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Syarisa Rozlan
- SFE: Evidence of the accused previous - It does not matter for what purpose you bring in
misconduct which he committed similarly to SFE, but you must show that there must be
the current charge. striking similarity facts.
- Similar does not mean ‘same’, it could be any - Facts which is so unique in that particular case
similarity (ex: how he commit an offence, (ex: cannot just to show habit or coincidence).
category of victim he pick, his nature of crime R v Sims
etc) Accused has been charged for 6 counts of
- Wtv similar facts in the previous misconduct homosexual offences involving four men and all
that can be brought forwards by the prosecution the men gave evidence that the accused invited
against the accused. them to his house and commit the offence.
- General rule: Held: the evidence of one charge was admissible
Noor Mohamad v The King on another charge bc the act they describe is
Accused was tried for the murder of his wife and strikingly similar. And the court gave the idea of
his wife was poisoned with potassium cyanide. what is striking similarity that the incident must
The conviction was based on the evidence that show:
some 2 years earlier, his previous wife was died a) Underlying unity
in the same way. b) Striking resemblance
Held: The evidence is not relevant to prove the c) Unusual features
charge bc the evidence was highly prejudicial as d) Uniquely similar or system (modus
we do not look at the acc’s previous criminality operandi)
conduct to prove whether he commits the crime
R v Smith
he currently charge.
The bride in the bath case. Acc was charged for a
**General rule: SFE to show previous murder of his wife, but evidence was offered by
misconduct of an accused to prove the current prosecution of two other murder (previously alleged
offence is not admissible. to be committed by the accused). The acc married
rich women and made financial arrangement before
COMMON LAW POSITION their marriage. All victims were drowned in bathtub
1. SPECIFIC PURPOSE TEST (first test and alleged that it was an accident during
admitting SFE). honeymoon.

Makin v AG of New South Wales Held: Court allowed this evidence bc there has been
Acc person (Makin – H&W) was charged for murder a motive, acc picked particular type of victim, and all
of baby. The prosecution wished to produce of them died in the bathtub during their honeymoon.
evidence of other witnesses that both of the acc **What should look into is whether it fulfils
persons had been receiving other babies in a similar requirement in R v Sims.
manner under the pretext of wishing to adopt the
babies. Furthermore, the remains of few babies were 3. PROBATIVE VALUE TEST
found buried in the garden of houses previously and Borgman v DPP
currently occupied by them and the remains of these criticised specific purpose test and affirm striking
babies were found buried in similar ways. similarity test. But added that SFE should not be
admitted if it is too prejudicial. Thus, SFE can be
Held: Court accept the evidence with a condition admitted if the probative value outweigh its
that there must be a specific purpose for prosecution prejudicial effect.
to bring in SFE. In this case, the specific purpose is to
rebut the defence of accident raised by the accused. In this case, the accused was charged with outraging
modesty of 2 school boys. The accused was the

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Syarisa Rozlan
principal of the school. The modus operandi of the - just admit the evidence of probability that the
accused is the accused always make a night check in acc committed very high bc the acc acted in the
every dorm and invited student of him to his room. similar manner as previously.
In his room, he will asked the victim to conduct gross RV Raju & Ors v R
indecency. The way how the accused do that is by There were 3 accused and were charged for
using: corruption but the 3rd accused was charged with
a) his authority as a principal. abetting the corruption. When they were
b) pick a specific time where other arrested, 1st and 2nd accused doe sot have the
students is asleep. money, only the 3rd accused has the money in his
c) being passive during the act. possession. The charge is concerning abetting
Held: There could be a possibility of fabrication or Held: Court disallow the evidence of probability
concoction and prejudicial effect that the court will under section 11:
reject the evidence from the boys. But what could has o They were not charged for the previous
been stated by the boys during cross-examination is misconduct (1st and 2nd accused).
consistent. The striking similarity should be looking o To use evidence of system would be
at their stories rather than their physical attributes. actually highly prejudicial towards 1st
and 2nd accused.
The court further affirm the striking similarity and o 3rd acc has been doing the particular act
stressed out that there should be no prejudicial effect systematically and probability of the
to accused person. The evidence must have more acc committing the crime of abetting
probative value than prejudicial effect (this depends corruption is highly probable.
of the facts of the case)
AbuBakar Ismail v R
**Must find what is so similar and usually the acc’s Accused person was charged for making
modus operandi. false statement for the purpose of granting
driving license. Accused is an assistance
MALAYSIAN POSITION licensing officer. He should actually look at
- usually admitted under section 15 ‘similar the Malaysian driving license then only can
occurrences’ (reflect specific purpose and tick the box that he has seen the applicant
striking similarity) driving license.
- section 11 just to show the act of accused is
highly probable or improbable to commit the Held: The probability is very high for the
crime. accused to commit the crime and evidence
- Section 14 just to show existence of state of of other witnesses which states that the
mind or body. accused has been doing this under section
1) Section 11(b) 2) Section 14
- Not connected to the FII but can be connected - Facts showing the existence of state of mind or
if they are facts which highly probable or highly of body or bodily feeling.
improbable. - Explanation 1: state of mind must show that
- Ex: Admit alibi under section 11 bc alibi is not the state of mind not exist generally but must be
a defence but merely suggested that it is highly specific (ex: cannot admit evidence of habit or
improbable for the acc to commit the offence normal thing to do under section 14)
(usually homicide cases) - If have knowledge, ill will, intention etc then
- It actually would prove whether the acc can admit evidence under section 14.
person is highly probable to commit the - state of mind (intention) : illutration (e) –
crime. (j)(o)(p)

