Virulence Mechanisms of Tannerella Forsythia: Periodontology 2000

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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

54, 2010, 106–116  2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Virulence mechanisms of
Tannerella forsythia

The periodontal pocket of humans harbors more ciated with periodontitis (11, 18, 19, 50, 85). More-
than 700 bacterial species. Periodontitis is a chronic over, a recent study has suggested that T. forsythia
inflammation of the periodontium with multi-facto- infection is more likely to cause periodontitis in
rial etiology. The disease is initiated due to coloni- overweight women than in normal weight women (7).
zation by a group of gram-negative anaerobes in the Overweight or obese individuals have an overgrowth
form of a subgingival biofilm. Periodontitis pro- of T. forsythia, thus subjecting these individuals to a
gresses as a result of the direct effects of bacterial higher risk of developing periodontal disease (20). In
virulence factors on host tissues, as well as self- spite of the overwhelming evidence implicating
damaging host responses to the colonizing bacteria T. forsythia in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, this
(83). While no single species has been implicated as bacterium remains an understudied organism. This is
the primary pathogen and the available evidence is partly due to its fastidious growth requirements for
consistent with a polymicrobial disease etiology, culture, as well as the fact that genetic manipulations
the bacteria that constitute the red complex, i.e. of this organism are difficult to perform (30, 73).
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Moreover, there are no gene complementation sys-
Tannerella forsythia, have been strongly implicated in tems currently available for the organism. T. forsythia
the onset of periodontitis (83). However, investiga- is the sole member of the new genus Tannerella, and
tions utilizing 16S ribotyping have also implicated the uncultivated oral phylotypes BU045, BU063, 97
novel phylotypes in the development of periodontal and 997 are its closest relatives (95). These phylotypes
lesions in the absence of red-complex bacteria (44). have a long rod-like segmented structure, and,
T. forsythia meets the criteria for a suspected perio- although they are frequently found in various perio-
dontal pathogen postulated by Socransky et al. (82, dontal disease-associated plaques, they are present
83), for example (i) its association with and increased only in low numbers, do not proliferate to high
levels in periodontitis (83), (ii) evidence of host densities, and therefore are not considered relevant
responses to its antigens (2, 81, 94), (iii) its ability to to disease development (95).
cause disease in animal models (2, 40, 79, 84), and Studies in animal models have demonstrated the
(iv) expression of virulence factors that can poten- virulence potential of T. forsythia. For example,
tially contribute to the disease process (described in T. forsythia caused skin abscesses in rabbits (84) and
detail below). mice (2, 93) as well as alveolar bone loss in mice (79)
T. forsythia is an anaerobic gram-negative member and rats (40). These in vivo studies also showed that
of the Cytophaga–Bacteroides family and was initially the pathogenic potential of T. forsythia is enhanced
named Bacteroides forsythus by Tanner et al. (87) in the presence of other bacteria. For instance, ab-
and, based on 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis, later scess formation in rabbits and mice was enhanced
reclassified as Tannerella forsythia by Sakamoto et al. synergistically when Fusobacterium nucleatum or
(74). T. forsythia is associated more frequently and ⁄ P. gingivalis were the co-infecting partners of
or at higher levels with various forms of periodontal T. forsythia. Similarly, a synergy was observed with
disease, including gingivitis, chronic and aggressive respect to alveolar bone loss in rats following oral
periodontitis, than with healthy individuals (86). infection with the red-complex bacteria P. gingivalis,
Several studies have also implicated T. forsythia in T. denticola and T. forsythia (40). Therefore, in order
the progression of loss of clinical attachment asso- to fully understand the mechanisms underlying the

