Brochure Nliu Ll.m. 2021

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National Law Institute University Bhopal

Placement Brochure 
LL.M. Batch of 2020-2021
1. Message from Vice-Chancellor 01
2. Message from Dean Postgraduate Studies 02
3. Message from Dean Undergraduate Studies 03
4. Message from Dean Distance Education 04
5. Message from Dean Student Welfare 05
6. Message from Dean Research & Publication 06
7. About NLIU 07
8. Faculty Profile 09
9. Academics and Courses (LL.M.) 10
10. Student Demographic 13
11. Student’s Profile 15
12. Sector-wise Experience 26
13. Internships 27
14. Achievements 
A. Courses and Diplomas 31
B. Papers Published 33
C. Papers Presented 34
D. Moot Courts 35
E. Seminars and Workshops 35
15. Placement Process 37
16. Placement Coordination Committee 39
17. Invitation to Recruiters 41
18. Visiting the Campus 44 I
Message from the
Vice-Chancellor’s Desk
Message from the
Dean Postgraduate Studies
the holistic education of students.
The one year LL.M. course structure is
developed and designed in consonance with
dynamic legal education and research skills
worldwide. NLIU Bhopal offers specializa-
tions to the Post Graduation students in
Constitution and Administrative Law; Intel-
lectual Property Rights and Business Law;
Dear Recruiters, have shown immense interest and zeal in the and Human Rights and Criminal Law. The
online method of teaching and also have con- students are acclimatized with case analy-
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce you tributed to research projects and publications sis and live projects inclusive of classroom
to the LL.M Batch of 2020-2021. The place- of the university. teaching with extra co-curricular activities.
ment process for LL.M started in the year 2019 NLIU offers LL.M specialization in I. Constitu- Dear Recruiters, It allows the students to take up leadership
under the general guidance of faculty members tional and Administrative Law, II. Human Rights roles and develop a healthy team spirit. The
and is largely carried out by a Student Place- and Criminal Law and III. Intellectual property My Sincere thanks and warm welcome to the present batch of LL.M. PG course, with their
ment Committee (SPC). and Business Law. Students from each spe- prospective recruiters of the National Law strong foundation of conceptual understand-
NLIU Bhopal was established by a legislation of cialization have diverse interests ranging from Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal who have ing of legal principles with practical exposure
the Madhya Pradesh Legislature in 1997 and is corporate law firms, teaching, banks, corpora- been recruiting the country’s best young brains through internships and experience in differ-
the second National Law School in India. NLIU tions and companies, to Non- Governmental of the future legal profession. It is a matter of ent realms, will prove to be valuable assets
has grown to its current status by imparting Organisations. The diverse interests of stu- great honor and privilege to address you as our in whatever capacity they will be recruited.
quality education with the objective to con- dents are reflected through internships, which potential recruiter. Since its inception in 1997, I take pride in stating that our students are
tribute to national development by instilling a helped them garner experience. The University the NLIU Bhopal has proven to have a deeply proficient in revamping themselves to the
sense of responsibility among its students, while has also taken necessary initiatives towards rooted legacy of benchmark academic excel- needs of work culture. Our alumni are the
simultaneously cultivating spirit of intellectual holistic development of students’ interests by lence in the legal field with high standards of examples of how diverse the education they
freedom, qualities of leadership, imaginative organising webinars, guest lectures, Internship professionalism. receive and how adaptable they are.
power and clarity. opportunities, etc.
This year has come with several difficulties The Batch of 2020-2021 is ready to face It is with immense pleasure I present to you I invite you and your esteemed organiza-
and delays which could have hampered the upcoming challenges and contribute to the legal the current batch of LL.M. at the National Law tion to participate in the placement process
curriculum of this batch. However, irrespec- fraternity. I would like to take this opportunity Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU). The batch of NLIU Bhopal. The brochure provides a
tive of such challenges we were successful in in welcoming you for the recruitment of suit- represents an enthusiastic and committed detailed description of all the pertinent infor-
delivering quality lectures with the help of our able candidates from this LL.M batch of 2020 group of mature legal professionals ready to mation for your participation. I look forward
esteemed professors. We have in no way let - 2021. I also welcome the alumni of NLIU who lead the future legal field. The students of this to building a sustainable relationship with
this pandemic affect the quality of teaching have established themselves over the last 15 batch have been mustered from diverse back- your esteemed organization and achieving
and have made sure that our students face no years to take part in this venture representing grounds resulting in a proverbial melting plot. your recruitment objectives.
difficulties. Over the past few months, I have their organisations or law firms. I wish the LL.M The vibrant culture at NLIU, Bhopal is a key to Welcome to NLIU Bhopal!
seen this Batch prosper and excel irrespective Batch of 2020-2021 all the very best in this
of several hurdles faced by them. The students endeavour. PROF. (DR.) RAJIV KUMAR KHARE
Message from the
Dean Undergraduate Studies
debate, dispute and argue any and every idea
under the sun relevant to the topic under dis- Message from the
cussion without fear or favor. In addition to
class room discussion we organize debates, Dean Distance Education
mooting, symposia, seminars, colloquial to
reflect on emerging issues and challenges.
Our students are equipped with the ability
to learn new things - relating to all aspects of
human life - very quickly and marshall their
learning for making practical choices. The
students are to do research independently
Dear Recruiters,
and make crucial policy choices of social
value and social relevance. They are trained
It is with much pleasure and expectations I have the privilege to intro-
both as foxes and hedgehogs - if I can borrow
duce you to the LL.M Batch of 2021 from National Law Institute Uni-
Dear Recruiters, the words of Isaiah Berlin.
versity. I have had the benefit of teaching this batch from the very first
Our students are drawn from all over the
day of their entry into the classroom and therefore, in a position to
Greetings from NLIU, Bhopal!! country from diverse backgrounds. They
describe them as one of the most competitive and hardworking group
The National Law Institute University, Bho- have undergone rigorous training at law
of students. The spectre of Pandemic haunting all of us did cause the
pal launched B. A. LL. B. (Hons.) Course on 1 firms, public sector undertakings and with
inevitable delay in commencing the academic year and that through
September 1998. Since then the NLIU family higher judiciary and senior lawyers. We have
online mode but that hardly deterred this bunch of gifted and tenacious
is actively engaged in teaching, research, pub- trained them to face and handle all types of
from meeting the loft standards of completing syllabus and submit
lication and training. We started postgraduate challenges without fear and tap every oppor-
quality research papers.
studies from the Academic Year 2001-2002 and tunity at the most opportune moment.
This batch of students is a collage distinctions, differences and diver-
introduced LL. M. and Ph. D. Programs. LL. M. We also urge you to give your free and frank
sity much like the country and have assimilated themselves with the
Program was put in abeyance for some time. In feedback for improvement in legal education.
culture of academic rigors contributing each other’s success making it
the Academic Year 2007-2008 we introduced We would love to hear from you as to your
a cauldron of oppositeness. The intellect that this Batch possesses can
LL. M. Program in three streams, namely: (i) specific needs and requirements so that we
be foreseen through their internship/ work experience. I take pride in
Law, Science and Technology, (ii) Human Rights can design our curricula accordingly. Please
stating that our students are proficient in revamping themselves as per
Law, and (iii) LL. M. (General). In the Academic feel free to write to us.
the requirement of the work culture. Our alumni and success in various
Year 2010-2011, I was appointed the Conve- We are delighted to present to you LL. M.
set ups is a shining example of quality and proficiency of our education
ner, Postgraduate Studies and continued to Batch of 2021. Our students will be an asset
and pedagogy. I am sure that given their integrity and disposition in
serve in this capacity till the Academic Session to the organization that they join.
terms of skills and professional acumen they will become a valuable
2017-2018. In a period of eight years, we intro- We look forward to your participation in the
asset to your esteemed organization.
duced several changes in the LL. M. curricula recruitment process of our University.
and its delivery. With warmest regards,
I wish them all the success and extend a warm welcome to your orga-
Our objective has been to train LL. M. students
nization to explore and recruit our young talent.
in creating new knowledge. Our LL. M. Program
is more about learning and research and less PROF. (DR.) GHAYUR ALAM
about teaching. It does not mean that we do PROFESSOR OF BUSINESS
not teach. Our classrooms are market place of LAWS AND IPR
ideas. Teacher merely playing the role of intel- DEAN, UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES
lectual midwife helping the students discuss, I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 4
Message from the
Dean Students Welfare

