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Addiction (1994) 89, 1535-1541

The treatment of benzodiazepine dependence

Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Withdrawal of benzodiazepines is currently advised for long-term benzodiazepine users because of doubts
about continued efficacy, risks of adverse effects, including dependence and neuropsychological impairment
and socio-economic costs. About half a million people in the UK may need advice on withdrawal. Successful
withdrawal strategies should combine gradual dosage reduction and psychological support. TTie benzodi-
azepine dosage should be tapered at an individually titrated rate which should usually be under the patient's
control. The whole process may take weeks or months. Withdrawal from diazepam is convenient because of
available dosage strengths, but can be carried out directly from other benzodiazepines. Adjuvant medication
may occasionally be required (antidepressants, propranolol) but no drugs have been proved to be of general
utility in alleviating withdrawal-related symptoms. Psychological support should be available both during
dosage reduction and for some months after cessation of drug use. Such support should include the provision
of information about benzodiazepines, general encouragement, and measures to reduce anxiety and promote
the learning of non-pharmacological ways of coping with stress. For many patients the degree of support
required is minimal; a minority may need counselling or formal psychological therapy. Unwilling patients
should not be forced to withdraw. With these methods, success rates of withdrawal are high and are unaffected
by duration of usage, dosage or type of benzodiazepine, rate of withdrawal, symptom severity, psychiatric
history or personality disorder. Longer-term outcome is less clear; a considerable proportion of patients may
temporarily take benzodiazepines again and some need other psychotropic medication. However, the outcome
may be improved by careful pharmacological and psychological handling of withdrawal and post-withdrawal

Introduction doses of benzodiazepines with other drugs of

Patients taking benzodiazepines regularly on a abuse. It is unknown what proportion of these
long-term basis are currently being advised to users are dependent on benzodiazepines, as evi-
withdraw. The reasons for this advice include denced by the appearance of withdrawal symp-
doubts of long-term efficacy (Committee on toms on cessation of use. Studies in general
Safety of Medicines, 1988), risks of adverse ef- practice suggest that only 30-40% of long-term
fects (Ashton, 1986), increasing evidence of neu- prescribed users have difficulty in withdrawing
ropsychological impairment (Lader, 1987; (Murphy & Tyrer, 1988). This figure may be an
Schmauss & Krieg, 1987; Bergman et al, 1989) underestimate since a high proportion of eligible
and socio-economic costs (Gabe, 1991). patients (up to 50%) decline to enter withdrawal
The estimated population of prescribed long- programmes (Tyrer, 1983). Indeed, many pa-
term benzodiazepine users in the UK is about tients have resisted previous exhortations to
1.2 million people (Taylor, 1987; Ashton & withdraw and are only now emerging, often re-
Golding, 1989). There is also a growing number luctantly (Edwards, Cantopher & Olivieri,
(perhaps 100 000) of drug abusers who take high 1990), as GPs review their prescription practices.

