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Evaluating the aggregate structure in hot-mix asphalt using three-dimensional

computer modeling and particle packing simulations

Article  in  Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering · February 2011

DOI: 10.1139/l06-046


15 335

2 authors:

Naga Shashidhar Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan

Corning Incorporated Iowa State University


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Evaluating the aggregate structure in hot-mix

asphalt using three-dimensional computer
modeling and particle packing simulations
Naga Shashidhar and Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan

Abstract: In a hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, the aggregate structure serves as a backbone and is primarily respon-
sible for resisting pavement distresses. A sound aggregate structure implies optimal packing of aggregates providing
both particle–particle contact and sufficient void space to fill in asphalt. In this paper, three-dimensional particle pack-
ing concepts are applied to the study of aggregate structure in HMA. A sequential deposition packing algorithm was
used for packing typical aggregate gradations. The packing fraction and the distribution of particle–particle contacts in
the simulated compact were studied. The packing simulation gave satisfactory results when aggregates above a certain
minimum size were considered. Regression models were established to estimate the coordination number of any size
aggregate in the compact. Such studies, in conjunction with the recent advances in X-ray computed tomography imag-
ing techniques and discrete element modeling (DEM) simulations, have tremendous potential to help develop a deeper
understanding of the HMA aggregate structure, develop and optimize the various parameters that describe the aggregate
structure, and relate these parameters to the performance of pavements in a scientific way.
Key words: packing, aggregate structure, computer simulation, aggregate–aggregate contact, pavement performance.
Résumé : Dans une mélange à chaud de béton bitumineux (« hot-mix asphalt (HMA) »), l’agencement des granulats
sert de squelette et est la principale source de la résistance des chaussées contre les dommages importants. Un sain
agencement des granulats implique un tassement optimal des granulats, avec un contact particule à particule et suffi-
samment de vides pour les remplir de béton bitumineux. Le présent article applique les concepts tridimensionnels de
tassement des particules à l’étude de l’agencement des granulats dans les HMA. Un algorithme de tassement avec dé-
position séquentielle a été utilisé pour le tassement des granulométries typiques des granulats. La fraction de tassement
et la distribution des contacts interparticule dans le compactage simulé ont aussi été étudiées. La simulation de tasse-
ment a offert des résultats satisfaisants lorsque des granulats plus gros qu’une certaine dimension minimale ont été
considérés. Des modèles de régression ont été établis pour estimer l’indice de coordination d’un granulat de toute di-
mension dans le bitume compacté. De telles études, en conjonction avec les plus récents avancements dans les techni-
ques d’imagerie par tomographie aux rayons X assistée par ordinateur et les simulations par modélisation par éléments
discrets (« discrete element modeling (DEM) »), présentent un potentiel énorme pour nous aider à mieux comprendre
l’agencement des granulats HMA et le relier au rendement des bétons bitumineux de manière scientifique.
Mots clés : tassement, agencement des granulats, simulation par ordinateur, contact granulat–granulat, comportement de
la chaussée.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Shashidhar and Gopalakrishnan 954

Introduction A typical dense-graded hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement

is made of 86% by volume of aggregates bound with about
When a truck applies a load on pavement, the load is 10% by volume of asphalt and incorporates 4% air voids.
distributed and transmitted to the layers underneath. The asphalt binder is a viscoelastic material that has a much
Thus, the function of the pavement is to transfer and dis- lower ability to carry loads when compared to aggregates.
tribute the load and provide a smooth surface for a pleas- Since the binder is viscoelastic, it tends to deform and flow
ant ride. under load. It is generally recognized that the coarse aggre-

Received 16 March 2005. Revision accepted 2 March 2006. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on
22 September 2006.
N. Shashidhar.1 FHWA/Soil and Land Use Technology, Inc., 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101, USA.
K. Gopalakrishnan.2,3 Turner–Fairbanks Highway Research Center, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101, USA.
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be received by the Editor until 31 December 2006.
Present address: Corning Inc., One Riverfront Plaza, HP-CB-08-7, Corning, NY 14831, USA.
Corresponding author (e-mail:
Present address: Department of Civil Engineering, 498 Town Engineering Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 33: 945–954 (2006) doi:10.1139/L06-046 © 2006 NRC Canada
946 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 33, 2006