Virulence mechanisms of Tannerella forsythia

pathogenesis associated with T. forsythia, it is the degradation of smaller peptides released by pro-
important to identify the virulence functions of teolysis of larger proteins by other proteolytic en-
the organism and determine how these factors are zymes, and in itself may not play a major role in
regulated in response to co-existing bacteria and virulence (17). A protease with the ability to cleave
host-derived factors. It is likely that T. forsythia may larger protein substrates was later identified by
influence the physiology and virulence of co-existing screening of a T. forsythia genomic expression library
periodontal pathogens. Physical, chemical and met- in Escherichia coli (72). An expression clone that
abolic interactions are expected to occur, which may showed hydrolytic activity on skim milk was identi-
involve bacterial two-component sensor–regulator fied, and the nucleotide sequence of the insert re-
systems. vealed that the protease activity corresponded to an
So far, only a few putative virulence factors have open reading frame with an expected molecular
been identified in T. forsythia, including trypsin-like weight of 47.8 kDa. The putative gene was termed
(17) and PrtH (72) proteases, the sialidases SiaH prtH and the encoded protease PrtH. Further char-
(6, 35) and NanH (88), a leucine-rich repeat cell- acterization of protease activity associated with the
surface-associated and secreted protein BspA (81), positive clone revealed that, in addition to milk, PrtH
apoptosis-inducing activity (61), a-D-glucosidase and hydrolyzes the synthetic peptide N-benzoyl-Val-Gly-
N-acetyl-b-glucosaminidase (32), a hemagglutinin Arg-p-nitroanilide and causes hemolysis of horse
(59), components of the bacterial S-layer (71, 73) and blood (72). PrtH was shown to be a cysteine pro-
methylglyoxal (53). teinase based on inhibition studies with the protease
inhibitors p-toluenesulfonyl-L-lysine chloromethyl
ketone hydrochloride and leupeptin (72). Later, PrtH
Protease and apoptosis-inducing was identified from the spent medium as a detach-
activity ment factor, called forsythia detachment factor
(FDF), with the ability to cause detachment of
T. forsythia has asaccharolytic physiology and re- adherent cells from the substratum (61). During
quires peptides and free amino acids for growth. At biochemical characterization, two different activities
least two proteolytic enzymes have been identified were initially identified from the spent medium, one
that may play roles in the degradation of host pro- with detachment activity, which was later confirmed
teins, providing essential amino acids, peptides and to be the PrtH protein, and the other with cytopathic
heme for the growth of T. forsythia. (17, 72). In activity, arresting cells in the G2 phase (61). The
addition, these proteases may contribute to bacterial identity of the cytopathic factor is currently un-
virulence in multiple ways, such as degrading host known. Cloning of the detachment factor gene fdf
periodontal tissues, activating host degradative en- revealed that the gene encodes a 536-residue pro-
zymes, modifying host cell proteins to expose cryp- tein. It was discovered that the fdf gene contained
totopes for bacterial colonization, and cleaving the original prtH gene, and, as the translational start
components involved in innate immunity (cyto- site for PrtH was incorrectly predicted in the
kines ⁄ chemokines, complement factors) and adap- previous study (72), fdf encodes PrtH plus a region
tive immunity (immunoglobulins), thus paralyzing amino-terminal to PrtH (61). Consistent with this
host immunity and activating components involved finding, the recombinant protein encoded by fdf
in clotting ⁄ fibrinolyis. These and other putative showed cysteine protease activity. Thus, FDF and
functions of bacterial proteases have been discussed PrtH are the same protein. Moreover, PrtH has been
in detail previously (28, 45, 66, 90). shown to increase the mitochondrial oxidative
A trypsin-like protease of T. forsythia was first membrane potential in cells, resulting in production
characterized by Grenier (17). The trypsin activity of interleukin-8 by detached cells (89). In silico
was shown to be associated with an 81 kDa cell sur- analyses have indicated the presence of a caspase-
face-associated protein that required reducing agents like fold (Pfam accession number PF00656) in the
for optimal activity. Moreover, this enzyme was amino-terminal region of PrtH (65), and the catalytic
shown to be a serine protease, as its activity was residues histidine and cysteine present in the C14
sensitive to diisopropylfluorophosphate and other peptidase family are conserved in PrtH (65). Taken
serine protease inhibitors. The enzyme cleaved argi- together, the above studies suggest that PrtH may
nine or lysine bonds in synthetic peptides but not in be involved in disintegration of the gingival epi-
native proteins such as casein and gelatin. Therefore, thelium and induction of production of the
it is believed that this enzyme is mainly involved in chemokine interleukin-8 by detached cells. These


