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Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

Artificial intelligence methods in breakwater

damage ratio estimation
O. Yagci*, D.E. Mercan, H.K. Cigizoglu, M.S. Kabdasli
Division of Hydraulics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Istanbul Technical University,
34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
Received 22 September 2004; accepted 8 March 2005
Available online 20 June 2005

The anticipation of damage ratio with an acceptable accuracy is a vital issue in breakwater design.
The presented study covers the employment of three different artificial neural network methods and a
fuzzy model for this problem. Inputs like mean wave period, wave steepness, significant wave height
and the breakwater slope are used as input to estimate the corresponding damage ratio value. All
artificial neural network methods and fuzzy logic model provided quite close estimations for the
experimental values. The testing stage results were significantly superior to the conventional multi-
linear regression method in terms of the selected performance criteria.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Armor unit; Artificial intelligence; Breakwater; Damage ratio; Fuzzy logic; Neural network; Static

1. Introduction

Breakwater stability analysis has long been attracted the interest of coastal engineering
researchers. The design of armor layer units on breakwater is one of the major problems
for coastal engineers. The type, weight and placement technique of breakwaters 0 armor
layer units are designed considering anticipated damage ratio, which will occur under the
estimated wave climate conditions. Therefore, the anticipation of damage ratio with an

* Corresponding author. Tel.: C90 212 2856011; fax: C90 212 2856587.
E-mail address: (O. Yagci).

0029-8018/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2089

AI artificial intelligence
ANN artificial neural networks
BADD basic defuzzification distribution
COA center of area
FFBP feed forward back propagation
FL fuzzy logic
GRNN generalized regression neural networks
MOM mean of maxima
MSE mean square error
RBF radial basis function
SLIDE semi linear defuzzification

acceptable accuracy, which will occur through the life of the structure, is vital. In this
context, description of the anticipated damage ratio has a special importance. In the
literature, various damage concepts are adopted by different researchers (Losada et al.,
1986; Vidal et al., 1991, 1995; Van Der Meer and Heydra, 1991; Melby and Kobayashi,
1998; Van Der Meer, 1988; Yagci and Kapdasli, 2003; Gunaydin and Kabdasli, 2003).
Further, Hudson et al. (1979) introduced a formula which is still commonly used by
practitioners at the design stage of armor layer units of breakwaters. Hudson et al. (1979)
determined the parameters affecting the armor layer stability and obtained an equation
using dimensional analysis. This equation is a function of physical parameters like weight
of an armor unit, characteristic wave height, specific weights of armor unit and water, the
slope angle, and the empirical stability coefficient, KD. The KD values are presented in
SPM (1984) for various armor units.
However, the disadvantage of Hudson Equation is that the equation characterizes the
wave climate considering only the wave height of the wave series into account and
neglecting the effect of the wave period and the wave steepness on breakwater stability.
Therefore, at the experimental stage, various wave series having different representative
wave characteristics (i.e. various combinations of wave heights, wave periods and wave
steepness) are applied to the breakwater model in order to overcome this handicap. In this
way the stability performance of the breakwater model is tested under different wave
climate conditions. Next, the damage ratio-wave height regression equation is generated
using best curve fitting technique. The data marks are scattered in the vicinity of the
obtained regression curve with the effect of the wave period and the wave steepness (Yagci
et al., 2004). The values of wave heights corresponding to various damage ratios are
determined using the acquired regression equation. In this way, for different damage
ratios, the ‘KD’ stability coefficient is found by Hudson Equation employing the physical
parameters mentioned above. However, this method provides accuracy to a certain degree,
since the effect of wave period and the wave steepness is incorporated into Hudson
Equation indirectly via the regression curve. The study of Yagci et al. (2004) is an example
for this kind of procedure. In their study the authors found that the overall average of
2090 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