Message from the

Dean Research &

Dear Recruiters,

It gives me immense pride to see NLIU contributing to the Legal

Dear Recruiters, world through its young, sharp and dynamic minds and personali-
ties. The LLM Program at NLIU is quiet comprehensive to meet the
NLIU Bhopal has a long-standing reputation for providing the best students in the legal field. demands of the different fields of contemporary legal world.
Life at NLIU offers a spectacular mix of indulgences that shape our students to grow as indi-
viduals and professionals simultaneously. We aim to bring out the best in students through Even during the COVID 19 crisis period the Batch is doing com-
a continuous process of engagement with the faculties in realms of research and academics. mendable work when large part of evaluation is based on research
assignments. The Batch is undertaking all matters of academics and
During my interactions with the LL.M. Batch of 2021, I found them to be hardworking and research with the zeal and enthusiasm. As Chairperson Examina-
competent. The batch consists of students from diverse backgrounds who have outshined tion and Dean Research I get opportunity of direct and continuous
themselves and overcome the unforeseen circumstances of the pandemic. They are enthusias- interaction with the students. The Batch has shown utmost integrity
tic, promising and committed professionals. They will prove to be an asset to the organization towards their academics along with research assignments. The sense
they join. Our students are well equipped to meet the challenges of the demanding legal field. of responsibility and adherence to deadlines in all circumstances is
The diverse interests and backgrounds of students are reflected in their professional and intern- a hallmark of any professional person. I believe that tough times
ship experiences. These experiences have allowed them to gain invaluable exposure enabling brings out the best in an individual and this Batch surely has shown
them to enter the professional world. They have fairly good research and presentation skills. honesty, dedication and commitment in all spheres that they have
laid hands on.
I wish great success to all the students and look forward to building a sustainable relationship
with your esteemed organization and achieving your recruitment objectives. I thereby take pride to present before you our dynamic LLM Batch
of 2021. Looking forward to have your esteemed organization par-
ticipate in our placement program and give an opportunity to our
PROF. (DR.) UDAY PRATAP SINGH untapped talents to shine.

National Law Institute University (NLIU)
The National Law Institute University, of intellectual freedom, qualities of lead-
Bhopal (NLIU), was established by the ership, imaginative power and clarity.
Rashtriya Vidhi Sansthan Vishwavidy- NLIU has been designing and deliver-
alaya Adhiniyam, by an Act No. 41 of ing courses with a view to enhance the
1997 enacted by the Madhya Pradesh ability and capacity of the students,
State Legislature. NLIU is recognized by members of the faculty and other par-
the University Grants Commission and ticipants in avoiding and resolving prob-
the Bar Council of India. The University lems under the framework of law.
works closely with the High Court of
Madhya Pradesh, as well as the National The NLIU campus is situated on the
Judicial Academy. Since 2009, NLIU has side of a hillock near Kerwa Lake on the
been home to the Rajiv Gandhi National Kerwa Dam Road, Bhadbhada in the city
Cyber Law Center, established by the of Bhopal. Important buildings of the
Ministry of Human Resource Develop- campus include the Academic Block,
ment, Government of India. the Auditorium and the Gyan Mandir -
which houses the Library, The Computer
The VISION of NLIU is to become one Lab, Faculty Rooms, Debating Halls and
of the best centers of legal education, classrooms. The university’s sports facil-
training and research in the world. ities include a sports complex which
houses a gym, facilities for table tennis,
The MISSION of NLIU is to develop and badminton, tennis, pool, other indoor
nurture the intellect for the betterment games, two basketball courts, fields for
of the nation and humanity through Law volleyball and football. The co-curricular
and Justice. activities of the university are regulated
and overseen by the various committees
The OBJECTIVES of the NLIU inter which are in existence.
alia, are to contribute to the national Thus, NLIU is constantly committed
development by instilling a sense of towards the holistic development of its
responsibility among her students, while students throughout their journey in this
simultaneously cultivating in them spirit legal arena. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 8