activities may play roles in periodontal disease

Leucine-rich repeat BspA protein
A cross-sectional clinical study has suggested that A surface-associated as well as secreted protein BspA
the prtH genotype is associated with high levels of (Bacteroides surface protein A) belonging to the leu-
T. forsythia, subjecting individuals to an increased cine-rich repeat family has been identified in T. for-
risk for periodontitis (23). The study showed that the sythia (81). The encoded sequence of BspA contains
prtH genotype is found in almost every individual two regions D1 and D2 in the amino-terminal region
infected with T. forsythia, and that the baseline levels with 14- and 6-tandem repeats of a 23-amino acid
of prtH were significantly lower in individuals with leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) motif, respectively. The
no attachment loss compared to those in whom carboxy-terminal portion contains four immuno-
attachment was subsequently lost. A separate longi- globulin-like domains found in bacteria (Big_2)
tudinal clinical study confirmed the association be- (Fig. 1). Furthermore, analysis of the carboxy-termi-
tween prtH genotype levels and future periodontal nal region of BspA revealed the presence of a con-
attachment loss (22). The study demonstrated that served carboxy-terminal domain (62, 63) predicted to
baseline levels of the prtH genotype were signifi- be involved in trafficking of bacterial proteins to the
cantly lower in subjects without loss of attachment outer membrane and secretion, as well as recognition
compared to those in whom attachment was lost over by the protein glycosylation machinery. The carboxy-
1, 2, 4 or 5 years. terminal domain is a 50-residue domain found in a
family of proteins associated with P. gingivalis and
Bacteroides sp. that functions as a targeting domain
for secretion, outer-membrane anchoring and rec-
Surface components ognition by the glycosylation machinery (63, 77).
Recently, in agreement with in silico predictions for
Surface-layer associated glycoproteins
BspA, a proteomic study of T. forsythia demonstrated
T. forsythia possesses a surface layer (S-layer) that that BspA is indeed glycosylated and is associated
consists of serrated structural subunits (about 10 nm with the outer membrane fraction (92).
wide and 10 nm high) in either oblique or tetragonal LRR repeats are found in many eukaryotic and
lattices (39), and lacks surface appendages such as prokaryotic proteins with diverse functions and cel-
fimbriae. The S-layer has been shown to comprise at lular localizations (41). The LRR-containing proteins
least two high-molecular-mass glycoproteins of 220 represent an important superfamily involved in pro-
and 210 kDa encoded by the tfsA and tfsB genes, tein–protein interactions and signal transduction.
respectively (26, 46). Experimental evidence has also The domain structure of LRRs (Pfam ID PF00560)
indicated that the wecC gene associated with an reveals that the LRRs correspond to b–a structural
exopolysaccharide operon (TF2052–TF2055) contrib- units arranged such that all of the b-strands and
utes to glycosylation of these S-layer glycoproteins a-helices are parallel to a common axis, resulting in
(29). S-layers in bacteria are thought to provide a a non-globular, horseshoe-shaped molecule with
protective shield, as well as acting as ion traps and b-sheets lining the inner circumference of the
molecular sieves for metabolites in the environment. horseshoe and the helices flanking its outer circum-
S-layers also assist in adhesion of bacteria. The ference (Fig. 2). The immunoglobulin-like Big_2
T. forsythia S-layer has been shown to promote epi- domains are b-barrel-like structures that have been
thelial cell adherence and invasion (71, 73). It is identified in cell-surface intimins, the bacterial
tempting to speculate that the glycan residues on the adhesin proteins of enteropathogenic and entero-
S-layer proteins may be important in recognition by haemorrhagic strains of E. coli (1, 10, 13–15, 24, 38).
lectin-like receptors on host cells for adhesion and
invasion. The S-layer glycans may also serve as
ligands for lectin-like receptors present on the
co-aggregating bacterium F. nucleatum (60). This in
turn may promote the formation of a mixed-species
biofilm comprising the two species (80), and Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the domain structure
of BspA. Numbers in parentheses indicate the amino acid
could lead to increased disease severity. However,
residues comprising each domain. Abbreviations: Big_2,
the role of S-layer-associated sugar residues in bacterial immunoglobulin-like domains; CTD, carboxy-
host cell and bacterial interactions has yet to be terminal domain; LRR, leucine-rich repeats; N-sig; amino-
established. terminal secretion signal.

