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2 schools of Theo that offer the course. Bulacan and San Carlos

1. Honor of taking up what is not offered anywhere.

2. Doctoral dissertation

Holy Spirit Economy of Salvation in Asia

Long neglected treatise of theology


Creation, Theology of Original sin

Old Testament studies.

But rarely anyone talks about HS

Like just an appendix in the Church.

Doing theology, about the Holy Spirit.

Curse, there is no other school of theology where you can take remedial.


We are studying the HS in the way the Church understands it.

You have to read documents on the HS.

Only few Documents.



1. Dominum et Vivificante
2. Redemptoris Mission Chapter 3

HS as the principal agent of Mission.

2021 – 500 years of being Christianized – Missio Ad Gentes

3. The HS Lord and Giver of Life – official catechetical text issued in the Jubilee 2000
4. Catechism of the Catholic Church and CFC.

Classic Theological works

1. Yves Congar – French Dominican – I Believe in the HS

2. Theology of the Holy Spirit – Brian Gaybba
In the Nicene Creed, the article on the HS.

I believe in the HS Lord and Giver of Life.

Niceae II – Homoousius – same/ of one nature Father is the Son.

But the HS is “not affirmed” directly as of the same nature but

Lord and Giver of Life also given to Jesus appeals more to the gentiles than Jews – the Jews is “The anointed One” would
appeal more

This appeared in Septuagint – replaces, YHWH – tetragramatton – Kurios – Trans of Adonai – Lord

If anyone confesses that Jesus is Lord – he will be saved.

Kurios is Given to God.

Romans, the emperor was called Kurios.

So calling Jesus Kurios, is Treason. = martyrdom

The HS is Kurios, tantamaount to saying He is God.

Equivalent to saying He is of the same substance.

HS being called giver of Life is also tantamount of saying He is God.
It is not just biological life.

A life that is more meaningful than physical existence. A Life in the Spirit, A Life in God. A life that culminates in our
imitation of Jesus, of God. Culminates in our giving of life for others = anyone who gives it gains it.

What kind of Life?

More than physical. Life becomes meaningful in our gesture of service. Spending that life in building up the Church.

Life as it is centered in the Son will reach only its completion and perfection of Life in the HS.


1. The statement about HS is also full of intellectual difficulties.

The HS does not play a main part -The HS is the most mysterious in the Three Divine Person – while the Son of
God, came into a physical form through the incarnation
HS is associated only with symbols. Dove, fire, breath.

Not withouth reason that we could consider Him as the “Unknown” God

He is so elusive = tumatakas.

We cannot dissect the HS – the Divine Personality

We could talk about the missions of the Son and the Father. Missions of the Son with its redemptive

Mission associated with the HS is the second Mission – Pentecost.

Associated with the life of Church. The Church sanctifying the world

All manifestations of the presence of the HS

The economy of salvation of the HS in our religion.

Christianity identifies with Jesus Christ.

The HS cannot be an exclusive possession of the Catholic Church. He is not exclusively the HS of the Catholic Church. Yes
it’s the Spirit of Jesus.

The Spirit blows where it wishes.

We talk of possibility of salvation even to non Christians.

Spirit working in the consciences of the people. = God’s voice = HS (Lumen Gentium 16 – Salavation is possible even to
non Christians,

a. It is not their fault to know about Jesus,

b. They seek God with sincere hearts,
c. following the dictates of their conscience. The Spirit of Jesus is working there.

The Orthodox Christians are more mature in their thinking about the HS. The Catholics/Western Theologians bagito pa.

Even in the ancient times, the ones who excels in theology is the Eastern Church. Antioch and Alexandria (Schools)
Easter Theologian – Orthodox

Valdimir Lossky – in the incarnation the person of the son is Clearly manifested, whereas in the coming of the HS the
person of the HS remains undisclosed.

Symbols – strong wind, tongues of fire. – The person itself is not revealed.

In Incarnation, the Divine Person, hides himself under the person of a slave. He reveals His person as a man. With face,

Deification- how orthodox describes salvation – in the understanding of Saint Athanasius. Divinization. Deification =
Function of the HS

In Deification, the HS annihilates Himself = destroying Himself= losing Himself in the work of Sanctification. In the work
of sanctifying the Human face/race

A God who wrecks Himself for us, to save us, does not want to point to Himself but to Jesus.

Deifying us according to the image of the Son, He forgets Himself and points us to Jesus. He is the pointer to Jesus.

The Spirit does not lead us to Himself.

Tells us : I am doing the work of Jesus in You but I am not the Savior.

Jesus is.

In the theology of Grace – we are talking of two kinds of Grace:

a. Created and

b. Uncreated

The emphasis is not just on CREATED GRACE = what people talks about being blessed : I am blessed today, I feel blessed
because I have a business deal that would make me richer.

