near at our house. I’m glad, I survived). The 4th
respondent said “Hindi naman, kasi focused naman ako sa pag aaral”(Not that much

because I’m focused in studies). The 5th respondent stated “Actually, I only think of

being successful. I wipe out all my problems in my mind and just focus on my


The respondents experienced a lot of struggles, the researchers determine the

different approach of the respondents to their problem. According to Respondent A

“ayun madalas kasi akong mag ano eh mag kwento sa mga kaibigan ko dun sa

pinaka bestfriend ko sa kanya ko sinasabi lahat ng nararamdaman ko kapag di

ko na kaya so pag may ano ako magsasabi lang ako sa kanya tas gumagaan na

yung pakiramdam ko tapos yun ah, every Sunday nag—pinagdadasal ko na lang

na sana ok sila kahit magkakalayo kami” (I often tell it to my best friend including all

the burdens I have to the point that I can’t take it anymore. After that I feel relieved and

also every Sunday. I’m praying that they’re fine although we’re all separated). The

Respondent B stated “ano critical thinking para ano kasi sa pagso-solve ng

problema hindi mo hinayaan yung ibang problem na ano ah parang masali sa iba

iba mong problema kung kung anong usapin pamilya diyan lang yan sa tabi pero

yung mga problema mo sa pang-araw araw yung ibang problema dapat

solusyunan mo din na ano sarili mo ng hiwalay parang ganun” (Critical thinking ,

because in solving a problem you shouldn’t combined all your problems, set aside your

problems in family, school and as much as possible learned how to managed them). The

Respondent C said “ahm.. summer job kasi senior high pa naman tayo summer

job oo pero ano inaano rin kami ni mama na mag summer—mag work sa

trabaho niya pero wala pa kasi akong experience tsaka stable pa naman kami

eh… now” (I do summer job because I am now senior high school and I am capable to

do the job. My mom told me to have a summer job but I said I’m not yet experienced at
least now we’re stable). The Respondent D uttered “mga naging paraan ko yung

yung pag-pag inspire yung inspirasyon ko kay god. Yung inspiration ko sa

pamilya ko, yung pag thank you—yung paraan ko ng pag thank you sa nanay ko

na ginagawa yung lahat para sakin, so yun, yun yung mga bagay na nakatulong

sakin para hindi ko maisip na isa akong parte ng broken family, so, na hindi ko

maisip na nagiisa pala ako na kung—wala pala akong tatay na.. yun kasi, yun

yung mga iniisip ko na may plano sakin ang diyos kaya nag—kaya ganun” (One

of my ways is my inspiration to God, inspiration from my family. Be grateful to my mother

who did all things for me. And I always think that I’m not a part of broken family that I am

not alone that I don’t have father because I know that God has a great plan for me).

Then the Respondent E added “yun lang nagiging Masaya lang ako ah I mean

yung syempre yung longingness ko dun sa part ko sa nanay ko ayun nandyan

parin yung pamilya ko eh so wala parin naman pagbabago dun halos” (I just keep

on being happy though I sometimes feel that I miss my mom. But now I already

accepted that I am a part of a broken family). These respondents are indeed great

because they have their own approach in overcoming their challenges.

The Respondents are perhaps from different sections and also different from the

environment where they grew. Somehow, they have differences in looking things and on

how to approach it. Maybe they have distinctive reasons of problems but they have a

similar way of overcoming it.

All of them are optimistic in their perceptions in life, they never lose hope because

they know that even they’re part of broken family, someone and somebody will comfort

them. Maybe all of them were hit by the thunder of problem but they’re still happy

whatever it takes.
Their foundation is their faith in God. They trust him and don’t doubt him as their

creator and guidance. The problem in broken family would greatly affect their academic

performance. But all of the respondents solved the different obstacle of their life

specifically at school and home. Their grades didn’t fail or even affect their studies even

though they are, indeed, belong in a broken family.


A 17 FEMALE 2nd floor North Wing

PUP Mabini

Campus, Sta. Mesa,


B 17 FEMALE 6th floor West Wing

PUP Mabini

Campus, Sta. Mesa,


C 18 MALE 6th floor Dome

PUP Mabini


Sta. Mesa, Manila

D 16 FEMALE 4th floor West Wing

PUP Mabini

Campus, Sta. Mesa,


E 17 MALE 4th floor West Wing

PUP Mabini

Campus, Sta. Mesa,




How are you? I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m fine, still I’m fine. So far, I’m fine.

stressed with surviving. so good.

school works.

Whom are you I’m with my 2nd In QC, I’m with With my I’m with my I’m with my

living with? older sister. my older mother, my mother and my father and my

She’s also brother and his grandfather, older brother. three sisters.
studying here wife and with and two

at PUP. my twin niece. siblings.

In Cavite, I’m

with my older

sister, her child

and my cousin.

Why did they The first reason My father had My parents My father had Their

broke up? is our a mistress. have dissimilar troubles with my relationship

relationship with older siblings. It
perception of didn’t work out
our father isn’t got worse to the
being a couple. because of the
good. But the point that my
problems that
real reason is mom chose us
they didn’t fix.
the first husband over him and left

of my mother my father.

came back.

How old are I was sixteen I was already When I was a I was already Eight years old

you when they years old. It aware of it Grade 3 aware of it

separated? was just last when I was 12. student. I was when I was 12.

year in But it was nine years old. But it was

summer. confirmed confirmed

when I was 13 when I was 13

to 14. to 14.

What lifestyle My mother I’m I’m stable with We’re stable. Average.

do you have leaves us with independent my family even We have our Eating 3 meals

with your money for our with my though my own house and a day and we

guardian? allowance and decisions as father is not business. have our own

some groceries long as they house. And as

to eat. My support me supporting us. of now, I think

father sends us financially. my needs are

money from provided.

the province.

