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IRP FST-8 MEGA 23012021

Q_No_1 A comet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. When it is closest to the sun at a distance d, its
corresponding kinetic energy is k0 . If it is farthest from the sun at distance 3d then the corresponding
kinetic energy will be





Q_No_2 A thin convex lens of refactive index 1.5 has 20 cm focal length in air. If the lens is completely immersed
in a liquid of refractive index 1.6, its focal length will be
(A*) –160 cm
(B) –100 cm
(C) + 160 cm
(D) +100 cm

Q_No_3 The figure shows an electric line of force which curves along a circular arc. The magnitude of electric
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field intensity is the same at all points on this curve and is equal to E. If the potential at A is V, then the
potential at B is :

(A*) V – ERθ

(C) V + ERθ

Solution: VA – VB = Work done by the electric field per unit charge.

Work doen from A to B = ERθ
∴ VB = VA – ERθ = V – ERθ
Q_No_4 Which among the following statements is correct regarding the dependence of voltage gain of an
amplifier on the frequency of the signal?
(A) does not depend upon frequency of the signal
(B) increases with frequency of the signal
(C) decreases with frequency of the signal
(D*) initially constant and then decreases with frequency of the signal
Solution: The voltage gain of an amplifier is initially constant and then decreases with the frequency of the signal.
Q_No_5 The figure shows a capacitor of capacitance C connected to a battery via a switch, having a total
charge Q on it, in steady state. When the switch S is turned from position A to position B, the energy
dissipated in the circuit is






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Energy dissipated,

Q_No_6 A finite carrying-current wire is placed in a plane along with a very long, straight conductor carrying
current as shown in the figure. The torque on the finite current wire about point O is






Q_No_7 The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length. If
maximum percentage errors in them are respectively, 4% and 2%, then the maximum error in the
measurement of pressure is
(A) 1%
(B) 2%
(C) 6%
(D*) 8%
Solution: so maximum error in pressure (p) is s

× 100 = 4% + 2 × 2% = 8%

Q_No_8 In Young's double-slit experiment, the distance between slits and the screen is 1 m and monochromatic
light of wavelength 600 nm is being used. A person standing near the slits is looking at the fringe
pattern. When the separation between the slits is varied, the interference pattern disappears for a

particular distance d0 between the slits. If the angular resolution of the eye is then the value of d0
is close to
(A) 1mm

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(B) 3 mm
(C*) 2 mm
(D) 4 mm
Solution: When the angular fringe width in the interference pattern becomes less than the angular resolving power
of the person's eye, the fringes will disappear. The angular fringe width

Q_No_9 A glass prism (in air) of angle A = 60° gives a minimum angle of deviation θ = 30°, when a beam of
parallel light passed through the prism during an experiment. Find refractive index of glass

(B) 1.2
(C) 1.5
(D) None
where δ is the minimum deviation

Q_No_10 In the circuit shown in the figure, E = 15 V, R1 = 1 Ω, R2 = 1 Ω, R3 = 2 Ω and L = 1.5 H. The currents flowing
through R1 , R2 and R3 are i1 , i2 and i3, respectively. Immediately after connecting switch Sw ,



(C) i3 = 0 A, and magnetic energy stored (in L) is not zero

(D) None of these
Solution: At = 0, circuit can be considered as follows

After a long time, circuit can be considered as follows.

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The current i3 is zero at the instant of closing the switch but with time its grows and achieves a non-zero
value, hence

Q_No_11 In the adjacent circuit, the instantaneous current equation is





Solution: Let Φ is the phase difference between V and i.

Since this is an LR circuit V will lead i

∴ Instantaneous current equation will be as B
Q_No_12 One mole of oxygen gas is made to undergo a process in which its molar heat capacity C depends on
its absolute temperature T as C = αT, where α is a positive constant. Work done by the gas when
heated from an intial temperature T0 to a final temperature 2T0 will be



(D) None of these

Solution: C = Cν + W′

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(where W’ is the work done by the gas per unit mole per unit rise in temperature)

Q_No_13 A point source of heat of power P is placed at the centre of a thin spherical shell of mean radius R. The
material of the shell has thermal conductivity K. Calculate the thickness of the shell if the temperature
difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the shell in steady-state is T.




Solution: Consider a concentric spherical shell of radius r and thickness dr as shown in diagram. The radial rate of
flow of heat through this shell in steady state will be,

[Negative sign is used because, with an increase in r, θ decreases.]

