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Practice your speaking and listening through this daily conversation.

Tell me about your day?

Sarah: John, tell me about your day. What time do you wake-up?

John: Well, let's see. Some days I wake up early. Maybe about 6 o'clock. Yeah,
sometimes I wake up at 6 o'clock.

When I get up early, I like to get ready for the day, take a shower and have breakfast.
But other days, I don't like getting up early. Maybe I'll sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00.

Sarah: Wow.

John: Yeah. I like sleeping in late. So sometimes, I wake up at 11:00. On those days, if
I know I won't wake up until 11:00, I'll take a shower the night before, before I go to
bed. How about you, Sarah? When do you usually wake up?

Sarah: Well, I like everyday to be the same. So I wake up everyday at 8 o'clock.

John: 8:00.

Sarah: 8:00. And I always do the same thing. First, I make coffee right away. Then I
wake up my kids and we have breakfast together at about 8:30.

John: Really?

Sarah: Yes. We usually have something easy like bread and yogurt and fruit.

John: I like to have coffee every morning whether I wake up at 6:00 or at 10:00. I'm still
going to have coffee. But I often skip breakfast. Do you always eat breakfast everyday?

Sarah: Yes. If I don't eat breakfast, I'm so hungry. What about lunch? What time do you
have lunch?

John: Lunch is the same everyday for me. I always eat lunch at 12:30 PM. So
whenever I wake up, I do some things and then I always have lunch at 12:30 PM, just
half past noon. And I always have a simple lunch. Maybe some soup or spaghetti or a
sandwich. Something light, and it's always at half past noon. What time do you eat
Sarah: That's interesting. I have breakfast at the same time everyday but lunch is
always at a different time.

John: Really?

Sarah: Because I'm busy in the morning. I go out, maybe I go shopping. Sometimes, I
clean the house. So I might have lunch at 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock. Sometimes as late
as 2:30.

John: Oh, that's getting late.

Sarah: Yes. But it's always easy lunch like you. Maybe crackers and cheese or a
sandwich or a baked potato.

John: I see.


Answer these questions about the interview.

 a) 6
1) Who wakes up at 6? 
 b) 7

 a) He does.  c) 8

 b) She does. 4) Who usually eats breakfast? 

 c) They both do.
 a) He does.
2) Who sometimes sleeps in? 
 b) She does.

 a) He does.  c) They both do.

 b) She does. 5) Who usually has a different lunch

 c) They both do. every day? 

3) She gets up at what time? 

 a) He does.
 b) She does.
 c) They both do.
When do you eat dinner?

John: Do you always have dinner at a different time, too?

Sarah: No. I almost always eat dinner around 6 o'clock. How about you? When do you
eat dinner?

John: My dinner time varies a lot just like my breakfast. So maybe I eat dinner later
than most people. I think I would have dinner at 7:00 PM at the earliest. But
sometimes, I will have dinner as late as 9 o'clock at night.

Sarah: Really?

John: Yeah. I don't mind it. I really like cooking so, if I'm cooking a short thing, I'll have
dinner earlier. But I don't mind if it takes two hours to cook something really good, I'll eat
later at night.

Sarah: Wow. Can you tell me about your work routine? What time do you usually go to

John: See, my work schedule is different everyday. That's why I wake up at a different
time everyday. Maybe on – for example, some weeks on Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday, I start work at 7:00. But on Tuesday and Friday, I don't start work until

Sarah: Ah.

John: How about you? Do you have a different work time sometimes?

Sarah: Well, right now, I'm on maternity leave. So I stay home and take care of my new

John: Oh, congratulations.

Sarah: Thank you. I try to work at home a little bit everyday though. If the kids are
sleeping or they're playing quietly, I try to do some work. Maybe around 2 o'clock, I can
usually get some work done because the kids are sleeping.

John: Oh, if you don't start getting some work done until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you
must be very busy every morning.
Sarah: Yeah. I usually go to the grocery store. Sometimes I take the kids to the park
around 10:00 in the morning. I often do the laundry or wash the dishes, and then as
soon as the dishes are washed, it's time to make lunch. So I'm busy all day.

John: I see. So that's why your lunch time can change so much.

Sarah: Yeah.

John: Oh, it sounds like a busy day.


Answer these questions about the interview. 3) How often does he start work
1) What does he say about dinner?  early? 

 a) He skips it.  a) Every day

 b) It is always the same.  b) Two days a week
 c) It varies.  c) Three days a week

2) He says he does not mind cooking 4) She is on ______ . 

_____ . 

 a) vacation
 a) for friends
 b) sick leave
 b) for two hours
 c) maternity leave
 c) for just one person
Practice your speaking and listening through this daily conversation.

Do you cook much?

Daniel: So Hana, tell me, do you cook much?

Hana: Yes, I always cook. I often cook with my roommate, and we always make
Chinese or Japanese food. How about you?

Daniel: Well, I don’t really cook that often. I’m really busy during the week. So, I
always just get something at the shop and get that. But, during the weekends, I always
cook during the weekends because I really like making food. That’s what I do.

Hana: So, do you ever eat out?

Daniel: Only occasionally, because I’m really busy during the week, and I prefer
cooking, so not really often. I don’t go out really often to eat. Whenever I’m tired, and I
don’t have time to cook during the week, I go and eat out with a friend, so! And you?

Hana: Well, I always. So I normally go and eat out during the weekend with my friends
or family.


Answer these questions about the interview. 3) Who does she eat out with? 
1) Who does she cook with? 

 a) Family
 a) Just herself
 b) Friends
 b) Her family
 c) Coworkers
 c) Her roommate
4) Why does he eat out often? 
2) When does he cook? 

 a) He is lazy.
 a) Never
 b) He is busy.
 b) Most nights
 c) He hates cooking.
 c) On the weekend

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