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Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 August 2007, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

A1. Consider the annihilation operator a and the creation operator a † which satisfy the commu-
tation relation
[a, a† ] = aa† − a† a = 1
where 1 is the unit operator. Let the number operator be

N ≡ a† a .

(a) (2 points)
(i) Reexpress (a† )2 a2 as a function of N .
(ii) Reexpress (a† )3 a3 as a function of N .
(b) (2 points) Find a general expression for (a† )n an as a function of N .

Let |ni be eigenvectors of the number operator N . In particular

N |ni = n|ni ,

showing that n is the eigenvalue associated with the eigenvector |ni.

(c) (2 points) Given that N is Hermitian,

(i) Show that |ni and |mi are orthogonal for n 6= m. Hereafter assume that each |ni
is normalized to unit length.
(ii) Based on the answers to (a), (b), and part (i) of (c), show that the eigenvalues n lie
in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}

Let |0i denote the ground state for which N |0i = 0.

(d) (2 points)
(i) Express the state |1i as a function of a and a† acting on the state |0i
(ii) Express the state |2i as a function of a and a† acting on the state |0i.
(e) (2 points) Express the state |ni as a function of a and a† acting on the state |0i.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

A2. An electron moves in a circular orbit around a nucleus of charge Ze.

(a) (2 points) What is the electron speed v as a function of the radius r of the orbit? Treat
the motion of the electron according to the laws of classical mechanics.
(b) (2 points) Let us adopt cylindrical coordinates (ρ, z, φ) such that the electron is moving
in the z = 0 plane in the φ̂-direction. ẑ and φ̂ are related by the right-hand rule. A
uniform magnetic field H ~ 1 = H1 (t)ẑ is turned on, inducing an electric field of the form
E~ 1 = E1 (ρ, t)φ̂. Give an expression for E1 (ρ, t) in terms of H1 (t).
(c) (3 points) Let us assume that H1 (t) varies from zero to an infinitesimally small positive
value dH. What is the change in the speed of the electron? Does it speed up or down?
(d) (3 points) What is the change in the radius of the electron orbit?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

A3. An eccentric professor proposes to explain the anomalous rotation curves (rotational velocity
as a function of radial distance from galactic center) of galaxies in terms of gravitationally
attractive strings of matter (essentially, one dimensional lines of mass) passing through the
center of each galaxy and oriented perpendicular to the disk of the galaxy.

(a) (3 points) Starting from Newton’s Law of gravitation, calculate the gravitational force
on a particle of mass M a distance R from an infinitely long straight gravitationally
attractive “string” of mass per unit length µ.
(b) (2 points) Use the result from part (a) to calculate the velocity of a particle of mass M
in circular orbit about the string at a distance R from it.
(c) (1 point) Some galaxy is observed to have a rotation curve which asymptotes to a
constant vobs m/s for its most distantly observable parts. What mass per unit length
would be required of a string which could account for the observed rotation curve of
the galaxy?
(d) (2 points) In special relativity, energy and mass are related by Einstein’s most famous
formula. An important fact in physics is that energy per unit length and tension have
the same physical dimensions. What would be the speed of sound in a string if it were
maintained at a tension equal to its energy per unit length?
(e) (2 points) One might question whether the string in part (d) could be stable. In your
understanding of physics, what could it mean to say that such a string is unconditionally
stable in response to a small, localized, sideways displacement?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 August 2007, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

B1. Consider an electron with mass me confined within an infinite square well defined by

V (x) = 0, for 0 < x < L,

V (x) = +∞ otherwise.

(a) (2 points) Using Schrödinger’s equation calculate the allowed stationary-state eigen-
functions ψn (x), where the complete wavefunctions are given by Ψn (x, t) =
ψn (x)e−iEn t/h̄ . Normalize the eigenfunctions so that the probability of finding the
electron somewhere in the box is one.
(b) (2 points) Show that the wavefunctions Ψn (x, t) correspond to states with definite
energy (i.e. show that ∆E = σE = 0).
(c) (2 points) Calculate the allowed energy levels, En , of the system. Express your answer
in terms of the Compton wavelength of the electron, λe ≡ h̄/me c , and the rest mass
energy of the electron, me c2 . What is the ground state energy (in MeV) for the case
L = λe ? (Note that me c2 = 0.511 MeV.)
(d) (4 points) Suppose the electron in this infinite square well has a wave function at t = 0
which is given by
Ψ(x, 0) = √ sin(πx/L) cos(3πx/L).
If you measure the energy of this particle, what are the possible values you might get,
and what is the probability of getting each of them? What is the expectation value of the
energy for this state (i.e. average energy)? What is Ψ(x, t) and what is the expectation
value of x, hxi, for the state Ψ(x, t)? Does hxi depend on time?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

B2. A mass m is initially at rest at point A on a track.

As indicated by the diagram (a side view, not to scale), the left half of the track takes the
shape of a quarter of a circle with radius R1 , while the right half takes the shape of three
quarters of a circle radius R. The mass m slides down the track and collides with a second
mass 2m at rest at the bottom of the track. After the collision, the two masses are stuck
√ The composite mass continues to move up the right half of the track, with speed
3 gR immediately after the collision. Ignore friction and air resistance throughout this

(a) (2 points) Find the speed V1 of m immediately before the collision, in terms of g and
(b) (2 points) Find R1 , in terms of V1 , g and m.
(c) (2 points) Find the magnitude and direction of the normal force exerted by the track
on the composite mass immediately after the collision, in terms of R, g and m.
(d) (4 points) Find the magnitude and direction of the normal force exerted by the track
on the composite mass when it reaches point B, in terms of R, g and m.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

B3. A uniform line charge λ is placed on an infinite straight wire, a distance a above an infinite
grounded conducting plane.

Let’s orient the axes so that the conducting plane is in the xy plane, and the wire runs parallel
to the x axis and directly above it, intersecting the z axis at the point z = a as shown in the

(a) (6 points) Find the electrostatic potential ϕ(x, y, z) in the region above the plane.
(b) (4 points) Find the charge density σ(x, y) induced on the plane.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 August 2007, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

C1. Rutherford, using alpha particle scattering, was able to determine the radii of the nuclei of
certain elements. Gold, chemical symbol Au, which has 79 protons and — in the naturally-
occuring isotope — 118 neutrons, has a nuclear radius of about 10 fm ( 1 × 10 −14 m). The
binding energy per nucleon of Au is about 7.8 MeV.

(a) (3 points) Using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, estimate the minimum kinetic
energy of a nucleon (either proton or neutron) confined to this size nucleus.
(b) (3 points) Using your answer from part (a), estimate how many nucleon states (re-
member spin!) could be contained in an infinite square well potential before the energy
of the next-to-be-occupied (n + 1)th state exceeds the binding energy/nucleon of 7.8
MeV. Ignore the Coulomb repulsion between the protons (which is only 1% of the nu-
clear force); ignore also any angular momentum corrections to the energy (i.e. assume
everything is in an l = 0 state.)
(c) (3 points) Again using your answer from part (a) and the stated assumptions in part
(b), estimate how many nucleon states could be contained in an harmonic oscillator
potential before the energy of the next-to-be-occupied (n + 1)th state exceeds the
binding energy/nucleon of 7.8 MeV.
(d) (1 point) Based on your results for (b) and (c), comment on which potential (infinite
square well vs harmonic oscillator) best describes the reality of the Au nucleus. Recall
that protons and neutrons are spin-1/2 Fermions and obey the Pauli principle.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

C2. Consider a simple model of a paramagnetic salt, in which the magnetic moments are nonin-
teracting, so that the only interaction is between the ionic moments and an externally applied
magnetic field H.~ The Hamiltonian is then

H = −γ J~i · H,

where γ = gµB , with g the Landé g-factor and µB the Bohr magneton. The ions have
angular momentum J (with 2J + 1 substates), and there are N identical ions in the salt. For
simplicity, let’s consider a spin-1/2 system with J = 1/2 (and therefore two sub-states).

(a) (4 points) Calculate the canonical partition function ZN for the N ionic moments.
(b) (3 points) From the partition function ZN , calculate the Helmholtz free energy F and
the entropy S for the salt. [Note: even if you couldn’t calculate the partition function
in (a), at least write down the necessary relations between ZN and F , and between F
and S.]
(c) (3 points) Calculate the net magnetization in the applied field,

~ =γ
M hJ~i i,

and from the magnetization calculate the susceptibility χT = (∂M/∂H)T . Show that
when kB T  γH, the susceptibility behaves as χT ∼ 1/T (the Curie law).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 August 2007, 09:00–12:00

C3. A copper strip 2.0 cm wide (d) and 1.0 mm thick (h) is placed in a magnetic field of 1.5 T as
shown. A current of 200 A is set up in the strip, also as shown.

(a) (2 points) In what direction are the charge carriers deflected by the magnetic field?
(b) (6 points) Derive the formula for the Hall voltage in the x̂ direction, including sign.
(c) (2 points) Calculate the numerical value of the Hall voltage, using the parameters given.

Hints: Density of copper ρCu = 9.0 g/cm3 ; Atomic weight of copper is 64 g/mole.
Avogadro’s constant is 6.0 × 1023 /mole. Note that copper has 1 free electron /atom as its
charge carriers.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 August 2007, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

D1. An object of mass m orbits another object in a central force described by f (r) = −k 2 m/r α ,
with α > 1. Assume that the orbiting object is much less massive than the second object.

(a) (2 points) Assume that the motion is circular, with radius r. What is the total energy
of the object, assuming that the potential energy is defined to be 0 at r = ∞? Express
your answer in terms of r, k and α.
(b) (2 points) Assume that the motion is circular, with radius r. If the object receives a
sudden kick (i.e. sudden increase) in velocity ∆v, what is the minimum value of ∆v
needed to completely escape from the vicinity of the other object? What is minimum
value of ∆v needed to completely escape from the vicinity of the other object no matter
what direction the kick occurs? Express your answers in terms of r, k and α.
(c) (3 points) Assume again that the motion is circular, with radius r. If the object is
perturbed slightly, what is the ratio of the oscillation frequency to the orbital frequency
in terms of k, r, α? For what values of α is the motion periodic? For cases where the
motion is not periodic, describe qualitatively what happens when the object is slightly
perturbed from its orbit.
(d) (3 points) Assume an inverse square law (α = 2) for the central force. If the object is
orbiting in a circle of radius r around the sun, find the minimum velocity kick needed
to reach radius nr (0 < n < ∞), expressing your answer in terms of r, k and n. Note
that the new orbit is an ellipse with closest distance at r and maximum distance at nr.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

D2. (a) (5 points) The constant-volume heat capacity CV of a solid is given by

CV = aT + bT 3 ,

where T is the temperature, and a and b are constants. Give the entropy of the solid as
a function of the temperature.
(b) (5 points) The entropy S of another material is given by
S = R ln( ) + ln( ) ,
U0 V0
where U is the energy and V the volume. R, U0 , and V0 are constants. Give the volume
of this material as a function of temperature and pressure.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 August 2007, 14:00–17:00

D3. In a so-called LS (or Russell-Saunders) angular momentum coupling scheme for atoms, one
combines separately the orbital angular momenta into total orbital angular momentum, with
quantum number L, and the electron spins in total spin angular momentum, with quantum
number S. Next, these momenta are coupled to obtain the total electron angular momentum,
with quantum number J, according to

J = L + S, L + S − 1, L + S − 2, . . . |L − S|.

Thus, within this scheme, atomic energy levels (also called fine-structure levels) are char-
acterized by their J, L, and S values. In the absence of a magnetic field these states are
(2J + 1)-fold degenerate.
If, in addition, the atomic nucleus has a spin quantum number I, the so-called electron-nuclear
(or hyperfine) levels arise, characterized with quantum numbers (F, J, L, S) with

F = J + I, J + I − 1, J + I − 2, . . . |J − I|.

An atom has two electrons outside closed shells in the configuration 4s3d : one electron
occupies a 4s orbital (l = 0), and one occupies a 3d orbital (l = 2). We speak of an atom
with two optically active electrons. Its nucleus has a spin I = 1/2.

(a) (3 points) How many distinct hyperfine states does this atom have?
(b) (1 point) What are the total orbital angular momenta quantum numbers L?
(c) (1 point) What are the total spin angular momenta quantum numbers S?
(d) (1 points) What are the total electron angular momenta quantum numbers J?
(e) (2 points) What are the total hyperfine quantum numbers F ?
(f) (2 points) The energy of a hyperfine level is shifted relative to that of an associated
fine-structure level by

∆Ē = C[F (F + 1) − I(I + 1) − J(J + 1)].

What is the ∆Ē for each (F, J) state?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 18 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 18 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00

A1. A particle of mass m moves in one dimension inside a box, with walls at x = ±a. Inside,
there is an attractive δ-function potential at x = 0. The complete potential V (x) is given by
V (x) = − λ δ(x) for |x| < a
V (x) = ∞ at x = ±a .
Consider the energy eigenvalue problem for negative energies E < 0.

(a) (2 points) The δ-function potential requires that the wavefunction ψ(x) is continuous
at x = 0 but its derivative is not. Find the discontinuity of the derivative of ψ at x = 0
by integrating the second derivative of ψ from −ε to +ε where ε is infinitesimal.
(b) (4 points) Set up the equation which determines the allowed values of E, if any.
(c) (2 points) Under what conditions on λ and a are there more than one negative energy
(d) (2 points) Under what conditions on λ and a are there no negative energy solutions?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 18 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00

A2. A plane wave, E◦ exp i(~k · ~r − ω t), with intensity I◦ ∝ E◦2 from a coherent source is
incident on a semi-infinite slit of width b. According to the Huygens-Fresnel Principle, every
unobstructed point on the aperture slit serves as the source of cylindrical secondary wavelets
with the same wavelength λ as the incident wave. The amplitude of the optical disturbance
(electric field) at point P on a screen, a distance s away, is the superposition (magnitude and
phase) of all these wavelets. In the following, ignore the inverse square root dependence of
the cylindrical wave amplitude on distance and use the paraxial approximation where θ is
small so that
sin(θ) ∼ θ ∼ .
In these approximations, the magnitude of each secondary wavelet incident on the screen is
the same but the phase can vary.

(a) (3 points) Find the total electric field EP at point P. (Hint: A convenient way to do this
is to break up the slit into N smaller slits, each of width (b/N ), and recognize that there
is a constant phase factor between successive terms. Calculate the sum and then let N
approach infinity.)
(b) (3 points) Find the intensity distribution I(y) on the screen. Your answer should depend
on I◦ , y, b, θ, λ and s.
(c) (2 points) Show quantitatively that when one doubles the width b, the intensity on the
central axis at O increases by a factor of 4.
(d) (2 points) Reconcile your answer in (c) with the fact that the energy passing through
the slit only doubles.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 18 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00

A3. Solid ice at temperature T = −10◦ C exhibits an equilibrium vapor pressure p0 = 260 Pa. It
is an acceptable approximation to treat the water vapor at this low temperature and pressure
as an ideal gas.