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Syarisa Rozlan
- Knowledge: illustration (a) – (d) Azahan Aminallah v PP
- negligence: illustration (n) The accused was charged with rape of his daughter.
- Bodily feeling: (k)(l)(m) Accused applied for legal aid and court gave
postponement. But when the case was tried agan, the
PP v Teo Ai Ni & Anor
accused was not presented and applied for
Where the court explained how section 14 works. adjournment again but court refused accused remain
Accused was charged for possession of infringing unpresented). When the trial begins, he faced one
copies. PP bring in evidence of similar facts to show charge and after complainant gave evidence that this
the existence of state of mind which is knowledge. has occurred several times. Thus, another 2 charge
The court stated that to prove the existence of state was added. Accused convicted and appealed until
of mind, the state of mind must not be general, COA.
it must refer to particular matter in question
and this requirement is very high. The court referred COA held: although the evidence of similar fact is
to various illustration under the Act: relevant but it is highly prejudicial. Here the court
applied probative value test, and rejected the
- illustration (a) where the accused must be in evidence:
simultaneous possession of infringing goods, but o Acc ready to face a single charge but the
this was not shown in the case. prosecution with leave of the court
- The court also referred to illustration (c) adduce SFE which is highly prejudicial
where the subject matter must be the same of and none tried to explained this to acc.
the previous offences, but does not present in o Acc was charged with 3 other counts
this case. o Acc was unpresented.
- Illustration (o) where it states that the Thus, this is a prejudicial effect against the accused.
intention and knowledge must be specific, but [relevant but not admissible]
does not present as well.
3) Section 15 - FII:
- 3 conditions has to be fulfil: o if referring to previous misconduct, the
o There must be issue where the act is issue would be whether the
accidental or intentional. previous
o There must be facts which forms part misconduct/charge/conviction
is relevant and admissible.
of the series of similar occurrence.
- LAW:
o In doing so, the accused must be the o Section 11,14, or 15 (choose)
person concerned. o apply all common law test
(specific purpose-Mankin, Striking
Maidin Pitchay & Anor v PP similarity-Smit or Sims, probative
Appellant was charged with using of a vehicle as value test-borgman)
passenger vehicle without valid license (taxi sapu). - if guna section 11: what is highly probable effect?
- if guna section 14: must show that state of mind
He used his own car to bring people from one place
must be specific not general
to another place. Authority pretending to be a - if guna section 15: must apply 3 requirements
passenger and in one occasion he was arrested. PP ** do not forget to buat application
bring in another 60 other occasion of evidence to whether the similar facts is strong or not
strengthen their case and in these 60 occasion he (probative value test).
charged the passengers. Under section 15, the **usually SFE combined with Identity.
specific purpose is to show that the act is not but So discuss identity first. if identiti is good
then PB outweigh prejudicial.
intentional and there are striking similarity as he **section 54(2)(a) is exception to the
picked up passengers at the same place, same charge SFE. As this section applies SFE.
and act as a taxi driver.

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