determination coefficient, R2, of regression between wave height and damage ratio is equal
to 70% for antifer units. It may be claimed that the remaining part of the R2, 30%, can be
attributed to the other wave properties, i.e. wave period and wave steepness, since R2
provides the variance explained by the regression relation.
In the real world, temporal variations in data do not exhibit simple regularities and are
difficult to analyze and predict accurately. It seems necessary that non-linear methods such
as artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are suited to complex non-linear models, be
used for the analysis of real world temporal data. ANN approach, which is a non-linear
black box model, is extensively used in ocean engineering and hydrology (Ranjithan et al.,
1993; Mase et al., 1995; Fernando and Jayawardena, 1998; Govindaraju and Rao, 2000;
ASCE Task Committee, 2000a,b; Dawson and Wilby, 2001; Deo et al., 2001; Huang et al.,
2001; Tsai et al., 2002; Lee and Jeng, 2002; Cigizoglu, 2003a,b; 2004; Cigizoglu and Alp,
2004; Cigizoglu and Kisi, 2005). In the majority of these studies feed forward error back
propagation method (FFBP) was employed to train the neural networks. The performance
of FFBP was found superior to conventional statistical and stochastic methods in different
forecasting studies (Brikundavyi et al., 2002; Cigizoglu, 2003a,b, 2004). However, the
FFBP algorithm has some drawbacks. They are very sensitive to the selected initial weight
values and may provide performances differing from each other significantly. Another
problem faced during the application of FFBP is the local minima issue. In their work,
Maier and Dandy (2000) summarized the methods used in the literature to overcome local
minima problem as training a number of networks starting with different initial weights,
the on-line training mode to help the network to escape local minima, inclusion of the
addition of random noise, employment of second order (Newton algorithm, Levenberg–
Marquardt algorithm) or global methods (stochastic gradient algorithms, simulated
annealing). Other ANN methods such as conjugate gradient algorithms, radial basis
function, cascade correlation algorithm and recurrent neural networks were described by
ASCE Task Committee (2000a). Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was employed for
FFBP applications in the presented study.
The concept of fuzzy logic (FL) was conceived by Zadeh (1965) and presented not as a
control methodology, but as a way of processing data by allowing partial set membership
rather than crisp set membership or non-membership. In this context, FL is a problem-
solving control system methodology that lends itself to implementation in systems ranging
from simple, small, embedded micro-controllers to large, networked, multi-channel PC or
workstation-based data acquisition and control systems. FL provides a simple way to
arrive at a definite conclusion based upon vague, ambiguous, imprecise, noisy, or missing
input information. It was conceived as a better method for sorting and handling data but
has proven to be an excellent choice for many control system applications since it mimics
human control logic. FL can control non-linear systems that would be difficult or
impossible to model mathematically as mentioned by Balas et al. (2004). The role of FL in
modeling is explained by Zadeh (1994). In 1980 a contracting firm used a fuzzy system to
control cement kiln (Holmblad and Ostergaard, 1982). In 1988 Hitachi put a subway under
fuzzy control in Japanese city of Sendai (Yager, 1988). Today fuzzy logic is currently used
in the science, especially in domain of control engineering (Ross, 1995). The FL
applications in water resources and environmental engineering are less compared with
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2091

ANNs (Bardossy, 1996; Droesen, 1996; Perret and Prasher, 1998; Mackay and Robinson,
In the presented study, fuzzy logic and three different artificial neural network (ANN)
methods were employed to estimate the damage ratio, which will be observed through the
life of the breakwater. Instead of generating regression equation to estimate the damage
ratio, the damage ratio was modeled as function of wave height, wave period, wave
steepness and breakwater slope. Differing from the regression equation, employment of
these methods enabled the consideration of wave period, wave steepness and breakwater
slope as well as wave height in the estimation of damage ratio.

2. ANN methods

2.1. The feed forward back propagation (FFBP)

A FFBP distinguishes itself by the presence of one or more hidden layers, whose
computation nodes are correspondingly called hidden neurons of hidden units. A typical
feed forward neural network structure is illustrated in Fig. 1. The function of hidden
neurons is to intervene between the external input and the network output in some useful
manner. By adding one or more hidden layers, the network is enabled to extract higher
order statistics. In a rather loose sense, the network acquires a global perspective despite
its local connectivity due to the extra set of synaptic connections and the extra dimension
of NN interconnections (Haykin, 1994).

