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This is unit 20,

integrate I N T E G R a T E, to bring together into a whole unite. After the merger, their management
staff was integrated with ours. The ideal use to integrate efficiency with effectiveness fins are great. I N T
E G R a T E. To bring together into a whole unite

modicum, ILM O D I C U L a small or moderate amount. Everyone should have at least a modicum of
common sense. What this soup needs is just a modicum of salt. Monica, M O D I C U M a small or a
moderate amount.

Prolific P R O L I F I C. Producing abundantly fruitful, fertile Charles Dickens was a prolific writer under
the hot summer sun. The vineyard was prolific in its output. Prolific P R O L I F I C producing, abundantly
fruitful, fertile

augment a U G M E N T to enlarge in size or extent. Intensify adding this new territory should augment
our sales considerably. If I augment my vocabulary, I will be able to better use my other skills. Augment a
U G M E N T to enlarge in size or extent intensify.

Laudable L a U D a B L E deserving of praise admirable. The presidential medal of freedom recognizes

laudable efforts in the service of our country. Your intentions are laudable, but I question your methods.
Lot of bull. L a U D a B L E deserving of praise admirable.

Now let's review the five words you have just learned.


to bring together into a whole unite integrate.

A small or moderate amount, modicum,

Producing abundantly fruitful, fertile, prolific,


to enlarge in size or extent intensify or,


Deserving of praise, admirable laudable.

If you haven't mastered some of the words yet, that's fine. Go back and listen to this unit. As often as
needed. Remember, you can master these words.

It's time to flex your new verbal muscles, Christina and I are going to give you some advice about
communication skills in a quick dialogue, using several of the words you have just learned. Ready? Here
we go. You know, van, just because you've augmented an argument with more information doesn't
mean that you've bolstered.

You mean that often it's best to use a modicum of verbal ammunition precisely. Uh, finally, right. Speech
with a fastidious use of new information is often more persuasive than a prolific outpouring of facts and
figures. It's also essential to be cheerful and positive. Cherubic smile. Even when employing the most
sophisticated Wiles of your persuasive powers.

Christina, do you think our listeners have integrated all this with our existing knowledge? Count on it.
They are becoming word masters. Your optimism is laudable and well-founded, let's move on.

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