Because we had good lunch. All material. Possessions, Health = created graces

These Created graces will not be there without the indwelling of the uncreated Grace in us.

Something escape our senses. = God = the Spirit

In FB : “I feel blessed – nakakabuwisit

Your blessing are not yours to keep. The cycle of grace and blessing is that what is given to you you must share. Nang-
iinggit lang. They show the food they eat. They said if your flaunting food in FB, have psychological problems. Especially
these days, pandemic. How about the hungry – are they cursed.

- Personal opinion

We can differ.

Theology of the HS, is not about your opinion but what the Church teaches.
2. The real intellectual difficulties in pneumatology sprang from the “lack of “spirit”

Filioque – we have difficulty but will tackle that later.

It either you are too credulous, you believe everything associated with the spirit


You don’t believe that there is the spirit

In Western Philo used not to be simply one reality among others.

It is the truest of realities.

In post-modern age the spirit became a dominant basic concept.

Given the meaning of the totality – the meaning, ground for everything else, amidst phenomena.

The spirit, made it possible to recognize what was alien and to be at home with it.

This concept collapsed.

The term spirit becames liquid.

Manichaesim – separated the body and spirit and spirit is superior.

Reality is no longer viewed as a manifestation of the spirit

Spirit is considered as an epiphenomenon – secondary phenomenon – a result of a phenomenon

Materialism and positivism – accompanying scientific knowledge made it easy for us to renounce the concept of the HS.

There is an impossibility to provide any definition of the spirit. We kept silent about what we could not define in this
time of materialist and positivist thinking.

Its is obvious that it could give way to NIHILISM – like in Nietzsche – nothing exist. Nothing in life is really worth striving
and living for.

After this, I am nothing. Eat Drink and be Merry. Spiritless condition

Spirit, something remains even if materials around us disappears. But we have removed all of these. There is a
devaluation of previous ideas, values and ideals.


Page 151
Father Pare : There has always been a teaching about the HS in the Eastern Church

We only remember the HS in Charismatic movement (so unbalanced use) being only associated in movements.

The liturgy of the Western Church is centered in the Eucharistic concept. Only on the relationship of the Father and the

Vatican II

Appears to have

Pope, Virgin Mary and the cult of The Blessed Sacrament have replaced the HS in our religious mindset

Scheeben: In 1854 – The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

Vatican I - Infallibility of the Pope

Pope and BVM as the 2 seats of wisdom.

Connected the meaning to the Eucharist

MOST SUPERIOR, not only important links in which the Church is established in total true communion with Christ.

SEDES SAPIENTIAE – seat of Wisdom

With proper understanding that Jesus is the Wisdom. She is a receptacle of Wisdom who is Jesus together with the HS
within herself.

Controversial Title:
Mother of Perpetual Help – the Help is Jesus, not Mary.

Another bishop together with Scheeben, Mermillod of the Vatican I, a staunch defender of the infallibility of papal
magisterium. He made a sermon in Rome.

There are three sanctuaries:

The Crib,

The Tabernacle and the


God, Jesus Christ and the Pope.

Jesus was seen before as a child in the crib. Now an old man – the pope.

Despite the respect to mermillod. Perfectly ridiculous, near blasphemous.

HS is known not by WHO HE IS but by WHAT HE DOES

It went to the extreme of putting the Spirit to the side and introducing the pope together with Christ. Not tenable.
Cannot do in our thinking.

How could the Eucharist, the most important Sacrament, be considered God? Yes we worship Christ’s presence. But it
cannot replace the HS?

The HS is invoked to make the Eucharist body of Christ. EPIKLESIS

That is only possible through the HS.

The tridentine Presence –

How can there be presence without transubstantaiation

We are just actualizing the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Will live and actualized again.
Sacrifice will not happen unless the HS does it for us.

Communion is always associated with the HS be it in the Church – coming together of the head and the body, of all
those who believe.

The unity that is so strengthened by the power of HS, no matter how divided our leaders the HS brings us unity.

The HS and the ecclesial ministry in the Church.

The HS is the source of all gifts in the Church.

HS builds up the Church. To make it possible for the Church to survive in the eschatological time.

The Church will do her job until the end of time.

The Church must continue in her mission:

a. Ad extra, what we do to the church/world – propagationg the word of God

b. Ad intra – that is for her to survive, the forms of service and forms of ministry. (of the Word and of the Sacraments)
to sanctify and serve people. We need Ministers, to do the job.

People who minster by preaching, administration together with the parish priest, who handles temporal goods of the
church. Liturgical ministers.

These ministries are not our choice = but Spirit led.

Ministries –the supposed charisms

Choir – the charism to sing

Priest was trained to be discerners of charisms.

People wants to serve. But they cannot serve in whatever they want.

Charisms are given so that they could serve the Church.

Ad intra

Charism of those who want to be priest - Celibacy

Intentional friendship – intimate without being physically intimate.