Input layer
Output layer
Hidden layer

X1 o1

X2 o2

o o o

o o o


Fig. 1. Structure of a feed forward neural network (FFBP).

2092 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

The ability of hidden neurons to extract higher order statistics is particularly valuable
when the size of the input layer is large. The source nodes in the input layer of the network
supply respective elements of the activation pattern (input vector), which constitute the
input signals applied to the neurons (computation nodes) in the second layer (i.e. the first
hidden layer). The output signals of the second layer are used as inputs to the third layer,
and so on for the rest of the network. Typically, the neurons in each layer of the network
have as their inputs the output signals of the preceding layer only. The set of the output
signals of the neurons in the output layer of the network constitutes the overall response of
the network to the activation patterns applied by the source nodes in the input (first) layer
(Hagan and Menhaj, 1994). In this study, Levenberg-Marquardt optimization technique
was employed for FFBP method. It is shown that this optimization technique is more
robust than the conventional gradient descent technique (Hagan and Menhaj, 1994;
Cigizoglu and Kisi, 2005).

2.2. The radial basis function-based neural networks (RBF)

RBF networks were introduced into the neural network literature by Broomhead and
Lowe (1988). The structure of a radial basis function neural network (RBF) is shown in
Fig. 2. The RBF network model is motivated by the locally tuned response observed in
biological neurons. Neurons with a locally tuned response characteristic can be found
in several parts of the nervous system, for example, cells in the visual cortex sensitive to
bars oriented in a certain direction or other visual features within a small region of the
visual field (Poggio and Girosi, 1990). These locally tuned neurons show response
characteristics bounded to a small range of the input space. The theoretical basis of the
RBF approach lies in the field of interpolation of multi-variate functions. The objective of
interpolating a set of tuples ðxs ; ys ÞNsZ1 with xs2Rd is to find a function F: Rd/ R with
F(xs)Zys for all sZ1,., N, where F is a function of a linear space. In the RBF approach

K x − µ1 / σ 12 Σ y1
K x − µ 2 / σ 22 z2
X zj wlj
K x − µ i / σ 2j wlJ

K x − µ j / σ 2J
Σ yL

Fig. 2. Structure of a radial basis function neural network (RBF).

O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2093

the interpolating function F is a linear combination of basis functions

FðxÞ Z ws fðjjx K xs jjÞ C pðxÞ (1)

where k$kQdenotes Euclidean norm, w1,., wN are real numbers, f a real valued function,
and p 2 dn a polynomial of degree at most n (fixed in advance) in d variables. The
P problem is to determine the real coefficients w1,., QdwN and the polynomial
term pZ D a p
lZ1 1 j , where p l,., p D is the standard basis of n and a1,., aD are real
coefficients. The interpolation conditions are
Fðxs Þ Z ys ; s Z 1; .; N (2)
ws pj ðxs Þ Z 0; j Z 1; .; D (3)

The function f is called a radial basis function if the interpolation problem has a unique
solution for any choice of data points. In some cases the polynomial term in Eq. (1) can be
omitted and by combining it with Eq. (2), we obtain
fw Z y (4)
1 N
where wZ(w1,., wN), yZ(y ,., y ), and f is a N!N matrix defined by
f Z ðfðjjxk K xs jjÞÞk;sZ1;.;N (5)
Provided the inverse of f exists, the solution w of the interpolation problem can be
explicitly calculated and has the form: wZfK1 y. The most popular and widely used radial
basis function is the Gaussian basis function
fðjjx K cjjÞ Z eKðjjxKcjj=2s Þ (6)
with peak at center c2Rd and decreasing as the distance from the center increases.
The solution of the exact interpolating RBF mapping passes through every data point
(xs, ys). In the presence of noise, the exact solution of the interpolation problem is typically
a function oscillating between the given data points. An additional problem with the exact
interpolation procedure is that the number of basis functions is equal to the number of data
points and so calculating the inverse of the N!N matrix f becomes intractable in practice.
The interpretation of the RBF method as an artificial neural network consists of three
layers: a layer of input neurons feeding the feature vectors into the network; a hidden layer
of RBF neurons, calculating the outcome of the basis functions; and a layer of output
neurons, calculating a linear combination of the basis functions (Taurino et al., 2003). The
different number of hidden layer neurons and spread constant were tried in the study.