Is it hard to be It’s difficult No, because my It’s really hard to It’s hard not to Of course it’s
hard. But others
a part of a probably. mother and my grow up without know who your say that I
shouldn’t call it a
grandmother told your father.
broken family? Because we father is but my broken family.
me not to be Sometimes I get Instead, it is a
don’t have mom fully loves modern family.
involved in their used to it that’s Because it is
guidance from me so much. very timely and
fight that’s why I why it doesn’t my friends are
our parents. That’s why also a part of a
focused myself affect me
broken family.
she’s enough
in studying.) anymore.
for me.

Since your No. As I said Not really At first until No, because Of course. But

mom and dad earlier, my because they high school, we my mother has because of the

separated, parents are are supporting couldn’t sustain a fine business diligence of my

have you supporting us me even our daily and it’s enough father, until

encountered financially. before they are needs. But now because it now, we’re

any financial not yet we’re stable provides all my stable.

problems? separated. because our needs.

brother is

working abroad

at Globe


What did you (The respondent Nothing, Of course, I cried (The I was so sad

felt about their shares a story because I’m because they’re respondent back then. I
when she’s in always fighting in
not involving shares a story was longing for
separation? school and tells myself in their front of us, we’re when she’s in my mother

that she envies fights as a still innocent that school and tells every night. Bu
her classmates time and we
couple. the interviewer my sisters
because they don’t have any
how she felt comfort me by
have their mom idea about
about the giving me my
and dad with what’s going on.
activity they favorite food.

Do you have My father, it’s She’s calling My father I really don’t When my

communication been a year then also in doesn’t have have mother calls

with them? since the last Facebook. And facebook communication me, I shut my

Text, calls or time we’ve met she returns account but he with my father phone down. I

facebook? but we have every 2 years visits us once a or idea where don’t know

communication so we still meet week because he is. why. I think

in calls and each other. he’s just near because of my

text. at our grudge to her.

barangay. We

text him every

time we get our

allowance from


How are your It’s just fine. My grades It’s fine. I was I could say that Thank God it’s

grades? aren’t low. raised properly they’re good all fine though

by my mother because I don’t some

even though have any professors are

they’re failure grades terror and

separated. We doesn’t attend

never lost in a like 75 or 70 our class

right path. regularly.

Does your No however No because Not that much. No, nothing No. My family
family problem sometimes I I’m not family because the
love of my problem does
affect your envy my oriented and
mother and
not affect my
communication friends I’m not bringing older brother is
towards the especially my problem in really enough communication
to feel that I
people around when they’re family
still felt the love with them.
you? family is everywhere of my father

How did your Actually, it isn’t No, because It doesn’t affect Not that much Actually, I only

family a hindrance to I’m making my my studies because I’m think of being

problems me because I own decision at literally by my focused in successful. I

affect your focused myself school and I problems in studies. wipe out all my

studies? in studies. don’t bring my family. Our problems in my

family problem school is near mind and just

at school. at our house. focus on my

I’m glad, I studies.


What are your I often tell it to Critical I do summer One of my I just keep on

ways to my best friend thinking, job because I ways is my being happy

overcome the and every because in am now senior inspiration to though I

struggles that Sunday. I’m solving a high school God, sometimes fee

you have praying that problem you inspiration from that I miss my
been? they’re fine shouldn’t my family. Be mom. But now

although we’re combined all grateful to my already

all separated your problems, mother who did accepted that I

set aside your all things for am a part of a

problems in me. broken family.


This matrix is the summary of the answers uttered by the respondents on the

interview. It shows that the respondents cooperated well with the interviewers. They

understood each other because the interviewers somehow put their feet on the

respondent’s shoes.

Chapter 5

Summary of Results

This part of the research gives the summary of each chapter. The first chapter

introduced what research is all about. It includes the statement of the problem which

determines the different kinds of a broken family set up, identifies the factors that affects

the student’s academic performance, and stating the coping strategies of the students

belonging in a broken family. On the other hand, the research postulate is connected to

the given SOTP (Statement of The Problem). This study was conducted in 2nd semester,

school year 2016-2017 at PUP Sta. Mesa, Mabini Campus and limited for selected

HUMSS student. And also, the researchers tackled the significance of the study such as

students, parents, teachers and future researchers. And lastly for this chapter, the terms

used for this research were defined.

In the 2nd chapter, the researchers collected related information about the

analyst’s topic in this study which has 2 topics. The first one is about family. The

meaning of the word ‘family’ and also the different family types. The second one is about

the effects of belonging in a broken family on a student’s academic performance.

The third chapter focuses about how the researchers gathered data from the

respondents. The research topic is about the implications of being part of a broken

family to PUP HUMSS student’s academic performance which means that this study is a

phenomenology research because it focuses on the life experience. While in the data

gathering method, the researchers used “one-on-one or in depth interview” to answer

and to determine the researchers’ questions. And also, the researchers chose five

respondents for the study and used purposive (sampling) for the non-probability

sampling method.

And for the 4th chapter, it is where the researchers analyzed the result of the

interview that were conducted by using question format and matrix in discussion. In each

interview, the respondents had different perspective about the effects of belonging in a

broken family to them. In that way, the researchers found out the answers that are

needed in this study. The results are interpreted per question.

The respondents are all doing good. Even if most of them already knew that their

parents are separating in a very young age with different reasons like ununified

perceptions, third parties, and unfixed problems. One of the interviewees didn’t involve

herself on her parent’s feuding. But the rest of the respondents are emotionally affected

but only in a short span of time. Knowing that most of the respondents are emotionally

affected, two of them still doesn’t have communication with their absent parent. In

summary, all of the questions are answered.

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