1536 Heather Ashton

In patients referred to withdrawal clinics, the symptoms may be more severe with more rapid
incidence of withdrawal symptoms may be 100% withdrawal, they do not last so long. However,
(Petursson & Lader, 1981). this is an individual matter and in general, the
Even on the most conservative estimate, pre- best results are achieved if the patient is in
sent data suggests that a third of the present 1.2 control of the rate of withdrawal and proceeds at
million chronic therapeudc-dose benzodiazepine whatever rate he/she finds tolerable. Occasion-
users in the UK—about 400 000 patients—may ally, however, a therapist-controlled withdrawal
have difficulties in withdrawal. The likelihood of rate with patient consent is more appropriate.
dependence appears to increase with increasing The size of each dosage reduction depends on
dosage, and high-dose abusers have special the starting dose. Patients on higher doses can
difficulties in withdrawal, as confirmed by ex- usually tolerate larger dosage decrements than
perience in drug addiction centres. Thus perhaps those on lower doses. The majority of patients
half a million patients in the UK may need help on therapeutic doses are taking less than 20 mg
or advice on benzodiazepine withdrawal and the diazepam (or equivalent) daily. In these cases,
development of effective withdrawal programmes dosage reductions of 1 mg diazepam (or equiva-
is a matter of importance. The following guide- lent) every 1-2 weeks are generally tolerated,
lines are drawn from review of the literature and although some patients prefer to reduce by only
clinical experience of benzodiazepine withdrawal 1 mg per month. Initial dosage reductions of
over a 10-year period. 2 mg every 1-2 weeks may be more appropriate
for patients taking up to 40 mg diazepam daily.
When daily dosage has declined to 4-5 mg di-
Benzodiazepine withdrawal strategies azepam, decrements of 0.5 mg at a time may be
The two essential pillars of a successful benzodi- preferred. Stopping the last few milligrams is
azepine withdrawal strategy are: (1) gradual dos- often seen by patients as particularly difficult,
age reduction and (2) anxiety management. Of mainly because of fears about how they will cope
these, dosage reduction is by far the easiest but without any drug at all. However, the final part-
psychological support is equally important for ing is often surprisingly easy, and patients are
successful outcome. The management of with- encouraged by their new sense of freedom.
drawal has been reviewed by Lader & Higgitt It is helpful to provide a written withdrawal
(1986), the Lancet (1987), Edwards et al., schedule rather than only verbal instructions.
(1990), Livingston (1991), Lader (1991) and Patients usually like to record their progress by
many others. ticking off dosages or weeks, and a chart also
provides an incentive to continue to the final
goal. Such schedules may require readjustments
Dosage reduction from time to time: if symptoms are minimal
It is generally agreed that dosage should be patients may prefer to increase the rate of with-
tapered gradually in long-term benzodiazepine drawal; if problems arise, either in the form of
users. Abrupt withdrawal, especially from high severe symptoms or major environmental
doses, can precipitate convulsions, acute psy- stresses, it may be necessary to stabilize the
chotic or confusional states and panic reactions. dosage for a few weeks or to reduce the rate of
Even with slow withdrawal from smaller doses, withdrawal.
psychiatric symptoms sometimes appear and For most patients on therapeutic doses of ben-
anxiety can be severe. The rate of withdrawal zodiazepines withdrawal is best carried out as an
should be tailored to the patient's individual outpatient. It is quite easy to "detoxicate" pa-
needs and should take into account such factors tients safely in hospital; such an approach allows
as lifestyle, personality, environmental stresses, for relatively rapid withdrawal over a few weeks,
reasons for taking benzodiazepines and amount presents few pharmacological problems and re-
of support available. Various authors suggest op- moves the responsibility of withdrawal from the
timal times of between 6-8 weeks to a few patient. However, with this method psychologi-
months for the duration of withdrawal, but some cal setbacks on retuming home are common,
patients may take a year or more. It has been largely because the patient has had no oppor-
suggested that very slow rates of withdrawal tunity to build up alternative living skills. Slow
merely prolong the agony, and that although withdrawal in the patient's own environment
Treatment of benzodiazepine dependence 1537

Table 1. Approximate equivalent doses for anxiolytic/hypnotic effects and available oral
preparations of various benzodiazepines

Oral preparations (BNF)

equivalent Tablets/capsules Oral solution
Benzodiazepine dosage* (mg) (mg) (mg/ml)

Chlordiazepoxide 25 5, 10, 25
Diazepam 10 2, 5, 10 2/5, 5/5
Loprazolam 1 1
Lorazepam 1 1,2.5
Lornietazepam 1 0.5, 1
Nitrazepam 10 5 2.5/5
Oxazepam 20 10, 20, 30
Temazepam 20 10, 15, 20, 30 10/5
•Clinical potency for hypnotic or anxiolytic effects of different benzodiazepines
may vary between individuals.

