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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical

analysis done and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables

following the sequence of the specific research problem regarding the

Effectiveness of Beat Patrol System in of San Manuel, Pangasinan.


The first problem of this study focused on the profile of the PNP personnel

being assigned in the Police Beat System and the profile of the other

respondents in San Manuel, Pangasinan.

Table 2 on the next page presents the profile of the PNP Personnel being

assigned in the Police Beat System and the profiles of the other respondents in

San Manuel, Pangasinan. The profile of the respondents was tabulated and

computed according to the following: classification, age, sex, civil status, religion,

educational attainment and occupation.

It can be noted in table 2 that the classification of the respondents,

community got the highest frequency of 388 with the percentage of 69 while,

police officer got the lowest frequency of 23 with the percentage of 4.


Table 2
Profile of the respondents
PNP Officer 23 4
School Personnel 95 17
Community 388 69
Barangay Official 56 10
19yo&younger 11 2
20-40 278 49
41-65 257 46
Older than 65 16 3
Male 258 46
Female 304 54
Civil Status
Single 95 16.90
Married 415 73.84
Separated/Divorced 21 3.74
Widow/er 31 5.52
Roman Catholic 440 78.29
Iglesia Ni Cristo 74 13.17
Jehovah's Witness 8 1.42
Born Again 39 6.94
Islam 0 0
Pentecost 1 0.18
Educational Attainment
No Formal Education 4 1
Elementary Undergraduate 6 1
Elementary Graduate 29 5
High School Undergraduate 87 15
High School Graduate 210 37
College Undergraduate 71 13
College Graduate 121 22
Master's Degree 33 6
Doctorate Degree 1 0
Farmer 107 19.0
Housekeeper 146 26.0
Self-Employed, Vendor, Businessman 88 15.7
Skilled: Carpenter, Painter, Encoder 53 9.4
Professional: Doctor, Teacher, Engineer, Manager 105 18.7
PNP uniformed personnel 21 3.7
PNP non-uniformed personnel 2 0.4
Driver 16 2.8
Laborer: saleslady, service crew, baby sitter 8 1.4
Student 8 1.4
Barangay Official 6 1.1
Pensioner 2 0.4

According to the study Espejo, et. al., they pointed out that the

community and/or stakeholders are more vigilant and observer in the since that

they are very curious to their safety. They also pointed out that the police force

is not enough to protect the interest of the people in terms of safety. This is

seconded by the Chief of San Manuel Police Station. However, they are doing

their best to protect the whole community of San Manuel, Pangasinan that is

why they have a Beat Patrol System.

Under the age ranging 20-40 years old, it got the highest frequency of

278 and a percentage of 49 while, 19 years old to younger got the lowest

frequency of 11 and a percentage of 2. This implies that age ranging 20 to 40 is

more dominant compared to the youngsters. Erick Ercikson stated that the

individual has hopefully developed a stable identity, he/she moves into the adult

world seeking a partner with whom to share work, sex, friendship, and intimate

feelings, failing which, she sinks into exclusivity, elitism, isolation, or other forms

of non-intimate social relations.

On the other hand, in sex, female got the highest frequency of 304 with a

percentage of 54 while, male got the frequency of 258 with a percentage of 46.

This indicates that female are more conscious regarding to their safety compared

to male. Panopio (2006), he reiterated that female is more focus in their family.

It has been said that they are more conscious and they are family oriented.

However, in civil status, married respoondents got the highest frequency

of 415 with a percentage of 73.84 while, widow/er got the lowest frequency of

31 with a percentage of 5.52. This implies that that married man is committed to

give the basic necessity or physiological needs of man. They tend to find other

ways for them to leave in this sinful world. Reyes (2000), stated that married

man experiencing some difficulties in their lives because of these difficulties they

tend to find some alternative to be able to survive.

