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Data Analysis Report 

"It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill."  
- Wilber Wright 

Alexander Brumari 



My goal was to figure out how far and how fast on average does the Nakamura Lock 
paper airplane go. 

Building the Plane 

I chose this paper airplane because according to the website that I used, the airplane 
had a long airtime/distance and wasn’t too hard to make, so I made the Nakamura 

Collecting the Data 

Outside in my backyard is where I did all the data collection for this project. I would set 
a timer in order to get the airtime of the paper airplane and then throw it. I would record 
the airtime and then use my foot to record the distance from where I stand when 
throwing the airplane to where it landed. 



Analyzing the Data 

The distance of the paper airplane wasn’t very constant. The distance ranged from 18ft 
to 28ft, with the average being 23ft and the standard deviation being 3.14. Airtime on 
the other hand was mostly constant, with a 4 second average and standard deviation 
being 0.47. 

What I learned from this experiment was how to graph data and how they can be 
manipulated. I also learned that distance and airtime don’t always relate. 

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