allows time for both pharmacological and psy- equivalent to 10 mg diazepam) although 0.5 mg
chological adjustments to vtdthdrawal, permits lorazepam tablets are available in the US and
the patient to continue with his normal life and Canada. Some patients become expert at shaving
to build up alternative coping strategies. small fragments off lorazepam tablets. Alterna-
tively, oral suspensions of lorazepam can be pre-
Individual benzodiazepines. Because of the pared and slow reductions in dosage can be
available dosage forms (scored 10 mg, 5 mg and accomplished either by decreasing the volume of
2 mg tablets), it is usually most convenient to each dose, using a graduated syringe, or by dilu-
withdraw fi'om diazepam. Many patients on ben- tion of the mixture, which most high street
zodiazepines with less fiexible dosage strengths chemists will undertake.
can be changed over to diazepam, provided
equivalent potencies are kept in mind (Table 1).
It is worth noting that diazepam has a rapid Adjuvant drugs. Several drugs have been tested
onset of action and is as efficacious as for their ability to alleviate benzodiazepine with-
temazepam or nitrazepam as a hypnotic, while drawal symptoms; none have been shown to be
also providing daytime anxiolytic cover by virtue generally effective. Clinical experience suggests
of its slow elimination. Diazepam, temazepam that antidepressants are the most important since
and nitrazepam are also available as oral solu- depressive symptoms, sometimes amounting to
tions. These are sometimes helpful for slow re- major depression, are common after withdrawal
duction, especially in the final stages of (Olajide & Lader, 1984; Ashton, 1987). Suicides
withdrawal. have occurred in several studies. Antidepressants
For patients taking lorazepam as an anxiolytic are clearly indicated when depression occurs, but
several times daily, conversion to diazepam is there is as yet no clear evidence from placebo-
sometimes more difficult. Substitution is best controlled trials for their routine use in with-
carried out in stages, one dose at a time over drawal (Tyrer, 1985; Rickels et al., 1989). Most
course of 1-3 weeks, begirming with the evening authors recommend sedative tricyclic antidepres-
dose. Occasionally, changing fi-om lorazepam to sants, many of which are also effective in rela-
an equivalent dose of diazepam can cause excess- tively low doses for anxiety and insomnia. To
ive sedation while not fully controlling anxiety. date there is little experience with specific sero-
Direct withdrawal from lorazepam by progressive tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in withdrawal,
dosage reductions is feasible, although it may be but in personal observations these drugs have
more problematic than withdrawing from other precipitated acute anxiety in some cases. Be-
benzodiazepines (Murphy & Tyrer, 1991). It is cause of the limited dose preparations of most
regrettable that the minimum tablet strength SSRIs, it is difficult to initiate treatment with
available in the UK is 1 mg (approximately small doses, a measure which might obviate such
1538 Heather Ashton

reactions. (Fluoxetine is available as a liquid tagonists are awaited. Sedative antihistamines

