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Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

(Midterm- Second Week)
Maam CJ Chris Ramtom   

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
 Identify the contents of preliminary report.

 Understand document recording and filing system.


The nature of police works justifies and give emphasis on criminal records. To be fully effective, a
police system must be;

1. Must be comprehensive and should include every incident coming to the attention of the police.

2. Must be adequately indexed to permit ready references

3. Must be centralized to provide adequate control and maximum utilization of clerical personnel.

4. Must be as simple as possible, consistent with adequacy; and

5. Must lend itself to summarization and analysis to permit continuing appraisal of the police service.

1. Case records—these case record is the heart of any police record system.

A. It is basis for an analysis of offenses and the methods by which they are committed.

B. The following are the different types of reports included under the case records, which shall be
accordingly by all concerned.
 Complaint/Assignment sheet—the complaint’ assignment sheet is the foundation record of the police
 The desk officer, or clerk, or telephone operator receiving a call for police assistance accomplishes it.
 Each complaint/ assignment sheet be assigned a different number.


A. Complaint number

B. Case number
a. The complaint/ assignment sheet becomes the primary document for analysis of crime

b. While the investigation report becomes the prime documents for the continuation of the
investigate process.

c. Two (2) smooth copies of the complaint/ assignment sheet be made for each complaints
requiring a case report.
C. A separate complaint/ assignment sheet is required for each crime or incident reported to the police.

D. It makes no difference whether the complaint is reported by telephone, by letter, in person at the
police desk, to an officer on duty, or otherwise.

E. The complaint/ assignment sheet is registered by stamping a serial number on each, when registered,
the complaint/ assignment sheet becomes a part of the record system.

F. There shall be a consecutive series of complaint numbers assigned by the desk officer.

G. The complaint number must not be confused with the case number

H. All incidents shall receive a complaint number, however, only those incidents requiring a police
investigation shall receive a case number.

I. The case number identifies each case and all other papers and report relating to it and serve as a
basis for filing.

J. The desk officer receiving the call need to obtain detailed information from the complainant but
should the basic information needed to prepare the complaint/ assignment sheet.

K. If the complaint is lodged in the precinct, the desk officer of the precinct shall prepare the complaint/
assignment sheet in two(2) copies indicating therefore the complaint number assigned by the central
record unit.


1. The offense
2. Current date / time
3. Date and time of offense if known
4. Identification date pertaining to victim or other reporting party
5. Location of offense
6. Method of operation
7. Identification data pertaining to suspect(s)
8. Identification of officer(s)

Note: Based on eight (8) basic requirements in writing a preliminary report require student to prepare a report
based on the scenario you read in the newspaper. Let the students follow up the case based on the newspaper
until final report is completed.

PROGRESS REPORT: Describe progress of the investigation from time to time and ensure constant follow

FINAL INVESTIGATION REPORT is rendered when case is completed, that is complaint(s), witnesses,
sufficiency of evidence and perpetrator are identified so as to warrant filling of case and / or termination of
investigation due to circumstances listed above.


I. Project summary
II. Objectives
III. Marked study
IV. Technical study
V. Financial study
VI. Socio-economic study
VII. Organization & management study

A feasibility study is a thorough and systematic analysis of the future that will affect the possibility of
success of proposed project/ undertaking.

The project feasibility study is really a synthesis of separate studies usually dealing with the market,
technical, financial, socio-economic, and management aspect of the project.

A project feasibility study is an essential medium of progress both as a means to initiate profitable
projects for sectoral enhancement and expansion and to evaluate actual results.
Its primary purpose is to enhance the probability to success of a specific, understanding it is a result of the belief
that a carefully planned activity has better chances to succeed than an activity without a previous plan.

The project feasibility study is one of the best instrument to meet the challenges of constant change.
The project summary presents the highlights, descriptive definition, long-range objectives, feasibility
criteria, history and basic conclusion of the project under study. It gives the analyst and the financer
a ‘capsule view’ of the whole project (technology and livelihood resource center,2020).

In outline form, the project summary is described as follows:

A. Name of enterprise
Briefly explain the reason for such choice of name.

B. Location
Pinpoint the location of the head office and the plant site and give the main reason for
choosing them. The factors which affect the choice of locations are the source of the raw
materials, labor, and utilities, proximity to the market; nature of available transportation; and
the cost of land and buildings. The project must be location where maximum efficiency can
be attained at the lowest possible cost.

C. Descriptive definition of the project

. Related National Program
- Is the project in line with ant government-encouraged undertaking?
. Affinity to regional or sectoral studies
- Is the project a result of encouraging findings in the certain regions or sectors of the
. Project potential and proponent
- Give a conceptual description of the project’s potential worth and importance and the
men behind it.
D. Project Long- range objectives
What does the project expect to achieve in 5 years in terms of size, capacity, volume, worth,
role in the industry and in the economy it.

E. Feasibility Criteria
What were the most important guidelines used to judge the feasibility of the project/ what is
profitability? Do it seriously consider the impact on the socio- economic environment?

F. Highlight of the criteria

. History
. How did the project come about?
. Project timetable and status
. How long will take it take before the project goes into operation
. What stage is the project presently in?
. Nature of the industry
. Briefly describe the industry, its product lines, the demand- supply situations, history,
growth patterns, problems and potentials, and role in the economy.