Pope, minister of all ministers.

The Holy Spirit that binds us together, makes us Holy by the Work of Integration He does in our lives/ the Church.

Pope= the principle of unity in the Church – we follow him, his teachings

Internal, external, visible, juridical principle of unity.

The pope is only a servant. He cannot replace the HS.

It is very important to remain conscious the extreme bond between the Holy Spirit and the BVM. Same must be done in
Mariology – always Christocentric.

From conception, motherhood, etc

From the moment of her conception to her moment of assumption, the HS guides her and only the HS can occupy her
heart. She does the will of God in her own freedom.

Catholics attribute to Mary titles and the functions of the HS.

Mary’s maternity, is thanks to her, we are not left orphans.

Performs her role that could be attributed to the HS.

Some devotees are already Mariolarous – idolatry of Mary.

Do not attribute to her the work of the Spirit.

Comforter, advocate, etc

Hierarchy of Truths (Unitatis Redintegratio number 11)

What is the criterion Judging if the truth is higher than another truth. The closer the truth to Jesus, the Higher in the

Objective Hierarchy – more correct than existential hierarchy

The part played Mary is situated within that part played by the Holy Spirit – the HS is who made her the Mother of God –
the HS is the principle in making saints, saints.

Mary has a pre-eminent place. As the Model of Faith, the Model of Universal Intercession. Accounts of experience of
Mary embracing a warm realism of the grace of communication of Christ. Mary is the first recipient of grace and the first
to respond wholeheartedly, pure, unadulterated fidelity to God.

The Litany is devotional not theological – that is why it is existential

In Existential hierarchy, the place of Mary in dogma/doctribe becomes higher.

Pneumatophoros – bearer of the Spirit

We should carry Him.

Why are there charismatic and LSS
Bring CCC next week

Dominum et Vivicante,


Assign a document of the Vatican II council to one or two seminarians. Or

Apostolicam Actuositatem – Pacheco

Go through the entire document. Read.

List down all the mentioning of the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Jesus, Spirit of God, with capital S

Count the number of times is mentioned.

Tell the class what would be the over arching theme. Why is the Spirit being mentioned in this particular section of the
Vatican II document. What purpose?

Written report, to be submitted in his email on January 6.

The Spirit is mentioned in this part of the document for:






READ the Dominum et Vivificantem

What would you want the CCC discuss about the Holy Spirit but is not there. The CCC could have delved into

Jesus has introduced us to an new way of connecting with God as our Father.

He did mention the Spirit and called Him Paracletus

With very limited term:

Comforter (Mang-aaliw = Entertainer) – such an unjust

The Spirit is always a Spirit in relationship. Laging in-relationship

CFC emphasized this -
Pneumatology of CFC is more extensive than CCC

Chapter 22 – Holy Spirit

We do not want anything that we cannot explain or coming from outside. = enemy of reason

\What is real to us is what we can think and feel.

Spirituality has lost its significance.

The other extreme is being too credulous (uto-uto)

Lahat pinaniwalaan.
|We have to discern. Not everything comes from God.

Today we have been too conscious of the role of the ministry to exorcist demons.

Not everything that looks good, really comes from God.

The devil can imitate.

Many people can be deceived with that.

We have to tell this to the people. We will be given the task to discern charisms (fruits of the spirit to build up the
Church CFC1272-1283

People will be asking you when you become a priest.

As priest, we need to help people to discern how to serve. Even in the discernment of priestly vocation.

We must be experts of discernment – codiscerner with people.

We should be familiar with the ways of the spirit. How do we know that it is the Holy Spirit working not anyone else.

CFC 1284

The economic Trinity

We have the economic missions: The mission of the Son. The entire Christ event.

Liturgy is Christocentric

From the Father to the Father Ad Patre – Ad Patrem

Pasch, Father to the world – incarnation

World to the Father –

After the return of Jesus to the Father, sending the Holy Spirit to us.

PENTECOST – lasting until the finality of things. Eschata

Eschatological outpouring of the Spirit.

We are dealing with a relational God

In relation with creation, Israel, Jesus, Church, individual disciples, Universe, World, Non Christian

That would be the working area of the relationship. His activity

CCC 691-701



Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost


Spirit of Promise, adoption, Christ, Lord, glory

Kados Kados Kados – superlative

Who called Jesus the Holy One.

-The demons

They are so terrified, so different from us, You are unlike us, so opposite.

What have to do with us, Why are you here.

Famous symbol:

Water, anointing – oil , fire

Cloud and light – shekinah

The Holy Spirit will overshadow you.

Seal – tatak

Indelible mark




Associated with the change in the ontological in the human

The reason why the priest can do what he does. Anointed.

The priest may priest may preach so ineffectively

Lay preacher could preach well (Bo Sanches)

Homily – springs from the indelible mark. His words contain something.