preparation 20 mg/5 ml.) are occasionally useful for specific symptoms (in-
Beta-blockers such as propranolol attenuate somnia and fiu-like symptoms). Other hypnotics
palpitations, tremor and muscle twitches but (e.g. chloral derivatives, zopiclone) are some-
have little effect on subjective states and do not times prescribed but should only be used for a
reduce the overall incidence of withdrawal symp- few days or intermittently. Antipsychotics are not
toms or dropout rate in controlled trials of with- recommended. The majority of patients with-
drawal (Tyrer, Rutherford & Huggett, 1981; draw successfully from benzodiazepines whether
Abemethy, Greenblatt & Shader, 1981; Lader & taking placebo in clinical trials or without
Higgitt, 1986; Ashton 1984, 1987; Cantopher et additional drugs in clinical practice.
al., 1990). Some patients experience exacerba-
tions of anxiety, insomnia or physical symptoms High dose abuses. Patients on very large doses
on withdrawing from antidepressants or beta- of benzodiazepines, either on prescription or il-
blockers, and these drugs should be tapered licitly, may need to begin withdrawal in hospital.
slowly after benzodiazepine withdrawal is Such patients may be taking the equivalent of
complete. 0.5-1 g diazepam daily. Fairly rapid partial re-
Carbamazepine appeared to be promising in duction at the rate of approximately 10 mg di-
several small open studies of benzodiazepine azepam daily may be undertaken safely over 2-3
withdrawal and is still used by some psychia- weeks, with appropriate surveillance and psycho-
trists. However, in a randomized, placebo- logical support, followed by a period of stabiliza-
controlled trial in which carbamazepine was ad- tion. Several spaced admissions may be
ministered for 2-4 weeks before benzodiazepine necessary to reduce dosage to manageable levels,
tapering over 4 weeks to 40 patients who had when withdrawal can continue as for therapeutic
previous difficulties in withdrawing from thera- dose users. Many high-dose users take
peutic dose benzodiazepines, there were no temazepam, which is preferred among abusers in
significant differences from placebo in severity of the UK. Stepwise conversion to diazepam is
withdrawal symptoms or outcome at 12 weeks' advisable; alternatively temazepam tablets
post-withdrawal (Schweizer et al., 1991). Pa- (which have identical bioavailability to capsules
tients taking more than 20 mg diazepam equiva- but lower street value) or an oral solution can be
lent appeared to derive benefit, and the authors used.
suggested that carbamazepine may have some
utility in patients withdrawing fi'om high-dose
benzodiazepines. It may also offer anticonvulsant Anxiety management
cover for those with a history of epilepsy (Lader, However careful the dosage reduction, patients
1991). Abrupt withdrawal of carbamazepine (up dependent on benzodiazepines may develop nu-
to 600 mg/day) for 8 weeks did not increase merous symptoms. Most of these, whether
symptoms of anxiety or depression. Some au- "true" or "pseudo-withdrawal" symptoms
thors still recommend barbiturate substitution (Tyrer, Owen & Dawling, 1983), are manifesta-
for high-dose benzodiazepine users or those tions of anxiety. Furthermore, many patients are
with mixed benzodiazepine/alcohol dependence already anxious before they begin withdrawal
(American Task Force, 1990; DuPont & Saylor, (Ashton, 1991). Thus, a withdrawal plan should
1991). include provision for some form of psychological
Buspirone (Olajide & Lader, 1987; Ashton, support; effective anxiety management can be
Rawlins & Tyrer, 1990), clonidine Qoyce et al., crucial to success in withdrawal and prevention
1990; Goodman et al, 1986), nifedipine and of relapse.
alpidem in the doses tested have been shown to The degree of support required varies individ-
confer no benefit, and sometimes to aggravate, ually, ranging from simple encouragement (in
withdrawal reactions. Flumazenil appears to al- most cases) to formal cognitive, behavioural or
leviate protracted symptoms after withdrawal, other therapies (in a minority). Polydrug and
but may precipitate withdrawal reactions in de- high dose benzodiazepine abusers may need spe-
pendent patients still taking benzodiazepines cial treatment for drug addiction problems, but
(Lader & Morton, 1992). Further investigations anxiety symptoms associated with benzodi-
of orally administered partial benzodiazepine an- azepine withdrawal are similar to those of thera-
Treatment of benzodiazepine dependence 1539