Faculty Profile

Professor (Dr.) V. Vijayakumar Professor (Dr.) Raka Arya Mr. Ranjan Kumar
Vice Chancellor, National Law Professor of Political Science Assistant Professor
Institute University
Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Ms. Neha Sharma
Professor (Dr.) V. K. Dixit Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor
Professor of Law (Visiting) Professor of Law
Mr. Mahendra Soni
Professor (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash Mrs. Kavita Singh Assistant Professor
Professor of Dispute Settlement Associate Professor of Law
Process (On lien) of Torts Dr. Debashri Sarkar Academics And Courses
Assistant Professor
Professor (Dr.) Mukesh Dr. Monika Raje
Master of Law at National Law Institute University
Srivastava Associate Professor in Ms. Neha Khurana
Master of Law as a course empowers and equips the students to attain command over any
Professor in English International Trade & Transport Assistant Professor
subject of law and its respective domain. Pursuing such a course with a specialization aids in
achieving an overall grip over the intricacies of the subject. While a graduation in law develops a
Professor (Dr.) Ghayur Alam Ms. Saubhagya
holistic understanding, a Master of Law Program gives direction in a particular branch of law.
Professor in Business Laws Dr. Sushma Sharma Bhadkaria
Associate Professor in Assistant Professor
The Master of Law (LL.M.) Programme was launched in 2007, with the first batch graduating
Professor (Dr.) Uday Constitutional Law &
in 2009. NLIU admits students for its Master of Law Program through the scores of CLAT PG.
Pratap Singh Administrative Law Mr. Amit Pratap Singh
The LL.M. Program at NLIU is structured over a span of One year, divided into two Semesters.
Professor in Human Rights Assistant Professor
Students are offered three different branches of specialisation namely:
Dr. Bir Pal Singh
Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Associate Professor Mr. Mayank Tiwari
Kumar Khare Assistant Professor
Professor of Law and Dean, P.G. Dr. Atul Kumar Pandey
Studies Associate Professor Ms. Ridhima Dixit
Assistant Professor
Each specialisation offers a holistic and comprehensive study of the subject. The courses
Professor (Dr.) Tapan Miss Divya Salim
include papers having National as well as International aspects. Students are required to submit
Ranjan Mohanty Assistant Professor Ms. Kuldeep Kaur
a Dissertation on the topic of their interest at the end of the Second Semester. For the sad
Professor in Sociology of Law/ Mrs. Padma Singh Teaching Fellow
purpose, each student is assigned under a faculty mentor who guides the student throughout
Social Legal Studies Assistant Professor
his journey for coming up with quality research work.
Professor (Dr.) Priyaranjan Mr. Vijay Kumar Singh
Kumar Shukla Assistant Professor
Professor of Law I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 10
- Law and Social - Law of Regulatory - Intellectual Property Law - International Human
Transformation Institutions - Intellectual Property in Rights Law
- Constitutional Law: - Comparative Cyberspace - Law of Crimes
New Challenges Constitutional Law - Competition Law - Law of National Human
- Research - Comparative Federalism - Banking Law Rights Institutions
Methodology - Law Relating to - Insolvency and Bankruptcy
- Dissertation - Human Rights and
Administrative Tribunals Law
- Law Relating to Criminal Justice
- Corporate Law - Environment and Human
Ombudsman and Lokpal
- Health law Rights
- Health Law

COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing norms made it impossible to conduct physical classes. The Batch
of 2021 therefore undertook a rigorous and systematic scheme of study through online mode. Teachers and
students made sure that distance did not come in the way of a quality teaching and learning process. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 12

Student Demographic
1 Year
2 Semesters
3 Specialisations
21 Courses
18 Research Assignments
(Papers/ Case Analysis/ Book Reviews)
1 Dissertation Specialization
2 Teaching Assignments
19 Presentations 27% Constitutional and
Administrative Law
164 Teaching Days
738 Teaching Hours Human Rights and
22% Criminal Law

Intellectual Property
51% Rights and Business Law


Gender 73% 27% Experience

Female 59% Freshers

Male Work-Experience I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 14

Students’ Profile Being a voracious reader and always keen on learning, I pursued
the Young India Fellowship after completing my LLB (Hons.).
During my study, I developed an interest in commercial laws and
Intellectual Property Rights And Business Law took up various courses at WIPO to further my understanding
in Intellectual Property related laws. With a deep interest in IP
and technology, I am specialising in IPR and Business laws in
I am currently pursuing my master’s in Intellectual Property Rights my post-graduation. I look forward to implement all that I have
KHUSHBOO SARAF learned and grow in this field of law.
and Business Laws. My interest lies in IP prosecution and lit-
igation as well which was developed after undergoing intern-
ships in IP firms and attending courses related to IPR during my
under-graduate program. I have three research paper publications
in different fields of law including competition law. In addition I am currently pursuing LLM in IPR and Business Law from NLIU
to that I have participated and finished on the podium of many Bhopal. I have completed BA.LLB. in 2016 from CNLU, Patna.
international and national moot court competitions. I qualified UPSC Prelims and Mains 2018 and UPSC Prelims
2020. I also qualified the MPPSC 2018 and worked for the Rev- enue Department of Madhya Pradesh as a civil servant for a few
months. I am also pursuing company secretary and have quali-
fied the executive module I in 2014.I have also done internships
NISTHA CHOUDHARY at Allahabad High Court, Supreme Court and Coal India Ltd.
I completed my BBA-LLB in the year 2020 from National Law Uni-
versity Orissa and I am currently pursuing LLM in IP and Business
laws. Coming from a Business management background I have a
keen interest in Business and commercial laws. I have also cleared I am currently pursuing my master’s in IPR and Business Law
the CS foundation level. During the course of my internship I from NLIU. I have also participated in moot court competitions
have worked in the field of IPR and from there I developed my organized at the national levels. My core interest lies in research
interest in the Intellectual Property Laws. I have participated in and academics. That interest made me present research papers
Moot Court Competitions conducted on National Level. during graduation. My internship experience at significant
DEEPIKA GAUTAM institutions, including National Law School Institute University
(NLSIU) and Real estate regulatory authority (RERA) has pro-
SAKSHI SHARMA vided me with relevant skills required to realize my goals.

Qualified as an Advocate and having an experience before various An active listener and a self-motivated individual capable of
adjudicatory forums in matters related to civil, criminal, consumer, prioritising and completing the given tasks to meet deadlines in
IPR, Corporate and other allied or incidental matters. The con- time. My work experience in many reputed institutions in this
stant appetite, curiosity to learn and keen interest in Business country and positions of responsibilities has instilled a sense
Law, made me to pursue LLM in Intellectual Property and Busi- of responsibility, problem resolving ability, good research, and
ness Law from NLIU. I look forward to varied and challenging analytical skills to engage with the intricacies of the corporate
opportunities that can enhance my skills, experience and knowl- world. I believe these qualities will help me to contribute to the
edge and gives a sense of contentment. SHUDHANSHU organisation’s goals.
PRATAP SINGH I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 16

Constitutional And Administrative Law

I am currently pursuing LLM in IPR & Business Laws from NLIU. I am currently pursuing LL.M in Constitutional and Administrative
I always had a keen interest for academics and research. That Law. Apart from my graduation, I also hold a Diploma in Cyber
interest made me publish multiple research papers in the field of Law. I have participated in debates, moots and have also held
corporate law, intellectual property law, energy law, and criminal positions of responsibility under several committees. Through
law during graduation. In addition to that, I have competed suc- several internships under independent advocates and firms, I
cessfully in a couple of national level moot court competitions. have garnered experience and possess good drafting and research
Pursuing LLM from NLIU has given me exposure to the relevant skills. I look forward to being a valuable asset to your organisa-
skills to achieve my goal. tion.