He might be lousy but by the HS he could touch

Imposition of the hands.

Right hand of the father – Jesus

The Power of the finger

Symbol: the DOVE

Columba – dove in latin

Dove symbol of the people of Israel

The HS in the Old Testament

The most famous expression associate with

“Ruah” – recognized in the OT. We are not considering the Trinity as a doctrine present already in the OT.

Some authors says that there is already foreshadowing – exegits, theologians agree with that

The strict monotheistic faith of the Israelites.

How do you explain some plural words associated with God

The three visitors of Abraham , or Trisagion Holy Holy Holy

Are they pertain to a doctrine in the Trinitarian God? NO

You can explain that in its hermeneutics.

Going back to the Old Testament, the aim of the Spirit

Ruah – Spirit of Yahweh = Spiritus (Latin)

Breath – Breathing, Wind

Ruah – has two basic meanings

a. Wind
b. Air

The power present in them. The power in the wind and the air

Not static = Dynamic realities (there is bo still wind, air

The word refer to a powerful wind.

Genesis 8:1

1 Kings 1

Some scholars add:

In Genesis 1:2

The priestly creation story begins with God’s Spirit hovered over the waters.

A mighty wind

It comes from God, powerful, dynamic = associated meanings

Ruah –can also be a term used for all that is empty and useless.

Because of the inability of people to understand and control

People who are empty bragging about himself – mahangin – empty

Ecclesiastes 1:

Emotion – makes us breathe faster

spirit and breath of anger, fear,despair

Basic meanings of wind and breath-

The origins of the concept of the spirit of Yahweh.

Originated as a way of describing God’s powerful, and mysterious activities

Wind is a very powerful and mysterious thing – something divine – it mst belong to God because something we cannot
control. Something who can control

A God of nature in Near Eastern Mileu

God of the earth

The roman God ( winds from the north,east, from the south

Aquilo (Achilles – north wind, Severus, - west wind – Nontus south wind.

Euros – east)
Because of the mysterious character of the wind which something cannot be control or can control

Amos 4:13, Jeremiah, 10:13 – Wind is associated with Yahweh

God uses the wind to what ever purpose.

God used the wind to begin the chaos

Brings cloud that fertilizes.

Used also to END the flood

To provide a direction/route in the sea for the people.

The power and mysterious character of the wind, make it a symbol for the power and mysterious ways of Gods, action

Jesus controlling the wind, commanding the wind to stop.

The reaction of the disciples? It should be associated with the Old testament thinking of God’s mysterious and powered

Breath is a sign of Life.

The very presence of life = a gift from

Breathe life
Psalm 104:29-30

God is presented as a breath. He blew

The wind that opened the sea for the Israelites

Exodus – nahati ang dagat

Exodus 15:8

Exodus 15:10

God’s breath caused the sea to close them.]

Isaiah 11:15

God’s activity = Divine action = Divine dynamism

-always pointing to that

When we talk about the Spirit of God, - liberating action

God is an ACTING GOD

Hands and fingers – metaphor – symbolic

Wind and breath is a sort of manifestation of the divine presence

Whenever God does something, He is there

If we used wind and breath as imagery – we are not just talking about a divine work, the Divine presence – God in His

Metaphor – Pillar of cloud

God is in the pillar of cloud/ fire (Shekinah)

The spirit of Yahweh, the wind of Yahweh

God separated from His divine activity ? NO

Necessary to point out that God’s breath and wind by an inner logic of symbol,

It also distinct from God ; He is in the breath,

Balance should be observed.

What can be said of the HS ?

God putting His Spirit on Hs

Joel 3:1

Pouring his spirit

Something that goes forth from God to rest on people

These words portray God’s activity

God is actively present in the people (collectively, spiritually)

Since the idea of the HS proceeds from God’s actions.

Spirit seen as active in two areas:

a. Charismatic leadership in the pre-monarchical Israel – The Judges/ before the kings

When the work is done, the Spirit is gone.

c. Early Prophecy – earlier meaning – not a delivery of a clear message

Being caught up in a state of ecstasy or religious frenzy

When connected with ecstatic prophecy the Spirit is described as the Spirit of Elohim – (plural – Gods)

God cannot simply be spoken off in a plural,

Something confounded, and aggregation

We just can’t talk of God in singular.

Not that we have many God.

A picture of an spectacular charism like speaking in tongues, manifestation of a power.

Speaking in tongues, must be regulated by the Church.

Ecstatic and frenzy experience.

Members are being induced.

These are abuse signs (not saying that it is diabolical origin

St. Paul put them at the bottom of the list

Any behavior that went beyond the normal (interpreting dreams ) – seen as a sign of the Spirit’s presence.

But in the establishment of monarchy there is a change unlike in the early prophecy – only for a while, for a time.


With the King – a more permanent leader than a judge or a charismatic leader.

Only when Saul ended his kingship that the Spirit left him.