Now as for spherical shell A = 4πr2

now in steady state, as no heat is absorbed, the rate of loss of heat by conduction is equal to that of
supply, i.e., H = P, and here

Q_No_14 A magnetic needle free to rotate in a horizontal plane is placed at the centre of a circular currentcarrying
coil whose axis is perpendicular to the magnetic meridian at that place. It is also known that
the magnetic declination at this place is zero and in this condition, the magnetic needle is pointing
towards the north-west. Now, if we reverse the direction of current in the coil, then the magnetic needle
(A) point north-west
(B*) point north-east
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(C) Doint south-east
(D) point north-west
Solution: If there is no current in the coil, then the needle would point north but due to the magnetic field of the
coil, it is pointing north-west. This means the magnetic field due to the coil is towards west and it is
equal to the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field. So when we reverse the direction of current
the magnetic field due to the coil will be towards east and the magnetic needle will point north-east.

Q_No_15 A silver ball of radius 4.8 cm is suspended by a thread in a vacuum chamber. UV light of wavelength
200 nm is incident on the ball for some time during which total energy of 1 × 10–7 J falls on the surface.
Assuming that on an average, one out of 103 photons incident on the ball is able to eject an electron,
then the potential of the sphere will be
(A) 1V
(B) 2V
(C*) 3V
(D) zero
Solution: The total number of photons striking the surface of the ball is

Q_No_16 A particle undergoes a one-dimensional motion such that its velocity varies according to v(x) = βx–2n
where β and n are constants and x is the position of the particle. The acceleration of the particle as a
function of x is given by




According to the question

Q_No_17 If the first excitation energy of a hydrogen-like atom is 27.3 eV, then the ionization energy of this atom will
(A*) 36.40 eV
(B) 30.40 eV
(C) 32.60 eV
(D) 28.60 eV
First excitation energy =

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Q_No_18 A small ring of mass m is constrained to slide along a horizontal wire fixed between two rigid supports.
The ring is connected to a particle of same mass by an ideal string & the whole system is released from
rest as shown in the figure. If the coefficient of friction between ring A and wire is the ring will start
sliding when the connecting string will make an angle θ with the vertical (when particle comes at B),
then θ will be (particle is free to move and ring can slide only)

(A) 30º
(B*) 45º
(C) 60º
(D) None of these
Using energy conservation, we get mgl cosθ =

Q_No_19 Magnetic flux Φ linked with a stationary loop of resistance R varies with time t as Φ = at(T – t). The
amount of heat generated in the loop, during the time interval T, is





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Q_No_20 A uniform smooth rod (mass m and length l) placed on a smooth horizontal floor is hit by a particle (mass
m) moving on the floor, at a distance from one end elastically (e = 1). The distance travelled by the
centre of the rod after the collision, when it has completed three revolutions, will be
(A*) 2πl
(B) 3πl
(C) πl
(D) 4πl
Solution: Applying conservation of linear momentum,
mv = mv’ + mV
⇒ v = v’ + V .....(i)
Applying conservation of angular momentum about the point of collision

Q_No_21 Unpolarized light of intensity 32 Wm –2 passes through three polarizers arranged such that the transmission
axes of the first the last polarizer are at right angles. If the intensity of emerging light is 3 W m–2 , then what
is the angle (degree) between the transmission axes of the first two polarizers?
(INT*) 30.00
Solution: Since unpolarized light is passing through the first polarizesr, hence the intensity of light after crossing
the first polarizer will be

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Let us assume that the angle between the transmission axis of the first and second polarizer is θ, then
from Malus law we can find out the intensity of light after it crosses the seoncd polarizer.
I2 = I1 cos2 θ = 16cos2 θ
Similarly, the intensity of light after crossing the third polarizer is

Q_No_22 A rectangular tank filled with some liquid is accelerated along a horizontal surface at . Inside
the liquid, a laser pointer is fixed a the centre of the tank which shoots a thin laser beam in the vertically
upward direction. If after refraction from the liquid surface, the laser beam moves along the surface of
the liquid, then what is the refractive index of the liquid?
(INT*) 01.25
Solution: Due to the pseudo force, the free surface of the liquid will become inclined. If θ is the angle made by the
free surface of the liquid with the horizontal, then

Q_No_23 In a nuclear fission, when a mass of 0.5 g of uranium is consumed, the energy obtained in kWh is n × 107 .
Find the value of n.
(INT*) 01.25

Q_No_24 A string is stretched between fixed points separated by 75.0 cm. It is observed to have resonant frequency
of 420 Hz and 315 Hz. There are no other resonant frequencies between these two. Then, the lowest
resonant frequency (in Hz) for this string is
(INT*) 105
Solution: For string fixed at both the ends, resonant frequency are given by

Where symbols have their meaning. It is given that 315 Hz and 420 Hz are two consecutive resonant
frequency, let these nth and (n + 1)th hamonics.

