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Th.' I rife rrnalkon 6.r. I. I.IO elEkirn•Brit

1; 41011f, it wroirounic4,..r, ach•r it! r•ccl
or Indiretil V. to 1.11.- Pl. Miler 1:o any p
nae anerha rl zed ie rec[Ir• 1 C


1. Page S.
Generol Note, eldci iico remr„ sin irotl.Ave
ASSOC ATM 11.t 1;::g
14. The ...mot akkociAted wnnally ctrirri.03
in the linklult, will be with the ].:1/4.1(= ai rll time& on occasiorl9 Jan.,1215
it may Also be necemary fnr the Lripail 7u wcuorrilmny the aertitth,
circtum.lanevA pyLpy Afiet wht-n the 1.1014.141 will mkt he the most
con,:cniunt nwtlrnd carrxing the 1.111 9.1,Prh
neetien CMI1 rtnde will arrlinge the disTributi0.11 Ent Carriage of the
the rerpitirrrn0 enkimiZed.
C▪ hen in ae tkyn, when anion is anticipatecl unit as spell Limrx
els iL is ttut tirl5Vellitlit for ail.: m'AlLer tat lyo carried ii5 ale hoLEuJI, iL
will Lit in the poressi.ers 01 No- 1.
W hen r15c.ht510411 ti curriv41, it wi3l „c #ho re..1141Mibitily of No. 3,
whilst ihr. carei,tite {If the 11-iputl, Wik'n lit'imoiged
itk,in rite !..e.CCiorh."

2. Page 7.
9.s.ory 1. par& 1, sub-para, line .1.15 add new note—
" 3L is i i cILIJJL that imnpiocritinn be. cArnnetl beforr buine
into magas...inch O I ur RrraLi fin the. mantis will prevent the 3±n, IPIS
eartriglge cans from being T ill,CliVvly 5.0:1.1ed in the chamber. 1110
Rates m WW1 dso C-11.11114.4! cure anal Nirike the ElkIe.
ur Ott ipre.e.C11 block, (See ahie Lesaoe fi, {)'EE. Erosion of
breeds block.) "

3. PAge 9-
(d} 1,c on 1. num 3, Sk.113,11E1111. ii. .dfIrr heading ail new Nnh.
wl?• iram.--
" Open the eke' Lan opening cover, ensuring that the .Aeati-t.2
retch L vlipl.!„,e4 in thC Opsnrcl 1i iiitiun.*"
U) At root of page adif NOTE-
" N(1"1'r,_—rnsuilre5 4.1 exprmainrt, trathirkg Cpurn kthilt

fµplure to- enmirto Uhl .41p.OFTIPR ...I 1115 ejection 4.-giv 4r1 }tour
been rrputkd."

Vickers MG Colleclion & Research Assocalion -

4. Page 14.
Li-w1.11 3. 144!...I Nutes—liburr-A. i.Parrbe i.40
C4LSIE " and 171103Irrillitir "

S. Page 14,
1, Imo 5, iiiii ueiorra Kates
tnefl " (M c/ gre.trrireire
U. Pa me 22-
Parom. 1 Ar.i. 2, Delete and Arthirirror riLST rarai—
E1,1.!:111 (fr... lime).
(]) Kh.phin Th.o. die 17o1d:11.1 1.4 110Siifh.1141 Nialycrityk
kir the LIM-5k AS ;I mr..e.nient hiongh, of airevjhu aE
Angiciased Alrort-4,

(i i) Tirrir,h the euriteziota knrIniroihoLl p Are 34 in Fr —

cie,arking, cylinder (Mk I hi- Mk IF),

aul/ pr Eget 4,13, (Mk I/1)-

Centre. oockei
TeAp Jell pocket (C)— Ilreeeh Nod:, spire.
Top centre pocket (D)—Mop. cylinder, eleani'mg
(Nlk I or Mk II).
Brush. wire, cylincipr. ckeheng (Itik f or r.,Lik I I),
P1.1 II i 11r,f1ligh—Single.
.1.09 ICft _Pdakel strAPhicml reurtioineil
iu ai] bottler hens in 1.30erlitej, r
fiiil See Omen.; Notea. perk. .14.,

2. 'ILVialc.T,
(i.1 thar et reyeal/el Thoce sion,w hich crc
iE+} hF reep.rireel irurnedigral. Nu, I. rt r
will oilmly* be with The gLIti. (•Sh• tirwrdi
porn. 14).
(iii Taeis The .cantdiki..--
Tools, COliribinsitinn (Mk I).
riot/Ice, oil (.Nelh IV).
Cana. oil (MG Mk /1 V-
9rnral pnrtt, No. 4 (Mk, E). "'
7. Insert P'[..rte To .1rU.I4 .11,.qe 22.

Vickers MG Collection S. Research Assocalion -

)irr Eluo burs; 9)ialrovam - kicgle3essy LiaMOSOti gMap 110 S.I.D5pV;

rAri "N ,

isw p.- laryri sixtuo

RS Mor 7rOVN1ra
rtpled 'Irerndirki Thy
iv} wre !Audio
igme..4144.2.5 TIM/
- •SmrwriAlo
— • a 3T7..„1'1.4)70ti

rmid3 .).ocro lo-row

▪ 1130rAi


hc•• nolj
OrglrilaW 'emrve TAD
oeVrt1111. /WV MAYS
Ow PP rim) %WW2 WoAcEtlail+7]) ViNIK)
sairrio 5699 Low ,Wo-AOIDAGt?wN)
- WPM ▪ 13SiOad
S. Par- e 2i.
1...esaon 6, para. 4, line 10. After " Fare of brerrh Mewl,"
ad t-ottowinR rfstaiil—
"—C44rc muxr be ukcn crhtirc thst iltii pi.rtion im dry, ns A MA I
- -
iii On bring tak.ated iy iiring rapi..11!.' cititar cnrr.-Nicin," - 1.04g
9. Page 26.
Lemon 6, pant, 6. After line 16 add new inab-para.—
&Mal. " It mulct be ensured that all deroqics of 0..)rroill"..' tiernent‘ are
iv r, removed hunt the fiwt, of the breech 114.A—the ipiaA r ofec tiier
to do this L to wash with kh 1I1nF water_ AfLer the hrte4.41
block must be thciroughty dried And cooled before being tinnily

Page 32.
I,esson B. IrrortictiseA NdreN—Senres. DeJei "mllet " sod
Lubslitrtte "
II. Page 41.
Lcsxon 12. letNtructor'.5 1.1 4rir " ." after
'" and substitute the 14-.1 I.) wing—'• and licad1111
12, Page 51.
Chapter 1V, Section Ilandfing. Para. 3. Under heading
" No. .2 Brea "—
(oP Line " 6.1 " and if4hOiturr " 72."
V" AY. tine 7 t M " 1 Inh1.11/,–
Pawe 53,
Lesvm 15, instructor% Nores Alth-parr i, line 1.
Vela( " male " and tan? 'trot( " 11..41411."
4, Page 57.
"l'el•I‘ of Elementary Training. column 1— Tect and
OA Under No. 4.
1.4141.• "W;111ct" and stiNtindr "
Of snder rc0, 5.
Pririe " Wallet."

Prepared bF the General stair arid istued tinder the d'irrctina

of the COrninander-in-Chief, licadquarkers, AustrAirin Military

A. : V.Chari:,1} RdIRstrays Prinlqap Works, North mroboirf*.rgiztrit

Vickers MG Collection & Research Assocation -

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