2.3. The generalized regression neural networks (GRNN)

A schematic of the GRNN is shown in Fig. 3. The basics of the GRNN can be obtained
in the literature (Specht, 1991; Tsoukalas and Uhrig, 1997). The GRNN consists of four
2094 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

Input Pattern Summation Output

Layer Layer Layer Layer




xn 1

Fig. 3. Structure of a GRNN.

layers: input layer, pattern layer, summation layer, and output layer. The number of input
units in the first layer is equal to the total number of parameters, including from one to six
previous daily flows. The first layer is fully connected to the second, pattern layer, where
each unit represents a training pattern and its output is a measure of the distance of the
input from the stored patterns. Each pattern layer unit is connected to the two neurons in
the summation layer: S-summation neuron and D-summation neuron. The S-summation
neuron computes the sum of the weighted outputs of the pattern layer while the
D-summation neuron calculates the unweighted outputs of the pattern neurons. The
connection weight between the ith neuron in the pattern layer and the S-summation neuron
is yi; the target output value corresponding to the ith input pattern. For D-summation
neuron, the connection weight is unity. The output layer merely divides the output of each
S-summation neuron by that of each D-summation neuron, yielding the predicted value to
an unknown input vector x as
yi exp½KDðx; xi Þ
y^i ðxÞ Z PiZ1n (7)
iZ1 exp½KDðx; xi Þ

where n indicates the number of training patterns and the Gaussian D function in Eq. (7) is
defined as
xj K xij 2
Dðx; xi Þ Z (8)

where p indicates the number of elements of an input vector. The xj and xij represent the jth
element of x and xi; respectively. The z is generally referred to as the spread factor, whose
optimal value is often determined experimentally (Kim et al., 2003). The larger that spread
is the smoother the function approximation will be. Too large a spread means a lot of
neurons will be required to fit a fast changing function. Too small a spread means many
neurons will be required to fit a smooth function, and the network may not generalize well.
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2095

In this study, different spreads were tried to find the best one that gave the minimum mean
square error value (MSE) for a given problem.

3. Fuzzy logic approach

Fuzzy logic refers to a fuzzy system or mapping from input to output that depends on
fuzzy rules. The rules in turn depend on fuzzy sets or vague concepts like cool air or blue
sky or small angle and these terms depend on fuzzy degrees of truth or set membership.
Fuzzy logic means reasoning with vague concepts. In practice it can mean computing with
words (Kosko, 1997). Zadeh (1965) introduced the fuzzy sets, since then literature has
increased around the concept of fuzzy logic in wide range of areas, from the engineering to
the law. Mandani (1977) first applied to systems in the form of a rule-based fuzzy system
to control a steam engine and his work marks the start of fuzzy engineering.
Fuzzy modeling has five steps, the first step describes input and output variables, the
second step is picking fuzzy subsets of these variables and the third one relates the output
sets to the input sets in fuzzy rules, the fourth one is defuzzification. Defuzzification means
that the system computes the output as the centroid or center of gravity of the last output
set. Sometimes the system picks the mode, maximum, minimum or something different.
The last step is optimization of the system to minimize the error (Fig. 4).
A fuzzy system is an expert system that uses a collection of fuzzy membership
functions and rules, instead of Boolean logic. The rules in a fuzzy expert system are
usually of a form similar to the following