(a) (6 points) Suppose that an ice cube (1 cm3 ) is placed inside a small plastic box. The
box is stored in a kitchen freezer at T = −10◦ C. The box is not completely airtight.
It has a tiny circular hole (diameter d = 100 µm) that allows water vapor to escape.
Estimate how long will it take until the ice cube has completely vanished. Give your
answer in days.
You should assume that the freezer is “frostless”, meaning that it efficiently removes
free water vapor from its interior space.
(b) (4 points) Now suppose there is no plastic box. That is, imagine a spherical ball of
ice (radius = 10 cm) placed into a vacuum chamber where the walls are maintained at
T = −20◦ C. At this temperature, the equilibrium vapor pressure of ice is p0 ≈ 100 Pa.
Estimate how long it will take before the ice ball has completely evaporated. State
clearly any important assumptions that you have made.

You might find the following facts to be useful:

kB = 1.3807 × 10−23 J/(mol K)
NAvogadro ≈ 6.0221 × 1023 1/mol
H2 O molecular weight ≈ 18.0 g/mol
Density of ice = 0.92 g/cm3

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 18 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 18 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00

B1. Two different types of states are often used to describe laser fields: The number state which
is the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator |n > and the coherent state
which is the eigenstate of the lowering operator |α >:
H|n >= h̄ω â+ â− + |n > and â|α >= α|α > .
Recall also the following properties:
√ √ 1

2 X α
â− |n >= n|n−1 > , â+ |n >= n + 1|n+1 > , and |α >= e− 2 |α| √ |n > .
n=0 n!

The phase operator is defined by the relations

1 1
ˆ (−iφ) = â+ (n̂ + 1)− 2
exp ˆ (iφ) = (n̂ + 1)− 2 â− ,
and exp where n̂ ≡ â+ â− .

(a) (3 points) Show that

exp(−iφ)|n > = |n + 1 > for n ≥ 0 ,

ˆ (iφ) |n > = |n − 1 >

exp for n > 0 , and
ˆ (iφ) |n > = 0 for n = 0 .
ˆ (iφ) is not a Hermitian operator and does not represent an observable
(b) (3 points) exp
property. However, it can be used to produce another pair of operators:
1 ˆ ≡ 1 {exp
ˆ ≡ {exp
ˆ (iφ) + exp
ˆ (−iφ)} and sinφ ˆ (iφ) − exp
ˆ (−iφ)} .
2 2i
Calculate the standard deviation of these operators for the number states (pay attention
to |n = 0 >).
(c) (4 points) Calculate the expectation value < α|cosφ|α
ˆ > for |α|2  1. Use the
asymptotic expansions:
∞ 2
X |α|2n 1
√ = 1− + ... , |α|2  1 .
n=0 n! n + 1 |α| 8|α|2

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 18 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00

B2. The two halves of a conducting sphere are separated by a thin insulating gap in the equatorial
plane. The top and bottom hemispheres are held at constant potentials ±V 0 .

(a) (5 points) What is the leading term in the potential far from the sphere?
(b) (5 points) The potential applied to the two halves of the sphere now oscillates slowly,
±V0 cos ωt. What is the power radiated?

B3. (10 points) A mouse of mass m = 200 g runs radially outward on a merry-go-round, which
is turning at a constant angular speed of 10 rpm (i.e. revolutions per minute). The speed
of the mouse is constant at 0.5 m/s relative to the merry-go-round. In the rotating frame,
the mouse moves at constant speed in a straight line (i.e. unaccelerated motion). Find the
magnitude (in Newtons) and direction (relative to the radially inward direction) of the force
of friction that the surface of the merry-go-round exerts on the mouse when it is 2 m from
the axis of rotation.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 19 August 2005, 9:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 19 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00

C1. In the matrix representation, the spin operator is given by

− 1 −
S = h̄ → σ
where the components of the Pauli matrices →

σ are:
! ! !
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = σy = σz =
1 0 i 0 0 −1

(a) (2 points) The magnetic moment of the electron is given by

→ eg → −
M =− S
2me c
where g is the gyromagnetic ratio. Write down the Hamiltonian for an electron in the

presence of an external magnetic field B = (0, 0, B).
(b) (4 points) Suppose that at time t = 0, the spin is in an eigenstate of S y . Solve the
Schrodinger equation for the time evolution of the spin.
(c) (4 points) Compute the expectation values of S 2 , Sx , Sy , and Sz at arbitrary times.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 19 August 2005, 09:00 - 12:00

C2. With the switch open, a parallel plate capacitor made of two disks of radius a separated by a
distance d is charged to the initial charge of Q◦ . The switch is then closed, and the capacitor
discharges through a resistor R (see figure). Express your answers in tems of a, d, Q ◦ , R,
and any universal constants that you may need.

(a) (1 point) What is the capacitance C of the capacitor?

(b) (2 points) Find the electric field strength E(t) inside the capacitor as a function of time
t and indicate its direction.
(c) (4 points) Find the magnetic field strength B(r, t) inside and outside the capacitor in a
fictitious plane parallel to and positioned right between the capacitor plates as a function
of radial distance r from the capacitor centerline and time t. Show the direction of the
(d) (1 point) Find the thermal energy power PR (t) being dissipated by the resistor R as a
function of time t.
(e) (2 points) Find the total thermal energy UR to be dissipated by the resistor R.


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 19 August 2004, 09:00 - 12:00

C3. One kilomole of a monatomic ideal gas is carried around the reversible closed cycle, moving
from points 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 as shown. This cycle consists of an isochore, an isobar and an
adiabat, where P1 = 10 bar, V1 = 2 m3 , and V2 = 2 V1 .

(a) (5 points) Show that the entropy change around the closed loop is zero.
(b) (5 points) Calculate the efficiency of this engine.



Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 19 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 19 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00

D1. (10 points) Consider the interaction of an electron with a photon. Prove that the electron
cannot simply absorb the photon.

D2. A circuit with two resistors, with resistance R and 2R, two voltmeters, V 1 and V2 , and a
solenoid is constructed as shown in the figure. The solenoid is perpendicular to the circuit
and has a cross-sectional area A. The magnetic field B inside the solenoid is uniform,
has an RMS (root mean square) magnitude B0 and oscillates sinusoidally with an angular
frequency ω. Give all of your answers in terms of A, B0 , ω and R.
(a) (2 points) What is the RMS value of the induced EMF, from the solenoid, about the
loop abcd?
(b) (2 points) What is the RMS value of the current flowing through the loop abcd?
(c) (3 points) What is the RMS value of the potential measured by V1 ?
(d) (3 points) What is the RMS value of the potential measured by V2 ?

a b




2R V

d c


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 19 August 2005, 14:00 - 17:00

D3. Two masses M1 and M2 are attached to a massless string and a frictionless pulley as shown
(M2 > M1 ). The pivot of the pulley is fixed in position.

(a) (3 points) Assuming that the pulley is massless, find the acceleration of M 2 .
(b) (3 points) If M2 starts from rest, find its velocity as a function of the distance y2 that it
has dropped.
(c) (4 points) Now assume that the pulley has mass M and radius R. The string does not
slip on the pulley. Find the acceleration of M2 .


M1 M2


Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 17 August 2006, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 17 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

A1. Let Ψnlm denote the hydrogen atom eigenstate with quantum numbers n, l, m in the usual
notation. Assume that Ψnlm is normalized to unit probability. Suppose that an atom is in the
· ¸
1 1
Ψ = C Ψ100 + Ψ21−1 + Ψ322 .
3 2
(a) (1 point) What is the value of the constant C?
(b) (1 point) What is the probability that a measurement will find the atom in the state
(c) (2 points) Work out the expectation value of the operator L2 for the state Ψ given above,
where L is the orbital angular momentum operator.
(d) (4 points) Work out the expectation value of the operator Lz 2 Lx 2 for the state Ψ given
(e) (2 points) Work out the expectation value of the operator Lx 3 for the state Ψ given

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 17 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

A2. A vertically oriented dipole with dipole moment P is placed close to two (semi-infinite)
metal sheets forming a 90o angle, as shown in the figure below. The center of the dipole is
fixed to be a distance L away from each of the metal sheets, but the dipole is free to rotate in
the two-dimensional plane shown in the figure.

(a) (4 points) Construct all images of the dipole from the two metal surfaces shown in the
(b) (1 point) If the dipole is slightly rotated in a counter clockwise direction, indicate the
direction of rotation of all the images.
(c) (2 points) Obtain the total electrostatic energy of the system as a function of the rotation
angle. [Hint: Use the formula for the energy of interaction between two dipoles.]
(d) (3 points) Determine the direction and the magnitude of the rotational torque acting on
the dipole.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 17 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

A3. A beam of neutrons of kinetic energy 0.29 eV, and intensity 105 s−1 traverses (at right angles)
a foil of 235 −1
92 U, “thickness” 10 kg · m . Any nucleon-nucleus collision can have one of
three possible results:

(1) Elastic scattering of neutrons: σe = 2 × 10−30 m2 .

(2) Capture of the neutron, followed by the emission of a γ ray by the nucleus: σc =
7 × 10−27 m2 .
(3) Capture of the neutron followed by the splitting of the nucleus into two, almost equal,
parts (fission) σf = 2 × 10−26 m2 .


(a) (3 points) The attenuation of the neutron beam by the foil, that is, the fraction of the
beam that survives without a collision.
(b) (3 points) The number of fission reactions occurring per second in the foil, caused by
the incident beam.
(c) (4 points) The flux of elastically scattered neutrons, at a point 10 m from the foil and
out of the incident beam, assuming isotropic distribution of the scattered neutrons.

Note that 1 atomic mass unit is 1.66 × 10−27 kg.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 17 August 2006, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 17 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

B1. Consider a particle of mass m moving in a one dimensional potential V (x)

⎨ +∞ for x ≤ −a
V (x) = ⎩ λδ(x) for −a < x < a
+ ∞ for x ≥ a
In other words the particle is confined to a one-dimensional box of length 2a with walls at
x = ±a, and there is a repulsive delta function barrier (λ ≥ 0) at the center of the box. The
physics of this potential thus resembles that of a double well.

(a) (3 points) First find all the even parity and odd parity energy eigenvalues and eigen-
functions for the case of the simple box with λ = 0. Treat the two parities separately.
(b) (1 point) In the following parts we consider λ > 0. The effect of the delta function
barrier is to impose the following matching conditions on the wave function and its
derivative at x = 0:
ψ< (0) = ψ> (0) = ψ(0)
dψ> dψ< 2mλ
(0) − (0) = 2 ψ(0)
dx dx h̄
Here ψ> (x) = ψ(x) for x > 0 and ψ< (x) = ψ(x) for x < 0. We see that the wave
function is continuous at x = 0 but its derivative has a discontinuity there (if ψ(0) = 0).
Note however that, since odd parity wave functions vanish at x = 0, their derivatives
are continuous at x = 0. You may assume these matching conditions without derivation
in the following, but if you can derive them here, you will receive 1 (and only 1) point.
(c) (3 points) Making use of the matching conditions stated in (b) obtain the transcendental
equation (it involves trig functions) determining the even parity energy eigenvalues for
λ > 0. Indicate the solution graphically by plotting the two sides of this equation.
(d) (1 point) What happens to the odd parity levels when λ > 0?
(e) (2 points) Explain what happens to the energy spectrum when λ → +∞, by giving all
of the energy levels and the degeneracy of each in that limit.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 17 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

B2. A uniform hoop of mass m and radius r starts to roll without slipping from the top of a fixed
semi-cylinder of radius R, as shown in the figure below.


(a) (3 points) Write down the Lagrangian and the constraints for the system in suitable
(b) (3 points) Use Lagrange’s equations to find the point at which the hoop falls off the
(c) (4 points) Alternatively, use energy conservation and Newton’s Second Law to find the
point at which the hoop falls off the semi-cylinder.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 17 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

B3. Two concentric conducting spherical shells, with radii a and 2a, have charge +Q and −Q
respectively. The space between the shells is filled with a linear dielectric with permittivity
ε0 a
ε(r) = (1)
1.5a − 0.5r
which varies with radial distance r from ε0 at r = a to 2ε0 at r = 2a. Here ε0 is the dielectric
constant of vacuum.
01 0110 1010 0110 01
1010 10 1010 10 1010
1010 1010 1010 2a1 010
10 10 10
1010 1010
10 10

0110 a 0110
1010 0110 0110 0110 1010
1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
10 10 10 10 10

(a) (1 point) Use Gauss’s Law to determine the displacement field D between the spherical
(b) (3 points) Determine all the bound charge density (both bulk density ρB and surface
density σB ) between the spherical shells. (Hint: You know D from above, so you
can then determine the electric field E for a linear dielectric and hence you can then
determine the local polarization P).
(c) (1 point) Verify explicitly that the total charge of the dielectric (both on the surface and
throughout the volume) is zero.

(d) (3 points) Determine the total energy U of this system, from the relation U = 12 D ·
E dτ . Or alternatively you can calculate the potential difference V between the charged
(e) (2 points) Determine the capacitance of this system.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 18 August 2006, 09:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 18 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

C1. Consider a hydrogen atom (described in the absence of external fields by the Hamiltonian

H0 ) immersed in a magnetic field B = B ẑ defined to lie along the z-axis.

(a) (1 point) What additional term H1 must be added to H0 to describe the interaction of
the the electron with the magnetic field (the total magnetic dipole moment is typically
referred to as →

(b) (2 points) For sufficiently large B fields the orbital and spin angular momenta can be

→ →− −→
considered to be independent of each other. What is H1 in terms of L , S , B , and µb
(the Bohr magneton), gl = 1, and gs = 2 ?
(c) (3 points) What is the energy shift of a level with quantum numbers ml , and ms (with
respect to the zero field energies)? What is the energy splitting between the spin
up/down states for a given value of ml as a function of the magnetic field strength B ?
(d) (4 points) If the magnetic field B is sufficiently weak (B ≤ 1 Tesla) then spin orbit
coupling cannot be ignored. In this case the natural states to work with are the total

→ − → − →
angular momentum eigenstates J = L + S , and the magnetic field interaction can be
treated as a perturbation term. What is the first order energy shift for an energy level
with j = l ± 21 , mj ?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 18 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

C2. A particle of mass m moves along the x axis in a potential energy U (x) = 12 mω 2 x2 where ω
is a constant. The particle is in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature T .

(a) (4 points) Suppose that the system is at extremely low temperatures, where a quantum
mechanical description is appropriate. Find the average energy as a function of T .
(b) (3 points) At higher temperature a classical description is acceptable. Show that your
result for part (a) reduces to the "correct" classical result for a harmonic oscillator.
(c) (3 points) Suppose that the potential energy now includes a weak anharmonic term
U (x) = mω 2 x2 + λx3 .
Assume that the system is in the classical limit but the temperature is low enough that

(mω 2 )3/2
(kB T )1/2

Find an expression for the average position hxi as a function of T , keeping only terms
up to linear in λ. You may find it useful to approximate some of the integral expressions
(neglecting terms of order λ2 and higher) in order to evaluate them.

Potentially useful facts:

P∞ 1
(1) If |x| < 1 then n=0 xn = 1−x
R∞ 2 √
(2) −∞ dx e−x = π
R∞ −x2

(3) −∞ dx x2 e = π/2
R∞ −x2

(4) −∞ dx x4 e = 3 π/4
R∞ 2 √
(5) −∞ dx x6 e−x = 15 π/8

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 18 August 2006, 09:00–12:00

C3. A uniformly charged solid spherical shell of radius R carries total surface charge Q, and is
set spinning with angular velocity ω about the z axis passing through its center as shown in

(a) (3 points) What is the magnetic dipole moment of the shell?