. Mode of financing
. briefly discuss the sources of funds, the financing terms and the reasons for choosing
such sources and terms.
. Investment cost
- How much funds are necessary to make the project operational?
- How are these funds allocated?

II. Objectives
This portion tells why the project is being studied and identify its advantages. It should also be
able to answer:What does the project expect to achieve in term of size, capacity, volume,
worth,role in its industry and in the economy , etc. Good objectives are:

S pecific
M easurable
A chievable
R elevant
T ime-Bounded
C ommunicated
O wned/original
W ritten

G. Major assumptions and summary of findings and conclusions on the following:

III.Market Feasibility
Discuss the nature of the unsatisfied demand which the peoject seeks to meet, its growth and manner in
which it is to be met. Here, the supply –demand situation is examined ,the target markets analysed,and the
marketing program formulated.

IV.Technical Feasability
Discuss the nature of the product line ,the technology necessary for production ,its availability ,the product
mix of production resources, and the optimum production volume.

V. Present the overall financial picture in terms of operating cash requirements, profitability and cash.

VI. Socio-Economic Feasibility

What are the effects of the project on society and the economy as a whole? Is it generally beneficial to the
people? Is it in line with the economy’s development programs?

VIII. Organization and Management Feasibility

What is the management structure? Is it appropriate for the managerial needs of the project? What is the
salary scale? Is it compatible with industry standards ?

ACTVITY1-The Market Study

The market study is the lifeblood of a project feasibility study. While profitability is generally the focal point
of project study, the question of demand is an important issue .It is therefore, necessary that the market study be
given important consideration.

A .Determine:

The size, nature, and growth of total demand for the project or service.
Determine past demand (5years). Project demand (5 years )

ACTIVITY 2-The Technical Study

After the market study, the technical feasibility of the project is analysed.

1. Select:
The manufacturing process or services process.

The machinery/ tools needed capacity and design.

The source of machinery, the plant location, the plant layout, the structure specification,

The bill of the materials, raw materials and their sources.

The quantity and quality of the product /service to be produced /sold. The labor needed, both skilled and
unskilled ,the waste disposal method, the transportation necessary.

3.Provide estimation of the total project cost and enumerates the major items of capital cost.

4.List down in details estimated production and overhead that will go into operating the proposed project.

5.List any major technological development in the industry which may affect the commercial or technical
soundness of the project.

ACTIVITY 3-The Financial Study

Since all projects are considered viable only when they are expected to be profitable to meet the short
term obligation, to be liquid and to remain liquid during adversities , to grow in their ability to finance their
operations mostly from networth sources rather than credit applications , to be able to service their financing
charges ,the aspect is a very important part of every project feasibility study.

As such, this portion should show in specified terms whether the project will be profitable even with
existing competition and unfavorable economic conditions , and present detailed figures to show the
improvement of the projects financial condition over time.

These may be shown by the preparation of the statements and schedules on the profits expected to be
realized, the modes of financing needed to optimize the projects performance the manner and period of
repaying creditors ,and other financial consideration which are vital to success of the venture .


Total project cost
1.Initial working capital requirements
2.Alternative sources of financing ,if any
3.Sources of financing the project
4.Beginning the pro-formula financial statements

Financial analysis –this present the overall financial picture in terms of operating cash requirements,
profitability, and cash flow.

Socio-economic study - this part answers the questions: What are the effects of the project on society and
the economy as a whole? Is it generally beneficial to the people? Is it in line with the economy's
development program?

ACTIVITY 4 -The Organization and Management Study

After setting the objectives and the ways and means of attaining them, the overall implementation plan
is discussed in the organization and management study.

Describe: The basic consideration in forming the organization. The form of ownership, what is the
salary scale? Is it compatible with industry standards? The organizational chart. The officers and
key personnel

ACTIVITY 5 - The Socio-Economic study

A project, to be worthy of financing, especially from government institutions, should be geared
toward not only profit generation but also social and economic benefits. This portion of the study will serve as
an aid in determining the socio-economic contribution the project can offer.

1. Briefly explain how the project will affect:

a. Employment and income, considering the improvement in the standards of
living of families and individuals.

b. Taxes, showing the increased revenues the improvement in the standards

of living of families and individuals.

c. Supply of commodities, observing the different possibilities of influencing

prices and foreio-n exchange balances.
d. Demand for materials to aid local producers.

By generating employment and income. The project directly benefits individuals and families.
Indirectly, the entire economy may be benefited. More income in the hands of the people would mean greater
demand for other goods. This additional demand may, in turn, stimulate the production Of more of the other
goods, thereby generating further employment and income. It must be noted, however, that this can happen
only when there is some unemployment in the economy and where more materials are readily accessible to
those producers who wish to respond to the additional demand. A better understanding of this phenomenon
entails a firm grasp of basic economics.

The production activity of the project favorably affects the supply situation of the industry in vari0US
ways. Where there is an adequate seller, the project's entry alleviates the supply shortage and lowers prices

In an overcrowded industry, the project may improve product quality and/or decrease prices if it is
highly competitive in its entry.
At the same time, the production activity exerts additional demands for raw materials and other
industrial inputs. This stimulates the production of the latter items and helps promote industry linkages.

In both generation of employment and income and the production activity, the governments stand to
benefit through revenues from taxes.

Prepared by:
Ma’am Christie Joy Ramos Tormis-Buante, RC

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