If x is short and y is high then z Z low (9)

where x and y are input variables (names for known data values), z is an output variable (a
name for a data value to be computed), low is a membership function (fuzzy subset)
defined on x, high is a membership function defined on y, and medium is a membership
function defined on z.
The antecedent (the rule’s premise) describes to what degree the rule applies, while the
conclusion (the rule’s consequent) assigns a membership function to each of one or more
output variables. Most tools for working with fuzzy expert systems allow more than one
conclusion per rule. The set of rules in a fuzzy system is known as the rule base or
knowledge base.
Complex physical systems are usually described by mathematical or numerical models.
The advantages of fuzzy rule-based models are computational speed and flexibility may
compensate for the possible loss in accuracy. It is suggested that fuzzy rule-based systems
could be used as a tool for modeling non-linear systems especially complex physical
systems. It is well known fact that the breakwater damage ratio estimation process is

Input Fuzzy Model Output

Fuzzification Sets & Rules Defuzzification

Fig. 4. The plan of fuzzy logic systems.

2096 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

dynamic and non-linear, so classical methods cannot be able to capture this behavior
resulting in unsatisfactory solutions.

4. Description of the data

The experimental data obtained by Yagci et al. (2004) were utilized to train and test the
artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic models (FL). In their study, Yagci et al.
(2004) tested the stability performance of the antifer units on the armor layer for the slopes
cotaZ1.25 (1 V/1.25 H), cotaZ1.5, cotaZ2.0, and cotaZ2.5 under irregular waves.
They applied 20 irregular wave series to the each slope. In other words, they applied
totally 80 wave series to all slopes. Each wave series had application duration of 8 min.
Further details about the experimental set-up and procedure may be found in Yagci et al.

5. ANN and FL applications to data

During the training of the artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic models (FL)
two types of studies were carried out. Firstly, training was based on 15 wave series for one
slope and the testing stage consisted of the remaining 5 wave series for the same slope. The
second part of the estimation study comprised a training data of 15 wave series for each
slope, 60 data sets in total, for all slopes were used to train the ANN and FL models. The
testing stage of each model comprised 5 data sets for each slope. The model estimations
were plotted together with the experimental values in the form of time series and scatter
plot. Mean square error values (MSE) were used as evaluation criterion to compare the
model performances.

5.1. Results of the ANN application

5.1.1. Training by cotaZ2.0 only

In this part of the study, the training of neural networks was done using the input and
output patterns for one slope, cotaZ2.0. The input layer consisted of three nodes
representing the Hs, Tm and Hs/Lm values, respectively. The unique output node
corresponded to the related damage ratio value. The trained neural networks were
employed consequently for the remaining 5 wave series. The best testing performance was
obtained with three hidden layer nodes in FFBP application. Similarly the spread
parameter values providing the best testing performance were equal to 0.08 and 0.10 for
RBF and GRNN, respectively. The testing estimations are plotted with experimental
values in the form of time series and scatter plot in Figs. 5–7. It is obvious that FFBP and
GRNN estimations are closer to the experimental values compared with RBF results.
However, it can be concluded that all three ANN models do not provide estimations
deviating significantly from experimental values (scatter plots in Figs. 5–7). The general
behaviour of the damage ratios are captured by three methods although the training data
set was quite limited. The multi-linear regression method (MLR) was selected for
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2097

0.016 FFBP 0.015

FFBP estimations
0.014 Experiment
Damage Ratio

0.006 0.005
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Experiment Number Experiment values

Fig. 5. Damage ratio estimations with FFBP for the testing period (training by cotaZ2.0 only).

0.02 0.02
Experiment RBF estimations
Damage ratio

0.016 0.015
0.01 0.01
0.006 0.005
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 6. Damage ratio estimations with RBF for the testing period (training by cotaZ2.0 only).

the purpose of comparison with ANNs for the same training and testing data sets. The
details of this method are explained in Appendix A. This MLR estimations were
unsatisfactory as can be seen from Fig. 8. The MSE values for the testing data are
presented in Table 1. The lowest MSE was obtained by GRNN.