Virulence mechanisms of Tannerella forsythia

have been shown to be involved in bacterial adherence

and invasion of epithelial cells (47).
A computer generated three-dimensional struc-
tural model generated by J.P. Malone (Department
of Oral Biology, University at Buffalo, State Univer-
sity of New York, personal communication) is shown
in Fig. 2. This model predicts that the LRR region is
uninterrupted (i.e. the intervening region between
D1 and D2 also assumes the LRR conformation), and
that the LRR region is likely to be stabilized by one
of the adjacent immunoglobulin-like domains fused
carboxy-terminally. The function of the immuno-
globulin-like domains (Pfam ID PF08191) adjacent
Fig. 2. Three-dimensional computer model of the BspA to the LRR region is predicted to be mainly struc-
protein showing the horseshoe-shaped LRR domain in the tural in nature, i.e. to stabilize the LRR region, and
amino-terminal region and four immunoglobulin-like these domains play no role in protein–protein
domains in the carboxy-terminal region. At least one of interactions themselves.
the adjacent immunoglobulin-like domains is predicted to
stabilize the LRR domain. Figure used with the permission
The presence of LRR domains suggested that the
of J.P. Malone (University at Buffalo, State University of BspA protein could be involved in the protein–protein
New York, Buffalo, NY). interactions that are important in mediating
T. forsythia interactions with the factors and ⁄ or
Bacterial LRR proteins whose functions have been components of other bacteria, and BspA has indeed
defined include the Listeria monocytogenes internalins been shown to bind to the extracellular matrix com-
(InlA and InlB) (55, 56), Shigella flexneri IpaH (12), ponent fibronectin and the clotting factor fibrinogen
host-specific Salmonella sp. proteins (91), group B (81). Based on computer modeling of an ortholog of
streptococci LRR protein lrrG (76), L. monocytogenes BspA found in Trichomonas vaginalis, it is predicted
InlJ protein (70), P. gingivalis InlJ protein (8) and that the Fn-3 domain of fibronectin binds to amino
T. denticola LrrA protein (33). These studies indicate acid residues on the concave side of the LRR domain
that the functional roles of LRR sequences differ (27). With regard to bacterial interactions, homotypic
depending upon the amino acid sequence. For binding between the LRR region of BspA and that of the
example, L. monocytogenes cell surface-associated T. denticola LrrA protein was shown to mediate
internalin A (InlA) is necessary and sufficient to pro- co-aggregation between T. forsythia and T. denticola
mote adherence and entry into host cells expressing its (33). In addition, BspA has been shown to be involved
receptor E-cadherin (57, 58). InlB binds to a different in interactions with the oral bacteria F. nucleatum
cell-surface receptor (75), and the LRR region of InlB, (80). In cellular activation, BspA has been shown to
but not that of InlA, triggers the release of proinflam- trigger the release of bone-resorbing proinflammatory
matory cytokines from macrophages (54). The cytokines from monocytes (21) and the chemokine
S. flexneri IpaH protein has been suggested to facili- interleukin-8 from gingival epithelial cells (64) by
tate bacterial escape from the phagocytic vacuole of activating the Toll-like receptor 2-dependent pathway.
monocytes and macrophages (12), and Samonella Toll-like receptor 1 serves as a co-receptor for Toll-like
enterica LRR proteins have been shown to be specific receptor 2, and the BspA LRR domain 1 is involved in
for host adaptation (91). Immunization with the lrrG activation of the Toll-like receptors 2 ⁄ 1 heterodimer
protein of group B streptococci has been shown to (64). Thus, the host may recognize BspA as a micro-
elicit protective immunity against group B strepto- bial-associated molecular pattern through Toll-like
cocci (76). Although BspA is the first well-character- receptors 2 ⁄ 1 for secretion of inflammatory cytokines
ized LRR protein identified in oral bacteria, genes and chemokines. In addition, BspA has been shown to
encoding LRR proteins have been identified in several mediate bacterial adherence and invasion into epi-
recently sequenced oral bacterial genomes, including thelial cells (34). Interestingly, P. gingivalis and its
P. gingivalis, T. denticola, Prevotella intermedia and outer membrane vesicles promoted BspA-mediated
F. nucleatum. The LrrA protein from T. denticola (33) invasion of epithelial cells by T. forsythia (34). Direct
and the InlJ protein from P. gingivalis (8) have been evidence for an in vivo role of BspA in patho-
shown to be involved in co-aggregation and biofilm genesis came from a study which showed that a
development. Homologs of BspA in P. intermedia BspA-defective mutant was significantly less potent