peutic dose users. Support should be available ics are "true" withdrawal symptoms or not, it is
not only during dosage reduction but for a pro- important to emphasize that the patient can
longed period afterwards, since distress related leam to exercise control over them. Various ap-
to withdrawal may last for many months after proaches, including instruction in relaxation
drug cessation (Du Pont & Saylor, 1991; Tyrer, techniques, breathing exercises (many patients
1991; Ashton, 1991; Lader, 1991). Frequent hyperventilate), training in anxiety management
contact, even weekly for some patients in the skills, cognitive therapy, simple counselling,
initial stages, may be necessary (Lader & Higgitt, physical exercise, massage, yoga and others suit
1986). During these contacts individual causes individual patients. It is worth stressing that
of anxiety can be explored and dealt with learning to control panic symptoms is a skill
appropriately. which improves with practice and patients
should be encouraged to work on relaxation at
Providing information. Many patients fear the home, perhaps with the aid of a relaxation cas-
process of withdrawal itself because of miscon- sette. The discovery that a panic attack can be
ceptions derived from lurid accounts of others' controlled without resorting to a tablet is a great
experiences. It is helpful to provide, at the first boost to self-confidence, and the development of
consultation, clear information about benzodi- new stress-coping strategies is often the key to
azepine withdrawal and to emphasize that slow success in benzodiazepine withdrawal.
and individually titrated dosage reduction rarely
causes intolerable distress. Other patients be- Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia and other phobias
come frightened by particular symptoms which (especially social phobia) may also first appear
are overinterpreted as signs of physical or mental during withdrawal, although agoraphobia is
illness. Information may need to be repeated in sometimes the initial reason for prescribing ben-
these cases; in practice the realization that a zodiazepines. In long-standing cases behavioural
symptom is a "withdrawal symptom" is tempo- treatment may be required, but such therapy is
rary, and is not a sign of disease, is immensely less effective during benzodiazepine use than af-
reassuring to some patients. Books written for ter withdrawal, probably because of the adverse
patients are available (Trickett, 1986; Tyrer, effects of benzodiazepines on cognitive function
1986), and often the provision of correct infor- (Gray, 1987). Exposure treatment also becomes
mation combined with a sympathetic attitude is more effective after patients have learned to con-
the only intervention necessary. trol panic symptoms (see above). In many cases,
however, agoraphobia disappears along with
other symptoms after drug withdrawal, without
Dealing with specific symptoms the need for any formal therapy (Edwards et al,
Insomnia. Many patients have difficulty in sleep- 1990; Ashton 1987).
ing. Simple reassurance, attention to sleep hy-
giene measures, including the use of tea, coffee Depression. Significant depression may require
and alcohol, and practical advice such as the use antidepressant drugs but may also respond to
of relaxation tapes and anxiety management cognitive approaches.
techniques (see below) may be sufficient to allay
this symptom. Taking the total dose of the ben- Support organizations. Self-help groups run by
zodiazepine at night during the reduction period ex-benzodiazepine users have undoubtedly
may also be helpful. Occasionally adjuvant drugs helped many patients, but professional organiza-
(see above) are temporarily indicated. tions using psychologists or trained counsellors,
or experienced paramedical workers attached to
Panic attacks. Panic attacks may appear for the a practice, are probably more effective if avail-
first time during or after withdrawal, although able. Individual treatment, although more time-
some patients have long experience with this consuming, is more effective than group therapy
distressing symptom. Explanation of the mental for patients withdrawing from benzodiazepines,
and physical mechanisms of panic and written especially in the early stages. Many patients are
information (books and pamphlets are available) low in confidence and self-esteem and fear to
is valuable, and keeping a diary may help to expose themselves to others. Many have unre-
pinpoint precipitating factors. Whether the pan- solved personal or social problems which lie at
1540 Heather Ashton

the root of their anxiety and long-term benzodi- Successful withdrawal is not affected by duration
azepine use. It is often helpful to involve the of use, dosage or type of benzodiazepine, rate of
spouse or family, who may be able to give addi- withdrawal, severity of symptoms, psychiatric
tional support. Ideally, a close liaison should history, or the presence of personality disorder or
be maintained between any available support difficulty (Golombok et al, 1987; Ashton, 1987;
organization and the medical practitioner. Ashton et al, 1990; Murphy & Tyrer, 1991).
Long-term outcome is more difficult to assess.
Motivation. Highly self-motivated patients are Abstinence from benzodiazepines 1-5 years after
usually successful in withdrawal and are compli- withdrawal varied in different studies between
ant with withdrawal regimens. Motivation can be 54% (Golombok et al, 1987), 66% (Holton &
increased in more reluctant patients by pointing Tyrer, 1990) and 92% (Ashton, 1987). Variable
out the advantages of withdrawal and by suggest- numbers of patients, between 6% and 75%, took
ing a trial reduction in dosage, without commit- benzodiazepines for some time after the initial
ment to total cessation. Patients (including the withdrawal, but most of them stopped again.
elderly) are often pleasantly surprised to find that About 20% of patients took antidepressants or
they can make small reductions without adverse other psychotropic drugs. Overall it appears that
consequences, even in the dose of a hypnotic over 80% of patients felt better after withdrawal
taken for many years and believed to be essential from long-term benzodiazepines than when they
for sleep. Personal observations have shown that were taking the drugs, and there is no evidence
even spastic patients, who are often prescribed of increased alcohol use or psychiatric morbidity
large doses of benzodiazepines for muscle relax- (Ashton, 1987; Edwards et al, 1990). As experi-
ation, can be withdrawn slowly, resulting in im- ence in withdrawal methods increases and
proved mental alertness without increased non-pharmacological methods of anxiety man-
spasticity. Some such patients may continue to agement become more available, it is likely that
total withdrawal; others may settle for dosage the long-term outcome will continue to
reduction, intermittent courses, or use only in improve.
emergencies (some carry benzodiazepines
around as an insurance, but rarely take them).
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