5.1.2. Training by all slopes

In the second part of the ANN study, the training data set was extended by including the
wave series for other three slopes as well. In this case 15 input–output patterns were
considered for each slope (60 wave series in total). The testing series covered the
remaining 5 wave series for each slope (20 wave series in total). The input layer node
number increased to 4 since also cota (slope) value was considered. This enabled

GRNN estimations

0.016 GRNN
Damage ratio

0.014 Experiment
0.012 0.01
0.006 0.005
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 7. Damage ratio estimations with GRNN for the testing period (training by cotaZ2.0 only).
2098 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

0.08 MLR

MLR estimations
Damage Ratio

0.03 0.03
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010.012 0.014 0.016
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 8. Damage ratio estimations with MLR for the testing period (training by cotaZ2.0 only).

Table 1
Comparison of model application results for the testing period

Method MSE (training by cotaZ2.0 only) MSE (training by all slopes)

FFBP 1.1!10 K6
RBF 1.3!10K5 3.91!10K6
GRNN 7.0!10K7 4.02!10K7
MLR 2.6!10K3 9.6!10K3
Fuzzy model 2.1!10K7 4.0!10K7

the ANNs to learn more information about the breakwater stability by examining the
structure behaviour for different slopes. The output layer had the single damage ratio value
again. The best FFBP results were obtained for 5 hidden layer nodes. RBF and GRNN
models with spread values equal to 0.10 and 0.07, respectively, provided the most
satisfactory testing period results. The ANN estimations for damage ratio are plotted in
Figs. 9–11. For each slope there are two or three estimations deviating more from the
experimental values compared with the remaining points. However, in general, ANNs did
not provide physically implausible estimations simulating the damage ratio behavior
parallel to the experiments. The MSE values for the damage ratio estimations for
cotaZ2.0 are presented in Table 1. It is clear that including the wave series for different

Experiment 0.02
FFBP estimations

cot (α) = 0.015

0.016 cot (α) cot (α)
Damage ratio

=1.50 =2.00
0.012 0.01
0.006 0.005
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 9. Damage ratio estimations with FFBP for the testing period (training by all slopes).
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2099

0.025 cot (α) = 1.25 cot (α) = 2.50
cot (α) = 1.50 cot (α) = 2.00

RBF estimations
0.02 0.015
Damage ratio


0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 10. Damage ratio estimations with RBF for the testing period (training by all slopes).

Experiment 0.025
0.025 cot (α) = cot (α) =
GRNN estimations

1.25 cot (α)= 2.50 0.02

0.02 1.50 cot (α) =
Damage ratio

2.00 0.015

0.005 0.005

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 11. Damage ratio estimations with GRNN for the testing period (training by all slopes).

slopes increased the ANN estimation performance. The MLR performance was found
again unsatisfactory as can be seen from Fig. 12.
The feed forward back propagation (FFBP) algorithm has two significant drawbacks.
Firstly, the training simulation performance was dependent on the different random weight
assignment in the beginning of each training simulation. The FFBP network was trapped
by different local error minima each time and the desired error value was not attained.

0.14 Experiment
MLR estimations

Damage ratio

0.1 0.1

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Experiment number Experiment values

Fig. 12. Damage ratio estimations with MLR for the testing period (training by all slopes).
2100 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

Another drawback of FFBP like RBF is the negative value generation for low value
estimations. GRNN, on the other hand, does not provide negative predictions. Both RBF
and GRNN techniques learn in one pass through the data and can generalize from
examples as soon as they are stored. The spread parameter value of the GRNN method
provides information about the shape of the marginal probability distribution of the
continuous or intermittent flow series. The parameter value decreases with increasing
skewness. A single FFBP algorithm simulation has a training duration length nearly equal
to RBF network thanks to the employment of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm instead of
gradient descent method. Both FFBP and RBF algorithms have shorter training time with
respect to GRNN. This handicap can however be overcome easily with GRNN algorithms
including clustering, which was not employed in this study. Besides, it was seen that
multiple FFBP simulations were required until obtaining satisfactory performance criteria
and this total duration was longer than the unique GRNN or RBF application.