The Spirit was poured

1 Samuel 16:13-14

With that indelible mark you will produce a result.

The Spirit is not hostaged

There are priest that abused who remains unrepentant

This should be a lesson. With that indelible mark, you cannot hostage the Spirit. HE CAN LEAVE YOU

Institutionalization of the Spirit’s presence

Through and establishment of a link between the Spirit and a particular office.

Part and parcel of this is the conferring of the Spirit to symbolic actions + Anointing

Elijah having a permanent propheti

Passing onto

Elijah passed his cloak to Elisha

2 Kings chapter 2

With this institutionalization, criteria for the institutionalization

Criteria of what would go beyond

Ethical criteria

Ex. Prophet Micah:

Appeals to the spirit as the one moving him to declared to God’s people their crimes.

Spirit and right living

Isaiah 11:2-3

Spirit of fear of the Lord? Trembling?

An ethical criterion.
Makes you realized the goodness of God in our lives.

Isaiah 32:15-17

Ethical criteria.

During and after the Babylonian exile – the link between Spirit and a righteous life.


Vatican II – “a New Pentecost”

Before Vatican II, the Church was only closed

Let us open the doors and windows and doors Let the Spirit come-in

Ezekiel 36:23-31 – favorite passage

Put the Spirit within them

Replacing their hearts of stone

Puritfication of the people in order they may live in accordance with the decrees of God

KEY TO MORAL LIFE ; Recognizing God and that we are His people.

Moral and religious renewal

RENEWAL of covenant – calling to remember of what God has done

Spirit came to be associated with two things from the 8 th century

1. Prophecy
2. Prophecy and prophets began to change.

Prophecy, delivery, deliverer of true message of God unaccompanied by ecstasies and frenzy state

Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah – they stop to appeal to the Spirit to justify their messages.

They would say: “Thus say”

They appealed to God’s word,

In the very place Micah appeared to the spirit

They bring the moral dimension.

Micah would appear to the Spirit in order to condemn


Eventually gave rise to another criterion of the Spirit’s presence,


Why in the Old Testament, the link between God’s word and God’s Spirit produced another criterion?
3. Israel’s hopes for salvation

A future anointed one is promised because there are mean and corrupt kings.

On Him Spirit of Yahweh rests, wisdom insight, - gifts of the spirit

It is associated with a Messiah-King

and with his collaborators

and prophets announcing salvation

BUT everybody will receive the Spirit


This is what is outstanding in Paul

What happened in Pentecost

Endowed with the Spirit

Isaiah 28:5-8

Isaiah 61:1-2

What Jesus proclaimed at the synagogue



Famous prophecy of Joel

Joel 3:1-2

I will pour on all flesh

The reason for the withdrawal of the spirit

The beginning of Second Temple,


They believed that the Spirit departed during the last prophets (Haggai)

So the desire for the Spirit to return

The prophets disappearing

Associate with what happened in the Baptism of Jesus

When Jesus was baptized,

1. the return of the spirit and

2. the return of the voice of God.


From Fr. Emmanuel Cruz to Everyone: 09:04 AM


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From Fr. Emmanuel Cruz to Everyone: 11:00 AM


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From Fr. Emmanuel Cruz to Everyone: 11:20 AM


From Fr. Emmanuel Cruz to Everyone: 11:29 AM



258 mentions of the HS by Yves Congar

263 – San Carlos Theology 2 2020-2021

The point to count is

We want to address the criticism of Orthodox Protestant and Anglican critics that the VII lacks pneumatology

Dei Verbum

Gaudium et Spes

Lumen Gentium

Most mentions

No renewal of the Church outside the sphere of the HS influence on Her. Because She is the permanent dwelling place of
the HS.

Permanent Epiclesis of the Church

The appearances of the HS can be translated as not purely pneumatological.

Bryan Gaybba and Yves Congar books – basic reference

I believe in the Holy Spirit – City of God, Confessions since for fr. Many it’s a classic

Ruach – wind as breath or as wind

The emphasis on both is the power present in both the wind and the air.

Ruach – stream of air which actually connotes something that is not static but a dynamic reality.

Movement – associated with this.

The Spirit blows wherever it wills

He cannot be a prisoner of the Church or our theological constructs

He disturb our complacency; our established mental constructs about the movement of God in the world, in human life
and in other people of other religions

The economy of salvation, the HS is free and spontaneous

Even in those traditions, where we can say “How can God be present to them.

This is the idea of Epiphanea – Gentiles sila kaya sa Pantas/Magi. Kaya sa East.

God can cover with His salvific embrace peoples nations, even outside the established people. He is Savior for all

Fr. Manny:
talking about the consistent activity of the HS. Dynamism, spontaneity, activity, inclusivity. The Church’s characteristic is
one of Universality, that we cannot claim we are the only or reject anyone.

