Answer Key Module 3A Lesson 2

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Which of the LDM do not have Face to face learning component

Distance learning

Home schooling if done via distance learning

Lesson 1

Module 3A Activity 2
Distance Distinguishing Essential Role of Teacher Role of Parent Role of School
Learning Feature Resources or Household
Modality Member
Modular No face-to face modules Distribution,retrival Guidance and Provides
Distance learning and assessment of coach module and
Learning(MDL) modules monitoring
and evaluation
Onlinr Distance Uses internet Internet On line facilitator Guidance and Monitoring
Learning(ODL) connectivity to connectivity of the lesson coach and evaluation
TV-Based Done through a Television Facilitator of lesson Guidance and Monitoring
Instruction television station/channel coach and evaluation
(TVBI) broadcasting
Radio-Based Done through a Radio station Facilitator of lesson Guidance and Monitoring
Instruction(RBI) radio coach and evaluation
Blended Combination of Internet Distribution of Guidance and Provides
Distance modular and on connectivity and modules and coach module and
Learning line learning modules facilitator monitoring
and evaluation
Lesson 1 Module 3 Activity 3

Ranking Type of DL Why?

(1 to 5 from easiest to
hardest to implement)
1 MDL MDL is the easiest to implement because of
our strategic location, almost all our learners
(90%)have no internet connections/poor
signal in our area.
2 BDL BDL would be the second easier to implement
because some of our learners(10%) have
access to internet
3 ODL ODL may be almost impossible to majority of
our learners because of in availability of
resources(cellphones, laptop,computers etc.)
4 RBI RBI will be harder to implement because of
limited resources(available radio
station,availble teaching materials suited for
broadcasting etc.)
5 TVBI TVBI will be the hardest to implement for
there is no TV station and poor signal in our
Lesson 1 Module 3A ACTIVITY 4.

Targeted Interventions for Learners with Special

Learner Group Targeted Intervention
Learners without parents or household -Teachers will guide/give techniques assistance
member who can guide and support their to learners to learn how to do self -studies-in
learning at home written form or thru sms, gc, phone calls
-Find volunteer adult(PTA officers),foster
nanay/neighbor who can assist the learner/s
Beginning readers (K to 3) Provide appropriate/suited reading materials
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12 Provide varied intervention reading materials
suited to their level
No access to devices and internet Provide printed learning materials,activities and
performance tasks
Inaccessible-live in remote and/or unsafe Coordinate with the barangay officials that are
areas assigned to the particular area and asked their
assistance in reaching out the leraners/may
provide and designate a common safe area
wherein the parents/guardians of the learners
will have access for the learning materials
Indegenous peoples May in charge teacher or focal person( school
utility person) to deliver learning materials in a
scheduled time
Persons with disability Collaborate with the parents/guardians in
providing and assisting the learners with special
Module 3A Lesson 2
Activity 4
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________


Answer __________________________________________________________________________


Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________


Activity 6

Answer the following question

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________


Answer: ______________________________________________________________________


Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

Activity 2 : Weekly Home Plan

Activity 4 : Individual Learners Monitoring Plan

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