than the wild-type strain in inducing alveolar bone loss

Surface lipoproteins
in mice (79).
Recent studies have shown that conserved LRR Previous studies have shown that T. forsythia surface
motifs associated with bacterial proteins, including lipoproteins activate host cells to release proinflam-
BspA, are recognized as novel patterns by the human matory cytokines and induce cellular apoptosis (25).
pattern recognition receptor gp340 of the innate im- It was further shown that the lipoprotein fractions
mune system (52). This recognition involves protein– from T. forsythia contain ester-bound fatty acids and
protein interaction between LRRs and conserved stimulate human gingival fibroblasts and monocytic
peptide domains of gp340. gp340 appears to be an cells to release interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis
important mediator of host immune responses to factor alpha. Activation of the transcription factor
various microbes. It is expressed by epithelial cells and nuclear factor-kappa B as a result of Toll-like receptor
cells of the immune system, and has been shown to 2- but not CD14- or Toll-like receptor 4-mediated
inhibit bacterial invasion into epithelial cells and block signaling was shown to be responsible for lipo-
secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (69). Gp340 is protein-mediated cytokine production by host cells
also found saliva, and the salivary form has been (25). Furthermore, the lipoprotein fraction from
shown to function as a salivary agglutinin that is T. forsythia has been shown to cause apoptotic cell
important in oral biofilm formation and has thus been death of human gingival fibroblasts, KB cells (an
suggested to play a role in dental caries development epithelial cell line), HL-60 cells (a human myeloid
(36, 48, 67). However, a direct role for gp340–BspA leukemia cell line) and THP-1 cells (a monocytic cell
interactions in T. forsythia-mediated pathogenesis line), but not MOLT4 cells (a T-cell leukemia cell line)
has yet to be determined. In summary, the interactions (25). The lipoprotein-induced cell death involved
of BspA with the pattern recognition receptors Toll- activation of caspase-8, an initiator of the caspase
like receptor 2 and gp340 are expected to play impor- cascade in apoptosis. Thus, it has been suggested that
tant roles in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. T. forsythia lipoproteins may play roles in the path-
Interestingly, several BspA homologs have been ogenesis of periodontal disease by induction of cell
identified in the T. forsythia genome. The genome activation and apoptosis.
sequencing of T. forsythia has now predicted six other
putative BspA-like homologs in T. forsythia, and the
Glycosidic activity
homolog TF1843 requires special mention. The PSORT
program predicts that this homolog is surface-local- Although it is an asaccharolytic bacterium,
ized. Both BspA (annotated as TF2998 with 97% T. forsythia has been shown to express a variety of
identity) and TF1843 have LRR domains in their glycosidases. It expresses the exo-a-sialidases
amino-terminal regions and Big_2 domains at the or neuraminidases SiaHI (35) and NanH (88),
carboxy-terminal ends of the molecules. Although a-D-glucosidase (SusB) upstream of the Sus cluster
significant primary amino acid sequence differences involved in starch uptake and metabolism, and N-
are observed in the LRRs, both proteins show 99% acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase (hexA) (32). In addition
sequence identity in their Big_2 domains. TF1843 also to these glycosidases, which identified experimen-
possesses a carboxy-terminal domain, as in BspA. The tally, the genome of T. forsythia has been predicted to
differences in the primary amino acid sequences encode several other putative glycosidases. In prin-
within the LRRs suggest that these homologs may have ciple, these glycosidases can hydrolyze terminal gly-
disparate biological functions. Although the functional cosidic linkages in the complex oligosaccharides and
role of Big_2 domains in BspA is currently unknown, it proteoglycans that are abundant in saliva, gingival
is likely that this domain, which has a rigid b-barrel crevicular fluid and periodontal tissue. Degradation
structure, plays mainly a structural role and facilitates of oligosaccharides and proteoglycans will affect the
presentation of the adjacent LRRs for protein–protein functional integrity of the periodontium and may
interactions. Genes encoding LRR domain proteins promote disease progression. The degradation of
have also been identified in several recently sequenced host oligosaccharides and proteoglycans by these
oral bacterial genomes, including P. intermedia and glycosidases can also provide nutrients for other
F. nucleatum. Although the functions of LRR proteins community bacteria. Moreover, glycosidase treat-
may differ, LRR repeats appear to be conserved and ment can expose protein epitopes for adherence and
relatively invariant despite negative selective pressure colonization by bacteria. An N-acetylneuraminyllac-
by the host immune system. Therefore, LRRs may be tose-sensitive hemagglutinin has been identified in
critical for bacterial survival. T. forsythia (59), which may promote bacterial bind-