Ruach – empty and useless emotions

But the meaning

God’s powerful and mysterious activity. Using the breath, wind of the Lord.

Mysterious activity

Wind is something divine which they cannot control for the ancient people.

One that controls them.

But for Israel. The wind is under God’s control

Use the wind to prepare the chaos

With His life giving rain. To end the flood (gen 8)

God used it to divide the sea into two.

Used also to punish.

The power and mysterious ways of wind can be associated with God’s mysterious power

Breath – life. Life is the Gift of Yahweh

God is also featured as someone with breath. Breathed in the nostrils of men

Wind that divides, is a blast (Hatsing) from His nostrils.

Ruach Yahweh – wind or breath, a distinctive way of talking about God’s action.

Doctrinally, the personality of the HS, but by that time, when you say Ruach Yahweh, you speak of God’s dynamism.

God could perform certain actions. And He could also act with His breath

Imagery of God’s breath is also a metaphor – can be a source of manifestation of God’s presence. Outward sign of a real
presence – theophany

The Spirit of Yahweh, Wind of Yahweh, Breath of Yahweh, not simply realities that God uses, but the PRESENCE of God

It can be imagine as going forth FROM God.. so they can be viewed as a different reality – it simply looks at a symbol
from another angle…

The idea of the HS is a portrayal of God’s action in the OT.

The ruach Yahweh still retained the basic meaning that God is actively present. This will be carried in the New

In the development of the doctrine the HS is a pointer to the fact that God is being active or in action
What are the activities ascribed to the Spirit?

In the OT

There are 3 areas

1. Charismatic Leadership in time of the judges.

Found in the story of judges. God has specific activity/task for a particular judge and when that is accomplish, it
is removed, or is not there anymore.
Temporary character of the presence.
The HS is permanent presence in the Church.

2. The earlier meaning of prophecy has nothing to do with the message of God. It is more of the experience.
Being caught up in a state of ecstasy or frenzy,
Change of behavior, nangingisay – attribute to a possession of a person by a particular spirit.

In Early Prophecy:
The Spirit is usually described as the Spirit of Elohim, rather than ruach Yahweh.
You talk of plurality with these ecstatic experience
The spirit is powerful that it can change a person.
Any behavior that went beyond normal even interpreting dreams, is received as a sign of a spirit’s presence.

This became a permanent feature of Christian thought.

Warning: when a person changes behavior.
Trance, sinasaniban. Hghly questionable now.

The exorcist for the most part of it, hindi HS and source of things like this. Spectacular ecstatic experience like

3. With the Establishment of Monarchy. Because a King is a more permanent leader than a judge. The spirit is
believed to be in the king who was anointed.
Saul (1 Samuel 16:14)
It stopped being with Saul and remained with another king – David

The INSTITUTIONALIZATION of the Spirit’s presence.

The establishment of a permanuent link between and individual and particular parcel.

Such as anointing a king or a prophet.

Both prophet and king

Elijah as a prophet.

A spirit in a continuous way and the HABITUAL presence of the Spirit which is passed on to Elisha – with the taking of the

With this we also have the beginning of an ETHICAL CRITERIA.In the Church, the priesthood. The permanent dwelling of
the spirit. The Spirit remains.

Doctrine on Spragis – the indelible mark that the soul receives.

The mission of leadership,

But ordained ministry (baptism and confirmation) is a leadership task.

Ethical criteria for the Spirit’s presence is understood in the OT times.

The prophet Micah alone, of the new breed of prophets, appealed to the Spirit, to declare to God’s people their crimes.

The Spirit is there to be the _ of the peoples crimes

In Isaiah (Isaiah 11:2-3) The Spirit is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord – ‘piety’

Reverential fear – fear of offending God who is good and deserving love.

Isaiah 32:15-17 – Righteousness is seen as an effect of the pouring out of the Spirit – associated with salvation

Earlier reference to the Spirit as the BRINGER of salvation.

During and after the Babylonian exile, the link between the Spirit and Ethical living became a prominent thing. Then the
Spirit is viewed as the source of moral and religious renewal.

Who is the bringer of religious and moral renewal. – the Holy Spirit

Exequiel 36

Purification of the people. In order that they may live in accordance to God’s decrees.

Isaiah 44:3

That renewal involves a renewed covenant. It is not simply a personal renewal. You, me, they, may return to the
covenant. May have a renewed life / covenantal life with God.
More specificall in OT, the spirit can be associated with 2 things

Prophecy on the 8th century (not connected with ecstasies or frenzies)

Post exilic – Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Exequiel

When prophecy and prophet are more conscious of the delivery of clear message from God.

People from 8th century onwards saw the ecstacies and frenzies as a sure sign of the messages delivered in such state.

Jeremiah, rejected these experiences associated with Yahweh (Jeremiah 5) as EMPTY AIR or EMPTY Ruach

Prophets clearly avoided being avoided to ecstatic prophets

Earlier prophets appeal to the spirit and they go to ecstacies and frenzies.

