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Presente: Simple, continuo o progresivo, perfecto. Verbos Irregulares. Verbos usados en negocios.
Futuro: Simple, continuo o progresivo, going to
Pasado: Simple, // Voz pasiva

Verbos del Presente Simple

Most verbs subject auxiliary part verb adv
Affirmative I, you, we, they     work well.
Sentence He, she, it     works well.
Negative I, you, we, they do not work well.
Sentence He, she, it does not work well.
Interrogative Do I, you, we, they   work well?
Sentence Does he, she, it   work well?
Verb to be Subject main verb Part compl.
I am   English.
Affirmative Sentence You, we, they are   Italian.
He, she, it is   Polish.
I am Not a clerk.
Negative Sentence You, we, they are Not customers.
He, she, it is Not new.
Am I   late?
Interrogative Sentence Are you, we, they   late?
Is he, she, it   late?

Subject Auxiliary Part Verb Obj.
I have - worked here for 2 years.
We have - imported goods since 1995.
She has - been my boss for years.
I have not studied for a long time.
You have not received a pay rise over 10 years.
He has not attended his meeting.
Have I - written any mail today?
Have you - learned English for a long time?
Has she - sent her mails this morning?

Subject Aux part verb –ing
o continuo
I am importing goods.
You, we, they are recruiting staff.
He, she, it is trying to improve
I am not performing well.
You, we, they are not buying goods.
He, she, it is not exporting goods.
Am I working?
Are you, we, they studying?
Is he, she, it selling houses?

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Futuro simple Subject Modal Part Main verb

I, you, 
we, they,  will export goods.
he, she, it
I, you, 
we, they will not import goods.
he, she, it
I, you, 
Will we, they sell goods?
he, she, it

Fut. Continuo Subject Modal Part Be Verb –ing

I, you, 
we, they,  will be exporting goods.
he, she, it
I, you, 
we, they will not be importing goods.
he, she, it
I, you, 
Will we, they be selling goods?
he, she, it

Going to subject auxiliary part Going to Main verb

I am going to import goods.
Affirmative You, we,
are going to recruit staff.
sentence they
He, she, it is going to try to improve.
I am not going to perform well.
Negative You, we,
are not going to buy goods.
sentence they
He, she, it is not going to export goods.
Am I going to work?
Interrogative You, we,
Are going to study?
Sentence they
Is He, she, it going to sell houses?

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El pasado simple se utiliza para referirse a un evento ocurrido o a algo específico en un momento particular en el
pasado, situación que existió por un período de tiempo en el pasado independientemente que aún exista, una
actividad que ocurría regularmente o repetidamente en el pasado pero que ya no ocurre.

Verbos auxiliar
Afirmación verbo regular infinitivo + "-ed"
Negación sujeto did not verbo (infinitivo)
Interrogacio did sujeto verbo (infinitivo)?
To be
Afirmación subject (I, he, she, it) was complemen
subject (you, we, you, they) were complemen
Negación subject (I, he, she, it) was not complement
subject (you, we, you, they) were not complement
Interrogació Was subject (I, Complement?
n he, she, it)
Were subject complement?
(you, we,
you, they)

Pasado perfecto

El pasado perfecto se utiliza cuando se desea mencionar un hecho o situación que sucedió en el pasado pero
anteponiéndolo a otra acción o situación que ocurrió también en el pasado. Es decir, para marcar una suceción de
hechos o situaciones en el pasado se emplea el pasado perfecto.

Pasado Sub traducció

Auxiliar Part Verb Obj
Perfecto j n
I had - worked here before I moved. trabajó
Affirmative importe
We had - goods, then I changed jobs. importado
Sentence d
She had - been my boss for years before resigning. estado
I had not studied for a long time and I enjoyed it. estudió
You had not received a pay rise until yesterday. recibido
He had not attended his meeting so he had a rest. asistido
Interrogativ Had I - written any mail before yours? escrito
e Had you - learned English before? aprendido
Sentence Had she - sent her mails already? expedido