Virulence mechanisms of Tannerella forsythia

ing to host cell-surface sugars exposed by bacterial system for sensing environmental AI-2. Together, this
glycosidases. Thus, while T. forsythia glycosidases suggests that AI-2-mediated signaling may not be
can in theory contribute to pathogenicity in various responsible for enhanced T. forsythia–F. nucleatum
ways, it remains to be determined whether they truly mixed biofilm formation. While the underlying
play important functions in the pathobiology of mechanisms of interspecies communication leading
periodontal diseases. to enhanced biofilm formation are not yet well
In the presence of glucose, T. forsythia accumu- understood, a recent study has suggested that the
lates high levels of toxic methylglyoxal product oxidative response regulator OxyR may be involved
in vitro (53). Methylglyoxal product accumulates in (31). It was observed that a T. forsythia OxyR-defective
cultures of a variety of microorganisms, but this mutant had significantly reduced ability to form
activity is pronounced in T. forsythia during its mixed biofilms with F. nucleatum compared with the
growth in the presence of glucose because of a pos- wild-type strain (31). The mutant also showed
sible imbalance between the rate of methylglyoxal reduced ability to auto-aggregate compared to the
product synthesis and detoxification by the bacte- wild-type strain, suggesting OxyR-mediated regula-
rium (5). Methylglyoxal product is a highly reactive tion of surface adhesins in T. forsythia. It is possible
electrophile that shows high reactivity with cysteine that the oxidative stress regulator OxyR also regulates
residues and lesser reactivity with arginine and lysine expression of membrane porins or transporters in
residues within proteins (51). These amino acid T. forsythia that are responsible for uptake of inter-
modifications can result in protein cross-linking and species signaling molecules or metabolites released by
loss of protein function. Thus, methylglyoxal product F. nucleatum. While these predictions are purely
production by T. forsythia could be toxic to the host speculative with regard to the underlying mechanisms
and may contribute to the tissue damage observed in of interspecies biofilm formation by T. forsythia, OxyR
periodontal disease. In support of this, methylglyoxal has been shown to control biofilm formation in
product has been detected at higher concentrations several bacteria. For example, OxyR regulates the
in the crevicular fluid of individuals with perio- expression of a surface adhesin Ag43 in E. coli (9) and
dontitis compared to healthy individuals (37). biofilm formation through induction of fimbriae
production in Serratia marcescens (78), and acts as a
repressor for the surface adhesin FimA that is involved
Biofilm activity
in biofilm formation in P. gingivalis, with an oxyR
T. forsythia has been shown to form poor monospe- deletion mutant forming increased biofilms com-
cies biofilms in vitro (29). However, when an operon pared to its parental strain (49).
involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis in T. for-
sythia was disrupted, a significant increase in biofilm
In vivo-induced virulence factors
formation was observed (29). Moreover, in compari-
son to the wild-type strain, an exopolysaccharide- Using in vivo-induced antigen technology, 12 T. for-
deficient mutant displayed enhanced microcolony sythia antigens specifically expressed during an
formation and showed increased surface hydropho- infection in patients with periodontal disease were
bicity (29). The study suggested that surface exopoly- identified (94). In vivo-induced antigen technology is
saccharides in T. forsythia play inhibitory roles in an attractive antibody-based screening technique that
biofilm development by T. forsythia. Interestingly, it can be utilized to identify antigens of a pathogen that
was found that T. forsythia also forms mixed syner- are specifically expressed during an infection (68).
gistic biofilms with F. nucleatum (80). F. nucleatum is Briefly, pooled patient sera are first adsorbed with
considered to be a Ôbridge bacteriumÕ due its ability to antigens isolated from in vitro-grown pathogen, and
co-aggregate with both early- and late-colonizing then pre-adsorbed sera are used as an antibody probe
bacteria, thereby facilitating dental plaque formation to screen a genomic library of the pathogen in plasmid
(3). It has been demonstrated that cell-to-cell contact or phage vectors. The 12 in vivo-induced proteins from
is important for mixed species biofilm formation be- T. forsythia identified using in vivo-induced antigen
tween T. forsythia and F. nucleatum, although the role technology (94) included BspA, a well-defined viru-
of diffusible molecules cannot be ruled out completely lence factor of T. forsythia, enzymes involved in
(80). Interestingly, the T. forsythia genome (http:// housekeeping functions, enzymes implicated in tis- does not possess an enzyme sue destruction (DppIV, dipeptidyl peptidase IV), a
homolog of LuxS for synthesis of the universal quorum DNA mismatch repair protein and a putative TonB-
sensing autoinducer 2 (AI-2) molecule or a detection dependent outer membrane receptor ( TF1439). While