The newer prophets, appealed to the Spirit himself

Micah –pre exilic prophet but exception

In the very place, that brought of the Spirit in ethical criteria/ moral dimension distinguishes the role of the Spirit from
the ecstatic experience

Prophets Exequiel claim to hear God’s message. The earlier prophets said to have spoken through the Spirit

Micah – an outstanding prophet who have spoken through the Spirit

Spirit of God

Spirit associated with prophecy

Criterion of the Spirit’s presence

- Whether or not conform to what God has revealed or confirmed with the power vested by the spirit on the

The HOPES for the future.

- The Spirit is guiding the king.

- Kings instruments of guiding the people
- Hezekiah, Josiah – faithful king who led people to Yahweh. The rest, ubfaithful, corrupt, led people to

In the people, they are left for a hope for an ideal Messiah/ King

Isaiah 11:2 – Spirit of Yahweh, Wisdom, power, Knowledge rests

The magistrates, soldiers of the gate of the city, all will be endowed with the Spirit so that Justice and peace of the
Messianic times will not be disturbed

Isaiah 61:1-2

The Spirit of the Lord, has been given to me, for the Lord

To proclaim a year of favor from Yahweh

Hope is not only the coming of Messiah king but his collaborators would be endowed with the Spirit so that they
could pass judgements

LUKE- Opening Salvo of Jesus ni Jesus in Gosple of Luke Isiah 61

He read the prophecy in the synagogue, in His hometown, Nazareth

He said something that made people angry – they wanted to kill Him. Today in your hearing, this scripture is fulfilled

The Scripture, pertains to the Messiah King

Jesus present himself as the HOPE for Salvation.

They wanted to kill him they know him, they are his relatives

He left Nazareth for Capernaum – the ground he had his public ministry

Everybody will receive the Spirit

Joel 3:1-2 – part ang parcel, a sign that the Messiah has already come. The Spirit is there.

From Jesus’ conception to resurrection, the Spirit is there in Jesus

In OT the Spirit is withdrawn from them

So there is the hope for the the outpouring of the Spirit is the sign of the Messianic times.

After exile, in Nehemiah and Ezra’s time, nawala

Ang focus is interpretation of the Law.

Prophecy was gone. Instead influential leaders who knew and could interpret the Law


The Spirit has departed after the last prophets

Haggais, Zechariah, Malachi – last prophets

Messianic times

Exequiel 36 – the Spirit is responsible in what our doctrine calls justification and sanctification.

This developed in the New testament times.

Spirit – creator, renewed function

Veni Creator Spiritus – whenever we are doing something new, electing a pope.

Theologically, the idea is unobjectionable.

The Spirit of the Lord, is a way of describing God’s active presence on the people.

The nature of Spirit – to be a means of contact or unity – idea that developed in the crucial times
The Holy Spirit

Isaiah 63:10

But they rebelled

and grieved his holy spirit;

So he turned to become their enemy,

and warred against them.

Psalm 51:13

Do not drive me from before your face,

nor take from me your holy spirit.

Wisdom 1:5

For the holy spirit of discipline[d] flees deceit

and withdraws from senseless counsels

and is rebuked when unrighteousness occurs.

When used, they were not thinking the the three persons, or Holy Trinity
The mention is to contrast the Holiness of God and simpleness of people.

Holy because of the characteristic of God.

Holy Spirit – God is holy

In contrast with the unholiness of the people.

In Isaiah, it is said that the sinners have grieved the Holy Spirit

To contrast of God and the people who sinned

Paul - Ephesians

Reason why after exile mention the Holy Spirit

During that time, they have ceased to pronounce the Name of God.

A kind of circumlocution, around ways of speaking of God

Instead of Yahweh, This Spirit id Holy – referring to Yahweh

Holy Spirit – means that the spirit spoken of belongs to God.

Spirit was personalized but not yet a distinct person yet. Until the Council of Constantinople 1
1. Outpouring of the Spirit
Evident in Letters of St. paul Acts, John’s Gospel

2. Permanently present in the community

The community is Spirit filled.
Letters of Paul, Acts

Acts 9:31 – The Church is filled with the consolation of the Holy Spirit
Desolation connected with absence, failures, challenges, most serious being persecution. The Spirit was there to
console the Church
Paracletus – Consoler

We have failed expectations, disappointments

Fr. Manny:
I have idealism which keeps me doing what I am doing in the seminary. I was trying to contaminate. But to see
the frustrations with our leaders, and some priests, infidelities, so on.
These are just accidents, not substance.
The Spirit tells me to go on.
The Church is not perfect

1 Cor 6:19
Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit

3. Story of Pentecost – Acts 2:1-21

CCC 696 – Fire as one of the symbols of the HS.
Proclaims Christ as one who will baptize in the HS and in Fire.