Manifesting my interest in legal research and academics, I am pur-

I am currently pursuing my LLM in intellectual property law
suing LL.M. in Constitutional and Administrative Law from NLIU,
from NLIU. I Always have research in academics. I have made
which has enhanced my competence in analyzing significant legal
my research in this field specially in Corporate law and banking
concepts. That coupled with my participation in multiple Moot
law during Graduation. Pursuing LLM from NLIU has given, me
Courts and ADR competitions, exhibits consistency and zeal. Cur-
Exposure to the relevant skills. Required to realize my goal of
rently, along with being a member of the Drafting Committee of
becoming an academician. I have participated in moot courts
Equity Policy for NLIU, I am also a member of the Editorial Board
and in seminars. I have done my internship in District court and
of a book on Law of Regulatory Institutions.
VIKASH KUMAR in human right commission. AMRAPALLI SHARMA

I am currently pursuing LLM in IPR and Business law from NLIU. I am enrolled as an advocate with the State Bar Council of Mad-
I have always had a keen interest in learning about the intrica- hya Pradesh. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Law Degree
cies of corporate work starting from my graduation days. I have from the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ran-
internship experiences across multiple firms at my UG level and chi and currently pursuing Master of Law from the National Law
these stints developed my interest further to explore areas of Institute University, Bhopal. I look forward to join an organization
commercial law. Looking at the practical implications of the same to help move the organization forward in its operational goals by
in the legal landscape of India, I cannot wait to learn more about using my skills, legal knowledge and experience to support the
it by working in the same field. organization’s leading legal team.
YUTHIKA AGRAWAL ANKIT DAGOR I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 18

Currently Pursuing my LLM in Constitutional & Administrative Currently, I am pursuing my LLM in Constitutional and Adminis-
Law from NLIU, Bhopal. My interest in Constitutional Law devel- trative Law from NLIU. My mentors from past internships inspired
oped in my undergraduate programme while doing my BA. LL.B. me to go deep into the subjects and by participating in several
in Constitutional Law Hons. This has made me research and moot court competitions, I have gained the required skill set for
publish research Articles on many important topics related to the this profession. With a keen interest in the laws relating to Envi-
Constitutional Law. My core interest is in the field of Constitu- ronment and Constitutional law, I look forward to an opportunity
tional & Administrative Law. that could enhance my quest for knowledge and nurture it for
better endeavours in future.

Surrounded by law for the last six years made me realize that I I am pursuing my Masters in Constitution and Administrative Law
could immerse myself in it for a lifetime. I believe that my aca- after completing my B.A. LL.B (hons.) from RGNUL, Punjab. My
demics coupled with a diversity of internships at NGOs, Think interest for legal research has been developed through partici-
Tanks, Ministerial Department, and from Trial Court to Supreme pation in various moot court competitions and interning under
Court, have exposed me to a varied work culture making me fit to the guidance of learned advocates. I have 4 articles published
undertake any nature of work with the same zeal and enthusiasm. under my name. I also enjoy learning new things and sharing ideas
I intend to carry this energy and versatility in all my future endeav- and enhancing knowledge through academic discussions, due
ARCHI PAWAR ors with any organization I am associated with. KRATI SINGHAI to which I wish to pursue my career in academics and research.

My Name is Divya Kathar, I am currently pursuing my LLM in I am currently pursuing my LLM in Constitutional and Administra-
Constitutional and Administrative Law from NLIU. Constitutional tive law from NLIU. During my graduation from NLIU, I have been
Law, Administrative law, and Criminal Law are my core areas of interested in constitutional and administrative aspects of law and
interest. Pursuing LLM from NLIU has given me exposure to the therefore I decided to do my specialization on these subjects.
skills required to ace in the field of law. I am a determined and Pursuing LLM from NLIU has given me exposure to the relevant
open-minded person. I always look forward to learning. skills and enhanced my personality as a law student which was
required to focus on my goal of Judiciary and academics and
DIVYA KATHAR MEGHNA VERMA knowledge of these subjects helped me understand it.

I am currently pursuing LLM from NLIU. I have always had keen I am an Advocate enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi and have
interest in Constitutional Law which made me choose it as my previously worked as a Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant in the
specialization in masters. I have undergone multiple internships Supreme Court, having been appointed by the Honorable Chief
under advocates, law firms and NGOs which has helped me gain Justice of India, wherein I prepared Case Briefs and assisted in
exposure. I have also participated in a moot court competition writing Judgments and Speeches. Having interned at 13 different
and presented three research papers. I am always looking forward Law Offices from the Bar to the Bench, I count approaching legal
to take up new opportunities to work and learn and expand my issues with a multi-faceted and a deeply comprehensive approach
knowledge of the practical aspects of law. as one of my key fortes.
HARSHITA GARG NIKHIL JAIN I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 20

To depict me, I would say that I am a decent learner. I’m an active I have never felt complacent with the stock of knowledge that
athlete and I do like playing games and riding a bike in my extra I already have, and for that reason, I am pursuing LL.M. from
energy. I like studying more about traditional Indian laws like NLIU, Bhopal. During my undergraduate, I had the opportunity of
CRPC, Contract and Constitution. My objective in life incorpo- reconnoitering the legal profession through the wide experience
rates accomplishing something that will advance the circumstance of internships, moots, and hands-on training as Vice-President
of the Underprivileged part of the general public and Women of Legal Aid Clinic. The knowledge and experiences that I have
furthermore to engage them without limit. acquired have ultimately enabled me to face professional, intel-
PALLAVI LAKHERA SHRUTI SINGH lectual and, academic goals with enthusiasm and confidence.

I am currently pursuing LLM in constitutional and administrative Pursuing an LLM degree from NLIU,Bhopal. Completed BA LLB
law from NLIU Bhopal. During the undergraduate programme course from CNLU,Patna in 2017. Worked as a Legal Researcher
except from good academic record I have undergone internships at Pahuja Law Academy, New Delhi in 2018. Also interned at
at Corporate firms along with Public Sector Undertakings (ONGC) various places i.e. Maheshwari and Company, New Delhi, Help
where research and drafting work was undertaken. In addition to Age India, Kolkata, Poddar and Associates, Ranchi. Hence, I am
that I have an understanding of court exposure both with the bar seeking for a responsible career in the field of Constitution and
and bench through the judicial internship at Various High Courts Administrative Law, preferably academics.
PARA VYAS which inclined me towards various facets of litigation. SHWETA

Throughout my journey of learning the law, I have always been I always had an appetite for research and academics, which led
curious about exploring the different areas of law. I have been me to pursue an LL.M in Constitutional and administrative law.
through several internships during this journey and all learnings In my under-graduation, I participated and achieved at numer-
are unique in itself. I am currently pursuing my LLM in Constitu- ous moot-court competitions and debating competitions at the
tional and Administrative law from NLIU, Bhopal. I look forward national and international level. Further, my interest for the sub-
to an organisation where I can enhance my academic demeanor ject of law pushed me towards finding the Progressive Consti-
along with the diverse experience and skills, thereby adding to tutional Law Society at HNLU. My core interest is research and
PRAFULL BHARDWAJ my suitability of being a law professional. litigation.