(b) (2 points) Find the average magnetic field inside the shell.
(c) (2 points) Find the approximate vector potential at a point (r, θ) where r >> R.
(d) (3 points) Find the magnetic field at the center of the shell, and check that it is consistent
with part (b).

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 18 August 2006, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 18 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

D1. 1. The pendulum bob of mass m, shown in the figure below, is suspended by an inextensible,
massless string of length b at point P. However, point P is free to move along the x-axis (marked
in the figure) under the action of the two springs each of spring constant k. The springs are
massless and are at their equilibrium lengths when point P is at the origin (x = 0, y = 0).

P x

θ b

(a) (4 points) Using appropriate generalized coordinates find the kinetic and potential
energies of this system and hence form the Lagrangian.
(b) (2 points) Find the equations of motion for the mass m.
(c) (1 point) Use the small angle (θ) approximation to simplify these equations (you should
also use the small angular velocity approximation).
(d) (3 points) Find the frequency of small oscillations of the pendulum.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 18 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

D2. The entropy of a paramagnetic material in magnetic field H is given by

S =a−b ,
where T is the temperature and a and b are constants.

(a) (5 points) Find the expression for the heat capacity of this material, when the magnetic
field is held constant.
(b) (5 points) Give the magnetic moment M of this material as a function of H and T ,
assuming that M is zero in the limit of T → ∞. You may use Maxwell’s relation
à ! à !
∂M ∂S
= .
∂T H
∂H T

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 18 August 2006, 14:00–17:00

D3. The questions pertain to the circuit below. The generator Vin is capable of providing DC, AC
and AC-DC combinations.
R Vout

(part a)

(a) (2 points) For 10 volts DC at Vin , with resistor R = 1 M Ω, and capacitor C = 1 mF, a
1 M Ω resistive load is attached to Vout . What voltage appears across the load?
(b) (1 point) The resistor R is replaced with a 1 kΩ resistor and the load detached. Vin is
now a 10 V peak to peak AC signal. As the frequency is increased from low to high
frequencies does Vout (at the point so labelled) increase or decrease?
(c) (2 points) Explain, qualitatively, how the circuit achieves the result in part (b).
(d) (3 points) For the same circumstance as in part (b), when Vout = 0.707 Vin what is the
(e) (2 points) For components having the same values as in parts (b) and (c) and for the
frequency when Vout = 0.707 Vin , by how much does the frequency shift from that in
part (d) if the resistor and capacitor are switched?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 Aug 2008, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 21 Aug 2008, 09:00–12:00

A1. Consider a three-dimensional Hilbert space and the set of unit vectors
 
sin(θ) cos(φ)
|θ, φi =  sin(θ) sin(φ) 


for all 0 ≤ θ ≤ π and 0 ≤ φ < 2π.

(a) (1 point) A general three-dimensional vector |ψi may be taken as

 
|ψi =  ψ2 


where ψj are arbitrary complex numbers. Show that the states |θ, φi span the space by
showing that if hθ, φ|ψi = 0 for all θ and φ, then |ψi = 0.
(b) (3 points) Evaluate the three-by-three matrix

M (θ, φ) = |θ, φihθ, φ|.

Find T r[ M (θ, φ)], where T r denotes the trace of a matrix. Evaluate [M (θ, φ)]2 . What
kind of matrix is M (θ, φ)?
(c) (3 points) Evaluate the three-by-three matrix K where
3 Z 2π Z π
K= M (θ, φ) sin(θ) dθ dφ .
4π 0 0

(d) (3 points) Evaluate the three-by-three matrix L where

3 Z 2π Z π
L= M (θ, φ) sin(θ) cos(φ) sin(θ) dθ dφ .
4π 0 0

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, Aug 21 2008, 09:00–12:00

A2. A very long solenoid of radius a, with N turns per unit length, carries a current Is . Coaxial
with the solenoid, at radius b >> a, is a circular ring of wire, with resistance R. When the



current in the solenoid is (gradually) decreased, a current Ir is induced in the ring.

(a) (2 points) Calculate Ir , in terms of dIs /dt.

(b) (2 points) Determine the power delivered to the ring from the solenoid.
(c) (3 points) Calculate the Poynting vector just outside the solenoid. (Use the electric
field due to the changing flux in the solenoid and the magnetic field due to the current
in the ring).
(d) (3 points) Determine the power transferred from solenoid to the ring using the Poynting
vector obtained in (c).

Note: You may need the integral

dx x
(c2 + x2 )3/2 c2 (c2 + x2 )1/2

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, Aug 21 2008, 09:00–12:00

A3. An isolated nucleon N in the ground state can decay to produce a pion via

N → N + π.

This decay does not change the state of the nucleon. The same pion is then re-absorbed some
time later via
N + π → N.
This process appears to violate conservation of energy.

(a) (3 points) Explain how this process can occur.

(b) (2 points) Calculate the maximum time in which this process can occur.
(c) (3 points) The maximum distance traveled by the pion is the range of the strong nuclear
force (∼1 fm = 10−15 m). Use this information to calculate the mass of the pion. Express
your answer in MeV / c2 .
(d) (2 points) Use the mass calculated in part (c) to determine the maximum time in seconds
for this process to occur.

Constants that may be of use:

h̄ = 6.58 × 10−16 eV· s; h̄c = 197 MeV· fm.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 Aug 2008, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 21 Aug 2008, 14:00–17:00

B1. An unperturbed Hamiltonian is given by

H0 = αJ 4

where J is the angular momentum operator.

(a) (2 points) What are the eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian and what are the degeneracies
of the levels?
(b) (5 points) A perturbing Hamiltonian is now applied to the system and is given by

H1 = λ(Jx2 − Jy2 )

How is the degeneracy of the J = 1 manifold (i.e. the states |J = 1, m = ±1, 0i)
changed by this perturbation? Find the change in energies and the new eigenstates for
the J = 1 manifold.
(c) (3 points) What happens to the degeneracy of the J = 1 manifold if the perturbing
Hamiltonian was
H1 = λ(Jx2 + Jy2 )
instead? Find the new energies and eigenstates.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, Aug 21 2008, 14:00–17:00

B2. (10 points) An object of unit mass is subject to a (1-dimensional) potential given by

U (x) = x2 (x − 2),

where x is the position along the x-axis. The position, velocity and acceleration of the object
as a function of time are given by x(t), v(t) and a(t).
In the ensuing motion, find

(i) the maximum positive value of x(t)

(ii) the maximum positive value of v(t)
(iii) the maximum positive value of a(t)

when the initial conditions are each of the following:

(a) x(0) = 1, v(0) = 0

(b) x(0) = 1, v(0) = 2.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, Aug 21 2008, 14:00–17:00

B3. A circular loop of wire of radius R carries a current i counterclockwise in the x-y plane, with
the center of the loop at the origin.

(a) (5 points) What is the magnetic field (magnitude and direction) at a position z0 along
the z axis?
(b) (5 points) A second identical circular loop of wire with the same current i in the same
direction as in the first loop is placed parallel to the x-y plane at a position z = −d
below the first loop (with its center on the z axis). What is the magnitude and direction
of the force acting on this second loop assuming d ≫ R?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 Aug 2008, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 22 Aug 2008, 09:00–12:00

C1. Consider two quantum harmonic oscillators, represented by the ladder operators which satisfy
the canonical commutation relations

[ a , a† ] = [ b , b † ] = 1 ,

all other commutators being zero. The Hilbert space is constructed from the state | 0i which

a | 0i = b | 0i = 0 , h0 | 0i = 1 .

The Hamiltonian is given by

H0 = h̄ω a† a + b† b + 1 .

(a) (2 points) Enumerate and construct the normalized H0 eigenstates with energy 3h̄ω.
(b) (2 points) Consider the new operator

A = α a† + β b ,

and its hermitian conjugate A† , where α and β are real. Find α and β such that A and
A† are themselves canonical ladder operators.
(c) (2 points) Derive the expression for a second canonical set of ladder operators, B and
B † which commute with A and A† .
(d) (2 points) In the limit α << β, construct the new ground state | Ωi which satisfies

A | Ωi = B | Ωi = 0 .

(e) (2 points) The two oscillators are now weakly coupled, resulting in the Hamiltonian

H ≈ H0 + h̄ωλ(a† b† + a b ) ,

where λ is a very small dimensionless parameter. Rewrite H in terms of A, B and their

conjugates to determine the energy of its ground state.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, Aug 22 2008, 09:00–12:00

C2. (10 points) Find the work required to compress 22.4 liters of some gas, such as Oxygen or
Nitrogen or Argon, initially at atmospheric pressure (1 Atm = 105 N/m2 ), to a volume of
11.2 liters. The process is done isothermally at room temperature. (If unable to compute the
exact solution, as a last resort, make an order of magnitude estimate.)

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, Aug 21 2008, 09:00–12:00

C3. A spherical shell with a radius R has a surface charge density given by:

σ(θ) = k cos2 θ

where k is a constant, and θ is the polar angle.

(a) (2 points) Write down all the relevant boundary conditions for the electric potential.
(b) (1 point) What is the expression for σ(θ) in terms of Legendre polynomials?
(c) (5 points) Find the potential inside and outside the shell.
(d) (2 points) Compare the result in (c) to the multipole expansion of the electric potential
of the shell at large distances. Based on this, find the electric dipole moment of the
shell. The general expression for the multipole expansion of the potential of a volume
charge distribution ρ(~r) is

1 X 1 Z ′
V (r, θ) = r Pn (cos θ)ρ(r~′ )dτ ′
4πǫ 0 rn+1

where τ is a small volume element.

Useful Formulas:

P0 (x) = 1 (1)
P1 (x) = x (2)
P2 (x) = (3x2 − 1)/2 (3)
P3 (x) = (5x3 − 3x)/2 (4)
P4 (x) = (35x4 − 30x2 + 3)/8 (5)
P5 (x) = (63x5 − 70x3 + 15x)/8 (6)

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 Aug 2008, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 22 Aug 2008, 14:00–17:00

D1. A car of mass M has a distance L between the front and back wheels, a distance w between
the left and right wheels, and the center of mass located a distance h above the ground. All
wheels have radius rw . You can assume for this problem that the car has rear wheel drive, is

L Curb

right-left and front-rear symmetric and that its weight is supported equally by the front and
rear wheels.

(a) (4 points) If the car accelerates from rest, what is the maximum acceleration a that the
car can sustain before the front wheels leave the ground? Express a in terms of the
acceleration of gravity g and the other parameters of the problem. (Assume a very large
coefficient of static friction between the wheels and the ground.)
(b) (2 points) The car is at rest with its front wheels against a rectangular shaped curb of
height hc  r w . What minimum force F applied from behind the car is necessary to
push the front wheels over the curb?
(c) (2 points) The car now moves around a turn with radius of curvature R. What is the
maximum velocity that the car can round the turn without the inside wheels leaving the
ground? Assume that the turn is level, and the coefficient of friction is large.
(d) (2 points) The tendency for a car to roll over when rounding a curve at high speed can
be counterracted by mounting a large spinning flywheel to the car’s frame. Draw a
figure showing the direction of the car and the direction of the angular momentum of
the flywheel that would cause this to happen.
Show that for a disk-shaped flywheel of mass m and radius r that the requirement for
equal weight on the inside and outside wheels is that the angular velocity ω of the
flywheel is related to the velocity of the car v by ω = 2vM h/mr 2 . Assume that the
turn is level.

Note: The moment of inertia for a uniform disk is I = 21 mr 2 .

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, Aug 22 2008, 14:00–17:00

D2. A simple solid consists of molecules whose centers of mass are fixed at the lattice sites of a
close packed lattice and each molecule having an electric dipole moment that interacts with
its nearest neighbors.

(a) (3 points) If the mean polarization of each molecule is P , show that the configurational
entropy per molecule is

1 1
S = ln 2 − (1 + P ) ln(1 + P ) − (1 − P ) ln(1 − P )
2 2
so that S = ln 2 for P = 0 and S = 0 for P = ±1.
(b) (4 points) If the interaction energy is E = −AP 2 , show that, depending on the sign of
A, there can be a transition from a disordered state (P = 0 ) to an ordered state (P 6= 0).
Calculate the transition temperature, Tc .
(c) (3 points) Sketch the free energy functional as a function of P for (i) T > T c , (ii)
T = Tc , (iii) T < Tc .

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, Aug 21 2008, 14:00–17:00

D3. The complex frequency-dependent dielectric constant ˜(ω) of a medium can be written in
the form

˜(ω) = 1 (ω) − i2 (ω) (1)

where 1 (ω) represents the polarization response and 2 (ω) represents the dissipation (loss)
at finite frequencies (1 and 2 are real). If this medium is used as the dielectric in a parallel
plate capacitor with electrodes having an area A and separation d the capacitance becomes
complex and can be written as

C̃(ω) = o ˜(ω)A/d = C1 (ω) − iC2 (ω) (2)

with the real and imaginary parts again respectively representing polarization and loss. Note
that ˜(ω) is a dimensionless quantity normalized to the vacuum permittivity  o . The minus
signs in equations (1) and (2) are chosen so that that the quantities  2 (ω) and C2 (ω), which
represent dissipation, are positive.

(a) (1 point) Calculate the complex impedance Z̃(ω) of a frequency-dependent resistance

R(ω) in parallel with C1 (ω) and find a relationship between the loss components R(ω)
and C2 (ω).
(b) (2 points) The Debye response for dipoles having a single relaxation time τ can be
written in the form
(0) − (∞)
˜(ω) = (∞) +
1 + iωτ
where (0) and (∞) are real and represent the zero and infinite frequency responses
respectively. Noting that (0) − (∞) ≥ 0, calculate and then sketch both  1 (ω) and
2 (ω) as a function of ω .

Cole-Cole plots can be constructed for any complex response function by using ω as an
implicit variable and plotting the imaginary part of the response versus the real part. For the
Debye response the Cole-Cole trajectory is a semicircle as shown schematically in the figure
next page.

(c) (2 points) In this Cole-Cole space, specify values of 1 (ω) and 2 (ω) at points A, B
and C shown in the figure. In addition, show with an arrow the direction for increasing
(d) (3 points) Show explicitly using your answers to Part (b) that the Cole-Cole trajectory
for all ω is a semicircle.
(e) (2 points) Calculate explicitly the zero and infinite frequency values of C 1 (ω) and
R(ω). Your answers in conjunction with the parallel resistance model of Part A should
convince you that the dissipation for this lossy capacitor is zero at these limits.

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2010


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or
aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each
problem will be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.

The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number should
appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name or UF
ID Number anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous.
Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help
or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida,
the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2010

A1. A non-conducting sphere of radius R caries a charge density

in the region r ≤ R, where k is a positive constant and r is the distance from the center
of the sphere (see the inclosed figure). The sphere is surrounded by a thick, concentric
conducting metal shell with an inner radius a and an outer radius b. The shell carries
no net charge.

(a) (2 points) Find the surface charge density at the inner and the outer surface of
the conductor.
~ in all four regions (i) r < R; (ii) R < r < a,
(b) (4 points) Find the electric field E
(iii) a < r < b, and (iv)r > b
(c) (3 points) Find the potential V at the center of the sphere using infinity (r = ∞)
as a reference point.
(d) (1 point) If the outer shell is grounded, what would be the potential at the center
of the sphere using the same reference point as in part c?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2010

A2. Consider a quantum mechanical system with a 2-dimensional Hilbert space. In the
basis formed by the energy√eigenstates, the Hamiltonian H and an observable Ω are
given by the matrices (i = −1)
7 0 13 −i3
H= eV, Ω = .
0 11 i3 5

(a) (2 points) Find the eigenvalues and eigenstates of Ω.