Jesus said, I came to bring fire.

Fire coming from heaven.

Fire could bring punishment but also purgatorial or transformation for whatever it touches

In acts
Glossolalia in Greek – Speaking of tongues
Spontaneous coming from the Holy Spirit

Speaking in foreign languages

Did the disciples actually speak the languages or dialects of other hearers.
Or did they speak their own language but heard by the listener in their own language.
Is it a miracle of speech or a miracle of hearing.

The division of people caused by sin is beginning to be overcome

In the story of the tower of Babel, it was reaching out to God in their own initiative, a sign of pride. They were
divided, and the beginning of people speaking in different languages.

Sign that humanity is overcoming the divisions – caused by human pride is little by little being overcome

Each hears his own languae being spoken


For author of the Acts, the Pentecost is a unique experience.

In ecclesiology, there are many hypothesis in the exact establishment of the Church.
Pentecost – because of this – unity of all peoples, gift of the Spirit

When the Son was incarnate in the womb of Mary

But this is a clear sign or manifestation of the role of the Spirit in the Church, to unify.
Giving this as a gift, the start of the mission of bringing people together.

The Pentecost story not only affirms that the Spirit came as promised. To begin the second mission of God.
1st the redemptive mission fulfilled in the death and resurrection Jesus

2nd mission – by the HS

The meaning of the Spirit’s coming

The coming of the Pentecost day is significant
Pentecost was originally a harvest festival Exodus 23
Pentekostos, - Greek fiftyieth
Fifty days
From Passover.
Harvest festival and Unleavened bread festival

Feast of Weeks – Exodus 34 – culmination of the seven week period of the unleavened bread of the pass over (7
x 7 =49 rounded off = 50)

Fifty days, after the original celebration of the giving the Law at Mt Sinai.
Ratification of the covenant.

From Sinai, moses came down, sprinkle them with blood at the altar, symbolize the ratification of the covenant

The LINK is not difficult to see. The Spirit is God is present. The people has a clear message now, in a miraculous

Passover, remembered the occasion when Israelites were delivered.

Pentecost – covenant ratification

The Church is a covenantal people

Jesus died at the eve of the Passover, Friday afternoon.

A covenant based on a new law – given by Jesus – the Law of Love

The new covenantal people should begin their lives filled with the presence of the Spirit

Romans 12
When the beginning of the law and the ratification of the covenant

There is so much to draw from the meaning.

It is not an accident but all planned

The pouring of the Spirit upon all that is a promise

The sign of the escathological days/ last days.

The times we are approaching the end of what was begun by Jesus

Our own resurrection is our participation.

That is a beginning of the new escathon

\With death, comes the resurrection of the body.

That is what we continue to receive everytime we change heart/metanoia

After death – a new body, a new heart and spirit

They are now living in an age characterized by a time when the Church has to do her mission to bring everything
from the headship of Jesus.

The NT conception of the HS: continuity and development

1. The Spirit is the Power (acts)

2. The Spirit is the giver of inner spiritual life (Paul)
3. The Spirit of Truth (John)

John speaks of the Spirit more clearly – the beginnings of the doctrine of the HS is in John.

The common Factor is, the OT idea that the Spirit is the way in which God is present or actively present

John speak of the HS as the way in which God and Jesus risen is present and experienced by the people

Therefore the basic continuity bet the OT and NT – the actions connected with the Spirit is also found in the New

Prophecy – being carried away, seized by the spirit – enabling someone to perform unusal feats

In Acts 11:28 – some prophets came to Jerusalem – Agabus – there would be a severe famine all over the world.

In OT, Judges 14:6 – Samson, The Spirit of the Lord rushed upon Samson and he tore the lion apart.

Isaiah 11:2

In John 14:17 – The Spirit of Truth who will enable the disciples to say the right things in time of persecution.
John 3:5-6 – born to a new life

Fruits of the Spirits presence are complete moral renewal

For obvious reasons, the LINK in the mere presence of the Spirit as a sign for salvation

There can be no activity of salvation without the Spirit

The Savior is Jesus, but salvation is initiated by the Spirit

After baptism, He was led by the Spirit to the desert after baptism – and after, he was led, out from the desert.

Paul – deposit – downpayment given by God, guaranteeing our complete sharing in salvation

Another , Romans 8:3 – Spirit is described as the first fruits of the harvest of salvation

The new element is the LINK between the Spirit and Jesus – Pneumatological Christology or Christological Pneumatology




You would have to consult the Dominum Vivificantem – JPII

 DV trace A, B, C, D in part 1 and part 2

But mostly part 1

Also consult – Dei Verbum or other books in Pneumatology

Pass a paper on how ABCD are presented by JPII

Pass on January 20

Next meeting Jan 21

Theological Paper – read!!!

January 28 - QUIZ

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