I am pursuing my LLM in Constitutional and Administrative law I have graduated from the National Law School of India Univer-
from NLIU. Prior to this I have successfully completed B.A L.L.B sity, Bengaluru, and currently pursuing my LLM in Constitutional
(Hons.) in IPR specialization from NUSRL Ranchi. I got various & Administrative Law from National Law Institute University,
opportunities to work with esteemed firms like Tata Motors, K Bhopal. My studies for my graduation and post-graduation
& S Partners etc. The inclination towards IPR motivated me to have revealed my aptitude towards teaching and research-re-
write various articles in Mondaq and AIR. With keen interest in lated assignments. To further my interests, I have undertaken
IP and Constitutional Law I look forward to work and foster my research-related works during my internships. I have also worked
as an Assistant Editor for NLSIU’s Journal of Law and Public Pol-
PRATIBHA AHIRWAR experience in legal field. VISHWANATH
SINGH RAJPUT icy. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 22

Human Rights And Criminal Laws

I am pursuing my L.L.M. in Human Rights and Criminal Law from

I am currently pursuing Master’s degree from NLIU with a focus
NLIU Bhopal. Prior to this I have completed my 3 years bachelor
on Human Rights & criminal laws. I have worked on variety of
degree in Law (LL.B.) from Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
fields that ranges from completing diploma from ILS; participant
During my LLB I regularly interned under various lawyers as well
in 4 National Moots also act as Presiding Judge in Moot, recently
as was an active member of various Societies of Faculty of Law. I
holding responsibility as a Career Counselor. My Clerkship in High
worked as a Para Legal Volunteer with Delhi State Legal Services
Court developed my interest. A Certified Researcher by Manupa-
Authority. After completing my LL.B. I worked as an associate for
tra holding a publication in International journal, I pride myself
one year under an Advocate of Delhi High Court.
on being detailed oriented, analytical and driven. MOHAMMAD

I am pursuing LLM in Human Rights & Criminal Law. After LLB, I am currently pursuing my LLM in Human Rights and Criminal
I started working as an advocate in High Court & district courts Law at NLIU, Bhopal. I’ve interned with lawyers at the Honorable
in Delhi. I have experience in dealing with matters relating to Supreme court and several high courts during my under graduate
criminal law & civil law and have frequently appeared before the programme at NUSRL, Ranchi. Litigation internships have sparked
Courts. During my LLB, I was a paralegal volunteer under DSLSA my interest in criminal law and human rights issues. I’ve intern-
and was actively involved in the legal aid clinic. Owing to my ship experience in the fields of IPR, media and technology law
experience and various internships in the field, I have meticu- and policy research too. I look forward to an organization which
lously honed my knowledge, drafting and research skills. could foster my talent and nurture it.

I am currently pursuing my master’s in Human Rights and Crimi- I’m currently pursuing my master’s in Human Rights and Crimi-
nal Law. My interest in Criminal Law developed after undergoing nal Law, which has exposed me to the relevant skills required to
multiple internships in High Courts and District Courts during become a legal researcher and an academician.
my under-graduation program from National Law Institute Uni- My Interest in Human Rights developed while studying specific
versity, Bhopal. Pursuing LLM from NLIU has given me exposure papers during my graduation in Political science (Honours), and
to the relevant skills required to realize my goal of becoming a the inclination towards criminal law was due to the internships I
successful lawyer and a better person.I may prove to be a great did during my undergraduate programme. Being a holder of two
asset to my employer varied degrees helps me get a broader understanding of the legal
KUNAL RAIKWAR SANJANA MOSES concepts. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 24

Diligent Law student from, The National Law Institute University
currently pursuing my master’s in Human Rights and Criminal
law Such an interest has been bolstered by my varied internships
with leading NGOs and advocates who specialise in criminal law,
While I was a graduate student, I was a senior member of Sports
Committee of the National Law Institute University, wherein I
was a part of the organizing committee of Virudhaka. I am a very
SHEFALI ANAND punctual and a dedicated student. Sector-Wise Experience
7% Advocates (Supreme Court, 29%
High Courts, District Courts) 13%

Law Firms
My name is Sonali Bansal, I am currently pursuing my LL.M in Research Organization/NGO’s
Human Rights and Criminal Law from NLIU Bhopal, NLIU has 5%
provided me good exposure to many opportunities to learn new Others
skills. I had worked under a legal consultancy firm and under- Judicial Clerkship
gone an internship in the high court where I learned the practical
aspects of the law that developed my keen interest in criminal
law and human rights. I am looking forward to organization and
opportunities which could use my skills and promote them.
SONALI BANSAL I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 26