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Verbos de conceptos usados en Negocios

accept aceptar add añadir admit admitir

advertise anunciar advise aconsejar afford permitirse
approve aprobar authorize autorizar avoid evitar
borrow pedir prestado break descanso build construir
buy comprar calculate calcular call llamada
cancel cancelar change cambio charge for cobrar por
check comprobar choose escoger complain quejar
complete completar confirm confirmar consider considerar
convince convencer count contar decide decidir
decrease disminución deliver entregar develop desarrollar
dismiss despedir dispatch envío distribute distribuir
divide dividir drop soltar employ emplear
encourage alentar establish establecer estimate estimar
exchange intercambiar extend ampliar fall otoño
fix fijar fund fondo get worse empeorar
improve mejorar increase incrementar inform informar
install instalar invest invertir invoice factura
join unirse lend prestar lengthen alargar
lower inferior maintain mantener manage gestionar
measure medida mention mencionar obtain obtener
order orden organise organizar owe deber
own propio pack paquete
e participar
pay paga plan plan present presente
prevent evitar process proceso produce Produce
promise promesa promote promover provide proporcionar
purchase compra raise aumento reach alcanzar
receive recibir recruit recluta reduce reducir
refuse desperdicios reject rechazar remind recordar
remove retirar reply respuesta resign Renunciar
respond responder return regreso rise subir
sell vender send enviar separate separar
shorten acortar split división structure estructura
succeed tener éxito suggest sugerir write escribir
vary variar        

Verbo Definición en Ingles Traducción

Irregular (Participio/pasado)
analyse examine analizar
appoint name, design designar, nombrar
audit inspect records auditar
award give, grant conceder, otorgar
back give complete approval and support apoyar, aprobar
bounce a cheque dishonor a cheque  rechazar un cheque

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Verbo Definición en Ingles Traducción
Irregular (Participio/pasado)
bounced cheque dishonored cheque  cheque rechazado
come up with introduce new ideas  Innovar - COME / CAME
communicate transmit information comunicar
decrease fall, drop, reduce reducir, caer (precios)
delegate transfer power or work delegar
develop expand, enlarge desarrollarse
downsize reduce the number of personnel reducir personal
encourage stimulate estimular
endorse a
sign a cheque on the reverse endosar un cheque
endorsement signature on a cheque reverse endoso
fire sack, dismiss despedir
found set up, establish fundar, establecer
head be in charge of dirigir, estar a cargo de
improve make better mejorar
increase go up, rise incrementar, subir (precios)
inform give information informar
innovate make changes innovar
invest money for profit invertir
join (a company) become part of a firm ingresar (a una empresa)
launch put a new product in the market lanzar (al mercado)
manufacture produce a product fabricar
merge two companies join together fusionarse
motivate give an incentive incentivar
perform  show results over a period of time actuar (en el mercado)
output produce producir (trabajo)
rank put in order of importance ubicar por orden de importancia
rationalise make something more efficient racionalizar
recruit hire, employ reclutar (personal)
re-locate transfer to another area transferir, reubicar
report to work under reportar a
research investigate investigar
run manage, administrate administrar, gerenciar RUN / RAN
takeover one company buys another Adquirir TAKEN / TOOK
retire end employment Jubilarse
trade do business; buy and sell negociar
rightsize optimize the number of people optimizar la dotación
recortar personal
trim / cut back reduce personnel
upgrade improve the quality of actualizarse

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analyze examine analizar
appoint name, design designar, nombrar
audit inspect records auditar
award give, grant conceder, otorgar
back give complete approval & support apoyar, aprobar
bounce a check dishonor a check  rechazar un cheque
bounced check dishonored check  cheque rechazado
come up with introduce new ideas  innovar
communicate transmit information comunicar
decrease fall, drop, reduce reducir, caer (precios)
delegate transfer power or work delegar
develop expand, enlarge desarrollarse
downsize reduce the number of personnel reducir personal
encourage stimulate estimular
endorse a check sign a check on the reverse endosar un cheque
endorsement signature on a check reverse endoso
fire sack, dismiss despedir
found set up, establish fundar, establecer
head be in charge of dirigir, estar a cargo de
improve make better mejorar
increase go up, rise incrementar, subir (precios)
inform give information informar
innovate make changes innovar
invest money for profit invertir
join (a company) become part of a firm ingresar (a una empresa)
launch put a new product in the market lanzar (al mercado)
manufacture produce a product fabricar
merge two companies join together fusionarse
motivate give an incentive incentivar
perform  show results over a period of time actuar (en el mercado)
output produce producir (trabajo)
rank put in order of importance ubicar x orden d importancia
rationalize make something more efficient racionalizar
recruit hire, employ reclutar (personal)
re-locate transfer to another area transferir, reubicar
report to work under reportar a
research investigate investigar
run manage, administrate administrar, gerenciar
Take over one company buys another adquirir
retire end employment jubilarse
trade do business; buy and sell negociar
rightsize optimize the number of people optimizar la dotación
trim / cut back reduce personnel recortar personal
upgrade improve the quality of actualizarse