(b) (3 points) Assume the system is in its lowest energy state at t < 0. At t = 0, the
observable Ω is measured. What are the possible outcomes of this measurement?
What is the probability of each outcome?
(c) (5 points) Assume that the outcome of the measurement in part b is the lowest
eigenvalue of Ω. At t = 2.3 10−15 sec, Ω is measured again. What are the possible
outcomes of this second measurement and the corresponding probabilities?
(h̄ = 6.63 10−16 eV·sec).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2010

A3. In 1797-8 British scientist Henry Cavendish made the first experiment to measure
the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory. His apparatus, shown in the
figure, used a torsion pendulum to determine the force FM m between small masses m
and nearby large masses M. The small masses are separated by a distance ℓ on the
ends of a thin rod of negligible mass. This “dumbbell” is suspended in its middle by a
quartz fiber with torsion constant κ. The large masses are also separated by ℓ and can
be moved close to or away from the small masses by rotation of their support arm (of
negligible mass) around the pivot, which is located directly middle of the dumbbell.
The force FM m , and therefore Newton’s gravitational constant G, is determined by
measuring the static displacement θ of the torsion pendulum when the masses are
placed near to each other. When the large masses are in positions AB, the dumb-
bell rotates counterclockwise by θ (relative to it’s relaxed position); when they are in
positions A′ B ′ , the dumbbell rotates clockwise by the same amount.
The locations of the masses are determined by measuring the angle θ of the dumbbell
with respect to it’s relaxed position and the angle φ of the bar supporting large masses
with respect to this same axis.
In an auxiliary experiment, the period T of the torsion pendulum is measured by
setting it into small oscillations (while the large masses are removed) and measuring
the time for a large number of cycles.

Give your answers in terms of these measured quantities:

1. The oscillation period T of the torsion pendulum with the large masses removed.
2. The mass m and radius r of each small mass. (Identical)
3. The mass M and radius R of each large mass. (Identical)
4. The distance ℓ separating the small masses and also the large masses. (Identical)
5. The angle φ between the axis of the large masses and the equilibrium axis of the
small masses.
6. The static displacement from equilibrium θ of the dumbbell when the large masses
are at φ.

Hint: Only for calculating the rotational inertia of the dumbbell, you may treat the
small masses as point masses a distance ℓ apart.

(a) (2 points) Write the equation of motion for the torsion pendulum, with the large
masses removed and neglecting air resistance and internal friction in the fiber,
and find the torsion constant of the quartz fiber in terms of measured quantities.
(b) (4 points) Write an equation for the force between the nearby large and small
masses when they are close to each other (position AB) and use it to find an
expression for the gravitational constant G in terms of the measured quantities.
(Ignore the more distant interactions when doing this part. You may also take
θ ≪ φ and make the small angle approximation for functions of φ.)
The remainder of the question is about corrections to and implications of your answer to
part (b).
(c) (1 point) You can compute the densities of the spheres from their masses and
radii. How small can the angle φ be for a given material density and given values
of M and m? (You want infinitesimal distances between the sphere surfaces.)
(d) (1 point) Calculate the ratio of the torque on the dumbbell from the further
masses to that from the near masses, using the same approximations as in part
(e) (2 points) In his experiment, Cavendish wanted to “weigh” the earth and not
to determine G. Use the facts that the radius of the earth is Re and the local
gravitational acceleration is g to find an expression for the mass of the earth in
terms of the measured quantities.

Note: cos 2x = cos2 x − sin2 x sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x
cos(x ± y) = cos x cos y ∓ sin x sin y sin(x ± y) = sin x cos y ± cos x sin y
x+y x−y
cos x + cos y = 2 cos cos
2 2
x+y x−y
cos x − cos y = −2 sin sin
2 2
x+y x−y
sin x + sin y = 2 sin cos
2 2
x+y x−y
sin x − sin y = 2 cos sin
2 2

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2010


(a) You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
(b) All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
(c) For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
(d) You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
(e) All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
(f) Each problem is worth 10 points.
(g) Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2010

B1. A long cylinder of radius R is made of polarized dielectric. The polarization vector
P is proportional to the radial vector ~r so that P~ = a~r, where a is a positive constant.
The cylinder rotates around its axis with an angular velocity ω, where ωR ≪ c.

~ (direction and magnitude) at a radius r both

(a) (3 points) Find the electric field E
inside and outside of the cylinder.
(b) (4 points) Find the magnetic field B~ (direction and magnitude) at a radius r both
inside and outside of the cylinder.
(c) Find the total electromagnetic energy stored per unit length of the cylinder
i. (1 point) before the cylinder starts spinning,
ii. (2 points) and while it is spinning. Where did the extra Energy come from?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2010

B2. Consider 1 m3 cubic cavity filled with air at normal atmospheric pressure (P 0 =
1 Atm = 105 pa) and at room temperature. In the middle of the cube there is an
impenetrable partition, which splits the cube in half. The partition is then very slowly
moved to the right, until the ratio of volumes inside the cube becomes 3 : 1. Assume
that the process is isothermal.

(a) (5 points) After the partition is moved what is the ratio of the pressures on the
two sides of the partition?
(b) (5 points) While the partition was moving how much work (in Joules) was per-
formed on the gas?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2010

B3. Consider a particle of mass m, in one dimension x, whose Hamiltonian is

p2 1 1
H= + mω 2 x2 + λx4
2m 2 4
with given parameters ω and λ.

(a) (3 points) What is the most general form of the ground state energy consistent
with dimensional analysis? (Your answer will of course involve an arbitrary func-
tion of any dimensionless parameters that can be constructed.)
(b) (3 points) Use perturbation theory to compute the order λ correction to the
ground state energy.
(c) (2 points) Use the variational technique to obtain the best possible bound on the
ground state energy with a Gaussian trial wave function. If you need to solve a
cubic or quartic equation in the course of this problem, just define the solution in
terms of an arbitrary function and go on, for example,
r r β 
x3 + αx2 − β = 0 =⇒ x= g .
α α3

(d) (2 points) Give an integral expression for the WKB estimate of the ground state

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 20, 2010


(a) You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
(b) All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
(c) For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
(d) You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
(e) All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
(f) Each problem is worth 10 points.
(g) Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 20, 2010

C1. Four identical sources A,B,C and D, arranged as shown in the figure, produce
harmonic electromagnetic waves of the same wavelength λ, initial phase, polarization,
and amplitude of the electric field E 0 . Two receivers, R1 and R2 , are at an equal
distance r from B, and r ≫ λ (not drawn to scale).

(a) (4 points) What is the electric field at each of the receivers?

(b) (3 points) Which receiver will measure the greater signal intensity?
(c) (3 points) Source B or D can be turned off. Which receiver can determine which
source, B or D, has been turned off? Hint: Assume that the waves reach the
receivers with negligible energy loss.



A l/2 B l/2 C


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 20, 2010

C2. Laser-pumped 4-level Laser System Einstein’s A and B coefficients describe

the three fundamental interactions between light and atoms: Stimulated emission,
stimulated absorption and spontaneous emission. He showed that the probability for
stimulated emission of an excited atom to transit into the ground state is identical
to the probability for stimulated absorption of a ground state atom to transit into its
excited state.
Based upon his rate equations, the stimulated emission and stimulated absorption rates
for the transition between states |1i and |0i are:

stimulated Emission: Ωn1 Stimulated Absorption : Ωn0

where n1 is the population density of the higher energy state, that is the probability
of each atom to be in the higher state times the density of atoms. n0 is the population
density of the lower energy state. The probability that an atom in the lower state will
absorb a photon or that an atom in the upper state will emit a photon via stimulated
emission in a unit amount of time,

Ω(stimulated Emission) = Ω(Stimulated Absorption) = Ω,

is identical for both processes. Ω is usually measured in Hz. These processes couple
the laser field directly to the atomic states.
The third process, spontaneous emission, is only possible from a higher energy state
into a lower state and is described by a decay rate

γnm with n : Higher Level, and m : Lower Level.

γnm is also measured in Hz. This process emits photons in arbitrary directions out of
the laser field. This is fluorescent light.

The figure shows a typical four level laser system:
Each energy-level corresponds to an atomic eigenstate with eigenenergy

E1 > E2 > E3 > E0 .

An external laser pump-field stimulates transitions between atomic eigenstates |1i and
|0i. The probability for these transitions is proportional to ΩP . The laser operates
between levels |2i and |3i. Photons in the laser field are generated when atoms undergo
stimulated emission from state |2i to state |3i. Photons in the laser field are absorbed
when atoms transit from state |3i to state |2i. The probability per unit time for the
stimulated processes between states |2i and |3i is proportional to ΩL . In addition, the
laser operation also depends on the four spontaneous emission processes, described by
the rates γ10 , γ12 , γ23 and γ30 . All other spontaneous emission processes are so small
that we can neglect them.

(a) (4 points) The population densities of each state are described by ni , i = 0, 1, 2, 3.

Calculate the population densities n1 , n2 , n3 as a function of the Ω’s, γ’s, and n0
at steady state.
Start by setting up the rate equations for all four states. To get you started, the
first one is:
ṅ1 = ΩP (n0 − n1 ) − (γ12 + γ10 )n1
Note: Steady state means that the population densities are constant. Note also
that the condition n0 + n1 + n2 + n3 = N, the atomic density, could be used to
calculate all four densities as a function of the Ω′ s and γ ′ s but this does not lead
to any additional insight into the problem.
(b) (3 points) Note: You don’t need to have solved part (a) to answer these questions.
Some physical insight should be enough.

i. If we turn off the pump field ΩP , what would be the 1/e-lifetime of atoms in
levels |1i, |2i, and |3i?
ii. A primary condition for laser operation is that the laser field EL is amplified
as it propagates through the medium. Under which of the following conditions
can this be achieved? Why? Two or three sentences should be sufficient.
γ30 γ30
Choose either ≪1 or ≫1
γ23 γ23

iii. Based on part (b), we know already which of the two decay rates γ30 and γ23
should be large and which one should be small. What about γ12 ? If you had
to look for a 4-level system to create a laser, would you prefer a system in
which γ12 is large or small? Why? One or two sentences is sufficient.
(c) (3 points)
i. One important characteristic of any laser system is the population inversion.
This can be expressed as a product between the small signal inversion and a
term describing the saturation:
∆n = n2 − n3 = ∆n0
1 + ΩL τSat
Calculate ∆n0 and τSat and use the condition found in part (b.ii) to simplify
the result. For this question you need to have solved part (a).
ii. Assume that ΩL τSat = 1. If one specific atom is in state |2i, what is then the
ratio between the probability that this atom undergoes a stimulated emission
process compared to a spontaneous emission process. In other words, what is
the ratio of the number of photons being emitted into the laser mode versus
the number being “fluorescent light”?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 20, 2010

C3. Each molecule of the protein myoglobin has a single site where an oxygen molecule
O2 can bind. Therefore the myoglobin can be thought of as having two states, where
the number m of bound oxygen molecules is either m = 0 (with energy = 0) or m = 1
(with energy = −ǫ < 0 ).

(a) (2 points) Imagine that this myoglobin molecule is in equilibrium with the oxy-
gen in the atmosphere. Write down the grand partition function for the protein
molecule in terms of the chemical potential µ of the atmospheric oxygen and any
relevant constants.
(b) (2 points) Give an expression for the mean occupancy, ie the mean number hmi
of oxygen molecules bound to one molecule of myoglobin, as a function of the
atmospheric oxygen density n.
You may find it helpful to recall that atmospheric oxygen can be described as
an ideal gas with density n (molecules per unit volume), so that its chemical
potential may be written
µ = kT log(n/nQ )
where nQ = (MkT /2πh̄2 )3/2
(c) (2 points) Sketch, for myoglobin, the “oxygen binding curve”, hmi vs p (the
oxygen pressure).
(d) (3 points) The protein hemoglobin is similar to myoglobin, except that one
molecule of hemoglobin can bind four oxygen molecules. We can roughly say
that the hemoglobin molecule has just two states, where the number of bound
oxygen molecules is either m = 0 (with energy = 0) or m = 4 (with energy
= −4ǫ).
Give an expression for the mean occupancy of the hemoglobin molecule, ie the
mean number hmi of oxygen molecules bound to the protein, as a function of the
atmospheric oxygen density n.
(e) (1 point) Sketch, for hemoglobin, the “oxygen binding curve,” hmi vs p. Your
sketch should indicate clearly how this curve differs from that of myoglobin found
in part 3.

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 20, 2010


(a) You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
(b) All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
(c) For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
(d) You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
(e) All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
(f) Each problem is worth 10 points.
(g) Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 20, 2010

D1. Thevenin’s theorem for linear electrical networks states that any combination of
voltage sources and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to a single
voltage source Vth and a single series resistor Rth . For AC systems operating at a single
frequency ω, the theorem can also be applied to general impedances, Z(ω), not just
As a straightforward example consider the circuit comprising two resistors and a voltage
source in Fig. (a). To determine the Thevenin voltage, Vth , and the Thevenin resistance,
Rth , of the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. (b), two calculations are needed:
First, calculate the output voltage, Vout , when in open circuit condition (no load resis-
tor, i.e., RL = ∞). Under these conditions, Vth = Vout .
Second, calculate the output current, Ishort , when the output terminals are short cir-
cuited (load resistance RL = 0) and then use the expression Rth = Vth /Ishort .
(a) (2 points) Calculate Vth and Rth for the above circuit.
(b) (3 points) Find the current drawn by an arbitrary load resistance, RL , for the
circuit in Fig. (a) and in Fig. (b). These currents should be the same if you have
done the problem correctly. The Thevenin equivalent of any circuit thus shows
in a very transparent way the internal voltage drop IL Rth associated with the
current IL drawn by a load.
(c) (4 points) For the circuit with three different voltage sources and three different
resistors shown in Fig. (c), find Vth (2 points) and Rth (2 points).
(d) (1 point) Replace the resistors R1 , R2 and R3 with capacitors C1 , C2 , and C3 , and
find an expression for Vout assuming that all the voltage sources are operating at
the same frequency ω.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 20, 2010

D2. A spin 1/2 electron with magnetic moment µ is placed in a uniform magnetic field
B = B k̂ in the positive z-direction. The intrinsic spin of the electron is pointed along
the positive x-direction at t=0.

(a) (2 points) Write down the Schrodinger equation for the two component wave
function for the electron at rest
(b) (3 points) Find the corresponding time-dependent wave function
(c) (3 points) Calculate the expectation values hSx (t)i, hSy (t)i, hSz (t)i
(d) Find the probability as a function of time that the intrinsic spin will be pointed
• (1 point) the positive z-direction
• (1 point) the positive x-direction

These may be useful:

0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = σy = σz = (1)
1 0 i 0 0 −1

1 1 1
| Sz+ i = | Sx+ i =√ (2)
0 2 1

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 20, 2010

A pointlike particle is moving in a two-dimensional plane. The distance r(t) from the
particle to the origin O, described by polar coordinates in that plane, is given by

r(t) = R[1 + sin ωt],

for constants R and ω, and the polar angle φ(t) with respect to the fixed x-axis is given
φ(t) = ωt .