in vivo roles for many of the genes identified by tors [surface Toll-like receptors and intracellular
in vivo-induced antigen technology have yet to be nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-cont-
determined, at least two of the factors, namely BspA aining protein 1 (NOD1)] (4), scavenging of pepti-
and DppIV, have been well characterized and shown to doglycan within the gingival crevice by T. forsythia
be important in virulence. The role for BspA in viru- may assist in dampening inflammation and evading
lence has been described above. DppIV is a serine the host immune response. It is tempting to specu-
protease that cleaves X-Pro or X-Ala dipeptides at late that the growth of T. forsythia may contribute to
the amino-terminal end of the polypeptide chain. maintenance of immunological homeostasis and
Although the exact functions of DppIV in T. forsythia modulation of periodontal disease progression.
virulence have yet to be determined, DppIV has been It is likely that T. forsythia releases metabolites that
shown to be involved in the virulence of P. gingivalis are beneficial for the growth of other red-complex
(42). Mice challenged with a DppIV-deficient mutant species. It is possible that succinate, a precursor for the
of P. gingivalis developed smaller abscesses than synthesis of membrane lipids and phospholipids that
those challenged with the wild-type strain. Moreover, promotes the growth P. gingivalis (16), could be pro-
mice injected with the mutant exhibited faster recov- duced by T. forsythia through reduction of fumarate
ery from the infection, as assessed by weight gain by a putative fumarate dehydrogenase enzyme en-
and the rate of lesion healing. Mechanistically, DppIV coded by TF2650. Fumarate could be generated by an
has been suggested to activate host-derived matrix arginine utilization pathway in T. forsythia involving
metalloproteinases, thereby promoting degradation of the activity of an N-(L-argininosuccinate) arginine
tissue collagen (43). Also, DppIV can bind to fibro- lyase (EC homolog encoded by TF1489. Growth
nectin and mediate bacterial binding to fibronectin of P. gingivalis, a highly proteolytic organism, would
(43). Therefore, DppIV-mediated tissue destruction lead to further destruction of host proteins, releasing
and bacterial adherence may play important roles in peptides and amino acids that provide nutrients for
pathogenesis. It would be interesting to determine T. forsythia. Together, the scavenging of peptidogly-
whether DppIV expression induced in vivo plays roles can and production of succinate by T. forsythia may
in periodontitis associated with T. forsythia infections. explain the increased risk for periodontitis in the
presence of red-complex bacteria.
A recent study utilizing proteomic analysis has
Miscellaneous functions
identified several surface proteins associated with the
T. forsythia growth requires an exogenous source of bacterial outer membrane (92). The functions of only
N-acetyl muramic acid, an important amino sugar in few of the proteins, such as TfsA, TfsB and BspA, have
almost all eubacteria, which, together with N-acetyl- been characterized. The functions of the rest of the
glucosamine, forms the peptidoglycan (murein) cell identified proteins need to be determined in the fu-
wall. Unlike other bacteria, which synthesize their ture to understand their potential roles in virulence.
own N-acetyl muramic acid, T. forsythia lacks a
metabolic pathway to synthesize N-acetyl muramic
acid. This is because homologs of the key enzymes Animal models demonstrating the
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-enolpuruvate transferase virulence of T. forsythia
and UDP-enolpyruvate reductase, which are involved
in the two-step synthesis of N-acetyl muramic acid An important criterion that T. forsythia must satisfy
from N-acetyl glucosamine in bacteria, are lacking in in order to be considered as a periodontal pathogen
the T. forsythia genome sequence. This implies that is virulence potential in animal models. In this re-
T. forsythia may possess unique systems to scavenge gard, one of the earliest studies, performed in rabbits
peptidoglycan degradation products released during (84), showed that, when T. forsythia was co-inocu-
cell-wall recycling of oral biofilm bacteria. lated with F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis, significant
Interestingly, while scavenging of exogenous N- abscess formation was observed. Monoinfections
acetyl muramic acid ⁄ peptidoglycan by T. forsythia with the strains used of T. forsythia, F. nucleatum or
may be critical for growth of the organism, this may P. gingivalis did not induce significant abscess for-
have downstream repercussions on periodontal mation in animals. The study successfully demon-
inflammation and disease pathogenesis. As bacterial strated the pathogenic potential of T. forsythia for the
peptidoglycan and its degradation products such as first time in an animal system, and also provided
muramylpeptides can act as inflammatory mediators evidence indicating that the pathogenicity of indi-
by activating host innate pattern-recognition recep- vidual bacterial species can be modulated following