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Q_No_25 A uniform solid right circular cone of base radius r is joined to a uniform solid hemisphere of radius r
and of the same density, so as to have a common face. The centre of mass of the composite solid lies
on the common face. The height (in meter) of the cone is (Given : r = 1 meter,

(INT*) 01.73

Q_No_26 Which of the following substance does not react with NaOH solution :
(A) ClO2
(B*) Cu(OH)2
(C) XeO3
(D) Zn
Solution: Cu(OH)2 is basic hence it does not react with NaOH
Q_No_27 The increasing order of pKb for the following compounds will be :

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(A) NH2 − CH = NH (C) CH3 NHCH3

(A*) (B) < (A) < (C)

(B) (A) < (B) < (C)
(C) (C) < (A) < (B)
(D) (B) < (C) < (A)

Q_No_28 For the electrochemical cell, Mg(s) | Mg2+ (aq, 1M) || Cu2+ (aq, 1M) | Cu(s), the standard emf of the cell is
2.70 V at 300K. When the concentration of Cu2+ is changed to x M, the cell potential changes to 2.64 V at
300 K. The value of x is

where F is the Faraday constant and R is the gas constants, ln(10) = 2.30

(A) 10
(B) 0.1
(C*) 0.01
(D) 2

Q_No_29 Origination of colour in halogens is due to :

(A) Higher degree of their polarizibility
(B) Emission spectrum
(C*) Excitation of electron(s) from HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) to LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied
Molecular Orbital) by absorbing radiation in visible region .
(D) Absorption of radiation in ultra-violet region .
Solution: Excitation of electrons from HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) to LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied
Molecular Orbital) by absorbing radiation in visible region.

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A is





Q_No_31 0.2 grams of a chloride of element was dissolved in water and treated with excess AgNO3 solution.
0.5 grams of AgCl precipitate was formed. Find the equivalent weight of the element.
(A*) 21.9 gm
(B) 25.5 gm
(C) 30 gm
(D) 18 gm

Q_No_32 Third ionization energy (I.E3 ) is maximum for which of the following transition metal :
(A) V
(B) Cr
(C*) Mn
(D) Fe
stable electronic configuration

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Identify (A) and (B) respectively






Q_No_34 A light of wavelength 3100 Å falls on a metal surface. Ejected eelectron is further accelerated by a
potential difference of 3 volt, then final kinetic energy of the electron is found to be 8 × 10–19 Joule. Find
threshold energy (in eV).

(A) 1
(B*) 2
(C) 3
(D) 5

Q_No_35 Select incorrect characteristic of fullerenes :

(A) They are cage like molecules
(B*) They contain odd number of carbon atoms
(C) Thermodynamically they are less stable crystalline allotrope of carbon than diamond and graphite

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(D) They exhibit aromatic character
Solution: They contain even number of carbon atoms

Product (Q) is :





Q_No_37 In diamond structure, carbon atoms form FCC lattice and also present in alternate tetrahedral void. If
radius of carbon atom is pm then edge length of unit cell is :

(A) 154.6 pm
(B) 200.74 pm
(C) 220.45 pm
(D*) 360 pm

Q_No_38 Process of leaching is not used in :

(A) Extraction of copper from low grade chalcopyrite
(B) Purification of red bauxite by Baeyer's process
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(C) Extraction of Ag and Au by Mac Arthur forrest method
(D*) Extraction of lead from low grade galena
Solution: Extraction of lead from low grade galena is carried out by carbon reduction.


In the dehydration of,

The product formed are

(A) Only I
(B) Only II
(C) Only III
(D*) I, II and III

Q_No_40 Calculate the percentage of ionic form for an acidic indicator at a pH same as pH shown by an acidic
buffer of CH3 COOH and CH3 COONa with its maximum buffer capacity.
[Given : pKa (CH3 COOH) = 4.74 and pKIn for indicator = 5.34]
(A*) 20%
(B) 40%
(C) 60%
(D) 80%
Solution: At maximum capacity pH = pKa = 4.74

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Q_No_41 Anhydrous form of which of the following acid exists in solid state at 25°C :
(A) H2 SO4
(B*) H3 PO4
(C) HF
(D) HNO3
Solution: Due to higher extent of H-bonding H3 PO4 exists in solid state.
Q_No_42 Which reagent will react fastest with acetone under acidic condition (pH ; 4 – 5)




Solution: Lone pair not in resonance.