gates in HMA pavements form a skeleton that primarily sup- Brown and Haddock 1996). At the National Center for As-
ports the load. phalt Technology (NCAT), Brown et al. (1998) investigated
Shashidhar et al. (2000) showed that the stress is transmit- the ability of different compaction techniques (such as the
ted from particle to particle through the aggregate skeleton Marshall hammer and the Superpave gyratory compactor) to
in HMA. Using photoelastic methods, it was shown that the determine whether stone-on-stone contact exists in the
loads were transmitted from aggregate to aggregate in a two- coarse aggregate fraction of SMA mixes. One of the meth-
dimensional representation of asphalt concrete. Appropriate ods currently used at the NCAT is to dry-rod the coarse ag-
sized glass disks (6.3 mm thick) were used to simulate gregate and determine the voids in the coarse aggregate in
coarse aggregates (i.e., aggregates larger than 4.35 mm in di- the dry-rodded condition (VCADRC) (AASHTO 2000). It is
ameter). Fine aggregates and asphalt were used with these assumed that stone-on-stone contact exists if voids in the
disks to represent coarse, fine, and stone matrix asphalt coarse aggregate (VCA) in the mixture is equal to or less
(SMA) gradations. These gradations were compacted in a than VCADRC. It is not clear, however, to what extent the
two-dimensional assembly such that the glass disks were stone-on-stone contact exists.
transparent to light. The stresses in the glass disks could be Aggregate interlock can be fully characterized if all the
studied when this sample was stressed with a static load and particle–particle contacts in a compact are counted, the aver-
viewed under polarized light. It was qualitatively shown that age number of contacts per particle is calculated, and the
the stresses are conducted from particle to particle. It was stability of this structure is somehow established. If all the
also shown that different aggregate gradations give different characteristics can be measured, it will be possible to study
aggregate structures and therefore different stress patterns. the effects of various parameters on aggregate interlock,
There is much key evidence that supports the significance such as aggregate gradation, angularity, and the influence of
of aggregate structure in HMA. The better performance of flat and elongated particles. The mix can then be optimized
SMA is attributed to a better coarse aggregate skeleton in to give the most stable structure. If the aggregate characteris-
these mixes compared to that in the dense-graded HMA tics can be optimized to give the most stable structure, the
(Scherocman 1991; Brown et al. 1998). The Bailey method mix should become extremely resistant to rutting and the in-
of gradation selection (Vavrik et al. 2001) reportedly pro- fluence of the asphalt binder should be minimal.
duces an aggregate blend that is packed together in a sys- It is extremely difficult to measure the aggregate–aggregate
tematic manner to form an aggregate skeleton. This method contacts directly. Perhaps the nature of relationships between
has been successfully used by the Illinois Department of the aggregate characteristics and the aggregate interlock could
Transportation (IDOT) to design and control mixes for their be evaluated by other techniques, and then such relationships
projects. could be used to achieve the best aggregate skeleton. Physical
Although the Bailey method is intuitive, there are several methods such as the paint method (Bernal and Mason 1960)
points that need clarification. It is generally considered that and optical techniques (Bernal et al. 1970) have been used to
coarse aggregates form the aggregate skeleton, and it is un- study the contacts between the particles. These methods are
clear how these coarse aggregates are defined. In general, tedious, however, and do not have the resolution necessary to
aggregates greater than the 4.75 mm sieve (No. 4) or the distinguish between contacts and near-contacts. Also, it is not
2.36 mm sieve (No. 8) are considered as coarse aggregates. known how these methods will perform if the aggregates vary
The Bailey method defines the cut-off for the coarse aggre- in size. In areas such as ceramics and powder metallurgy,
gate as the nominal maximum aggregate size multiplied by computer-simulation methods have proven to be effective and
0.22. Since the origins of these cut-off limits are uncertain, it consistent in studying the contacts and their distributions in
is unclear if the aggregates below this cut-off will participate random packing structures (Nolan and Kavanagh 1993).
in aggregate skeleton. It is also uncertain what effect the ag- The discrete element method (DEM) (Cundall and Strack
gregate gradation will have on this cut-off. Also, if the role 1979) has been used for modeling granular systems. The
of coarse aggregates is defined as skeleton forming, what DEM treats particles as distinct interacting bodies. Interac-
would be the role of fine aggregates? Do they just fill the tions between particles are described by contact laws that
voids in the skeleton and make the mix less pervious? This define forces and moments created by relative motions of the
is important because they increase the durability of the pave- particles. DEM offers a better opportunity to understand the
ments in this role. micromechanical behavior of granular materials considering
Although the importance of aggregate structure (namely, particulate assembly using microparameters such as average
coarse aggregate interlock) in HMA is widely recognized, coordination number, induced anisotropy coefficients, and
there are no direct methods of estimating the degree of ag- fabric tensors. Contact type is identified by contact proper-
gregate interlock. The recent developments in computer ties such as normal stiffness, tangential stiffness, coefficient
technology, image-analysis techniques, and nondestructive of friction, and adhesion between types of particles
imaging (such as X-ray computed tomography) have demon- (Sitharam et al. 2004).
strated the potential to quantify the aggregate structure in Detailed microscopic information in a numerically simu-
HMA. These methods have been applied recently in study- lated assembly of spheres can be used to trace the evolution
ing the differences among different laboratory compaction of the microstructure and the contact forces during shear de-
methods, improving the simulation of laboratory compaction formations. Numerical simulations using DEM on plane as-
to field compaction, and predicting the permeability of semblies of discs by several researchers have been used to
HMA mixtures (Masad and Button 2004). study such relationships (Cundall 1978; Cundall and Strack
The presence of aggregate interlock in SMA has been in- 1979; Rothenburg 1980; Bathrust 1985; Jean and Moreau
vestigated using indirect methods (Brown and Mallick 1995; 1992; Rothenburg and Bathurst 1992). In particulate media,

