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Chester Hill High School

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education


Assessment Task
Course: Year:
Technology Mandatory – Digital Technologies 7
Crack the Code

Assessment Stage 4 – Blink Challenges - This task is to be submitted in the

Name: student theory workbook.

Date Due: Term 2 Week 10. Weighting:

Mr Zhukov
Task Weighting Class task to be part of Practical Assessment

Task Information

Important idea(s)  Understand the purpose of the Microcontroller and the Arduino
being explored: system architecture and its major components
 Being able to understand the financial limitations of PROJECT
 Understanding of fundamental coding and functions
 Identifies Ethical issues in writing Software

Task outline: The Assessment task will be broken into three parts:

For this assessment task students are required to complete both a

practical and theoretical component:

 Change how long the LED flashes for

 Change how long the LED is off for
 Make two LED's Flash on and off at the same time
 Make the LED's 'chase" each other along from pin 12 to 9. Going on
and off in alternative patterns Make the LED's come on in pairs or
other patterns that you have thought off.

Note A bibliography of all sources of information is required for Part


This task is to be submitted in the student theory workbook.

Requirements: In order to do this successfully though students will be expected to complete laboratory

IA DEPT Assessment Version 1 July 2017


exercises, which will help with the coding of the blink challenges and improve students'
abilities in coding and understanding to code. Student's will have access to lesson
through Crack the code booklet that will help them with the code and best practices
used in software development and programming in Digital Technologies.

It's advisable to complete each programming challenge in chronological order before

proceeding on to the next one.

Syllabus TE4-1DP The student designs communicates and evaluates innovative ideas and creative
Outcomes: solutions to authentic problem or opportunities

TE4-2DP Plans and manages the production of designed solutions

TE4-10TS explains how people in technology-related professions contribute to society

now and into the future

Digital Technology Unit of Work: Blinking Light Challenges

TE4-1DP Designs, communicates and evalutes innovative ideas and creative solutions to authentic problems and opportunities


Completes a
Fully completes
glossary using
glossary using Does not complete a glossary and
Glossary with terms and appropriate have major problems and /or
definitions terminology and very little completion of program
terminology and
gives a justification requirements.
tries to justify for
for their choices
their choices

Able to distinguish
the difference Able to distinguish
between The the difference
Able to Set
Arduino between The
Arduino board Compiles and
Microcontroller and Arduino
type and correct executes a
Thinkershield. Able Microcontroller and
port number. Arduino
to Set Arduino board Thinkershield. Able
Compiles and program using
type and correct to Set Arduino board
executes an an IDE and
Understanding of the port number. type and correct
Arduino program debugs
Arduino system Compiles and port number. Compiles and executes an
using an IDE and common errors
architecture and its major executes an Arduino Compiles and Arduino program using an IDE.
debugs common based on a
components program using an executes an Arduino
errors based on a particular
IDE and debugs program using an
particular situation and
common errors IDE and debugs
situation. Can produces
based on a common errors
upload an accurate
particular situation based on a particular
application into output.
and produces situation. Can
the sketch.
accurate output. Can upload a program
upload a program onto the sketch.
onto the sketch.

TE4-2DP Plans and manages the production of designed solutions

IA DEPT Assessment Version 1 July 2017



Time/action and
finance planning is Time/action and
extensive. Time/action and finance planning
Time/action and/or Time/action and/or fiancé plan
finance planning has some
Project management fiancé planning has has limited connection to the
Project is appropriate for the appropriate aspects
some relevance. design project.
completed within design project. to the design
the time frame and project.
financial limitations

Project housing is in
Project is housed in
Project is housed in a partially
an aesthetically
an aesthetically Project is housed in completed
pleasing and/or
pleasing and aesthetically aesthetic pleasing
appropriate pleasing and and/or appropriate
case/enclosure. Project is not housed but a
case/enclosure. appropriate case/enclosure.
Project Electronics circuit is present. Circuit has
faults that are not identified.
Electronic circuit Electronic circuit
appears to be fault appears to be fault
Electronic circuit
free and well- free Electronic circuit
appears to be fault
constructed appears to have
identified faults.

TE4-4DP Designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose programming language


Designs and Designs and Designs and

documents documents documents
solutions at the solutions at the solutions at the
method level by method level by method level by
Demonstrates an writing writing writing Design document
understanding of the pseudocode before pseudocode before pseudocode before is present but no
No design document is present
professional software writing the code. writing the code. writing the code. test cases are
development process Design test Designs most test Design some test written
scenarios of that scenarios that will scenarios that will
allow thoroughly allow to thoroughly allow to thoroughly
test and debug the test and debug the test and debug the
program. program. program.

Understanding of Recognizers Recognizers Recognizers Recognizes Recognizes Arduino keywords

fundamental programming Arduino keywords Arduino keywords Arduino keywords Arduino keywords and uses correct identifiers
constructs and concepts and uses correct and uses correct and uses correct and uses correct
identifiers. Uses identifiers. Uses identifiers. Uses identifiers.
appropriate data appropriate data appropriate data Evaluates
types, Boolean, types, comparison types, comparison expressions using
comparison and and arithmetic and arithmetic different
arithmetic operators. Explains operators. Explains arithmetic
operators. Explains some properties of the properties of operators.
the properties of variables such as variables such as Recognizers
variables such as its name, value and its name, value and problems that can
its name, value, size. Distinguish size. Distinguish be solved using
scope, persistence between between conditional and
and size. expressions and expressions and looping
Distinguish statements. Uses statements. statements.
between conditional and Attempts to use
expressions and looping statements conditional and
statements. Uses in programs. Has looping statements
nested conditional followed Oracle’s in programs.
and looping or Harvard
statements in conventional Has followed
programs. Has coding style. Oracle’s or Harvard
followed Oracle’s conventional

IA DEPT Assessment Version 1 July 2017


or Harvard coding style.

coding style.

Completeness of blink All 5 blink 4 blink challenges 3 blink challenges 2 blink challenges 1 blink challenge has been
challenges challenges has has been has been has been completed.
been completed. completed. completed. completed.

TE4-10TS Explains how people in technology related professions contribute to society now and into the future.


adequate and
Identifies and observes meaningful Some of the code is No attempted has been made
ethical issues involved comments into the commented and to document the code and no
with writing software source code and referenced references made.
references the
code accordingly

Evaluation is
Evaluation is
detailed, objective
descriptive Evaluation outlines
and descriptive
outlining areas of areas of success Evaluation outlines
outlining areas of Evaluation mentions some
success and areas and areas for areas of success
Final Evaluation success and areas areas of success or for
for improvement if improvement if you and/or areas for
for improvement if improvement
you made the made the project improvement
you made the
project again and again
project again and

Student Feedback

Adjustments made to students

Tick Yes / No Adjustments made Signature

Explicit Instructions
provided to the

IA DEPT Assessment Version 1 July 2017


Code examples
demonstrated on the
Learning Support
Hand Written or
typed version
Helping with coding
in classroom


IA DEPT Assessment Version 1 July 2017

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