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(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)


Course: Compulsory English-I (386)

Level: HSSC Semester: Spring, 2021
Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
(Units 1–5)

Q.1 In Unit 2, Section A; you are taught how to introduce yourself to others. Now
imagine you are in an interview. The interviewer asks you to introduce yourself.
How would you do that keeping in mind your qualification and qualities etc? (15)

Q.2 Suppose you meet a new colleague for the first time. Write down five questions,
which you will ask him to acquaintanceship. These questions should start from
auxiliary verbs such as Do, Are, Is, Did, Have etc. You may take guidance from
Unit 2 of your textbook. (10)

Q.3 In Unit 3, Section A we talked about how to make requests and grant permissions.
Given below are some situations. How would you make a request in each situation?
Follow the example. (10)
Example: The phone rings. Sara wants Ahmed to answer it. She says:
Would you please answer the phone?
i. You need a favour from your friend. You say:
ii. Your mother needs you to help her in washing the dishes. She says:
iii. You want your brother to turn down the volume of television. You say:
iv. You need to ask your teacher for leaving the class early. You say:
v. You want the librarian to give you a history book. You say:

Q.4 You read in Unit 3, Section C how to guess the meanings of words from the text.
Read the following statements and guess the meanings of the words in bold. Also
write the dictionary meanings of these words. (15)

First reactions to Thailand's giant new opium museum in the Golden Triangle are
confused: pleasant surprise at cool air after the intense tropical heat, but then
disorientation, shock, even fear. Visitors enter the 100-acre complex through a
long, dark, mist-filled tunnel, which winds into the base of a hill past bas-reliefs of
distorted human figures before emerging suddenly into bright sunlight in front of a
field of poppies. "This is the mystery, the contradiction of opium," says Charles
Mehl, "Opium is one of the very best drugs we have for treating chronic pain and
bringing relief from suffering. But it can also be one of the worst, destroying lives if
it is used for recreation or exploited for commercial gain.
Q.5 You have learnt in Unit 4, Section-A, how to describe people. Look at the people in
the following photo. Describe each one of them in at least 3 sentences. (15)

Q.6 Punctuation marks are very much important in English language, as you have read
in Unit 4, Section C. Punctuate the following sentences. (10)

i. We decided to visit Spain Greece Portugal and Italy's mountains.

ii. After stealing Tim's car, the thief lost his' way and ended up in the chief
constable's garage.
iii. What are you doing next weekend
iv. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems
v. The girls father sat in a corner

Q.7 In unit 5, Section A, you have read how do we express happiness. Given below are
some expressions. Use them in sentences for expressing happiness. (10)
i. Terrific
ii. It’s a pleasure
iii. I am delighted
iv. That’s great
v. I am so happy

Q.8 Unit 5, Section B teaches you how to do skimming. Read the following passage
carefully, skim it and write the gist of the text in your own words. (15)

The history of progress of the human race is the history of education. Hence it is
necessary for every person, man or woman, to be educated. Women should be
educated like men, otherwise there can be no real progress and half of the
population will remain illiterate.
Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He answered,
“Motherland’s National progress is impossible without trained and educated
mothers”. If the women in any country are not educated, about half the people in
that country will be ignorant. The result is that such a country will not be able to
go along with other nations in development and progress. Education teaches a
woman what she should be.
There is a saying in English, “the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world”.
The meaning in this is that the mother exercises a very great influence over the
lines of her children and is able to mould their thoughts and characters. If she is
educated, she will make such an impression on the mind of her child, that will
enable him in later life to grow into a good and great man.

(Units 6–9) Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Q.1 You have read how to apologize in Unit 6, Section A. Given below are a few
expressions of apology. Use them in sentences. (10)
i. I am indeed sorry
ii. Pardon me!
iii. I do feel bad
iv. It’s my fault
v. I do apologize
Q.2 In Unit 6, Section B, you have learnt how to use cohesive linkers. Write a
paragraph on any celebrations/party you have recently attended using the cohesive
linkers given below: (15)
so therefore despite even finally
Q.3 In Unit 7, Section A you learnt how to give reasons. Convince your father to let
you go on a study tour with your friends. (15)
Q.4 You have read in Unit 7 how to scan text. Read the following text quickly and fill
in the table. What do the numbers given in the table refer to? (10)
1% 2% 86% 6% 13%
Before arriving at university students will have been powerfully influenced by
their school's approach to learning particular subjects. School teachers
commonly blame the poor quality of university teaching. Many university tutors
on the other hand claim that the school system is failing to prepare students for
what will be expected of them at university. But while both sides are bent on
attacking each other, little is heard during such exchanges from the students
themselves, according to Dr Booth, who has devised a questionnaire to test the
views of more than 200 first-year history students at Nottingham over a three-
year period. The students were asked about their experience of how history is
taught at the outset of their degree programme. It quickly became clear that
teaching methods in school were pretty staid.

About 30 per cent of respondents claimed to have made significant use of
primary sources and this had mostly been in connection with project work. Only
16 per cent had used video/audio; 2 per cent had experienced field trips and less
than 1 per cent had engaged in role-play. Of the students in the survey just 13 per
cent felt their A-level course had prepared them very well for work at university.
Three-quarters felt it had prepared them fairly well. Just 6 per cent of the sample
said they felt competent at writing essays.
The personal influence of the teacher was paramount. In fact, individual teachers
were the centre of students' learning at A level with some 86 per cent of
respondents reporting that their teachers had been more influential in their
development as historians than the students' own reading and thinking.
Q.5 In Unit 8, Section A, you have read how to use the technique of anticipation in
reading. Given below are the title/front covers of two books. Anticipate the nature
and purpose of each of the book. (10)

Q.6 You may like some of the following activities and may dislike others. Give at least
one reason for liking or disliking each of them. Read Unit 8 for guidance. (15)
Watching Walking
Reading books Eating vegetables Playing cricket
television in rain
Praying Doing exercise Eating fast food Sleeping early Doing dishes
Q.7 You have read in unit 9 how to write narrative writing. Write a narrative paragraph
on your first school trip. Include the following points. (15)
i. Subject or theme or the topic ii. What, where and when of the event
ii. A proper beginning iv. A proper ending
Q.8 You have read about making prediction in Unit 9, Section B. Read the following
passage Predict what event is most likely to occur next? What evidence from the
text supports your prediction? (10)
The cruise ship was to sail from Southampton, England to New York City, USA.
It was the largest ever built ship. The ship even had a watertight compartment for
safety. Many people believed it was unsinkable. The ship left Southampton on
April 10. There were 2,435 people onboard. On April 14, it hit an


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