(a) (2 points) Compute the velocity vector of the object as a function of time.
(b) (1 point) For which time t is the velocity completely radial, and for which is it
completely tangential?
(c) (2 points) Compute the acceleration vector of the object as a function of time.
(d) (1 point) When is the acceleration of the object perpendicular to its velocity?
(e) (2 points) What is the work done by the force F~ from t = 0 to t′ ?
(f) (1 point) What is the power exerted by the force at any given time t?
(g) (1 point) Sketch the trajectory of the object.

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 18, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or
aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each
problem will be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.

The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number should
appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name or UF
ID Number anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous.
Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help
or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida,
the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 18, 2011


A circular current loop of radius a lies in the x-y plane (z = 0) with its center pierced
by the z-axis as shown in the figure. The current i moves in the counter-clockwise
direction in the x-y plane.

(a) (4 points) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at a point
z = d along the z-axis.
(b) (3 points) How much work must be done by an external force to bring a second
identical current loop with the same current, current direction, and orientation
(parallel to the x-y plane) from z = ∞ to the position z = d along the z-axis?
Assume that d ≫ a such that each loop can be approximated as a magnetic dipole
and that the current i is maintained constant.
(c) (3 points) What force (magnitude and direction) acts on the second current loop
at position z = d, assuming that d > 0 and d ≫ a and also that the central axes
are aligned and the loops are in the same orientation with the same current?
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 18, 2011

For the angular momentum operator L:

(a) (7 points) Prove that the operator L2 commutes with the Cartesian components
of the operator L.
(b) (2 points) Among L2 , Lx , Ly , Lz , which pairs have values which can be simulta-
neously determined?
(c) (1 points) Is there any situation where all three components of L ~ be determined
simultaneously? Explain.
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Aug 18, 2011


A particle slides on the inside surface of a frictionless cone. The cone is fixed with its
tip on the ground and its axis vertical. The half-angle at the tip is α (see the figure).
Let r(t) be the distance from the particle to the vertical axis, and let θ(t) be the angle
around the cone.

(a) (2 points) Write the Lagrangian for the particle.

(b) (2 points) Derive the equations of motion for the particle.
(c) (2 points) If the particle moves in a circle of radius r0 , find the frequency, ω, of
this motion.
(d) (3 points) If the particle is then perturbed slightly from this circular motion, find
the frequency, Ω, of the oscillations about the radius r0 .
(e) (1 point) Find the conditions for Ω = ω.
Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 18, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
6. Each problem is worth 10 points.
7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 18, 2011


A parallel plate capacitor, with plates a distance d apart, width a and length l (see
picture) has a dielectric with dielectric constant ǫr = 1 + χe , partially inserted such
that x of the total length l of the dielectric remains unfilled by the dielectric. The
polarization of the dielectric is assumed to be proportional to the electric field vector E,
P~ = ǫ0 χe E,
~ where ǫ0 is the permittivity of free space and χe is the electric susceptibility.

(a) (4 points) Write an expression for the capacitance of the capacitor in terms of x
with the dielectric partially inserted.
(b) (2 points) Write an expression for the energy stored in the capacitor in terms of
the charge Q stored on the plates and the capacitance C you calculated from part
(a). As the dielectric moves, assume that the total charge on the plates, Q = CV ,
is held constant.
(c) (3 points) Using your result for part (b) write an expression for the force on the
dielectric as a function of the position x. Remember, Q is constant and not a
function of x.
(d) (1 points) Is the force on the dielectric inward between the capacitor plates or is
the force acting to repel the dielectric?
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 18, 2011

One form of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation of which you should be aware is
dP L
= T ∆V , where L is the latent heat for converting a material from liquid to gas
and ∆V = Vgas − Vliquid , the difference in the molar volumes of the two phases. P
is the pressure and T the temperature. With three straightforward assumptions, the
“Vapor Pressure Equation” P = A exp(−L/RT ) can be derived from this version of
the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Here A is a constant.

(a) (0 points) Just for fun, try to write down the three assumptions you will need
before you look at them given below.
(b) (10 points) Derive the vapor pressure equation as stated above using the following
i. L = constant.
ii. The molar volume of the liquid phase is small, so that ∆V = Vgas .
iii. Vgas = RT /P .
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Aug 18, 2011

Consider a nonrelativistic quantum particle of mass m scattering off an isotropic finite
range potential V (r). The scattering amplitude f (θ) is defined by the large r behavior
of the wave function in the potential:
ψ ∼ C e + f (θ) , as r → ∞, (1)
where ψ satisfies the time independent Schrödinger equation with energy eigenvalue
E = h̄2 k 2 /2m. The plane wave eikz has the Legendre polynomial expansion

ikz ikr cos θ
e =e = (2l + 1)il jl (kr)Pl (cos θ) (2)

Recall that the Legendre polynomials are normalized so that Pl (1) = 1 and the spher-
ical Bessel functions have the large r behavior
sin(kr − lπ/2)
jl (kr) ∼ , as r → ∞, (3)
(a) (2 points) Explain why the solution ψ may be expanded in Legendre polynomials
as follows:

ψ = (2l + 1)il Rl (r)Pl (cos θ) (4)

and write down the radial differential equation satisfied by Rl (r).

(b) (3 points) The scattering phase shift for the potential V is defined by the large r
behavior of the radial wave function
sin(kr − lπ/2 + δl (k))
Rl (r) ∼ A , as r → ∞, (5)
Prove that the scattering amplitude is given in terms of the phase shifts as

1 X 2iδl
f (θ) = (e − 1)(2l + 1)Pl (cos θ) (6)
2ik l=0

(c) (2 points) Specializing to scattering from a hard sphere of radius a (i.e. V = ∞

for r < a, and V = 0 for r > a) calculate exactly the s-wave phase shift δ0 (k).
(d) (3 points) For finite range potentials, δl /δ0 = O(k 2l ) as k → 0, which you may
assume without proof. Then calculate the low energy (ka ≪ 1) differential and
total cross sections for scattering off a hard sphere.
Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or
aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each
problem will be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.

The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number should
appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name or UF
ID Number anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous.
Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help
or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida,
the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2011

An electric charge q is placed between two grounded parallel metallic plates separated
by distance d. The charge is located distance x from the mid-point between the plates.

(a) (3 points) Describe mathematically the locations of all of the image charges. You
may wish to draw a figure.
(b) (4 points) Find the electrostatic force acting on a charge, assuming that x ≪ d.
(c) (2 points) Evaluate the numerical coefficient in part (b), perhaps by using the
X ∞
ζ(3) ≡ = 1.202 . . .

(d) (1 point) What would happen if the metal surfaces were not grounded? Explain.
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2011

You are performing an experiment in which the independent variables you measure
are B, C and D. Theory says that, Q = (A) (B)D(C)
2 where A is a known exact number.
You take many measurements of B, C and D, finding mean values B̄, C̄ and D̄, and
standard deviations ∆B, ∆C, ∆D, respectively.

(a) (6 points) Write down an expression for the anticipated error in Q (one standard
(b) (2 points) By far most of the scatter in your measurements occurs in C. To reduce
the likely error in Q by about a factor of 12 what should you do?
(c) (2 points) Your value of Q is higher than that of 3 other studies by more than 3
standard deviations what do you check for before publishing your result?
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Aug 19, 2011

Consider three S = 1/2 spins—S ~1 , S~2 , and S~3 —located at the three corners of a
microscopic triangle. We will call this arrangement a “molecule”. The Hamiltonian
of the molecule is given by H = J(S ~1 · S~2 + S
~2 · S
~3 + S
~3 · S
~1 ), where J is a positive
constant. As you may recall, this has two energy levels, separated by 3J/2, both of
which are fourfold degenerate. Throughout this problem, ignore any motion of such
molecules and any interaction between them, magnetic or not.

(a) (2 points) Write down the canonical partition function z per molecule.
(b) (2 points) Give an expression for the internal energy U (T ) of one mole of such
molecules as a function of temperature.
(c) (2 points) Give an expression for the heat capacity C(T ) of one mole of these
molecules as a function of temperature.
(d) (1 point) What is the heat capacity at T = 0 and at T = ∞?
(e) (2 points) Give an expression for the entropy S(T ) of one mole of these molecules
as a function of temperature.
(f) (1 point) What is the entropy at T = ∞?
Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
6. Each problem is worth 10 points.
7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2011

A neutral pion π 0 with mass mπ0 decays into two γ-rays. Suppose a π 0 is moving with
a total energy E.

(a) (4 points) What are the energies of each of the two γ-rays if the decay process
causes them to be emitted in opposite directions along the pion’s original line of
(b) (4 points) What angle is formed between the two γ-rays if they are emitted at
equal angles to the direction of the pion’s motion?
(c) (2 points) Taking the mass of the pion to be mπ0 = 135 MeV/c2 and the energy of
the pion E = 1 GeV, give approximate numerical values for the answers in parts
(a) and (b).
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2011

D2. A plank of length l and mass m hangs horizontally

from a pivot on one side and supported by a wire on the other.
The wire is then cut and the plank swings about the pivot point.

• What is the angular acceleration θ̈ of the plank

at any given angle θ? (2 points)
• Find the x- and y-components of the force on the pivot
immediately after the wire is cut. (5 points)
• Find the force on the pivot
when the plank swings through vertical. (3 points)
Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Aug 19, 2011

1 MeV = 1.6 × 10−13 J
1 fm = 10−15 m
h̄ = h/2π = 1.05 × 10−34 J·sec = 6.58 × 10−22 MeV·sec (h̄c = 200 MeV·fm)
c = 3 × 108 m/s
mn = mp = 1.67 × 10−27 kg (mn c2 = 940 MeV)

A spherical nucleus consists of N nucleons, each having radius r0 ≃ 1.0 fm and mass
mn (We assume that protons and neutrons have approximately the same mass). The
volume of the nucleus is approximately N times the volume of a single nucleon. The
strong force binds the nucleons within the nucleus.

(a) (5 points) Using the uncertainty principle, derive an approximate expression for
the minimum kinetic energy per nucleon in terms of N , mn and r0 , assuming
non-relativistic motion confined to the nucleus.
(b) (2 points) Using (a), find the approximate kinetic energy (in MeV) per nucleon
for a Helium nucleus (N = 4). How does this compare to the measured binding
energy of ∼ 8 MeV/nucleon? (Hint: the evaluation is a little easier if you express
your answer from (a) in terms of h̄c and mn c2 , using their values in the above
table of constants.)
(c) (3 points) Using the Schrödinger equation, find the ground state energy of a single
nucleon in terms of N , mn and r0 . Assume that the nucleon moves freely within
a cube with each side equal to the diameter of the nucleus. (This is a particle in
a box in three dimensions.) How does this energy compare to the energy found
in part (a)?
Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 4 January 2007, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 4 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

A1. A charge +e, spin- 21 particle with gyromagnetic ratio g is initially in an eigenstate |ψi of Ŝz
corresponding to eigenvalue +h̄/2.

(a) (2 points) Evaluate the expectation value µ of the magnetic moment operator µ̂ =
(ge/2m)Ŝ in this state. In which direction does it point?
(b) (2 points) What is the probability of obtaining a value of h̄/2 if a measurement of Ŝx
is made on this state?
(c) (3 points) At t = 0 a homogeneous magnetic field B0 is applied in the y-direction.
Show that the time evolution operator for this system may be expressed in the form

|ψ(t)i = Û (t)|ψ(0)i, Û (t) = cos θ + iσy sin θ

where σy is a Pauli matrix, and find the form of θ(t).
(d) (3 points) Determine the precession period T , defined as the time for the time-evolved
state to again be an eigenstate of Ŝz , and find the form of the state |ψ(t)i after a time
t = T /4. In which direction does the magnetic moment µ point now?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 4 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

A2. An infinite wire (of infinitesimal thickness) carries a constant current I up the z axis. A
magnetic dipole m = my b is located at a distance d from the origin on the positive x axis.

(a) (2 points) Taking the fundamental dimensions to be mass, length, time and charge,
what are the dimensions of the current I, the magnetic dipole moment m, the magnetic
permeability of free space µ0 and magnetic field B? Answer this question in whatever
electrodynamics unit scheme — MKS, Gaussian, Lorentz-Heaviside, etc — you use
for the remainder of the problem, and state the system you are using.
(b) (2 points) What is the magnetic field Bwire due to the wire at every point in space?
(c) (2 points) What is the magnetic field Bdipole due to the dipole at every point in space?
(d) (2 points) What is the force exerted on the dipole by the wire?
(e) (2 points) What is the torque (about its position) exerted on the dipole by the wire?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 4 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

A3. Electron transport in metals can be modeled using the momentum relaxation approximation
dp(t)/dt = −p(t)/τ + f(t), which is essentially Newton’s law with an external force f(t)
and a frictional damping term inversely proportional to a scattering time τ . The momentum
for an electron with mass m is equal to mv and the current density j(t) = −nev, where n
is the electron density and the negative sign is due to the fact that electrons carry negative
charge (e is a positive quantity).

Bz y


(a) (1 point) Assume that a time dependent electric field E(t) is applied, find an equation
that relates E(t) to j(t) in the limit τ −→ ∞ where damping can be ignored.
(b) (1 point) Identify the type of circuit element your answer in (a) represents (resistor,
capacitor, inductor, or diode).
(c) (2 points) Assume a harmonic time dependence e−iωt and find the complex "conductiv-
ity" coefficient that relates E(ω) to j(ω) in the presence of damping (finite τ ). Express
your answer in terms of the dimensionless parameter ωτ .
(d) (4 points) Consider the two dimensional thin film geometry shown in the figure with
a perpendicular magnetic field Bz . At equilibrium (dp(t)/dt = 0) calculate the 2 × 2
resistivity matrix which relates the column vector containing the electric fields E x and
Ey to the corresponding column vector containing jx and jy . You will need to include
the Lorentz force to answer this properly.
(e) (2 points) Find the conductivity matrix σ by inverting the resistivity matrix found in (d)
above and show that σ obeys Onsager’s relation σ(−B)T = σ(B) where T represents
the transpose operation. If you do not remember the inversion formula, then solve the
equations you found in part (d) for jx and jy in terms of Ex and Ey and write your
answer in matrix form.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 4 January 2007, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 4 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

B1. Consider a hydrogen atom immersed in a weak electric field E = E zb. You may take the
hamiltonian for this system to be

p~2 e2
H= − + eEz (1)
2m 4π|~r|

and you may regard the electron spin fixed with ms = +1/2 throughout this problem. You
are to find the energy shifts for the n = 1, 2 levels of hydrogen to first order in E.

(a) (3 points) First recall the spectrum at zero field. Give the degeneracies of the n = 1, 2
levels, and the angular momentum quantum numbers l, ml and parity ± of every state
belonging to each of these energy levels.
(b) (1 point) Using a symmetry argument, explain why the first order shift of the n = 1
level is zero.
(c) (2 points) The zero field bound state wave functions are given by

ψnlm (~r) = Rnl (r)Ylm (θ, φ)

s s
1 3 3
Y00 = √ , Y10 = cos θ, Y1,±1 = ∓ sin θe±iφ
4π 4π 8π
R10 = N1 e−r/a , R21 = N2 re−r/2a , R20 = N3 (r − 2a)e−r/2a

where the Ni are normalizing constants. Use the radial Schrodinger equation for u ≡ rR
h̄2 ∂ 2 h̄2 l(l + 1) e2
− + − u = Eu (2)
2m ∂r 2 2mr 2 4πr

to determine the parameter a in terms of h̄, e and m.