Internship Experience Supreme Court Advocates / Advocates On Record
• Adv. Jaspret S. Rai, Supreme Court of India
Firms And Offices • Adv. Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, AOR Supreme Court
• Adv. Arun Kumar Sinha, Supreme court of India
• Accures Legal intellectual property Right Firm, New Delhi • Adv. Gourab Banerji, SR. Adv. Supreme Court of India
• Alaya Legal Associates, New Delhi • Adv. Harin P. Raval, Supreme Court of India
• Alpha Partners, Noida • Adv. K.T.S. Tulsi, Supreme Court of India
• Anurag Associates, Indore • Adv. Madhurendra Sharma, Supreme Court of India
• Banana IP Counsels, Bangalore • Adv. Prasenjit Keshwani, Supreme Court of India
• Choudhary Law Associates, Bhopal • Adv. Praveen Agarwal, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Crawford Bayley & Co., Mumbai • Adv. Prerna Priyadarshani, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Cyril Amarchand & Mangaldas, Bangalore • Adv. Rajan Narain, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Deepesh Joshi & Associates, Bhopal • Adv. Rohit Nagpal, Supreme Court of India
• Enviro Legal Defence Firm, New Delhi • Adv. Sanjoy Ghose, Assitant Standing Counsel of Delhi Government
• Fox Mandal Associates & Advocates, Mumbai • Adv. Sibo Shankar Mishra, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Ganu & Co. , Hyderabad • Adv. Siddhant Sharma, Supreme Court of India
• GD Bansal & Associates, Jaipur • Adv. Tanmay Agarwal, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Indo Juris Legal, Chandigarh • Adv. Pinki Anand, Former ASG of India
• Khaitan & Co., Bangalore • Adv. Sushil Kumar Jain, SR. Adv. Supreme Court of India
• Khurana & Khurana IP Attorney, Pune • Adv. Harish Pandey, AOR Supreme Court of India
• Kochar Co., Chennai
• Krida Legal, Delhi
• Lex Mevin, Indore
• LEXORBIS IP Attorney, New Delhi
High Courts Advocates And District Court
• LRT & Associates, New Delhi Advocates
• Magna Peritus, Bhopal
• Maheshwari & Co., New Delhi • Adv. Ajit Bhardwaj, New Delhi
• MD&T Partners, Bangalore • Adv. Anil Pratap Singh, Trial Court Lucknow
• Navin Kumar & Associates, Delhi • Adv. Anubha Rawat, Jharkhand High Court
• Nishith Desai & Associates, Bangalore • Adv. Dilip Kumar Potbhare, MP High Court
• PCA Lawyers, Jaipur • Adv. G. Rajagopalan, Former ASGI, Madras High Court
• Pine Law Partner LLP, Bhopal • Adv. Gaurav Chitkara, New Delhi
• Poddar & Associates, Ranchi • Adv. Gaurav Parkar, High Court of Bombay
• Pradeep Rana & Associates, Delhi • Adv. Harsh Prabhakar, Delhi High Court
• Prem Shankar Sharma & Associates, Jaipur • Adv. Kapil Madan, New Delhi
• R&L Law Associates, Chandigarh • Adv. Mrigendra Singh, SR. Adv. MP High Court
• Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas. • Adv. Ms. Aishwarya Bhati, New Delhi
• Singh & Associates, Gurgaon • Adv. Mukesh Choudhary, MP High Court
• SJ Law Advocates and solicitors, Mumbai • Adv. Narendra Pal Singh, New Delhi
• SN Kalra & Associates, New Delhi • Adv. Pawan Dwivedi, Gwalior High Court
• Yadav Law Chamber, Bhopal • Adv. Quaisar Ali, High Court of Delhi
• Young Arena Litigators, New Delhi • Adv. Rohan Sonwane, High Court of Bombay
• Chamber of Anand Tiwari, PP, Bhopal • Adv. Sanjay Dwivedi, Deputy ASG of MP.
• Ravinder kumar & Associates, New Delhi • Adv. Sankalp Kochar, MP High Court
• Tomar & Associates, New Delhi • Adv. Shwetank Sailakwal, Delhi High Court
• Gobindram Talreja & Associates, High Court of Bombay • Adv. Sunil Jain, MP High Court
• Purvi Shah & Associates, High Court of Bombay • Adv. Vibhor Verdhan, Delhi High Court I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 28
• Adv. Vinod Dubey, MP High Court
• Adv. Vinod Kumar Mathur, Rajasthan High Court
Commissions And Tribunals
• Dr. Anmol Rattan Singh Sidhu, Punjab & Haryan High Court • National Commission for women
• Adv. Ravi Nandan Singh, SR. Adv. MP High Court • National Green Tribunal, Central Zonal Bench Bhopal
• Adv. Hasmat Nabi, Delhi High Court • M.P. State Information Commission, Bhopal
• Adv. Shalini Upadhyay, New Delhi • State Consumer Dispute Redressel Commission, Lucknow
• Adv. Rakesh Tiku, SR. Adv. Delhi High Court • UP Human Rights Commission
• Adv. Umakant Kataria, Delhi High Court • UP State Information Commission
• Adv. Mukesh Sharma, Tis Hazari Court, New Delhi • UP Lok Ayukt, Lucknow
• Adv. Pankaj Tyagi, District Court, Sonepat • District Consumer Redressel Forum, Jabalpur

Research Organizations/Ngos Others

• Aarushi NGO for Differently Able child, Bhopal • Airtel Circle Office Lucknow, Legal Cell Department
• Ananya Institute of development Research and Social Action NGO, Lucknow • Anti Terrorist Squad, Patna
• Centre for Environmental Education, Research and Advocacy, NLSIU Bangalore • Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. Legal Department, Bhopal
• Centre for Legislative Research & Policy, New Delhi • Bokaro Steel Plant, Ranchi
• Centre for Professional Legal Research and Learning, Lucknow • Delhi State Legal Service Authority, New Delhi
• Centre of Policy Research & Governance, New Delhi • Department of Forest & Environment, Government of Meghalaya
• Economic Offence Wing Jabalpur • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi
• India Policy Foundation, New Delhi • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. North Zone, Delhi
• International Trade Consultant, New Delhi • Legal Aid Clinic, Indore
• Jammu Kashmir Research Centre, New Delhi • Ministry of Law And Justice
• Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment • National Legal Service Authority, Delhi
• Pahuja Law Academy, New Delhi • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
• Piramal Foundation for Education Leadership, Bhopal • Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Bhopal
• People Union for Civil Liberties, Jaipur • State Legal Service Authority, Chhattisgarh
• Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur • Swastik Coal Corp. pvt. Ltd. Indore
• The Better Lawyer, New Delhi • Tata Motors, Legal Department
• Help Age India, Kolkata
• The Hope Foundation, Kolkata
• Kasturba Gandhi National MemorialTrust, Indore

Judicial Clerkships
• Justice Vineet Saran, Supreme Court of India
• Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra, Chhattisgarh High Court
• Justice Shabihul Hasnain, U.P. High Court, Lucknow Bench
• Justice Ramchandra Singh Jhala, Rajasthan High Court.
• Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, Madhya Pradesh High Court, Indore Bench
• Justice Mohammad Rafiq, Rajasthan High Court.
• Justice Akil Ahmed Qureshi, Gujarat High Court.
• Justice Rajbir Sehrawat, Punjab & Haryana High Court.
• Justice Gita Mittal, Former Chief Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court.
• Justice Rajiv Sahai, Delhi High Court
• Justice Vijay Kumar Shula, Madhya Pradesh High Court, Jabalpur Bench. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 30

Courses And Diplomas

1. Certificate Course in World Humanitarian Summit Rio+23

Program in collaboration with Centre For United Nations.
2. Certificate Course on ‘Nuclear Energy & Law’ from MV
KINI & SAI University.
3. Certificate Course on Advanced Contract Drafting and
Legal Writing (Enhelion)
4. Certificate course on Intellectual Property Rights & Com-
petition Law by Federation of Indian Chambers of Com-
merce and Industry (FICCI), 2018.
5. Certificate course on the Advance Constitutional Law
organized by IIT-Madras, in collaboration with National
Law School of India University, Bangalore, Sep-Dec, 2020.
6. Diploma In Corporate Law, Indian Law Society
7. Diploma in Cyber Law, Asian School of Cyber law and
Government Law College.
8. General course on IPR organised by WIPO
9. General course on IPR organised by WIPO
10. India Summer School on Intellectual Property at RGNIIPM,
11. Online certificate course “Online Refresher Course in
Law” organized by AICTE in collaboration with NALSAR,
Hyderabad, 1st Dec-31st March, 2021.
12. Summer Course on International Law held at Indian Soci-
ety of International Law, New Delhi, 2018 I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 32

Papers Published

1. “Adultery-A double standard towards for Research in Law Volume 5 Issue1.