In Religion, Roman Catholic got the highest frequency of 440 with a

percentage of 78.29 while, Pentecost got the lowest frequency of 1 with a

percentage of 0.18. This implies that Roman Catholic dominates religion in the

municipality of San Manuel, Pangasinan. These findings can be supported

through observation and statistics that the majority of Filipino people believe to

the doctrine of Roma Catholica. Bardes and Oldendick (2000), explained that in

the course of studying the distribution of opinions among religious denomination,

research have found that affiliation with a religion is not a very good predictor of

opinion for many individuals. They also stated that Catholics differ considerably

from the protestant Evangelicals because their views are considerably more

liberal especially on social welfare issues.

Meanwhile, in educational attainment, high school graduate got the

highest frequency of 210 with a percentage of 37 while, doctorate degree got

the lowest frequency of 1 with the percentage of 0. This indicates that after

attending in high school, majority of people of San Manuel cannot send their

child in college because of lack of resources.


According to the police officers of this municipality, the reason why they

cannot afford to send their child in tertiary after high school is poverty and

because of this factor, majority of law violators are high school graduate.

Finally, in occupation, housekeeper got the highest frequency of 146 with

a percentage of 26 while, pensioner got the lowest frequency of 2 with the

percentage of 0.4. This implies that there is collaboration and/or related to the

findings in educational attainment because, if you are high school graduate only

you cannot find a decent job or permanent job. The minimum requirement as

stated in the job description is at least college graduate. This finding can be

supported through observation and based on the crime statistics of the Philippine

National Police.



The second problem of this study dealt on the Level of Effectiveness of

Police Beat System in San Manuel, Pangasinan as perceived by the respondents.

Table 3 on the next page presents the perception of the respondents on

the Level of Effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel, Pangasinan.

It can be gleaned in the table that the respondents perceived the Level of

Effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel, Pangasinan is high with the

overall average weighted mean of 3.77 as reflected. This implies that


stakeholders and/or citizens of San Manuel, Pangasinan is not quite satisfied with

the performance of the police officers. As we interviewed the selected citizens

and/or stakeholders of San Manuel, Pangasinan they said that Police Beat

System is not totally exerting their effort to do their job specially in far-flung


Table 3

Respondent’s Perception on the Effectiveness of the Beat Patrol

System in San Manuel, Pangasinan

Effectiveness of the Beat System

1 PNP Beat Patrol Officers conducts regular patrol 24/7.
2 Lessen the rate of crime incidence.
3 Interaction with the community.
4 Promote safe atmosphere.
5 Conduct seminars for crime prevention.
6 Discourage would be perpetrators.
7 Immediately respond to crime incidence.
8 Proper deployments of the PNP Personnel in their AOR (Area Of Responsibility).
9 Wearing of proper uniform while on duty (TamangBihis).

10 Provide materials of PCR activities for Patrollers.
11 Properly approach the community for their presence.
12 Doing unnecessary things while on duty (e.g. Texting, Calling, Sleeping).
13 Responsible to protect life and property.
14 Makes the community understand the objectives of Beat Patrol.

Mean Scale

1.00 - 1.79
Very Low

1.80 - 2.59

2.60 - 3.39

3.40 - 4.19

4.20 - 5.00
Very High

In the study of Espejo, et. al., (2015), they also got the same perception

of the respondent most particularly on the part of the community/ stakeholder.

They pointed out that the demand of safety is very high and because of this

demand they come up into recommendation that the Philippine National Police

should exert their effort and should be vigilant to the wrong doer.

It can be noted in the table that the provided materials for PCR activities

of Patrollers makes the community understand the objectives of Beat Patrol,

properly approach the community for their presence, conduct seminars for crime

prevention, discourage would be perpetrators, immediately respond to crime

incidence, proper deployments of the PNP Personnel in their AOR (Area Of

Responsibility), responsible to protect life and property, promote safe

atmosphere, PNP Beat Patrol Officers conducts regular patrol 24/7, lessen the

rate of crime incidence, interaction with the community, and wearing of proper

uniform while on duty (Tamang Bihis) are high as reflected in each weighted

mean of 3.58 to 4.15, respectively. These indicate that the police officers are

doing their job in serving the people of San Manuel, Pangasinan. However, the

police officers did not get the highest rate which is very high. This implies that

there is lacking on the part of the police officers in San Manuel, Pangasinan. As

the Chief of Police Station in San Manuel, Pangasinan the force of police officer in

the municipality is not enough to suffice and address the needs of the

townspeople most particularly in giving the security and safety of the citizens

and/or stakeholders. Hence, they imposed police beat system to lessen the

commission of crime at least.