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Shashidhar and Gopalakrishnan 947

each particle will be in contact with several of its neighbors, possible to use mathematical descriptors for particle shape
forming a group where each particle interacts with neighbors and surface texture and introduce flat and elongated parti-
at the contact point and through contact forces (Sitharam et cles, and thereby study their effects on HMA properties.
al. 2004). Also, the computer could be programmed to find the opti-
To extend the DEM techniques to real aggregates, one ma- mized gradation that would yield a mix with desired proper-
jor step involves using a range of particle sizes. Zhong et al. ties. In this loop, the computer would start with an initial
(2000) developed methods to use this technique for accom- gradation and calculate the characteristics of the compact. It
modating particles with sizes spanning two decades. The de- could then vary the inputs and check the characteristics of
termination of the initial structure of the granular assembly the compact in a closed loop until the desired characteristics
is an important input to this modeling. The typical technique are achieved.
to obtain this starting assembly is particle packing simula- Perhaps the most significant benefit is that computer sim-
tions. Although simulation methods have been used exten- ulations cost less and require less effort than conducting real
sively in modeling the microstructure of Portland cement experiments. It is admitted that it takes effort to develop the
concrete (Bentz 1997), their application for studying asphalt computer code and theory and validate the code, but, once
concrete is relatively new. This paper demonstrates the po- developed, several simulations can be run in a short time.
tential benefits of using particle packing simulations to study For instance, if the effect of different gradations on the den-
the aggregate structure in HMA. sity of HMA was to be evaluated, the aggregates have to be
The asphalt materials team at the Turner–Fairbanks High- sieved and batched. They have to be heated, mixed with hot
way Research Center (TFHRC) is currently working to de- asphalt, compacted, and cooled. Then the specific gravity
velop the scientific basis underlying the HMA mix design has to be measured by, say, the saturated surface-dry method
process and to establish criteria to predict pavement perfor- (AASHTO 2005). The whole process could take as long as a
mance through a multidisciplinary initiative entitled Simula- day to test one sample. If, however, a computer simulation
tion, imaging and mechanics of asphalt pavement (SIMAP). technique has been developed, the complete testing for a
Shashidhar et al. (2000) modeled and studied the stress pat- given gradation can be done in a few minutes. Furthermore,
terns within unbound aggregates in HMA using DEM tech- the variability in measured properties would be much higher
niques. This paper focuses on applying particle packing than what could be obtained through computer simulation
simulation concepts for modeling the microstructure of HMA. techniques. Sometimes the real differences between proper-
The modeling is expected to start by simulating the packing ties may not be detected by physical testing because the
of spherical particles with a specified gradation, and then add noise level is so high. In simulation, it is possible to achieve
other factors such as surface roughness, presence of asphalt a much lower coefficient of variation. Multiple simulation
binder, and aggregate angularity. The model is expected to runs can further reduce the coefficient of variation.
calculate characteristics of the compacted asphalt mixture, If an anomalous result is obtained by computer simula-
such as bulk density, voids content, void distribution, and av- tion, the resultant compact can be examined to determine if
erage coordination number of each particle, and yield infor- there was anything unusual in the compact. In a physical
mation useful to mixture design and particulate mechanics sample, however, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the
modeling of HMA. cause of such anomalies unless techniques like X-ray com-
puted tomography are available.
An important benefit of modeling and simulations is that
Potential benefits of computer simulation they increase our understanding of the mechanism behind
Computer simulations could be used to study the aggregate certain phenomena. For instance, when the permeability of
skeleton. For instance, Gopalakrishnan et al. (2005) have suc- concrete was higher than it should have been, several tests
cessfully developed a method to estimate the degree of com- were conducted. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the
paction in HMA by studying the aggregate structure from concrete indicated the cement matrix to contain more air
two-dimensional image analysis of HMA specimens and from voids adjacent to the aggregate particles. Computer model-
results obtained from computer simulations. A two- ing of diffusion (Garboczi and Bentz 1992) was able to show
dimensional cross section of HMA was simulated in a com- that the increased air voids could indeed increase the diffu-
puter using the mixture design information, and certain statis- sion rate. By knowing this information, low-permeability
tical parameters based on nearest-neighbor distance methods concrete could be designed.
were computed. The simulation results were compared with
the results obtained from the image analysis of actual HMA Particle packing simulations
specimens, and both results compared favorably.
In computer packing simulation, the gradation is input Many types of computer simulations have been used in
into the computer. The computer then packs the particles particle packing studies as reviewed by Barker (1994). One
into a compact. An advantage of studying computer- of the earliest and the simplest is the sequential deposition
simulated models as opposed to physical models is that the of spheres under unidirectional gravitational force (Vischer
geometrical properties of the packing structure can be accu- and Bolsterli 1972). In particle packing simulations, a parti-
rately determined, as the particle coordinates are precisely cle system (e.g., powder) with a spread of particle sizes is
known to the machine accuracy of the computer. Since the closely approximated to a logarithm-normal or Gaussian dis-
exact locations of these particles are known, the number of tribution and is studied by computer simulated packing of
contacts, the coordination number of these contacts, and spheres. The packing density or packing fraction is one of
other characteristics of the compact can be estimated. It is the most significant outcomes of such a modeling study.