punishment”,Delhi Law Times, Volume 10. “Uniform Civil Code: Achilles’ Heel of
I, February edition, February, 2018. India” in Indian Constitutional Law Re-
2. “Analysis on Comparative Advertising: view (ISSN:2456-8325)
Resulting in Trademark Infringement”; 11. “Use Of Block Chain Technology In Land
AIR 2018 (ONLINE). Dispute Settlement In India”, Lexstruc-
3. “Copyright Issues in Entertainment In- tor Journal of Law and Technology, ISSN
dustry”, Jharkhand Bar Council Journal, 2582:7081, Vol. I Issue 2 (March 2021)
November edition. November, 2018. 12. “Winding up of a Company under the
4. “Gender Inclusive Sanitation In India: A Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016:
Legal Perspective To Urban Planning”, A comparative Analysis” Volume 5 (ISSN
SHELTER Magazine, HUDCO (April No. 2456-9704)
2021) 13. “Crimes and abuses against senior cit-
5. “Growth in digital sector: A struggle for izens: An increasing Pandemic”, pub-
CCI to keep pace with” in M.S Ramaiah lished in International Journal of Ad-
School of Law, Journal of legal Studies vanced Research in Law and Social
Volume 4 Issue 2.
6. “Misuse of Article 356: Menace to In-
Science, Volume I, Issue III, September
2016 (ISSN 2455-491X)
Papers Presented
dian Federal Structure”, in Andhra Law 14. “Domestic Violence against Men: Need
1. “Crimes and Abuses against the elderly: An increasing Pandemic” in workshop or-
Times, Volume 4, July edition for Gender Neutral Laws in India” pub-
ganized by National Law University, Jodhpur in collaboration with National Human
7. “Piercing through the Corporate Veil”, lished in the World Journal of Juristic
Rights Commission.
International Journal of Law, Manage- Policy Volume 3 Number 4, ISSN No.
2. “Portrayal of Genders: The Role of Cinema” in the National Seminar on Gender Issues
ment & Humanities Volume 2 Issue2. 2394-5044 [2018].
in Media at National Law University, Bhopal.
8. “Prison Reform and Correctional Ad- 15. “Online LLMs in India: View from a Reg-
3. “Access to Knowledge and Copyright Enforcement”, National Seminar on ‘IPR: New
ministration with Reference to Right of ulatory Lens”, The Law Anthology Re-
Challenges’ at TNNLU, Trichy.
Prison Inmates”, VIPS Student Law Re- view.
4. “Access to Social Justice vis-à-vis Legal Education in India: Mapping the terrain of
view, Volume I. 2018. 16. “Trademark In Architectural Works”,
Legal Education System in India by Mystifying the Sociological Perspective of Justice”,
9. “The Pharmaceutical Patents: Situation Jharkhand State Bar Council Journal in
1st BCI National Colloquium on Legal Education, Mody University of Law and Gover-
Back and Forth”, International Journal 2018.
nance, Rajasthan, December 2016.
5. “Emerging Issues and Challenges in Criminal Justice Administration”, International
Conference on Crime and Investigation, School of Law, Galgotias University, Greater
Noida, April 2017. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 34

Moot Courts
1. Runners up, Best Speaker, 1st Amity University Madhya
Pradesh National Moot Court Competition.
2. Semi- Finalists in 1st LJ National Moot Court Competition,
organised by LJ School of Law, Ahmedabad.
3. Quarter Finalist, IIT Kharagpur National Moot Court Com-
petition at Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual property Law.
August 2018.
4. Quarter-Finalists, 17th Surana and Surana National Corpo-
rate Law Moot and Judgment Writing Competition, 2019 Others
5. Quarter-Finalist (Speaker) in 2nd Surana & Surana & UILS
Environmental Law MCC organised by UILS,Chandigarh.
6. Best Memorial, Moot Court Competition organized by 1. Adjudicated Preliminary Rounds, 2nd SAARCLAW - JLU
Department Of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Law, Moot Court Competition 2020.
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya. 2. Adjudicated Preliminary Rounds, 3rd SAARCLAW - JLU
7. 2nd Best Memorial, 18th D.M. Harish Memorial Interna- Moot Court Competition 2021, International Law.
tional Moot Court Competition 2017, GLC, Mumbai. 3. Adjudicated Preliminary Rounds, JLU Intra-Mediation
Competition, 2020.
4. Best Counsel, Semi- Finalists, 1st NLIU Link Legal Client
Counseling Competition, 2018.
5. Presiding Judge in National Moot court Competition,
Seminars And Workshops GNLC, Indore.
6. Quarter-Finalists, 17th Surana and Surana National
1. National Seminar on “SEBI: Role in business development”
Corporate Law Moot and Judgment Writing Competition,
organized at Chanakya National Law University; in collabo-
ration with Securities Exchange Board of India.
7. Quarter-Finalists, 9th Nyayavalokan National Trial Advo-
2. “IP and Human Rights: A Gender Perspective”, NIPO The In-
cacy and Judgment Writing Competition, 2018
dian IPR Foundation
8. Runners-up in Client Counselling Competition in Adv.
3. “Delay in Justice”, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
Ram Jethmalani - Symbiosis ADR Tournament 2017
4. “Freedom of Speech and Expression under Constitution of
9. Semi- Finalist in Negotiation competition of Amity Noida
India”, held at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
Alternate Dispute Resolution tournament 2017
5. “Artificial Intelligence vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Law”, JL-
10. Young India Fellowship at Ashoka University Sonipat
SR-JUS Commune Jus Column.
6. “Right to Information and Good Governance”, Dr. Ram Mano-
har Lohia National Law University, Lucknow.
7. “One Year of the Repeal of Article-370: Implications and
Outcomes”, Department of Political Science, Ramanujan
College, University of Delhi.
8. “Human Rights of Migrant Laborer’s in COVID-19: Indian
Scenario”, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala in
collaboration with Think India.
9. “2-Day Round Table on ‘Liberty’”, Centre for Parliamentary
Studies and Law Reforms, NUALS on association with South
Asia Students for Liberty. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 36

Placements At NLIU
Placement Process
The University conducts the campus placement process throughout the academic year of
The Placement Coordination Committee (PCC) ensures optimal flexibility to all prospective
recruiters. The recruiters are requested to follow the following steps in conducting the
recruitment process (the steps are neither mandatory nor exhaustive):

Placement Coordination Committee

The Placement Program of the LL.M students is wholly a
student-driven exercise. For the said purposes, the Place- Pre-Placement Talks:
ment Coordination Committee (PCC) for the LL.M Batch of Before conducting Pre-Interview Screening, the recruiters may con-
2021 has been constituted from amongst the students of the duct Pre-Placement Talks (PPT) highlighting the profile of the orga-
Batch. It comprises of six members, having representation of nization, job description, career prospects, compensation packages,
two members from each specialization, headed by a Student and other information.
Coordinator and, under the guidance of a faculty member.
The PCC provides a transparent, credible, and accountable
interface between prospective employers and graduating

students. It organizes several personality development and Pre-Interview Screening Process:
awareness programs as a part of the learning process for the The recruiters may conduct Pre-Interview Screening Process at any
students. time before the final interview. The Curricula Vitae of all the inter-
The Committee is engaged in coordinating internships and ested students will be forwarded to the recruiter by PCC, and the
placements, for which it seeks to instill functional knowledge recruiters are free to determine their own policy for the Screening
and specific skills amongst the students by: Process to shortlist students.