On the other hand, doing unnecessary things while on duty (e.g. Texting,

Calling, Sleeping) are low as reflected in its weighted mean of 2.31 and got the

lowest average weighted mean. This implies that the Chief of San Manuel Police

Station is strict in implementing the rules. According to Flores, et. al., (2015),

they proved that texting while working is not advisable while you are in duty and

even answering calls which is not an emergency. Through this policy, the police

officers can focus on their duty.



The third problem of this study dealt on the significant difference between

the perceptions of the class respondent on the effectiveness of Police Beat

System in San Manuel, Pangasinan as shown in table 4.

It can be inferred in the table that the computed t value of 0.40 is outside

the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that

“there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the PNP officers

and school personnel on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan” is accepted, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do not

significantly differ.

Table 4
Categorized Comparison of Beat Patrol System
Comparison N Mean var. tC Df tT Decision
PNP Officer versus 23 2.58 0.04 0.142 0.40 116 1.645 Accept
School Personnel 95 2.54 0.363
PNP Officer versus 23 2.58 -0.07 0.142 -0.82 409 1.645 Accept
Community 388 2.65 0.389
PNP Officer versus 23 2.58 -1.45 0.142 -12.59 77 1.645 Reject
Barangay Official 56 4.03 0.377
PNP Officer versus 23 2.58 -1.19 0.142 -14.33 583 1.645 Reject
Overall 562 3.77 0.387
School Personnel
95 3.67 1.02 0.363 14.66 481 1.645 Reject
Community 388 2.65 0.389
School Personnel
95 3.67 -0.36 0.363 -3.48 149 1.645 Reject
Barangay Official 56 4.03 0.377
School Personnel versus 95 3.67 -0.10 0.363 -1.49 655 1.645 Accept
Overall 562 3.77 0.387
Community versus 388 3.73 -0.30 0.389 -3.40 442 1.645 Reject
Barangay Official 56 4.03 0.377
Community versus 388 3.73 -0.04 0.389 -0.97 948 1.645 Accept
Overall 562 3.77 0.387
Barangay Official versus 56 4.03 0.26 0.377 3.01 616 1.645 Reject
Overall 562 3.77 0.387

However, it can be inferred in the table that the computed t value of

-0.82 is outside the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which

states that “there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the PNP

officers and community on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San

Manuel, Pangasinan” is accepted, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

not significantly differ.

Moreover, it can be noted in the table that the computed t value of -1.49

is outside the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states

that “there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the school

personnel and overall on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in the


Municipality of San Manuel, Pangasinan” is accepted, meaning, the perceptions

of the two groups do not significantly differ.

Hence, it can be gleaned in the table that the computed t value of -0.97 is

outside the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states

that “there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the community

and overall on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

significantly differ.

Since, the findings have significant difference between the perceptions of

the class respondent on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan, this implies that the respondents do not vary to each other and to

the extent that the police officers doing their best to protect the interest of the

stakeholder and/or community particularly in giving the safety of the community.

On the other hand, it can be noted in the table the respondents who

rejected the perceptions of the respondents on the effectiveness of Police Beat

System in San Manuel, Pangasinan.

It can be inferred that the computed t value of -12.59 is outside the

critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that “there is

no significant difference between the perceptions of the police officers and

barangay officials on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,


Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

significantly differ.

Hence, it can be inferred that the computed t value of -14.33 is outside

the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that

“there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the police officers

and overall on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

significantly differ.

However, it can be inferred that the computed t value of 14.66 is outside

the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that

“there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the school

personnel and community on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San

Manuel, Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

significantly differ.

Meanwhile, it can be gleaned that the computed t value of -3.48 is outside

the critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that

“there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the school

personnel and barangay officials on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in

San Manuel, Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two

groups do significantly differ.