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In addition to packing fraction, the distribution of the gates in the simulated compact. At the present moment, such
number of contacts (or coordination number) is considered a simulation is not practical, and hence it becomes necessary
to be an important characteristic of the simulated compact. to restrict the minimum aggregate size for packing, irrespec-
A quantitative description of the contacts between aggre- tive of the actual gradation. This will become clearer during
gates becomes a necessity in granular materials because the the case study discussion.
load is always transferred as chains through contacts in gran-
ular materials (Dantu 1957). The coordination number indi-
Packing algorithm
cates the number of particles in contact with a given particle.
In most random packing studies, the distribution of coordi- The packing algorithm used in this study is similar to that
nation numbers has been found to be effective in characteriz- of Vischer and Bolsterli (1972) and Jullien and Meakin
ing the packing geometry and in studying the structural (1987). The spheres are added to a box sequentially under a
properties of particle packings (Powell 1980). As noted ear- unidirectional gravitational force, and each sphere is rolled
lier, the physical methods for determining these contacts, to its stable position. The stable position is defined as that
which include the paint method (Bernal and Mason 1960) position where a sphere rests on three contacts. The spheres
and the optical techniques (Bernal et al. 1970), do not have are dropped from random locations within the box. The al-
the resolution necessary to distinguish between contacts and gorithm includes five attempts for each sphere to find its
near-contacts. To study these contacts and their distributions, lowest (minimum-energy) position, which was characterized
computer simulations are more appropriate. by Vischer and Bolsterli as reproducing the effect of vibra-
The effect of size distributions on packing characteristics of tion on the settling sphere. The packing fraction or packing
the particles have been studied through physical experiments density, defined as the volume occupied by particles per unit
(Sohn and Moreland 1968; Dexter and Tanner 1972) and com- volume of the compact, is calculated on a central core inside
puter simulations (Nolan and Kavanagh 1993). These studies the box to avoid edge effects. Currently, the program can ac-
have typically used logarithm-normal or Gaussian particle-size commodate 25 different particle sizes. It is noted that the
distributions with systematic variation of the standard deviation packing model is currently designed to pack aggregates in
(or range of particle sizes). These studies showed that the pack- the form of solid spheres.
ing fraction increased as the standard deviation of the particle- The first step in packing simulation is to validate the
size distribution increased. When computer simulations are packing program by comparing the results it produces with
used, a rather narrow particle-size range has to be used. For in- the data reported in the literature. To do this, two different
stance, Nolan and Kavanagh (1993) used a particle-size range studies were conducted. In the first study, 10 000 spheres
of 0–20, whereas Powell (1980) used sizes from 0.0 to 1.0. The 10 mm in diameter were packed in a box of dimensions
researchers who used theoretical models have used wider size 200 mm × 200 mm. This set-up had a box size to sphere di-
distributions. For instance, Bierwagen and Saunders (1974) ameter ratio of 20:1. To avoid edge effects, the outer 10 mm
used particles of sizes ranging from 0.1 to 10.0, a two-decade layer of the box was cut from all sides, and only the inside
range. Packing aggregate gradations for HMA range from core was used for further analysis. Four independent simula-
19.0 mm to less than 0.075 mm, a span of 2.5 decades. tions gave a packing fraction of 0.5939 and a standard devia-
Packing granular materials of wide ranges of particle sizes has tion of 0.0011. In the second experiment, 80 000 spheres
not been reported in the literature. 3 mm in diameter were packed in a 120 mm × 120 mm box
to yield a box size to sphere diameter ratio of 40:1. Four in-
dependent simulations yielded a packing fraction of 0.5940
Special needs for hot-mix asphalt
with a standard deviation of 0.0006. By increasing the box
Applying particle packing simulations to design HMA has size to sphere diameter ratio from 20:1 to 40:1, the mean
significant potential benefits and associated challenges. Pre- packing fraction changed a little while halving the standard
viously, particle packing techniques have been successfully deviation. These results are comparable to the values re-
applied to cement concrete to maximize the amount of ag- ported in the literature, which are generally in the range of
gregates that can be put in the concrete. HMA differs from 0.58–0.60 for monosized spheres (Vischer and Bolsterli
Portland cement concrete, however, in the functionality of its 1972; Powell 1980).
constituents. Portland cement is stronger and stiffer, with its
modulus and strength being in the same order as those of the Case study
aggregates, which is not the same case with asphalt cement.
In HMA, the primary means of withstanding a compressive In an effort to evaluate individual aggregate gradations in
load is by aggregate–aggregate contact, shear loads by ag- terms of construction characteristics and pavement perfor-
gregate interlock, and tensile stresses by the strength of as- mance, Goode and Lufsey (1962) developed an aggregate
phalt cement. Thus, the aggregate structure becomes very gradation chart on which all maximum-density gradations
important in HMA. can be represented by straight-line plots. This chart can be
The primary challenge in applying particle packing con- especially useful in studying the influence of gradation on
cepts to HMA stems from the aggregate size distribution or aggregate packing characteristics in terms of voids in min-
gradation. The aggregates used in HMA typically have a eral aggregate (VMA). By using a simple power-law aggre-
19 mm maximum size, and about 5% of the aggregates (by gate distribution (eq. [1]), Goode and Lufsey showed that
weight) are finer than 0.075 mm, a span of 2.5 decades. In minimum VMA or maximum densities, irrespective of the
such cases, tens of millions of small particles have to be nominal maximum aggregate size, always occur when slope
considered to have a representative number of large aggre- k equals 0.45. This equation plots as a straight line on a