(d) (4 points) Calculate the first order splittings of the n = 2 levels of hydrogen in a weak
electric field. The zeroth order wave functions you will need are listed in part (c).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 4 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

B2. One mass m1 moves on a frictionless plane and is attached to a second mass m2 via a string
which goes through a hole in the plane as shown in the diagram. The radius r is the distance
from m1 to the hole. The mass m2 is constrained to move only vertically. The acceleration
of gravity is g.
For general motion, the angle φ is ignorable, and the angular momentum J, canonically
conjugate to φ, is a constant of the motion.



(a) (2 points) Find the angular velocity ω0 and the angular momentum J for the special
case that m1 moves in a circle of constant radius r0 .
(b) (3 points) For a given J, find the general equation of motion for r. You do not need to
solve this equation.
(c) (3 points) Assume that the motion of m1 is nearly circular so that r(t) = r0 + ξ(t) with
ξ  r0 . Find the frequency Ω (in radians/second) of the small radial oscillations. Give
your answer in terms of m1 , m2 , r0 and g.
(d) (2 point) From your previous answers, give the ratio Ω/ω0 in terms of m1 , m2 , r0 and

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 4 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

B3. An infinitely long cylindrical rod of radius R1 is made of a material with a uniform electric
charge density ρ per unit volume. A cylindrical cavity of radius R 2 exists within the confines
of the material, with an axis parallel to but displaced from the axis of the rod by a distance
d. Assume that R1 > (R2 + d).



(a) (5 points) Determine the electric field everywhere within the cavity (of radius R 2 ).
Please make sure to indicate what system of units you are using.
(b) (5 points) Determine the difference in the electric potential between the center of the
rod and the center of the cavity.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 5 January 2007, 09:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 5 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

C1. The energy of an harmonic oscillator in an eigenstate |ni of its Hamiltonian is:
Ĥ|ni = h̄Ω(n + )|ni
In a thermal state |φth i the n-th eigenstate of this harmonic oscillator is occupied with a
Pn = N · e−nβ β ≡ h̄Ω/(kB T )

(a) (2 points) Calculate the normalization constant N .

(b) (4 points) The average energy of the thermal harmonic oscillator is usually expressed
ĒT hermal = h̄Ω(nth + )
Calculate nth as a function of temperature T and eigenfrequency Ω.
(c) (2 points) Express the probability of the thermal harmonic oscillator to be in the n-th
eigenstate as a function of nth .
(d) (2 points) The density operator of the thermal state is:

ρ̂th = Pn |nihn|

The difference between a mixed and a pure state stands out most clearly in a comparison
between a thermal state and the thermal phase state:
∞ q
|φ0 i ≡ Pn |ni

The energy distribution of this state is identical to the energy distribution of the thermal
state. Calculate the density operator

ρ̂φ = |φ0 ihφ0 |

of this state as a function of nth and point out the main difference to the density operator
of the thermal state.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 5 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

C2. A self-contained chemical heating pad generates a constant heat output of 5 W for 4 hrs
before the reactants are consumed and it begins to lose power. It is hermetically sealed inside
a well insulated Styrofoam box of volume 1 m3 containing air at a pressure of 1.0 × 105 P a
at an initial temperature of 20o C. The air has a specific heat capacity of 1020 J/(kg · K)
and a density of 1.20 kg/m3 .

(a) (4 points) What is the temperature inside the box after 4 hrs have passed?
(b) (4 points) What is the pressure in the box at that time?
(c) (2 points) ) Is the system adiabatic? Why?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 5 January 2007, 09:00–12:00

C3. The highest performing optical mirrors are made with dielectric coatings rather than metals.
These coatings are characterized by a non-absorbing layer, with a real refractive index and
near zero extinction coefficient. Here, you are to consider electromagnetic wave transmission
and reflection by such materials.

n1 = 1 n2 = n n 3= 1

k k
r 0
reflected x

Because there are no free carriers, and no magnetism, Maxwell’s curl equations may be
written (in cgs-Gaussian units) as
1 dD 1 dH
∇×H= ∇×E=− ,
c dt c dt
where we have used B = H. The vectors D and E are related by

D = E ≡ n2 E,

where , the dielectric function, and n, the refractive index, are real materials constants. Take
the electric field to be a plane wave

E(r, t) = E0 ei(k· r−ωt) ,

where E0 is a (possibly complex) constant vector that defines the polarization and amplitude
of the wave, k = k x
b is the wave vector, and ω the angular frequency of the wave.

(a) (2 points) Use the Maxwell equations above to show that k, E, and H form a mutually
orthogonal right-hand set.

(b) (2 points) Show that the magnetic field and electric field amplitudes are related by
H = nE and that these two waves have the same phase.
(c) (3 points) Consider a wave normally incident on an interface between two media, 1
and 2. The wave is travelling in 1, along the x axis, polarized along y, and has unit
electric field amplitude:
Einc = yb ei(kx−ωt) ,

The interface lies in the y, z plane, separating the two media with refractive indices n 1
and n2 . There will in general be a reflected wave, amplitude r, travelling along −x in
medium 1, and a transmitted wave, amplitude t, travelling along x in medium 2. Use
the boundary conditions on the electromagnetic fields to calculate the quantities r and
(d) (3 points) Now consider a wave normally incident on a slab of thickness L. In this
case, there are 2 plane interfaces. For simplicity take n1 = 1 = n3 and n2 = n. The
wave is incident in medium 1. Calculate the electric field amplitude in medium 3. You
may express this either in terms of the reflected and/or transmission field amplitudes
at the interfaces, k2 , and L, or in terms of n, k2 , and L.

Note. If |x| < 1, the sum 1 + x + x2 . . . is


xj = .
j=0 1−x

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 5 January 2007, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 5 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

D1. A symmetrical top with moment of intertia I0 about its symmetry axis rotates “rapidly” about
this axis with angular frequency ω0 . The earth’s gravitational field ~g is directed vertically
downwards, and the center of mass of the top is a distance R from the point of contact
with the table. It is observed that when the axis makes an angle θ with the vertical, the top
precesses slowly and uniformly, with frequency ωp .

(a) (2 points) What is the direction of the precession as seen from above? Does it depend
on the direction the top is spinning?
(b) (5 points) What is the precession frequency ωp ? Is it faster for θ near vertical or near
(c) (3 points) How large must ω0 be for the rotation to be considered as “rapid”?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 5 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

D2. An electron in a magnetic field B has an energy ±µB B according to whether the spin
magnetic moment is parallel or anti-parallel to the field. For a system of free electrons at
temperature T = 0 where the degeneracy is complete:

(a) (5 points) What are the number of spin up and down electrons without the B-field in
terms of Fermi energy (EF ), mass, and volume?
(b) (3 points) Calculate the total magnetic moment.
(c) (2 points) Assuming EF  µB B, calculate the spin paramagnetic susceptibility of the

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 5 January 2007, 14:00–17:00

D3. Resistors, capacitors, and inductors can be used to build simple frequency filters in electronics
circuits. In this question, you will consider and derive some of their properties. The circuit
shown in Figure (A) consists of input and output terminals Vin and Vout connected by a
resistor R with a capacitor C connected to ground.

(A) (B)
Vin R
Vout Vin R

(a) (3 points) Assume that the input voltage is of the form Ṽin = V0 eiωt . You can compute
the individual impedances Z̃R , Z̃C of the resistor and capacitor by noting that Ohm’s
Law still holds, Ṽ = I˜Z̃ where Ṽ , I,
˜ and Z̃ are complex quantities. Compute Z̃R and
Z̃C . From this, write down the total impedance of the RC circuit, using the fact that
impedances can be treated as generalized resistors.
(b) (4 points) This circuit can be thought of as a frequency-dependent voltage divider in
which the output Vout is attenuated with respect to Vin by the divider formed by R and
C. Compute Ṽout /Ṽin for the RC circuit (both in magnitude and phase), and state how
the circuit behaves in the limit of high and low frequencies. Is this a high pass or a√low
pass filter? What is f3dB for this circuit, i.e., the frequency where |Ṽout /Ṽin | = 1/ 2?
(c) (3 points) A band pass filter can be constructed by adding an inductor L in parallel
with the capacitor as shown in Figure (B). Compute Ṽout /Ṽin for this circuit and find
its resonant frequency.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 3 January 2008, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 3 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

A1. A nonrelativistic particle of mass m and energy E travels from the region x < 0 and is
incident on a potential step (
0 for x < 0,
V (x) =
V0 for x > 0,
where E > V0 > 0.

(a) (2 points) Write down the general form of the time-independent wave function ψ − (x)
in the region x < 0 and the corresponding wave function ψ+ (x) in the region x > 0.
(b) (3 points) Specify the boundary conditions obeyed by ψ− (x) and ψ+ (x) at x = 0. Use
these boundary conditions to express the wave functions from (a) in terms of a single
(unknown) amplitude.
(c) (5 points) Calculate P0 (x), defined to be the limiting value as dx → 0 of the ratio of
the probability that a measurement of the particle’s position will produce a result in the
range [x, x + dx] to the probability that the result will lie in the range [0, dx]. Sketch a
graph showing the qualitative variation of P0 (x) versus x in the vicinity of the potential
step, also specifying the maximum and minimum values of P0 (x).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 3 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

A2. An electric field associated with a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in empty space
is described by the following equations:

Ex = E0 sin (kz + ωt)

Ey = 0; Ez = 0
Variables E0 , k, and ω are positive numbers. All answers to the following questions should
be given in terms of E0 , k, ω, 0 , µ0 . No other variables can be used, unless you
explicitly define them via variables listed above.

(a) (1 point) What is the wavelength of these waves?

(b) (1 point) What is the speed of these waves?
(c) (1 point) What is the direction of wave propagation?
(d) (2 points) Write equations for x-, y-, z-components of the magnetic field B.
(e) (2 points) Write an equation for the energy density (amount of energy per unit of
volume) as a function of time u(t) at the point (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0).
(f) (1 point) What fraction of this energy is carried by the electric field?
(g) (2 points) If this wave is absorbed by a wall, what would be the pressure experienced
by the wall?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 3 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

A3. (10 points) As measured in the laboratory frame of reference, a 5 MeV alpha particle
(mc2 = 3700 MeV) collides head-on with an electron at rest (me c2 = 0.5 MeV). Estimate
the speed (in the laboratory frame) of the electron after the collision, assuming that the
collision is elastic.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 3 January 2008, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 3 January 2008, 14:00–17:00

B1. The bound-state energy levels of the hydrogen atom are E n = −Ry/n2 when one includes
only the kinetic energy and the Coulomb attraction to the nucleus in the Hamiltonian. Here,
Ry is a Rydberg which is approximately 13.6 eV.

(a) (2 points) What are the allowed values of n? What is the degeneracy of the n = 2
level, including the spin degeneracy?
(b) (4 points) Include a spin-orbit coupling term in the Hamiltonian of the form
Eso 0 0 0 ~ ~
hn0 , l0 , m0l , m0s |H1 |n, l, ml , ms i = hl , ml , ms |L · S|l, ml , ms i

Here, L~ is the orbital angular momentum, and S ~ is the spin of the electron. As is
conventional, the orbital angular momentum quantum number is l, the L z quantum
number is ml , and the Sz quantum number is ms . (The true spin-orbit coupling would
have Eso depend on n and l, but this form is more tractable.)
To linear order in Eso, what are the eigenvalues of the n = 2 level and their degeneracies?
Hint: use eigenstates of total angular momentum.
(c) (4 points) Also to linear order Eso what are the eigenvectors of the n = 2 level? Express
the eigenvectors in terms of the basis states |n, l, ml , ms i, where n = 2, l is the orbital
angular momentum quantum number, ml is the Lz orbital angular momentum quantum
number, and ms is the Sz spin quantum number.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 3 January 2008, 14:00–17:00

B2. A point particle of mass m slides (without friction) down a wedge of mass M (see figure).



The wedge slides on a frictionless surface. The inner surface of the wedge is shaped as a
cylinder of radius R. The initial position of mass m is at point A. Both the particle and the
wedge start to move from rest.

(a) (2 points) Construct a Lagrangian for the entire system in terms of the angle θ and the
displacement of the wedge, q.
(b) (2 points) Derive the equations of motion.
(c) (3 points) Using energy and momentum conservation, find the speed of the particle
relative to the wedge as a function of the angle θ.
(d) (3 point) For this part only, assume that the wedge is much heavier than the particle.
Under this assumption, find the time it takes
R π/2 q the particle

to slide
√ from A to B. [You may
use without proof the fact that 0 dx/ sin (x) = 2K 2/2 ≈ 2.62 . . ., where
K (x) is the elliptic integral.]

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 3 January 2008, 14:00–17:00

B3. A homogeneously charged circular disk with radius R = 10 cm and charge Q = 0.3 C
is attached at one end of a dielectric, non-magnetic spring ( =  0 , µ = µ0 ), shown as a
zig-zag line in the figure, which makes the disc oscillate along the z axis. The surface of

P zP E(zP,t)=?

R+ +
R +

zDisk +

the disk is perpendicular to the z axis. The position of the center of the disk is z disk (t) =
zeq + zo cos(2πf t), where zeq = 10 cm is the equilibrium position of the disk, zo = 1 cm is
the amplitude and f = 7 Hz is the frequency of the disk oscillations.

(a) (4 points) Derive an expression for the electric field E at a point P(zP ) on the axis of
the disc as a function of time.
Hint: find the static electric field E(z) along the z axis, created by the charged disk
when at rest. Neglect retardation effects.
(b) (5 points) Obtain an expression for the magnetic field B at the vicinity of point P(z P )
as a function of time. As an approximation of the magnetic field at point P, consider
the magnetic field through a small loop with radius r, centered at point P, and parallel
to the charged disk.
(c) (1 point) Calculate the amplitude of the magnetic field at point P if zP = 7 cm and
r = 1 mm.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 4 January 2008, 09:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 4 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

C1. Consider a triangular molecule where each site is occupied by a single electron with spin
s = 1/2. The electrons interact via an exchange interaction. The Hamiltonian for this system
is given by
H = J(~s1 · ~s2 + ~s2 · ~s3 + ~s3 · ~s1 )
where J > 0.

(a) (6 points) Calculate the magnetic energy levels, their spin quantum number and their
degeneracy. Express the energies in terms of J.
Hint: the problem is most easily solved by expressing the Hamiltonian in terms of the
total spin of the system.
(b) (4 points) Now consider applying a magnetic field B ~ [add to the Hamiltonian
−gµB (~s1 + ~s2 + ~s3 ) · B where g is the Landé g-factor and µB is the Bohr magne-
ton]. What are the energy levels of the molecule as a function of the magnetic field?
Does the ground state (the lowest energy level) change at some magnitude of the field
B ∗ ? What are these states? Calculate gµB B ∗ /J.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 4 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

C2. A mirror galvanometer is a mirror attached to a long, fine wire that hangs vertically (see
figure). By reflecting a light beam from the mirror, one can detect small thermal fluctuations


in the torsional angle θ of the wire. The energy of the mirror galvanometer is
1 1
E = Iω 2 + Bθ 2
2 2
where I is the moment of inertia, B is a torsion constant, and ω = dθ/dt.

