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Escalation League

Whether you are a new Kings of War player or a
The Reserve
Every army will have access to reserve units. During
grizzled veteran, an escalation league is a great way army creation, after creating the main force, each
to start a new army or paint a current army. The player will create a reserve of units, totalling up to
purpose of the league is to slowly grow a Kings of 20% of the army cost (rounded down to the nearest
War army, playing games along the way to a full 5).
2,000 point army.
Before every match, after each player has shown

their opponent their army list and reserve list, the
players may swap any of their main force units for
any of their reserve units. When swapping units, the
The size of the armies will increase by 250 points main army must still adhere to all standard army
every other week. Obviously, if the players feel they building rules.
can increase faster, the point value can increase.

Week Army Reserve Generals & Guard

Once an army is composed of 1,000 points or more,
Weeks 1 & 2 500pts 100pts
the player will create a general and the general's
Weeks 3 & 4 750pts 150pts guard unit.
Weeks 5 & 6 1,000pts 200pts
The General
Weeks 7 & 8 1,250pts 250pts The player selects 1 non-Unique, non-Living Legend
Hero. The General may take the profile's options as
Weeks 9 & 10 1,500pts 300pts normal. The General may take up to 2 Artefacts,
Weeks 11 & 12 1,750pts 350pts adding the cost to his/her total as normal. This does
no restrict the use of these Artefacts in the rest of the
Weeks 13 & 14 2,000pts 400pts army, however the General cannot take any artefacts
beyond these. The total cost of the General cannot
exceed 200 points. A General cannot be placed in

Army Creation
This section details how the armies for the escalation
the reserve.

Between games, the profile, artefacts, and options

league are created. taken by the General may be changed, however there
is an impact to changing the General's profile.
Under 1,000 Points
At games smaller than 1,000 points, some units can The Guard
give a player a drastic advantage over other players. Choose an Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Large Infantry,
Because of this, all players are restricted when Monstrous Infantry, Cavalry, or Large Cavalry or
building an army smaller than 1,000 points. Chariot unit as the Guard. The Guard may take the
profile's options and may be given an artefact as
No unit may cost more than 150 points (after all normal. The total cost of the Guard cannot exceed
options and artefacts). 300 points. The Guard cannot be placed in the
Only Large Infantry Heroes and Heroes with the reserve.
Individual special rule (and not the Mighty
special rule) may be taken. Between games, the profile, artefacts, and options
No Unique or Living Legend units may be taken by the Guard may be changed, however there
taken. is an impact to changing the Guard's profile.

1,000 Points & Over

Once players are creating armies of 1,000 points or
more the army creation restrictions are lifted. In
addition, players will create their generals.
Experience & Levels
Every battle, the General and their trusted Guard
Once both General and Guard are fully
unit have the opportunity to gain experience points painted.
to level up and gain new traits.
General routs a unit. 2
Levels Guard routs a unit. 1
Both the General and the Guard begin the league at General survives a battle. 1
Level 1.
Guard survives a battle. 1
The General has a maximum level of 6,
spending 3XP to increase in level. Player loses a battle. 2
The Guard has a maximum level of 4, spending
5XP to increase in level.
Battle Scarred
Experience Pool Once a player reaches a total of 30XP or more
The experience earned by your General and Guard (including spent XP), kills performed by the General
unit is added into a common pool. After your game, will only be worth 1XP.
decide if you are levelling up your unit(s), and roll a
2D6 in front of your opponent and refer to the Losing Experience
following table for the trait gained. Any unspent If the profile of the General or the Guard is changed
experience points are stored for future use. (including increasing/decreasing the size of the
Guard), then both units lose all levels and gained
traits and the Experience Pool is reset to 0.

Experience points can be spent on a roll on the
following table. Reroll on the table if your General or
Guard unit already have the ability specified.

2D6 Trait Effect

The unit gains Regeneration (6+) or increases its Regeneration value is increased by 1
2 Blessed
if it has Regeneration (maximum of 3+).
3 Furious Rage The unit gains Vicious.
4 Rallying The unit gains Rallying (1) or increase its Rallying value by 1.
5 Inspiring The unit gains Inspiring or gains Very Inspiring if it already has Inspiring.
The unit gains gains an additional point of Nerve, increasing both the Waver and Rout
6-7 Bravery
values by 1. This can be done a maximum of 3 times.
The unit gains +1 Attack if the General or +3 Attacks if the Guard. This can be done a
8-9 Skilled
maximum of 3 times.
10 Trail Blazer The unit gains Pathfinder. If the unit already has Pathfinder, it gains Strider.
11 Battle Scarred The unit gains Elite.
12 Dreaded The unit gains Dread.
The Blood Spear,
guard to Countess Lizbeth of the Undead

Hero Traits
For 9XP, a General may select one of the following
traits. This can only be done once.

Trait Effect
Heroic The General becomes Fearless (his/her Waver stat becomes "-").
Whenever the General rolls to hit and to damage in Melee, he/she can re-roll one of the dice
Combat Master
that failed to hit and one of the dice that failed to damage.
Whenever the General rolls to damage with a Ranged attack (including spells), he/she can
re-roll one of the dice that failed to damage.
The General gains Brutal. If the General already has Brutal, he/she adds +1 to his/her
Once per game, immediately after casting a spell, the General may cast a second, different
Whenever the General rolls to hit with a non-unique spell, he/she may re-roll one of the dice
that failed to hit.
Far-caster The General adds +3" to the range of spells he/she casts.

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