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logarithm–logarithm chart with a slope k. The power-law ag- Fig. 1. Aggregate gradations in a logarithm–logarithm chart
gregate gradation equation used by Goode and Lufsey is as (Goode and Lufsey 1962).
[1] P = 100(d/dmax)k
where P is the total percent passing a given sieve size d, and
dmax is the nominal maximum size of aggregate.
The gradation equation was evaluated for different values
of k (i.e., 0.31, 0.38, 0.45, 0.52, 0.59, and 0.66) by Goode
and Lufsey (1962). The HMA specimens were molded in the
laboratory using the gyratory method (US Army Corps of
Engineers 1962), and the VMA values were determined. The
gyratory compaction has a stronger resemblance to field
compaction than does impact compaction. This means that
the internal structure of specimens compacted with a
gyratory compactor will show a closer resemblance to that
resulting from actual after-construction roadway traffic (Ping
et al. 2003).
In the present study, the packing characteristics of the grada-
tion equation, in terms of packing fraction and distribution of such that a VMA of 14 is equivalent to a packing fraction of
contacts, were evaluated for the different k values. The specific 0.86. The packing fraction results from the simulation runs
objectives were to study the dependence of particle–particle are compared with the results obtained by Goode and Lufsey
contacts on aggregate gradation and verify if the results from (1962) in Fig. 2. The simulation results do not agree well
the Goode and Lufsey (1962) study could be obtained from with those of Goode and Lufsey. In all three cases, the maxi-
computer simulation. mum packing fraction is achieved at different k values ex-
cept for the 75% gradation case, where the maximum
Experimental packing fraction occurs at k = 0.45, consistent with the find-
ings of Goode and Lufsey. It is noted that the current pack-
To pack the gradation, the number of particles retained in ing model simulates aggregates as hard spheres and
each sieve has to be calculated. A maximum size of therefore there is a limitation on the maximum achievable
13.3 mm was considered throughout as according to the packing fraction. The HMA specimens used in the Goode
study by Goode and Lufsey (1962). The gradations consid- and Lufsey (1962) study were molded in the laboratory us-
ered in this study are shown on a logarithm–logarithm plot ing the gyratory method (US Army Corps of Engineers
in Fig. 1. Each particle is considered to be spherical, with di- 1962) with randomly shaped aggregates, and the VMA val-
ameter equal to the average of the sieve (size) it is retained ues were determined. Also, it is noted that all the aggregates
in and the next larger sieve. The total number of particles re- could not be packed due to the current limitations of the
quired for packing each size is approximated based on per- packing model, and therefore the aggregate gradations had
cent retained on each sieve interval and bulk specific gravity to be truncated. Thus, it is possible that a completely differ-
of the aggregate. Using this procedure, the total number of ent packing structure evolved in considering the truncated
particles required to pack the entire gradation exceeds 12 particle gradation.
million. In estimating the numbers, the intent was to have at To test the suitability of using the hard-sphere packing
least five particles of the maximum aggregate size. The model to model crushed aggregates, however, a new case
packing was done in a box of size 25 mm × 25 mm. Packing study was performed, in which the aggregate gradations con-
12 million particles needs considerable computing resources, sisting only of coarse aggregates (i.e., 0% passing 4.75 mm)
and the current packing program could only pack a maxi- were packed using the packing program. The results from
mum of 80 000 particles. For this reason, the aggregate gra- the simulation runs were then compared with the results ob-
dation had to be truncated. Three different cases were tained by Brown et al. (1998), who dry-rodded the coarse
considered: (i) 70% of the gradation curve (70% retained aggregates in the laboratory and studied the VCADRC. Brown
and 30% passing), (ii) 75% of the gradation curve (75% re- et al. studied the dry-rodded method in an effort to deter-
tained and 25% passing), and (iii) 80% of the gradation mine when stone-on-stone contact exists in the coarse aggre-
curve (80% retained and 20% passing). These three cases gate fraction of SMA. Note that the packing fraction, in this
would yield three different minimum particle sizes. case, would be equal to (100 – VCADRC)/100. The original
gradations used by Brown et al. were used in the simulation
Discussion of results runs. The simulation runs gave a packing fraction of 0.6, and
Brown et al. reported a value of 0.608 (i.e., VCADRC =
Packing fraction 39.2%).
The packing fraction is a measure of the denseness of the Brown et al. (1998) indicated that VCADRC for most ag-
packing and is a ratio of the volume of particles packed to gregates is in the range of 37%–42% (i.e., packing fractions
the total volume. This is always a fraction less than unity. In in the range of 0.58–0.63) and that different types of coarse
terms of aggregate packing, packing fraction is the fraction aggregates having the same gradation will provide similar
of voids in a compacted sample. It is related to the VMA VCA values. To test this, nine different coarse aggregate

