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Carmin Dotario


Public Health

8 January, 2021

Nature vs. Nurture Journal

I believe the idea that a baby is born a “blank slate” is true to a certain extent. This idea of “blank

slate” is the belief that the human mind develops overtime from experience and perception of the

world. Although this is true, the human mind develops through biological and gene factors as

well. To say a baby is born at a “blank slate” is as though we are saying an infant's genetics and

hereditary factors have no role in the life of the new baby. I believe that both nature and nurture

play an important role in the development of a human life. By saying nature and nurture both

play a role, this disregards the idea that a baby is completely born at a “blank slate”. For

example, take low blood pressure for an example. My mom, my sisters, my dad, and I all have

low blood pressure. Since it seems to be hereditary in my family circle, it is most likely to be

caused by the “nature” aspect. Although nature does play a role in the development of a human

being, I believe that nurture plays an important role into one’s characteristics and traits in life.

For example, my parents always made sure I said “please” and “thank you” whenever I wanted

or received something. By reinforcing this overtime, it became unconscious for me to say it

when I was brought into a situation where I wanted or was receiving something. Another

example of nature would be my dad is an alcoholic, therefore it possibly can be in my blood as

well. Since his whole side of his family were alcoholics, that makes me at high risk of having

alcoholic tendencies. For personality, I believe a lot of my personality derived from nurture. I am

a very caring person who shows a lot of compassion. I believe these characteristics were nurtured
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because my parents always displayed examples of these traits throughout my life and always

taught me to be kind and selfless.

To say a baby is born at a “blank slate” is partially true, but also not. A baby’s genetic

and hereditary characteristics are there when they are first born, it does not develop later on. So

maybe a baby is born a “blank slate” in terms of intelligence and personality, but a baby’s genetic

predisposition is always there.

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