Virulence mechanisms of Tannerella forsythia

interactions with other bacteria. Later, the virulence of novel therapeutic strategies. For identification of
potential of T. forsythia was demonstrated utilizing a genes induced in vivo, approaches involving gene
skin abscess model in mice (2, 93). The study by expression profiling may be necessary. Microarrays
Yoneda et al. (93) showed pathological synergy be- for T. forsythia are not currently available; however,
tween T. forsythia and P. gingivalis. This study also alternative gene expression profiling strategies such
suggested a role for P. gingivalis gingipains in syn- as RNA subtractive hybridization or quantitative RT-
ergism with T. forsythia. PCR may be exploited. In addition, the antibody-
The pathogenic potential of T. forsythia in induc- based in vivo-induced antigen technology described
ing alveolar bone loss has been demonstrated in a above may help to identify genes that are preferen-
mouse model (79). Mice orally infected with T. for- tially expressed at different stages of the disease. In
sythia showed increased alveolar bone loss compared addition to identifying the T. forsythia factors in-
to mock-infected mice. Furthermore, a T. forsythia volved in host interactions, it is equally important to
mutant defective in expression of the BspA protein identify factors responsible for the integrity of the
showed significantly less bone loss compared to mice community structure. In this respect, factors that
infected with the wild-type strain, indicating that mediate physical, metabolic and chemical commu-
BspA is an important virulence determinant of the nication between T. forsythia and its community
bacterium. This study also reported that T. forsythia partners need to be identified. Identification of such
did not induce any alveolar bone loss in gnotobiotic molecules could help in the design of novel strategies
germ-free animals (79). This suggests that interac- for eliminating or reducing the levels of T. forsythia in
tions of T. forsythia with other bacteria may be the bacterial consortium. Such strategies could dis-
important for bacterial growth and expression of rupt the community structure and homeostasis and
virulence. T. forsythiaÕs dependence on environmen- reduce disease pathogenesis.
tal N-acetyl muramic acid released by co-inhabiting In conclusion, complementary strategies involving
bacteria could be critical for its growth. In addition, computational and wet-lab experimental approaches
interactions involving other metabolic pathways and will be necessary to identify the factors that govern
physical co-aggregations for biofilm development the interactions of T. forsythia with the host as well as
and ⁄ or chemical communication may also be criti- other community bacteria. A better insight into the
cal. This notion is further supported by a study which mechanisms of these factors in pathogenesis will al-
showed that polymicrobial infections with red-com- low the development of future strategies to control
plex bacteria resulted in synergism with respect to periodontitis.
immunoinflammatory responses and alveolar bone
loss in rats (40).
Conclusions I sincerely thank Professor Howard Kuramitsu for
critical reading of this manuscript, and James P.
It is now well established that periodontitis has a Malone for computer modeling of the BspA protein.
polymicrobial etiology, mainly due to association of The work performed in my laboratory was supported
the red-complex bacteria. The availability of the by a grant (DE014749) from the National Institute of
genome sequence containing 3034 ORFs (http: ⁄ ⁄ Dental and Craniofacial Research (Bethesda, MD). ⁄ under Tannerella forsythen-
sis) and the development of a specific gene deletion
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