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Fig. 2. Comparison of laboratory packing fractions (PF = (100 – orientation distribution are relevant; by the continuum view,
VMA)/100) obtained by Goode and Lufsey (1962) with those mean solid path, the air void surface area, the damage ten-
from computer simulations. sor, and the local void volume fraction and its gradient are
relevant (Wang et al. 2004). Using photoelastic methods and
DEM simulations, Shashidhar et al. (2000) demonstrated
that HMA behaves as a granular material (at relatively high
temperatures, the binder is soft and has little restraint on the
aggregates) and that applied loads are transmitted through
force chains just as in unbound granular materials.
By the aggregate skeleton view of HMA, some of the rele-
vant parameters that describe the HMA skeleton include the
average number of contacts per particle of coarse aggregates
forming the skeleton, the contact normal distribution (num-
ber of contacts in different orientations), and the particle ori-
entation distribution (number of particles with their particle
orientations in certain ranges) (Wang et al. 2004). This paper
focuses on studying the distribution of contacts for each par-
ticle size in the packing assembly.
The approach taken here is to measure the distribution of
gradations from various original studies were considered contacts for any given particle size in the compact. The dis-
(Brown and Mallick 1995; Brown et al. 1998; Abdulshafi et tribution of contacts was found to be Gaussian with a mean
al. 1999). The packing fractions obtained from the simula- and standard deviation. Returning to the discussion of the
tion runs were in the range of 0.600–0.646 (Gopalakrishnan original case study, Fig. 3 illustrates the Gaussian contact
and Shashidhar 2000). These results are encouraging and in- distribution curves (normalized by the total number of parti-
dicate that the hard-sphere packing model performs satisfac- cles for a given size) when 70% of the gradation curve was
torily when particles above a certain minimum size (in this packed with a k value of 0.52. Similar distributions were ob-
case, 4.75 mm) are considered. More research is required to tained for all other cases. Figure 3 shows that the distribu-
establish the critical minimum particle size, however. tions are narrower for smaller size particles and broader for
larger size particles. This is expected because a larger parti-
Distribution of contacts cle can be surrounded by a range of small particles and
The transmission of force within particulate materials oc- therefore a wider range of contacts, whereas a smaller particle
curs only through the interparticle contacts, but each contact will fit into the void space produced by a few larger particles
force is highly sensitive to the local arrangement of the sur- and therefore fewer contacts. Thus, the mean number of con-
rounding particles and boundary loading conditions. Because tacts increases as the particle size increases. All the curves are
of this strong dependence on particle arrangement, contact truncated at three contacts due the constraint in the packing
forces will usually be distributed in a complex, non-uniform algorithm, which seeks a minimum of three contacts before
manner, even when an isotropic and homogeneous assembly the particle is considered to be in a stable position.
of particles is subjected to uniform loading (Antony et al. Also, one can observe that the data get noisier as the par-
2005). This complex behavior is revealed in photoelastic ticle size increases because there are fewer larger particles in
studies of two-dimensional discs reported by several investi- the packing assembly than smaller particles. Therefore, the
gators (e.g., Drescher and Jong 1972; Behringer et al. 1999; smaller sizes have better statistics than larger particles. All
Hartley and Behringer 2003). These studies have revealed these distributions were fit with a Gaussian distribution and
that even a uniformly applied load is transmitted by rela- the mean and standard deviations estimated. The fits were
tively rigid, heavily stressed chains of particles, which form excellent, with R2 values greater than 0.99 for smaller parti-
a relatively sparse network of contacts, carrying greater than cles. As the particle size increased, however, noise in the
average normal contact forces. data caused poorer fits. The fits that had R2 values less than
The distribution of normal contact forces within a medium 0.90 were not considered for further analysis.
falls into one of two categories, namely the “weak force The mean number of contacts is plotted in Fig. 4 as a
chains” and “strong force chains.” The weak force chains are function of particle size for different k values. Similar infor-
comprised of contacts that carry less than average contact mation is shown in Fig. 5 for the standard deviation of con-
force, and the strong force chains carry a greater than aver- tacts. Upon normalizing the size of particles (d) by the
age force. Sliding occurs predominantly within the weak minimum particle size (dmin), a single curve is obtained re-
chains, and these contacts primarily contribute to the mean lating the mean number of contacts to (normalized) particle
stress (Antony et al. 2005). size, d/dmin, as shown in Fig. 6. A similar trend was obtained
In HMA, loads are mainly transmitted through the aggre- for standard deviation, as seen in Fig. 7. Similar results were
gate skeleton at a higher temperature to demonstrate its obtained for all other cases, indicating the possibility of de-
granular behavior but are transmitted through both aggregate veloping mathematical models relating the mean coordina-
contacts and binder at a lower temperature to demonstrate its tion number and contact spread (standard deviation) to
continuum behavior. By the skeleton view, the average num- particle size in a simulated compact, irrespective of aggre-
ber of contacts for coarse aggregates, the contact normal dis- gate gradation. The following regression models were estab-
tribution, the branch vector distribution, and the particle lished:

