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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City 2700 Ilocos Sur

dokRei@The Contemporary World, 2nd Sem., 2020-2021

Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Website: Email:
Mobile #: 09178330301
Name: PALANGDAO, Jhumel C. Course/Year/Section : BSCE 2-A

Midterm Examination in The Contemporary World

Instruction: You have been given materials through Ppt Presentations, recorded discussions to
reinforce and explain the printed materials, plus, explanations through the Google Classroom’s
Stream and Group Chat. Some have availed raising questions through the stream and the GC to
clarify things.
Now it’s time to give the Midterm Exam to test how well you have understood and digested the
lessons given to you. There are questions here and, obviously, there are expected answers, and these
answers are taken from the materials uploaded and those discussed with you, and not from other
sources. Getting answers by “googling” the question is definitely, a “no-no” thing. Answers believed
to have been taken and copied from the internet will not be given credit. You will be given 3 hours to
answer the short midterm exam, after which, you will submit immediately the exam form with your
answers to the Google Classroom, no other venues for submission. For every hour late in the
submission of the said exam, there will be a corresponding deduction of 10 points from your total
score. Good luck
Period of the Midterm Examination:
Time of Uploading of the Midterm Examination: April 27, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
Deadline of Submission to the Google Classroom: April 27, 2021 @ 10:00 PM
Test I. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Define the following terms. You may use either English or
Filipino. A space is provided for your answers. (10 Points each)
1. Hegemony – I define “hegemony” as how one social group or nation dominates over another.
Usually, western nation are the ones that dominate among all other countries. They are the ones that
are powerful, industrialized and financially stabled and that is why they have more opportunities to
develop and gain revenues from poorer countries.
2. Liquidity – I have learned that liquidity is one of the characteristics of the contemporary world. I
define ‘liquidity” as how globalization expands and flows freely across countries. It is evident that
countries are experiencing a speed up in movement of people or transportation, communication,
information and everything. World is indeed becoming modernized and no country is being left
behind with the flow of modernization.
3. Globalization – Globalization for me is simply the reality. The reality that the world is inevitably
changing as our knowledge grows and as human society develops. We are slowly making everything
possible to happen as time goes by. People have made every aspect of their lives and every way a lot
easier and faster such as communication, transportation, and trade. Globalization is also the reason
why we, humans are becoming more interacted with one another.
4. Flows – these are defined as the movement of people, communication, movement of things and
information brought by the growing porosity of global limitations. It is perceived either in positive
or negative way. Examples include our consumption of other countries’ products, the flow of
information we see online whether it is legal or not and the migration of people due to calamities.
5. Imperialism – is a form in which large or powerful nation seek to expand their power by
conquering or wielding economic and political occupations or controls over other nations specifically
those that are still developing and financially-challenged countries. Several powerful countries
control other regions to strengthen or stabilize even more their economic standing.

Test II. DISCUSSIONS. This is given to test, not how good and fast one is in “googling,” in
search for an answer in the world-wide-web, but to find how effective the materials given to the
students, how good and receptive the students to the ideas and concepts given by the instructor
through the recorded explanations, and more importantly, how smart the students are in digesting the
given lessons through this modality.
Discuss simply the following questions. You may use either English or Filipino. Good luck!
1. Give at least 3 forms of solids that may undermine the movements of people, objects, and
ideas making it more difficult.
The infected people due to COVID-19 - Because of them, hospitals are now fully occupied. People
cannot go out and they are not able to do the things they normally do because they might get infected
by the virus. COVID-19 has undermined the movement of everything in many countries today.

The guns, weapons and prison cell of North Korea – North Korea is the only country without
internet, no outside contacts, they are like prisoners in their own country. People there have very
limited movement and everyone that is caught accessing or contacting outside their country will be

Great Wall of China- It was built years ago for the purpose of protecting its people from enemy and
invaders. Because of this wall, people from the other side were not able to enter the place.

2. Why are videos or information, purposely or mistakenly uploaded on the Internet, hard to
stop? How do you call the process?
- Information that is already uploaded online whether it is done mistakenly or with purpose is
really hard to stop because of how vast the internet is. Many users may have read and screen-
captured it before you delete the uploaded information. It is true that even in just seconds after the
upload, the information can be viewed by all online users and it is the process by which information
can spread online as fast as it is uploaded.

3. What are the factors that helped religions of the world go global/international?
-Technological advancements and the internet are factors that helped the religions of the
world go global. Because of these, spreading religious beliefs is now possible online. Priests can
perform live-streamed masses on the internet and it has become the “new normal”, of worship since
face-to-face or actual mass in churches are not allowed during these times. Despite the reality that the
world is facing a great challenge right now, people have found a way to still able do our religious
practices and to worship the Lord.
4. George Ritzer came up with a business model which includes among others; the division of
labor and monitoring which are now being articulated by present-day “fastfood chains,” How
do you call this model, and tell something about it.
- It is called “McDonaldization” and it is adopted by the countries all over the world. Fast-
food chains became very easy and accessible place where people go to eat. They choose going to
fast-food restaurants over cooking in their own homes because foods there are calculated and
ordering is very efficient. In addition, foods there suits their taste and is affordable. Instead of making
their own food at their homes, they prefer eating in fast-food restaurants because it saves time,
money and effort.

5. What do you mean by “Cultural Hybridization,”? and give some examples?

-I have learned that “Cultural Hybridization” is the merging or mixing of culture of the
countries. Examples include how the Filipinos appreciate and embrace the K-pop and K-drama cultures.
Personally, I am an avid fan of the Korean boy group called “BTS” because of their inspirational songs,
their excellent dancing and singing skills and their great visuals. Also, I love Korean dramas because
every scene that I have watched from their drama series is very realistic and unpredictable. One example
is how “anime” of Japan ruled the childhood of many Filipino including me. Although, other cultures
occupy a space in my heart, I can still say that I have my nationalism inside me because I love and apply
our Filipino culture, I also support our local artists, bands, movies and T.V. series. For me, appreciating
other countries’ cultures doesn’t mean forgetting your own.

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