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arise arose arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse.
awake awoke awoken Despertar, mover, excitar.
bear bore born Soportar, sostener, tolerar.
beat beat beaten Batir,revolver, golpear, vencer.
become became become Hacerse,tornarse,convertirse en.
begin began begun Empezar, iniciar.
bend bent bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer.
bet bet bet Apostar
bind bound bound Atar, unir, enlazar.
bite bit bitten Morder.
blow blew blown Soplar
break broke broken Quebrar, partir, romper.
bring brought brought Traer, llevar, conducir.
build built built Construir, edificar.
burn burnt burnt Quemar, incendiar.
burst burst burst Romper, reventar.
buy bought bought Comprar
catch caught caught Coger, asir, atrapar.
choose chose chosen Escoger, elegir.
cling clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse.
come came come Venir
cost cost cost Costar
creep crept crept Arrastrarse,deslizarse, pegarse.
cut cut cut Cortar, dividir.
deal dealt dealt Tratar, tener que referirse.
dig dug dug Cavar, ahondar.
do did done Hacer, ejecutar.
draw drew drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar.
drink drank drunk Beber
drive drove driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar, inducir.
fall fell fallen Caer, disminuir.
feed fed fed Alimentar, nutrir.
feel felt felt Sentir, percibir, tocar.
fight fought fought Pelear, combatir.
find found found Encontrar, descubrir.
find out found out found out Averiguar, investigar.
flee fled fled Escapar, huír, evitar.
fly flew flown Volar
forbid forbade forbidden Prohibir.
foresee foresaw foreseen Prever, prevenir
forget forgot forgotten Olvidar (se)
forgive forgave forgiven Perdonar
freeze froze frozen Congelar
get got got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir.
give gave given Dar, conceder.
go went gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar.
grind ground ground Moler, triturar.
grow grew grown Crecer, cultivar.
hang hung hung Colgar, Suspender.

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have had had Tener, haber.
hear heard heard Oír, escuchar.
hide hid hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir.
hit hit hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.
hold held held Sostener,mantener,contener.
hurt hurt hurt Herir, dañar, lastimar.
keep kept kept Mantener,guardar,conservar.
know knew known Conocer, saber.
lay laid laid Poner, colocar.
lead led led Guiar, llevar, conducir.
lean leant leant Inclinar(se), apoyarse.
learn learnt learnt Aprender, saber.
leave left left Partir, irse, abandonar.
lend lent lent Prestar
let let let Permitir, conceder.
lie lay lain Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado.
light lit lit Alumbrar, iluminar, encender (se).
lose lost lost Perder, malgastar.
make made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.
mean meant meant Significar,querer decir pretender.
meet met met Encontrarse, satisfacer.
melt melted molten (old) Derretir(se), fundir(se).
mistake mistook mistaken Equivocarse, comprender mal, errar
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal.
overcome overcame overcome Vencer, superar, sobreponerse.
pay paid paid Pagar, recompensar.
put put put Poner,colocar, exponer.
read read read Leer,descifrar, marcar.
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Reconstruir
rid rid rid Librarse, zafarse.
ride rode ridden Rodar, tener juego, funcionar.
ring rang rung Tocar, sonar.
rise rose risen Ascender,elevarse,levantarse, surgir.
run ran run Correr, funcionar.
saw sawed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar.
say said said Decir, afirmar.
see saw seen Ver, observar.
seek sought sought Buscar, solicitar.
sell sold sold Vender
send sent sent Enviar
set set set Instalar, establecer, colocar, fijar.
shake shook shaken Sacudir, lanzar, agitar.
shed shed shed Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer.
shine shone shone Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir.
shoot shot shot Disparar, emitir, lanzar.
show showed shown Mostrar, excibir, probar, demostar.
shrink shrank shrunk Encogerse, disminuir, desaparecer.
shut shut shut Cerrar, impedir, excluír.
sing sang sung Cantar