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Shashidhar and Gopalakrishnan 951

Fig. 3. Distribution of contacts (70% gradation packed, k = Fig. 6. Mean number of contacts versus normalized particle size
0.52). The different particle sizes (in mm) are given in the box (d/dmin).
along with the symbols used in the graph.

Fig. 7. Standard deviation of contacts versus normalized particle

Fig. 4. Mean number of contacts versus particle size (d). size (d/dmin).

Fig. 5. Standard deviation of contacts versus particle size (d). possible to estimate what the number of contacts would be if
the gradation were packed down to smaller size particles.
Due to limitations in computing capacity, the packing model
could only pack to a minimum size of 0.6 mm for k = 0.52
aggregate gradation. Using the regression models for mean
and standard deviation of contacts, however, it is possible to
estimate the number of contacts in packing the entire grada-
tion. For instance, if an aggregate gradation with a maxi-
mum size of 13.3 mm and a minimum size of 0.075 mm
were packed at k = 0.52, a 2.36 mm particle would have a
mean number of contacts of 914 and a standard deviation of
8.55. This is certainly a large number of contacts, and it is
not known if all contacts carry equal importance or if some
are more important than others from the viewpoint of load
The mechanical properties of the packing are dependent
on how many of these contacts actually transmit force when
the packed assembly is stressed. Travers et al. (1986)
showed through photoelastic experiments on a two-
[2] mean = A + B (d /d min) + C (d /d min) 2 dimensional packing of cylinders that only two or three con-
[3] standard deviation = D + E (d /d min) + F (d /d min) 2 tacts seemed to transmit load, even though there seemed to
be six contacts on average. Therefore, it would be useful to
where the regression coefficients A–F are given in Table 1 formulate an appropriate criterion based on the coordination
for selected k values. Using these regression models, it is number to qualify each contact as active (or load-bearing) or