(a) (4 points) Suppose that measurements will be made at T = 300 K, and the experi-
menter requires the root-mean-squared fluctuations θrms to be at least 10−4 radians in
magnitude. Then what should be the torsional constant B of the mirror galvanometer?
Recall kB = 1.38065 × 10−23 J/K.
(b) (6 points) Now suppose that we design a very unusual mirror galvanometer, where the
energy is
E = Iω 2 + Bθ 4 .
Find an expression for the mean-squared displacement hθ 2 i at temperature T .

Potentially useful integrals:

Z ∞ 4
e−u u2 du ≈ 0.613
Z ∞
e−u du ≈ 1.82

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 4 January 2008, 09:00–12:00

C3. (a) (2 points) What is the voltage difference VB − VA (in V) in the circuit shown?


+ 20V + 20V
A B + 5V

10V 15Ω

(b) (2 points) Four very long parallel current-carrying wires lie in a plane as shown. Their



d d d

spacing is constant and the currents have the same values with their directions as
indicated. What is the ratio of the magnetic fields |BC /BA |, where points A and C lie
halfway between the adjacent wires?
(c) (2 points) A square conducting loop of sides 40 cm can pivot about its top side. A



current I = 5 A flows through the loop which is placed in a uniform vertical magnetic
field of strength 0.3 T. The loop makes an angle of 25 degrees with the vertical. What
is the magnetic torque (in N· m) on the loop?

(d) (2 points) Two particles, H and S, are accelerated from rest by a common electrical
potential before entering the bending region of a mass spectrometer (in which there is
a magnetic field of B = 5.4 T). Particle S has a mass ms = 7.2 × 10−26 kg and a charge


qs = 6.8 × 10−18 C. Particles H and S hit the detector a distance dh and ds from the
entrance slit, respectively, where dh /ds = 1.05. If the charge of H is 1.63 × 10−19 C,
what is its mass (in kg)?
(e) (2 points) In the arrangement of conductors in the figure, the central sphere carries a
net charge of +5 nC, the outer spherical shell carries a net charge of −10 nC. At a

0.6 m

radius of 0.6 m the electric field is directed inward and has a magnitude of 200 N/C.
What is the net charge (in nC) on the inner shell?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 4 January 2008, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 4 January 2008, 14:00–17:00

D1. A horizontal shelf moves vertically with simple harmonic motion, the time period of which
is 1 second and the amplitude of which is 30 cm (see figure). A very light particle of mass m

Shelf g

y = 0,

(negligible mass compared to the shelf) is laid on the shelf at time t = 0 when the shelf is at
its lowest position i.e. y = −30 cm (the particle is light enough such that it does not affect
the simple harmonic motion of the shelf).

(a) (2 points) Write down the expression for the displacement y of the shelf as a function
of time using the conditions given above (y = 0 is the equilibrium position).
(b) (5 points) After the mass m is placed on the shelf, at what value of y does this mass
leave the shelf?
(c) (3 points) How much higher does the mass m travel after leaving the shelf?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 4 January 2008, 14:00–17:00
D2. In 1824 French engineer Sadi Carnot developed a hypothetical idealized heat engine operating
between two thermal reservoirs (at T1 and T2 as shown in the figure). The Carnot engine runs

through a cycle composed of two reversible isothermal (a→b and c→d) and two reversible
adiabatic (b→c and d→a) processes. Consider a Carnot engine using an ideal gas as the
working substance. Hint: The internal energy of an ideal gas is only a function of temperature
and P V γ = const. for a reversible adiabatic process in an ideal gas where γ = 1 + R/c V (cV :
constant volume molar specific heat) is considered as a constant. The gas constant R = 8.31

(a) (2 points) Specify the segment of the cycle in which heat is rejected by the engine and
calculate the amount of heat rejected Qr . Repeat for the segment in which heat (Qa ) is
absorbed by the engine.
(b) (2 points) Show that
Vb Vc
= .
Va Vd
(c) (3 points) Suppose 0.2 mole of a monatomic ideal gas (γ = 5/3) undergoes a Carnot
cycle between 600 K and 300 K. Starting from the state a in the figure at the pressure
Pa = 20 × 105 Pa, the volume doubles in the first isothermal process a→b. Find Vc and
Vd in m3 .
(d) (3 points) How much work is produced in one cycle of the Carnot engine described in

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 4 January 2008, 14:00–17:00

D3. Consider the circuit given in the figure. The input voltage, V IN , has an arbitrary angular
frequency, ω.



(a) (4 points) What is the ratio of the output voltage, VOUT , to the input voltage, VIN ? In
other words, what is VVOUT
in terms of the two resistors, R1 and R2 , the inductor, L, the
capacitor, C, and the angular frequency, ω?
(b) (2 points) If R2 = 0, what is the magnitude of the ratio of the output voltage, VOUT , to
the input voltage, VIN ? In other words, what is | VVOUT
| in terms of the resistor, R1 , the
inductor, L, the capacitor, C, and the angular frequency, ω?
(c) (4 points) For R2 = 0, sketch | VVOUT
| versus ω. Justify the features of the sketch.

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Jan 3, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or
aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each
problem will be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.

The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number should
appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name or UF
ID Number anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous.
Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help
or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida,
the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Jan 3, 2011

A1. Consider three straight, infinitely long, equally spaced wires (with zero radius), each
carrying a current I in the same (+ẑ) direction. Let the coordinates of the wires in
the (x, y) plane be (−a, 0), (0, 0) and (+a, 0), as shown in the picture.

(a) (3 points) Find the location of all points in the (x, y) plane where the magnetic
field created by the three wires is zero.
(b) (1 point) On the picture below, sketch the magnetic field line pattern.
(c) (3 points) Suppose that the middle wire is rigidly displaced upward by a very
small distance ε ≪ a to the point (x, y) = (0, ε), while the other two wires are
held fixed. Describe qualitatively the subsequent motion of the middle wire. If
it is oscillatory, find the frequency of small oscillations (assume the wires have
linear mass density λ).
(d) (3 points) Now suppose that the middle wire were instead rigidly displaced
to the right by a very small distance ε ≪ a to the point (x, y) = (ε, 0), while
the other two wires are held fixed. Describe qualitatively the subsequent motion
of the middle wire. If it is oscillatory, find the frequency of small oscillations.


a a x
r i
r r
i -

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Jan 3, 2011

A2. ~ is
The hamiltonian of an electron spin in an external magnetic field, B,
e ~ ~
H= S · B,
where the components of the spin operator are Sα = (h̄/2)σα and σα is a Pauli spin
~ = B x̂.
matrix. In the following take the magnetic field to be in the x-direction: B

(a) (2 points) Show that this hamiltonian has the units of energy.
(b) (1 point) At t = 0 the spin is an eigenstate of Sz with eigenvalue, +h̄/2. In other
words, it is pointing in the z-direction. What is the spinor wave function at t = 0?
(c) (4 points) Derive an expression for the wave function as a function of time using
the initial condition in part (b).
(d) (3 points) Compute the expectation values of Sx , Sy , and Sz as a function of time
for the wave function in part (c).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 09:00–12:00, Jan 3, 2011

A3. A small bead of mass m slides without friction on a circular hoop of radius R (see the
figure). The hoop spins with a constant angular velocity ω about its vertical diameter.

(a) (2 points) Write down the Lagrangian for the bead.

(b) (2 points) Derive the equation of motion for the bead.
(c) (3 points) Find all possible equilibrium positions of the bead. Which of them are
stable and which are unstable?
(d) (3 points) Find the frequencies of small oscillations about stable equilibrium po-


Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Jan 3, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
6. Each problem is worth 10 points.
7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Jan 3, 2011

B1. ~
Consider the electric field vector E(z) at a height z above the center of a square
sheet (side length a) carrying a uniform surface charge density σ.

(a) (3 points) What must be the form of E(z) ~ on the basis of dimensional analysis?
Remember to include an arbitrary function of any dimensionless parameters you
can make, and recall that the dimensions of the electric permittivity of free space
are ǫ0 ∼ charge2 time2 mass−1 length−3 .
(b) (2 points) What is the limiting form of E ~ for z ≪ a? Note that no computation
is necessary for this.
(c) (2 points) What is the limiting form of E ~ for z ≫ a? Note that no computation
is necessary for this.
(d) (3 points) Express E(z) as an integral over the charged square but do not attempt
to evaluate the integral.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Jan 3, 2011

B2. Consider an air conditioned room with a refrigerator inside. The temperature in the
refrigerator is maintained at T1 , in the room the temperature is maintained at T2 , and
the outside temperature is T3 . The temperatures are related by T1 < T2 < T3 . All heat
produced by the refrigerator goes into the room and should be pumped out by the air
conditioning unit to maintain the temperature T2 .

(a) (6 points) A massive object is brought from outside and placed inside the refriger-
ator. The object has heat capacity C. Calculate the total work W done by both
the refrigerator and the air conditioner while cooling the object to T1 . Assume
that both the refrigerator and the air conditioning unit are ideal heat machines.
(b) (4 points) Now consider another experiment. The same object is brought from
the outside into the room. First it naturally cools to room temperature T2 . Next
it is placed in the refrigerator and cooled to T1 . Will this require the same amount
of work done by both the refrigerator and the air conditioner as in part (a)? If
not, calculate the total work done. Which amount of work is smaller?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 14:00–17:00, Jan 3, 2011

B3. Let |ai, |bi, and |ci, be three orthonormal states and let A be the operator

A = α |bihc| + β |ciha| + γ |aihb| (1)

where α, β, and γ are complex numbers.

(a) (2 points) What conditions must the complex numbers α, β, and γ satisfy for A
to be unitary?
(b) (2 points) Compute the operator A2 , writing your answer in the same format as
A above. (Note that you should be able to do this in your head).
(c) (3 points) What conditions must α, β, and γ satisfy for A + A2 to be Hermitian?
Assume that A is unitary as in part (a).
(d) (3 points) Compute A3 while assuming that A is unitary and that A + A2 is
Hermitian. From your answer, what can you deduce about the possible eigenvalues
of A?

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Jan 4, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
6. Each problem is worth 10 points.
7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Jan 4, 2011

C1. A neutral infinite cylinder of radius R carries a uniform current, I(t)

(a) (3 points) Calculate E and B for a steady current, I(t) = I0 .

(b) (7 points) Now consider that the current is a function of time

I(t) = 0 for t < 0 and I(t) = I0 for t ≥ 0

and recall that the speed of electromagnetic waves is c. The potentials are func-
tions of retarded time tr
1 ρ(r′ , tr ) 3
V (r, t) = dr
4πǫ0 |r − r′ |
µ0 J (r′ , tr ) 3
A(r, t) = dr
4π |r − r′ |

i. (3 points) Find the scalar V and vector A potentials , in the region far away
from the cylinder, as functions of time.
ii. (2 points) Find E and B as functions of time, in the region far away from
the cylinder.
iii. (2 points) Find E and B in the region far away from the cylinder in the limit
t → ∞.

Hint: Z
dx √
√ = ln( a + x2 + x)
a + x2

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Jan 4, 2011

C2. In special relativity, the “proper” force, also known as the Minkowski force, is
defined by
Kµ = . (1)

Consider a particle of mass, m, which starts from rest at the origin. The Minkowski
force is related to the particle’s proper 4-acceleration by K µ = mAµ , with Aµ being
the particle’s 4-acceleration given by Aµ = dV µ /dτ and V µ being the particle’s 4-
velocity. Suppose that the particle is subject to a Minkowski force for which the
spatial component in the x-direction is constant, say K x = f . Let the 4-position of
the particle be given by (ct, x, 0, 0) where c is the speed of light.

(a) (2 points) Write down expressions for the 4-velocity and 4-acceleration of the
particle, in terms of its 3-velocity,
p v = dx/dt. (Hint: you my find it helpful to use
the abbreviation γ = 1/ 1 − v /c2 .)

(b) (2 points) The temporal component of the Minkowski 4-force gives an expression
for the power delivered to the particle by the external force: mAt = c−1 dE/dτ .
Integrate that expression to find an equation for the particle’s energy as a function
of its 3-velocity.
(c) (2 points) Integrate the spatial component of the relativistic equations of motion
Eq. (1) to find the particle’s 3-velocity as a function of its x-position.
(d) (3 points) Find a relation between the time, t, and the particle’s 3-velocity at each
point along the worldline. Do this by an alternative integration of the equation
used in part (c). Hint: write the equation so you can integrate it with respect to
(e) (1 point) Use results from parts (c) and (d) to find a relation between t and x on
the particle’s worldline. How are t and x related asymptotically?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 09:00–12:00, Jan 4, 2011

C3. The total radiant energy flux density at the earth from the sun is called the Solar
constant and has a value 1.36kW/m2 . To solve the following problems, you will need
the following numbers:
Earth-Sun distance 1.5 × 1011 m
Radius of the Sun 7 × 108 m
Radius of Earth 6.37 × 106 m
Stefan-Boltzman constant 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2 K4

(a) (2 points) Calculate the total rate of energy generation of the Sun.
(b) (2 points) Calculate the effective temperature of the surface of the Sun.
(c) (3 points) Calculate the Earth’s surface temperature on the assumption that a
black body in equilibrium re-radiates as much thermal radiation as it receives
from the Sun.
(d) (3 points) The answer for part (c) above is reasonably close to the Earth’s temper-
ature. Show, following the same ideas, that the relationship between the planetary
temperature (for any pplanet in the solar system) Tp and the planetary distance
from the Sun Rp is Tp Rp = constant. Derive that constant.

Prelim ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Jan 4, 2011


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables
or aids are allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to
store formulae.
2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score.
Therefore, you should submit work for all of the problems.
3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet
of paper, and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The
sheets for each problem will be stapled together but separately from the other
two problems.
4. You will be assigned a Prelim ID Number, different from your UF ID Number.
The Prelim ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your
name or UF ID Number anywhere on the Exam.
5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambigu-
ous. Be sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.
6. Each problem is worth 10 points.
7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect
your own independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any
unauthorized help or assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of

Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest stan-
dards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students
at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Jan 4, 2011

D1. Some astronomical objects can be accurately modeled as consisting of a fluid of

constant density that is spherical, nonrotating, and held together by its own gravity.

(a) (3 points) Use dimensional analysis to estimate the central pressure of such an
object of mass M and radius R. Your answer might include other fundamental
constants of nature such as Newton’s gravitational constant G, the speed of light
c, Planck’s constant h, the charge of the electron e . . .
(b) (3 points) For such an object, the pressure p of the fluid is a function of distance
r away from the center. Find a differential equation for dp(r)/dr. You might find
it convenient to use the constant density ρ = M/(4πR3 /3) in your answer rather
than the mass M . But, your answer must only include either ρ or M , but not
(c) (3 points) Solve this differential equation for the pressure p(r) of the fluid.
(d) (1 points) The mass of the Earth is about M = 6 × 1024 kg, the radius of the
Earth is about R = 6 × 106 m. Estimate the pressure at the center of the Earth,
and give your answer as a multiple of atmospheric pressure at the surface of the
Earth, which is about 105 N/m2 .