5.2. Results of the FL application

5.2.1. Training by cotaZ2.0 only

Similar to previous ANN applications the system’s inputs were mean wave period (Tm),
wave steepness (Hs/Lm) and significant wave height (Hs) and the system’s output was the
damage ratio as shown in Fig. 13. The data belongs to each input and output was divided
into subsets. Accordingly the Tm was divided into three subsets whereas this number was
found to be four for the remaining three inputs (Fig. 13).
Essentially, fuzzy sets constitute a distributive lattice between 0 and 1. Membership
degree and type for each subset was determined as explained by Zadeh (1965). The limits
of these subsets providing the lowest MSE at the end of training stage were found. Fuzzy
membership functions may take many forms, but in practical applications simple linear
functions are preferable (Sen, 1998). The membership functions in the system for four
inputs and output are illustrated in Fig. 14. The following step was the establishment of the
rules describing the physical behavior of each input. Though the probable total number of
these rules is 192 (4!4!4!3Z192), a rule number equal to 19 was found adequate
for the system. These rules are used to characterize the state of system. The fuzzy rules for
all the inputs and the output are presented in Table 2.

4 subsets

Fuzzy Model
Tm for one slope Damage Ratio
3 subsets with 19 Rules 4 subsets

Hs / Lm
4 subsets

Fig. 13. The fuzzy logic model for cotaZ2.0 only.

O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2101

Membership Function For Hs Membership Function For Tort

Membership Function
Membership Function

1.2 Low Low-medium Medium High

Low Medium High
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Hs Tort

Membership Function For Hs/Lort Membership Function For Damage Ratio

1.2 1.2
Membership Function

Membership Function
Low Low-medium Medium High Low Low-medium Medium High
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Hs/Lort Damage Ratio

Fig. 14. The membership functions for Hs, Tm, Hs/Lm and damage ratio.

Generally, defuzzification is carried out in environments in which all elements of the

output space are allowable values for crisp output. If no restrictions or forbidden zones in
universe of discourse are considered, the type of weighted averaging techniques, such as
center of area (COA) or mean of maxima (MOM) or their generalized forms basic
defuzzification distribution (BADD), semi linear defuzzification (SLIDE), and so on, work
well (Yager and Filev, 1994). In the presented study the centroid method (center of area
COA) was used through the defuzzification stage. The fuzzy model application results are

Table 2
Fuzzy rules for Hs, Tm, Hs/Lm and damage ratio (for cotaZ2.0 only)

Rules Hs Tm Hs/Lm Damage ratio

1 Low Low Low Low
2 Low medium Medium High Low
3 Low medium Low Low Low
4 Low medium Low medium Low medium Low medium
5 Medium Low Low Low
6 Medium Low medium Low medium Low medium
7 Medium Medium High Medium
8 Medium Medium Medium Low medium
9 Medium Low medium Low Low medium
10 High Low medium Low medium Medium
11 High Medium Low High
12 Low medium Medium Medium Low medium
13 High Medium Medium Medium
14 High Medium Medium High
15 Low medium Medium High Low medium
16 High Medium Low medium High
17 High Low medium low High
18 High Low medium Low medium High
19 High Medium Low medium High
2102 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

- - - - Fuzzy __
___ Experiment 0.016

Fuzzy Values
Damage Ratio

0.012 0.010
0.010 0.008
0.002 0.002
0.000 0.000
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015
Experiment Number Experiment Values

Fig. 15. Fuzzy model application results for cotaZ2.0.

plotted in Fig. 15. The FL estimates are close to the experimental values. The MSE value
for the testing period of this model is lower compared with three ANN methods in
(Table 1). In this study, MATLAB codes were written for the FL simulations.