© 2006 NRC Canada

952 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 33, 2006

Table 1. Regression coefficients for mean and standard deviation than others and about the function of fine aggregates in load
of contacts. transmission. A study of particle–particle contacts in the
simulated compact will be useful in answering these ques-
Regression model
tions. The current study is meant to lay the foundations for
coefficient k = 0.38 k = 0.52 k = 0.59
investigating this research area further.
A 2.585017 2.400044 1.46225 The knowledge of the relationship between the aggregate
B 0.640355 0.725284 1.58623 structure and the mechanical properties will enable one to
C 0.917728 0.897473 0.73191 engineer the pavements to have the appropriate aggregate
D –0.428106 –0.046100 –0.10004 structure to maximize performance. This approach is very
E 1.238840 0.861960 0.88174 similar to that used when developing materials with desired
F –0.058550 –0.023970 –0.03134 properties (designer materials), such as high thermal conduc-
tivity materials for electronic substrates or materials with
passive (or space-filling) in load transmission. This is dis- high toughness. The ability to tailor and optimize material
cussed in more detail by Gopalakrishnan and Shashidhar attributes, thus manufacturing designer materials, is increas-
(2006). ingly being realized in structural systems (Chong and
Garboczi 2002).
By developing the relationship between aggregate structure
Future research and performance, potential approaches to change the aggre-
Some of the important parameters of interest that are re- gate structure to improve the performance could be devel-
lated to the study of contacts such as the effect of internal oped. Masad and Button (2004) have summarized the
friction angle and the orientation of contact planes were not experimental and analysis methods used in characterizing and
considered in this study due to the limited scope of this re- quantifying the aggregate structure of HMA which include
search. The angle of internal friction of loose granular mate- two-dimensional imaging techniques and three-dimensional
rials is measured by their angle of repose, which is a unique nondestructive imaging techniques such as X-ray computed
material property of the grains (Abriak 1999; Vallejo and tomography (Shashidhar 1999).
Mawby 2000). Samples with coarse sand grains have a The nature and distribution of interparticle contacts in
higher friction angle compared with samples totally com- computer-simulated compacts with a wide particle size
posed of fines. The simplest method of determining the an- range, similar to that found in HMA, were discussed in this
gle of internal friction of mixtures is the direct shear test paper. The results have to be validated using physical experi-
using a Casagrande shear box apparatus. ments and discrete element techniques.
A study of the orientation of contact planes can explain
the inherent and induced anisotropies in the compact. For Summary and conclusions
most granular materials the manner in which the sample was
formed and consolidated influences the yield locus, since it In this research, particle packing simulation concepts were
introduces anisotropy, even in a material that is initially iso- applied to the study of aggregate structure in hot-mix asphalt
tropic. Induced anisotropy is the material anisotropy intro- (HMA). Previous research by the authors showed that the
duced into the sample by the consolidation procedure, and changes in HMA aggregate structure due to compaction
inherent anisotropy stems from the shape of the particles and could be quantified through two-dimensional image-analysis
the way the bedding was formed (Molenda and Horabik techniques and computer simulations. In this study, the ag-
2004). Using DEM simulations, Antony et al. (2005) per- gregates were modeled as hard spheres, and some typical ag-
formed a detailed analysis on the force-transmission charac- gregate gradations used in HMA were packed using a
teristics of granular materials at microscopic level and computer program. The packing characteristics of the com-
presented a connection between the directional orientation of pact were studied in terms of packing fraction and distribu-
force networks and the invariants of the macroscopic stress tion of contacts.
tensor: the nonsphere systems were able to build up a strongly A case study was presented to illustrate some of the sig-
anisotropic network of strong force-transmitting contacts. nificant outcomes resulting from the application of particle
Aggregate particles in an HMA mixture have different packing simulation concepts to the study of aggregate struc-
shapes, surface texture and friction, and orientations, which ture in HMA. Due to computational limitations, the entire
make the aggregate contact more complicated. Chang and gradation could not be packed. The packing fractions
Meegoda (1999) proposed a micromechanical model for sim- achieved using the simulations did not agree with the labora-
ulating HMA based on DEM which allowed for aggregate– tory test results (in terms of voids in mineral aggregate from
binder–aggregate contact and aggregate–aggregate contact. the compacted HMA specimens) obtained by previous re-
Until now, a vast majority of research studies related to searchers. A related case study to test the suitability of using
micromechanical modeling of HMA microstructure has been the hard-sphere packing model to model packing of crushed
limited to two dimensions because of computational con- aggregates showed satisfactory results when particles above
straints (You and Buttlar 2004). a certain minimum size are considered. The coordination
As mentioned previously, Shashidhar et al. (2000) have number of any size particle in the packing was found to be a
shown that load transmission in HMA takes place in the Gaussian distribution whose mean and standard deviation
form of force chains and that particle-to-particle contact ex- can be estimated using regression models.
ists in the formation of these chains. Significant questions Future research should focus on deriving an appropriate
still exist as to whether some contacts are more important criterion based on the coordination number to qualify each

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Shashidhar and Gopalakrishnan 953

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