For part (d) you may wish to know that, in MKS units
G = 6.67 × 10−11
c = 3 × 108
h = 6.64 × 10−34
e = 1.6 × 10−19 . . .
DO NOT use these numerical values in any other part of this problem.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Jan 4, 2011

D2. Consider an electron with mass me confined within an infinite square-well potential
defined by V (x) = 0 for 0 < x < L and V (x) = +∞ otherwise.
(a) (1 point) Using Schrödinger’s equation calculate the allowed stationary state
eigenfunctions ψn (x), where the complete wave functions are given by Ψn (x, t) =
ψn (x) e−iEn t/h̄ . Normalize the eigenfunctions so that the probability of finding the
electron somewhere in the square-well is one.
(b) (2 points) Show that the allowed energy levels of the system are, En = E0 n2 ,
where E1 = E0 = h̄2 π 2 /(2mL2 ) is the ground state energy and n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
Why is n = 0 excluded as a possible energy level?
(c) (3 points)
Consider the operator, O = (x)op (px )op (i.e. the product of the position operator
times the momentum operator). Is O an hermitian operator? Calculate the
expectation value of the operator O for the nth stationary state (i.e. calculate
hψn |O|ψn i).
(d) (4 points)
Suppose the particle in this infinite square well has an initial wave function at
t = 0 given by
Ψ(x, 0) = Ax(L − x). (2)
What is the normalization factor A? If at a later time t you measure the energy
of this particle, what is the probability, PE1 , that you will measure the ground
state energy E1 = E0 ? When you measure the energy at this same later time,
what is the probability, PE2 , that you will measure the first excited state energy
E2 ?
Helpful Integrals:
sin x cos x dx = sin2 x
x sin x dx = sin x − x cos x
x2 sin x dx = 2x sin x − (x2 − 2) cos x
x sin 2x
sin2 x dx = −
2 4
x x sin 2x cos 2x
x sin2 x dx = − −
4 4 8
x x 1 x cos 2x
x2 sin2 x dx = − − −
6 4 8 4

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 14:00–17:00, Jan 4, 2011

D3. Two identical balls each with mass M are attached to the ends of a thin rod of length
L and negligible mass. The rod is free to rotate in a vertical plane without friction
about a horizontal axis through its center. With the rod initially horizontal, a small
wad of wet putty with mass m drops vertically onto one of the balls, hitting it with a
speed of v and sticking to it.

(a) (2 points) What is the angular speed of the system just after the putty wad hits
one of the masses M ?
(b) (2 points) What is the ratio of the kinetic energy of the system after the collision
to that of the putty wad just before?
(c) (2 points) Through what angle will the system rotate before it momentarily stops,
assuming v 2 /gL < 1?
(d) (4 points) After many oscillations, air resistance has taken away most of the
energy. At that time what is the frequency of small oscillations when the ball
with the wad of wet putty oscillates at the bottom?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 5 January 2006, 09:00–12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 5 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

A1. A certain quantum-mechanical system can exist in just two states. The Hamiltonian for this
system can be written in a particular basis as
à !
² ∆
H= .
∆ ²

This problem will also deal with a physical quantity ω, associated with the operator Ω that
can be written (in the same basis as above)
à !
ω1 0
Ω= ,
0 ω2

where ω2 > ω1 .

(a) (3 points) Find the eigenvalues and normalized eigenstates of H.

(b) (3 points) Suppose that at time t = 0, the system is in the state
à !
|ψ(t = 0)i = .

Write down the state |ψ(t)i describing the system at an arbitrary time t > 0.
(c) (2 points) Suppose that at some time t > 0, a measurement of ω is performed on the
system from part (b). List the possible results of this measurement and their respective
(d) (2 points) At what time(s) is the expectation value of ω greatest?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 5 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

A2. The interaction between magnetic dipoles is important for magnetic materials. To understand
this interaction, consider the following simple model for a magnetic dipole. Let there be a
square loop of wire with sides a in the x-y plane with current I flowing counterclockwise, as
shown below.


(a) (2 points) What is the magnetic moment of this loop? (Give both magnitude and
(b) (3 points) If the loop is placed in an arbitrary external magnetic field, B,~ obtain an
expression for the torque on the loop starting from the force on each side due to the
~ From the expression for the torque find if the torque tends to align or anti-align
field B.
the magnetic moment with the external magnetic field.
(c) (3 points) The loop also creates a magnetic field. Starting from the Biot-Savart law,
obtain an expression for the magnetic field due to this loop, in terms of its magnetic
moment, for distances r À a.
(d) (2 points) Now suppose that you have many magnetic moments placed in a plane and
that they are all pointing in the same direction (ferromagnetism). Using the results of
parts (b) and (c), find if the magnetic moments tend to align in the plane or out of the

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part A, 5 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

A3. An elementary particle called a neutral pion (or π 0 meson) is moving in the x-direction
when it spontaneously decays into two massless photons. One of the photons travels in the
x-direction and the other travels in the negative x-direction. The difference in energy between
these two photons is equal to the rest mass energy of the pion. Calculate the speed of the
pion (in units of the speed of light) just before its decay.

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 5 January 2006, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 5 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

B1. Consider a one-dimensional charged harmonic oscillator in a static electric field. The
Hamiltonian is
H = H1 + H2 ,
with the first term being the harmonic oscillator
p2 1
H1 = + mω0 x2
2m 2
with mass m and spring constant k = mω02 . The second term in H is the electrostatic
H2 = −QEx
with Q the charge of the oscillating mass and E the electric field.

(a) (2 points) Solve the Hamiltonian H to find the exact ground-state energy Eg and the
ground-state wave function ψg (x). (You may use an un-normalized wave function for
this part.)
Hint: Define z = x + CE, where C is some constant. Write H in terms of z and adjust
C until H reduces to a form you know how to solve.
(b) (2 points) Calculate for the ground state the dipole moment d = hψg |ex|ψg i using your
solutions to part (a).
(c) (2 points) Now, treating H2 as a perturbation to H1 , use perturbation theory to obtain
the first non-zero correction to the ground-state energy and compare your result to what
you found in part (a).
(d) (2 points) Continuing with the perturbation approach, find the first correction, δψ, to
the ground-state wave function ψ0 .
(e) (2 points) Using your result for ψ0 + δψ compute the dipole moment d to first order in
E and compare your result to what you found in part (b).

Note: The standard solution to the simple harmonic oscillator, Hamiltonian H1 , finds the
ground-state wave function to be
µ ¶1
mω0 2 mω0 4
ψ0 (x) = A0 e− 2h̄
where A0 = ,
with energy E0 = h̄ω0 /2. You will find that parts (c)–(e) of the problem are considerably
simplified if you use raising and lowering operators as much as possible. These are:
mω0 p
a± = x ∓ i√ .
2h̄ 2mω0 h̄

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 5 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

B2. In the apparatus shown, a thin rod of mass M and length L is attached at point A to a hinge
around which it rotates freely. At the other end of the rod (point B) a thin, square-shaped
body of mass M and sides L is attached tightly so that it cannot rotate relative to the rod.
The hinge connects the rod to a rigid arm that is attached to a supporting wall. The arm is
long enough so that the rod and the mass can swing freely without hitting the wall.


(a) (3 points) If the rod is hanging from the support and given a slight nudge, find the period
of small oscillations.
(b) (4 points) The rod is raised to the position shown, at an angle θ above the horizontal,
and released. Find the direction and magnitude of the force that the hinge exerts on the
rod when the rod swings to the horizontal position. Show the direction clearly on the
(c) (3 points) Redo (a) assuming now that at point B the square mass is attached to the rod
by a frictionless bearing so that it can rotate freely.
Note: Irod = M L2 /12 for a rod of length L (about an axis through the center of the rod
perpendicular to the rod); Isquare = M a2 /6 for a square of sides a (about an axis through the
center of the square perpendicular to the plane).

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part B, 5 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

B3. A mirror, which is perpendicular to the x-z plane, makes an angle of 45o with the z axis in
the mirror’s frame as shown in the figure. The motion of the mirror is in the z direction with
a velocity v in the lab frame. A photon of energy ei moving in the positive z direction is
reflected by the mirror.


incident photon 45

(a) (3 points) What is the energy e0f of the reflected photon in the mirror’s frame?
(b) (2 points) What is the energy ef of the reflected photon in the lab frame?
(c) (3 points) What angle does the momentum of the reflected photon make with the x axis
in the lab frame?
(d) (2 points) What angle does the mirror make with the z axis in the lab frame?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 6 January 2006, 09:00 - 12:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 6 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

C1. Consider a Hilbert space spanned by two independent harmonic oscillators. Its ground state
a | 0i = b | 0i = 0 , h0 | 0i = 1 ,
[ a , a† ] = [ b , b † ] = 1 ,
all other commutators being zero. Consider the new operator

A = α a† + β b ,

where α and β are real, and its hermitian conjugate A† .

(a) (2 points) Find the constraints α and β must satisfy for A and A† to be a canonical pair
of ladder operators.
(b) (2 points) Find the expression for the second canonical set, B and B † , which commute
with A and A† .

(c) (2 points) Express the new vacuum state | Ωi, which satisfies

A | Ωi = B | Ωi = 0 ,

in terms of the original oscillator states.

(d) (4 points) Evaluate the value of the number operator a† a in the state |Ωi. What is the
significance of this state?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 6 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

C2. A paramagnetic salt contains N atoms, each of which has an intrinsic magnetic moment µi
(i = 1, 2, . . ., N ). In the presence of an external magnetic field H the Hamiltonian is
H=− µi · H = −µH cos θi ,
i=1 i=1

with θi the angle between the moment of the ith spin and the external field. Assume that
these angles can be treated as classical coordinates.

(a) (3 points) Calculate the canonical partition function and the free energy for the spins.
(b) (3 points) Calculate the induced magnetic moment (per spin) along the direction of the
external field:
1 X
m = h µ cos θi i.
N i=1
(c) (2 points) Calculate χ = ∂m/∂H, the spin susceptibility per atom.
(d) (2 points) Find the limiting (i) low-temperature and (ii) high-temperature behaviors of
the susceptibility, and (iii) sketch the temperature dependence of χ using these results.

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part C, 6 January 2006, 09:00–12:00

C3. (a) (6 points) Please refer to the sketch below.


A wooden cylinder of mass m, length l and radius R lies on a plane inclined at angle
θ with the horizontal, as shown. The cylinder is wrapped with a conducting coil of N
turns; the plane of the coil coincides with the cylinder axis and is parallel to the incline.
The entire system is immersed in a uniform vertical magnetic field B, as shown.

Calculate the minimum current i through the coil in the direction shown, such that the
cylinder does not roll down the plane.

(b) (4 points) A sealed box with two external terminals contains an unknown combination
of emfs and resistances. If (i) a 10-Ω resistance connected across the terminals draws
a current of 1 A, and (ii) an 18-Ω resistance draws a current of 0.6 A, what resistance
will draw 0.1 A of current?

Student ID Number:

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 6 January 2006, 14:00–17:00


1. You may use a calculator and CRC Math tables or equivalent. No other tables or aids are
allowed or required. You may NOT use programmable calculators to store formulae.

2. All of the problems will be graded and will be tabulated to generate a final score. Therefore,
you should submit work for all of the problems.

3. For convenience in grading please write legibly, use only one side of each sheet of paper,
and work different problems on separate sheets of paper. The sheets for each problem will
be stapled together but separately from the other two problems.

4. Your assigned student ID Number, the Problem Number, and the Page Number
should appear in the upper right hand corner of each sheet. Do NOT use your name
anywhere on the Exam.

5. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Work must be clear and unambiguous. Be
sure that you hand your completed work to the Proctor.

6. Each problem is worth 10 points.

7. Following the UF Honor Code, your work on this examination must reflect your own
independent effort, and you must not have given, nor received, any unauthorized help or
assistance. If you have any questions, ask the Proctor.

University of Florida Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”


Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 6 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

D1. Space ninja: At the end of a spacewalk, a ninja astronaut finds herself at a distance of 20 m
from the space station, but drifting away from the station at a velocity of 2 m/s. Sensing
trouble, she tries to think of the best way to return to the space station. In her possession,
she has a 10-kg ninja grappling hook attached to a 45-m silk rope of negligible mass. The
astronaut’s mass is 40 kg.

(a) (4 points) From her training days as an astronaut she remembers the textbook example
of Lt Col Stumblebum who, being in a similar situation, managed to save himself by
throwing stuff in a direction opposite to the space station. Given that she is able to
throw the hook with a maximum speed of 5 m/s with respect to herself, will she be
able to save herself by pulling off the Stumblebum trick?
(b) (6 points) From her training days as a ninja she remembers the main purpose of the
grappling hook and now considers the possibility of throwing the hook (with the same
maximum speed of 5 m/s) towards the space station, getting it hooked and then slowly
pulling herself by the rope towards the station. The danger here is that the rope may be
too short. Will she be able to pull off this space-ninja stunt?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 6 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

D2. Here (as elsewhere in the context of thermodynamics) the c’s are the molar specific heats at
constant pressure and constant volume and R is the gas constant.

(a) (4 points) For a non-ideal system, cp − cv = T vβ 2 /κ, where β = v −1 ∂v/∂T |P is

the volume thermal expansion coefficient, and κ = −v −1 ∂v/∂P |T is the isothermal
compressibility. Please derive this result.
Hint: You can start with the entropy S(P, T ) or S(v, T ) and arrive at the following
equation: Cp dT − T vβdP = Cv dT + (T β/κ)dv.
(b) (2 points) Show that for an ideal gas, cp − cv = R.
(c) (1 point) For a quasi-static adiabatic process of an ideal gas, assuming the adiabatic
index γ = cp /cv to be a constant, show that T V γ−1 = constant.
(d) (1 point) At about 100 ms after detonation of a uranium fission bomb, the “ball of
fire” consists of a sphere of gas with a radius of about 50 ft and a temperature of
300,000 K. Making very rough assumptions, estimate at what radius its temperature
would be 3000 K.
(e) (2 points) Assuming helium to be an ideal monatomic gas, we begin at 300 K and a
pressure of 1 atmosphere. The gas is then compressed quasi-statically and adiabatically
to a pressure of 5 atmospheres. What is the final temperature of the helium gas?

Department of Physics
University of Florida
Part D, 6 January 2006, 14:00–17:00

D3. (Useful constants: σ = 5.6703 × 10−8 W/m2 K4 , hc = 1239.8 eV nm.)

(a) (3 points) In 1905 Einstein published his famous paper explaining the photoelectric
effect. In the table are given photoelectric work functions Φ for several elements.
Element Φ (eV)
Na 2.28
Mg 3.68
Al 4.08
Ag 4.73
Ni 5.01
Pt 6.35
What color of light has the longest wavelength λ that would still be energetic enough
to eject electrons from Na? Show how you get your answer.
Color λ (nm)
Violet 400
Indigo 445
Blue 475
Green 510
Yellow 570
Orange 590
Red 650

(b) (3 points) A blackbody radiates a broad spectrum of photon energies following Planck’s
law, which is peaked at λmax . The blackbody that people observe most often is our
sun, surface temperature 5800 K, which has λmax around 500 nm (i.e., close to green.)
What would the surface temperature (to two significant figures) of a star have to be so
that its λmax matched the work function for the element Al, i.e., 4.08 eV?
(c) (4 points) Neptune can be treated as a perfect blackbody, with a surface temperature of
only 59 K. If Neptune is 49,500 km in diameter, what is the total power radiated by this
cold planet, to three significant figures?

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