So lone pair-lone pair repulsion will make it strongest nucleophile.
Q_No_43 For the chemical reaction X the standard reaction Gibbs energy depends on temperature T
(in K) as Δr Gº (in kJ mol–1 ) = 150 –

The major component of the reaction mixture at T is :

(A*) X if T = 295 K
(B) Y if T = 298 K
(C) Y if T = 280 K
(D) X if T = 350 K

At 295 K, Δr Gº is +ve ; ∴ X will be the major component

Q_No_44 Central atom of which of the following molecular species contains three lone pairs :
(A) SF4
(B) IF5

(D) XeO2 F2

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Q_No_45 1-Butyne and 2-butyne can not be distinguished by :

(A) Cu2 Cl2 + NH4 OH
(B) AgNO3 + NH4 OH
(C) Na Metal
(D*) NaOH
Solution: 1-Butyne doesn’t react with NaOH.
Q_No_46 An open vessel at 27°C is heated until 3/8th of the air in it has been expelled. Calculate the temperature
(in calvin) at which the vessel was heated.
(INT*) 480
Solution: of the air is expelled out then remaining air =

In the open vessel volume and pressure are both constant but moles are decreasing

Q_No_47 Find out number of bonds having bond order one in a molecule of borazine.
(INT*) 06.00
Solution: Bond order of B-N bonds = 1.5
Bond order of B-H bonds = 1.0
Q_No_48 Find the sum of codes of colloidal sols which are negatively charged ?

(INT*) 165
Solution: Congo red sols + gelatin + clay + CdS sols + Sols of starch + gum
= 5 + 20 + 25 + 30 + 40 + 45 = 165
Q_No_49 How many structures of primary amines are possible for C5 H13 N ?
(INT*) 08.00

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Q_No_50 P4 O6 reacts with water according to equation P4 O6 + 6H2 O → 4H3 PO3 . Calculate the volume of 0.1 M
NaOH (in mL) solution required to neutralise the acid formed by dissolving 1.1 g of P4 O6 in H2 O ?
(INT*) 400

Q_No_51 Number of points of non-differentiability of the function f(x) = x[x] {x} in the interval [–1, 2] is (where [x] and {x}
denote the greatest integer function and fractional part function, respectively)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C*) 3
(D) 4

From the graph, points of non-differentiability are x = 0, 1, 2.

Q_No_52 Let A1 , A2 , A3 , ...., An be the vertices of a polygon of n sides. If the number of pentagons that can be constructed
by joining these vertices such that no side of the polygon is a side of the pentagon is 36, then the value of n is
equal to
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C*) 12
(D) 15
Solution: Let the consecutive vertices be A1 , A2 , A3 ,...., An –1 , An .
1st vertex can be selected in n ways.
If the first vertex is A1 , then vertices A2 and An cannot be selected.
So, now we have (n – 3) vertices available for four remaining vertices of pentagon.
These four vertices are not consecutive.
Then we have to find the number of interal solutions of the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = n – 7 ; where x1 , x5
≥ 0 and x2 , x3 , x4 ≥ 1
or x1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + x5 = n – 10 ;
where x1 , x5 ≥ 0 and y2 , y3 , y4 ≥ 0
So, number of non-negative integral solutions
= n – 10 + 5 – 1 C5 – 1 = n – 6 C4

So, total number of ways =

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is equal to

(A*) π
(B) π/2
(C) 2π
(D) 4π

Q_No_54 Let f(x) be a continuous function which satisfies and f(x) > 0 ∀ x ∈ R. Then is

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C*) 2
(D) 3

Q_No_55 are unit vectors such that is perpendicular to then angle between

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(A) 0


(D*) π

Q_No_56 If f(x) is a differentiable function such that f(1) = sin 1, f(2) = sin 4 and f(3) = sin 9, then the minimum number of
distinct solutions of equation f′(x) = 2x cos (x2 ) in (1, 3) is
(A) 1
(B*) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Solution: Let g(x) = f(x) – sin (x2 )
According to the question, we have
g(1) = g(2) = g(3) = 0
⇒ g′(x) = 0 at least twice

Q_No_57 If the angle between the normal to the parabola x2 = 4ay at point P and the focal chord passing through P is

then the slope of the tangent at point P is





Solution: By property, tangent PT bisects the angle ∠SPM.