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sink sank sunk Hundir, sumergir
sit sat sat Sentarse, reunirse.
sleep slept slept Dormir
slide slid slid(den) Resbalar, deslizarse, escabullirse.
smell smelt smelt Oler, percibir.
speak spoke spoken Hablar, decir.
speed sped sped Acelerar, apresurarse.
spend spent spent Gastar, consumir, emplear (tiempo).
spill spilt spilt Derramar, verter, divulgar.
spin spun spun Tornear, hilar, hacer girar.
split split split Partir, dividir, separar, reventar.
spoil spoilt spoilt Deteriorar, dañar, inutilizar.
spread spread spread Extender, esparcir, propagar.
spring sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.
stand stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pié).
steal stole stolen Robar, escabullirse.
stick stuck stuck Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar.
stink stank stunk Oler mal, apestar.
strike struck struck Golpear, pegar, estallar.
swell swelled swollen Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar.
swim swam swum Nadar, flotar.
swing swung swung Balancera(se), hacer girar.
take took taken Tomar, llevar.
teach taught taught Enseñar
tear tore torn Romper, despedazar, rasgar.
tell told told Decir, contar, narrar.
think thought thought Pensar, creer.
throw threw thrown Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar.
thrust thrust thrust Introducir con violencia, empujar, impeler
undergo underwent undergone Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por.
understand understood understood Comprender.
undertake undertook undertaken Emprender, comenzar algo.
undo undid undone Desarmar, deshacer.
wake woke woke (n) Despertar, excitar.
wear Wore worn Gastar(se), consumirse, usar.
win Won won Ganar, conquistar.
wind Wound wound Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar.
withdraw Withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.
withstand Withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.

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Voz Pasiva
La estructura de la voz pasiva, entonces, es muy simple:
subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle “pp”)

Subject / Main verb  Agent of the
Part. traducción
Object (past participle) action
(to be)
This product is sold everywhere. se vende en todas partes
Many people are employed by this company. empleado por esta empresa.
I am interviewed by the manager. entrevistado por el gerente.
We are not paid regularly. pagado regularmente
Are they controlled by the supervisor? controlado por el supervisor?
En ingles es habitual su uso, su traducción literal suena forzado, solo es posible el uso con verbos
transitivos (que llevan complemento directo)
Verb form Construction Example Traducción
¿Cómo se pronuncia esta
Present simple am/is/are + pp How is this word pronounced? palabra?
La casa está siendo
Present continuous am/are/is being + pp The house is being redecorated. redecorada.
Present perfect
has/have been + pp He's just been sacked! ¡Acaba de ser despedido!
Todas sus tarjetas de crédito
All his credit cards were stolen
Past simple was/were + pp fueron robadas la semana
last week. pasada.
He was being treated for Estaba siendo tratado por
Past continuous was/were being + pp depression when he won the depresión cuando ganó la
lottery. lotería.
The vegetables had been cooked Las verduras habían sido
Past perfect simple Had been + pp cocinadas por mucho tiempo
for far too long
The house contents will be El contenido de la casa se
Future simple will be + pp reorganizará.
Construcción del objeto ahora será sujeto
Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
Active The manager wrote an email to me.
Passive An email was written to me by the manager.
Passive I was written an email by the manager

Infinitive To be employed Ser Empleado

present It is employed. Está empleado.
past It was employed. Fue empleado.
future It will be employed. Será empleado.
conditional It would be employed. Sería empleado.
present It is being employed. Está siendo empleado.
Estaba siendo
past It was being employed.
continuous empleado.
future It will be being employed. Estará siendo empleado.
conditional It would be being employed. Sería empleado.
present It has been employed. Ha sido empleado.
perfect past It had been employed. Había sido empleado.
simple future It will have been employed. Habrá sido empleado.
Conditional It would have been employed. Hubiera sido empleado

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