5.2.2. Training by all slopes

The procedure pursued in establishing the fuzzy model for all slopes was identical with
the one slope case. The input number increased to four by adding the slope input. Thus, the
system’s inputs were Tm, Hs/Lm, Hs and the slope and the system’s unique output was the
damage ratio (Fig. 16). For fuzzification a subset number equal to 4 was found adequate
for all inputs. The output, however, was represented with 6 subsets. The rule number was
found as 64 (total probable rule numberZ4!4!4!4!6Z1536). The membership
functions are shown in Fig. 17. Through the defuzzification stage the centroid method was
Testing stage results are plotted in Fig. 18. The MSE obtained was lower than RBF
result but close to the FFBP and GRNN values (Table 1). The fuzzy estimation error for all
slopes is close to the previous fuzzy model application, where training was done for only
one slope.

4 subsets

4 subsets Fuzzy Model
for all slopes Damage Ratio
with 64 Rules 6 subsets
Hs/Lm (Mandani)
4 subsets

4 subsets

Fig. 16. The fuzzy logic model for all parameters (considering all slopes).
O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106 2103

Membership Function For Hs Membership Function For Tort

Membership Function

Membership Function
1.2 1.2
Low Low-medium Medium High Low Low-medium Medium High
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Hs Tort
Membership Function For Hs/Lort Membership Function For Slope

Membership Function
Membership Function

1.2 1.2
Low Low-medium Medium High Low Low-medium Medium High
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Hs/Lort Slope

Membership Function For Damage Ratio

Membership Function

Low Low-medium Medium Medium-high Semi-High High
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Damage Ratio

Fig. 17. The membership functions for all parameters (considering all slopes).

6. Discussion and conclusions

In the presented study the breakwater damage ratio values were estimated using three
different ANN models and a fuzzy logic model. It was seen that four models provided
quite close estimations to the experimental values. The extension of the training data set by
considering the data for all slopes improved the ANN estimation performance. This result

Fuzzy Model Values

- - - - Fuzzy _____ Experiment 0.014

0.018 0.010
Damage Ratio

0.014 0.008
0.010 0.006
0.008 0.004
0.004 0.002
0.000 0.000
1 6 11 16 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
Experiment Number Experiment Values

Fig. 18. Fuzzy model application results for all slopes.

2104 O. Yagci et al. / Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 2088–2106

can be explained with the increasing learning ability of ANNs with more information
added to the training data.
Since, FFBP method is very sensitive to the randomly assigned initial weight values
different estimation results can be obtained after each simulation even if the network
structure is kept constant. This problem, however, was not observed in GRNN and RBF
simulations and further, the GRNN and RBF approaches do not require an iterative
training procedure differing from FFBP. However, the forecasts of the GRNN method are
bounded by the minimum and maximum during the training phase and thus preventing the
network of making extrapolation. RBF and FFBP seem to be more convenient for the
extrapolation process but these two methods may generate negative estimations for low
experimental values similar to conventional methods such as multi-linear regression.
The fuzzy logic model estimations were close to those of the ANN methods. The
determination of the number of the fuzzy rules is quite significant from the point of the
computational time cost. The use of fuzzy logic appears to offer a good potential to
estimate damage ratio, because its execution closely mimics the environments. This
process requires the knowledge of the expert about the physical behavior of the system.
Employment of AI methods enables the consideration of wave period, wave steepness
and breakwater slope as well as wave height in the anticipation of damage ratio. The AI
applications are especially useful in the absence of adequate number of laboratory
experiments. Experimental data sets can be interpolated efficiently with AI simulations for
various combinations of ‘wave height, wave period, wave steepness and slope angle’. This
study has shown that artificial intelligence methods could be employed successfully in
breakwater damage ratio anticipation studies.

Appendix A. Multiple linear regression model

If y is a dependent variable and x1, x2,.,xi are independent variables, then the basic
model is given by Holder (1985)
y Z a C b1 x1 C b2 x2 C/C bi xi C e (A1)
where a, constant; bi, coefficients; and e, random variable. The model becomes non-linear
if log-transformed values are used for variables y and xi. In some cases a regression model
without a constant value equal to zero (aZ0) is preferred.


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