Hence, it can be inferred that the computed t value of -3.40 is outside the

critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that “there is

no significant difference between the perceptions of the community and

barangay officials on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan” is rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do

significantly differ.

Finally, it can be noted that the computed t value of 3.01 is outside the

critical region of 1.645, therefore, the null hypothesis which states that “there is

no significant difference between the perceptions of the barangay officials and

overall on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel, Pangasinan” is

rejected, meaning, the perceptions of the two groups do significantly differ.

Therefore, there is a significant difference between the perceptions of the

class respondent on the effectiveness of Police Beat System in San Manuel,

Pangasinan. This implies that the respondents have different perceptions from

the other respondents. It indicates through these findings and it proves to the

findings of the community. Through this, the researchers conducted interview.

Police Officers are reluctant on what may happen and/or occurs. PO3 Flores,

pointed out when he was interviewed that the police officers of San Manuel,

Pangasinan are trying their best to address the demand of respondents must

particularly the school personnel and the community.




The fourth problem of this study looks into the problems encountered by

the Police Beat Officer while conducting patrol in San Manuel, Pangasinan.

Table 5 on the next page presents the problems encountered by the

Police Beat Officer while conducting patrol in San Manuel, Pangasinan as

perceived by the respondents.

It can be inferred in the table that the perception of the respondents with

regards to the problems encountered by the Police Beat Officer while conducting

patrol in San Manuel, Pangasinan is slightly serious as reflected in its overall

average weighted mean of 2.38. This implies that problems encountered by the

respondents are not much serious, therefore it is good indicator even though the

police officers of San Manuel, Pangasinan is experiencing lack of personnel they

are exerting their effort for the safety of the stakeholders. In the study of

Cabralda, et. al., (2015), they reiterated that lack of police personnel is the

common problems entire the Philippines that’s why, the Philippine National Police

continuing the filing of application for police officer twice a year to address the

demand of the police officer.

Table 5

Summary of Problems Encountered Result

Problems Encountered WM DE

1 Inadequate number of personnel. 2.91 Serious

2 Lack of Equipment. 2.70 Serious
3 Physical Hazards experience 2.57
4 Lack of coordination between the community and the Slightly
PNP. Serious
5 Lack of cooperation among the community. 2.26
6 Lack of appreciation among the PNP Patrollers. 2.17
7 Insufficient training and seminar related to the task at
hand such as crisis management, self-defense, and 2.22
basic first aid.
8 Poor Relationship between Police Beat Patrol Unit and Slightly
community members. Serious
9 Inadequate police communication due to insufficient
2.61 Serious
number of radios (10-111).
10 Feeling of indifference of the community towards the Slightly
Policemen (Public Apathy). Serious
2.3 Slightly
8 Serious

Legend: Mean Scale Description

1.00 - 1.79 Not Serious
1.80 - 2.59 Slightly Serious
2.60 - 3.39 Serious
3.40 - 4.19 Much Serious
4.20 - 5.00 Very Much Serious

It can be also noted in the table that the lack of coordination between the

community and the PNP, poor Relationship between Police Beat Patrol Unit and

community members, lack of appreciation among the PNP Patrollers, feeling of

indifference of the community towards the Policemen (Public Apathy), insufficient

training and seminar related to the task at hand such as crisis management, self-

defense, and basic first aid, lack of cooperation among the community, Physical

Hazards experience, inadequate police communication due to insufficient number

of radios (10-111), lack of equipment and adequate number of personnel are

slightly serious as reflected to the descriptive equivalent of 2.04 to 2.91,

respectively. These indicate that the community and other respondents

appreciate the working output of the police officers of San Manuel, Pangasinan.

Somehow, the police officers of San Manuel, Pangasinan come up into another

plan for them to be able to serve well the stakeholders and/or community of this

municipality to become number one public servant entire Pangasinan and if

possible entire the Philippines. According to Tradio (2002), police visibility or

omni presence is the most ideal practice of the law enforcer that needs to

observe and at least lessen the commission of crime.

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