Given that ∠SPM = 60°
∴ ∠SPT = ∠TPM = 30°

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Q_No_58 Let cos2 θ + b and sin2 θ + b roots of the equation x2 + 4x + = 0. Then the equation whose roots are tan2 θ and
cot2 θ is
(A*) x2 – 14x + 1
So, tangent makes an angle 60° with x-axis.
(B) x2 – 4x + 1 = 0
(C) x2 – 10x∴+Slope
1 of tangent =
(D) None of these

Sum of roots = tan2 θ + cot2 θ =

If the straight line 4ax + 3by = 24 is a normal to the ellipse (a > b) then (a2 – b2 ) is equal to

(A) 8
(B*) 10
(C) 12
(D) 15

Solution: Given line is

4ax + 3by = 24 ....(A)

Let this line be normal to the ellipse

at (a cosθ, b sin θ).

So, equation of normal to ellipse at (a cosθ, b sin θ) is :
ax sec θ –by cosec θ = (a2 – b2 ) ....(B)
Equations (A) and (B) are identical, so
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Q_No_60 Let p and q be two statements. Then ~ (~p ∧ q) ∧ (p ∨ q) is logically equivalent to

(A) q
(B) p∧q
(C*) p
(D) p∨~q
Solution: ~(~p ∧ q) ∧ (p ∨ q) ≡ [~ (~p) ∨ (~q)] ∧ (p ∨ q)
≡ [p ∨ (~q) ∧ (p ∨ q)]
≡ p ∨ [(~q) ∧ q]
Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix such that Then A–1 is






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Q_No_62 A vertical pole stands at a point A on the boundary of a circluar of radius a and subtends an angle α at another
point B on the boundary . If the chord AB subtends an angle α at the centre of the park, then the height of the
pole is





Q_No_63 Let there exist real numbers a and b such that for every positive number x, the identity

tan–1 (ax) + tan–1 holds. Then the value of a2 + b2 is

(A) 1/4
(B*) 3/4
(C) 5/4
(D) 7/4
We have tan–1 (ax) + tan–1 (bx) = ⇒ tan(tan–1 (ax) + tan–1 (bx)) = cot

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Q_No_64 A circle is given by x2 + (y – 1)2 = 1. Another circle C with centre P, touches it externally and also the x-axis.
Then P lies :
(A*) on the curve x2 = 4y ; x ∈ R
(B) on the curve y2 = 4(x – 4) ; x ≥ 4
(C) on the ray x2 = 8y ; x ∈ R
(D) on the curve x2 = 4y – 1 ; x ∈ R
Solution: Let P(h, k) be the centre of C so that |k| is the radius of C because it touches x-axis (See figure). Also, since C
touches the circle x2 + (y – 1)2 = 1 externally, we have

Q_No_65 The area of the region (in square units) above the x-axis bounded by the curve y = tanx, and the

tangent to the curve at is






then the value of

(A) 5
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(B*) 25
(C) 125
(D) 0

Q_No_67 If the integral + alog|sinx – 2cosx| + k, then the value of a is

(A) 1
(B*) 2
(C) –1
(D) –2

If is equal to






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Q_No_69 An experiment yields 3 mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A, B and C. If P(A) = 2P(B) = 3P(C), then
P(A) is equal to




Solution: Given, events A, B and C are mutually exclusive and exhaustive,

hence P(A ∪ B ∪ C) = 1 ⇒ P(A) + P(B) + P(C) = 1

Q_No_70 The solution of dy = cosx (2 – y cosecx)dx, where y =




(D) None of the above


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Q_No_71 Area bounded by y = 1 – (loge x)2 and x-axis which is common with x ≥ 1, is .......................
(INT*) 01.00

Q_No_72 The number of ways of dividing 6 couples into 3 groups if each group has exactly one couple and each
group has 2 males and 2 females, is N, then is

(INT*) 24.00
Solution: We can select 3 couples for 3 different groups in 6 C3 ways.
From the remaining 3 couples , we have to select
1 males and 1 female for each group so that no couple is selected.
The number of ways is equivalent to derangement of 3 objects i.e., 3! (1 – 1/1! + 1/2! – 1/3!) = 2.
So, total number of ways = 6 C3 × 2 × 3! = 240.
Q_No_73 A line with direction ratios 2, 1, 2 intersects the lines at A
and B, then length of AB is
(INT*) 03.00

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{Note : [k] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to k}

(INT*) 01.00

Q_No_75 If the variance of the following data :

6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 is K, then the value of is

(INT*) 03.00
Solution: The given data is : 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24

The table is as below :

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