1. Organising workshops and seminars conducted by various

luminaries on Placement-related subjects and topics
2. Organising regular career counseling, mock interviews, Final Interview:
and group discussion programmes for the graduating After the Pre-Interview Screening Process, the recruiters shall
batch. conduct final interviews of all the shortlisted students. The list of
3. Providing regular counselling and personalized career selected students must be communicated to the PCC along with a
guidance to the students. waitlist of students.

4 Results:
The results of all the stages of recruitment process shall be declared
by the PCC at the end of the process. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 38

The Committee Enjoys The Membership Of: I

Faculty Advisor:
Mr. Amit Pratap Singh Guidelines For Recruiters
Assistant Professor in Business Law In order to ensure that no recruiter or student is prejudiced, following guidelines
National Law Institute University, Bhopal are requested to be followed during the recruitment process:
1. The recruiters will be required to send across information to the interested
students only though a formal channel, i.e. through PCC.
2. The recruiters will be required to disclose all the results of the processes to
PCC which will then be conveyed to the students.
Student Coordinator: 3. Any offer made to applicant(s) will be only through the PCC.
4. The recruiters are requested to disclose a waitlist along with the list of
finally selected candidates.In the event of overlapping offers in simultaneous
recruitment processes, the waitlisted candidates will become eligible for the
final offers.

Guidelines for Pre-Placement Talk

The recruiters have the option of engaging the students in an interactive session
via video-conferencing; highlighting the salient features of the organisation, the
job profile being offered, remuneration, terms and conditions of employment and
Archi Pawar other relevant information as the recruiter thinks fit. They may also conduct lec-
+91 9406966883 tures on niche areas of law. The recruiters are urged to indicate their preferred
dates for such talks to the PCC, either by e-mail or telephonic communication,
at least a week in advance.

Members: Guidelines for Recruitment Day

Recruiters are welcome to follow their own recruitment process, broadly within
the framework of group discussions, written tests, and personal interviews. The
PCC sits as an impartial judge to oversee that the processes are being carried
out with utmost fairness that is the hallmark of this University and to ensure
that the Recruiters are facilitated at every step in their assessment processes.
Recruiters can also opt for Telephonic Interviews and interviews via Video
Kanishka Mohammad Conferencing.
Khushboo Shudhanshu Abhinav
The recruiters are requested to intimate the PCC with their preferred dates in
Saraf Pratap Singh Tyagi Gautam Arkam Khan the final placement schedule at the earliest
+91 9677633321 +91 9454034500 +917045703319 +91 9811834603 +91 9826808403

CLICK TO OPEN I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 40

academic disciplines, social sensi-

Invitation To Recruiters tivity and community engagement

program, cultural diversity; a good
measure of exposure to interna-
tional students and several other
such interesting opportunities for
experiential learning; comple-
to research problems, contempo- mented by our rigorous classroom
rary development, and policy issues based programmes. Looking at the
across all subjects. current development in the differ-
Our students have strong founda- ent dimensions of the law and legal
tional and conceptual understand- field, we have three distinct special-
ing of legal principles along with izations, i.e., LL.M. in Constitutional
diverse practical exposure through and Administrative Law, LL.M. in IPR
internships and work experience in and Business Laws, LL.M. in Crimi-
different realms of the legal indus- AMIT PRATAP SINGH nal Law and Human Rights, to cater
try. They have always proven to be FACULTY COORDINATOR the need of the future professionals
a valuable asset in whatever capac- PLACEMENT COORDINATION in the field of law. We, of course,
ity they have been recruited in the COMMITTEE, NLIU continue to have excellent place-
past. The current academic year stu- ment record and alumni occupying
dents have shown full enthusiasm in Dear Recruiters, prestigious positions as executives,
DR SUSHMA SHARMA their academic pursuits and taken entrepreneurs, civil servants, judicial
CHAIRPERSON up their sessions through digital Greetings on behalf of the Placement officers, lawyers, faculty-members,
PLACEMENT COORDINATION platforms. They have shown excel- Coordination Cell, LL.M. Programme, researchers and many more. The
COMMITTEE, NLIU lence at work by understanding their National Law Institute University, confidence of the Industry has been
responsibilities, keeping themselves Bhopal! The logo of the National shown in the recruitment at very
Dear Recruiters, engaged and successfully convert- Law Institute University, Bhopal successful Placement record of our
ing this challenging situation into an provides for ‘यत्नवान् सुखमेधते’, i.e., a institute from last years.
A very warm welcome to all the opportunity to learn. person who strives hard gets happi- We thank all the industry partici-
prospective recruiters. I invite you I am confident that the legal and ness. This aptly summarizes the very pants and recruiters for their trust
on behalf of the NLIU Bhopal fam- corporate industry will well receive Dedication, Determination, Discipline & faith in our institute. In my role
ily! It is a matter of great pride for the students. I wish the students of & Efforts we put towards holistic as the Faculty Coordinator, Place-
me to know that the LL.M Batch of this batch success in their endeav- realization of the achievements of our ment Coordination Cell, LL.M. Pro-
2021 brings out a campus place- ours and feel confident that they students in their academic endeav- gramme, National Law Institute
ment brochure. NLIU believes in will make significant contributions ors. Our students are groomed keep- University, Bhopal, I assure you full
attracting the most talented and to the industry in their work. This ing in mind the current needs & Support and Sincerity of our Stu-
hard-working student pool in the brochure contains all the pertinent challenges of the career in law and dents in building the future leader
country and honing their skill set information required for your partic- in its different dimensions. Learning organizations of our developing
through a fine-tuned curriculum. ipation in our Placement Program. at NLIU, Bhopal is a holistic contin- Nation - INDIA.
Our postgraduate course offers Looking forward to your enthusiastic uous process. Out of class activities We would like to thank industry pro-
vast academic exposure to facili- contribution and taking this mutu- like student clubs; the Student Bar fessionals for their constant support
tate the students with a creative ally beneficial relationship forward Association, interacting with students and cooperation extended to us
and application-based approach with your esteemed organization. from all states of the country even and look forward to strengthen the
in the time of pandemic, different relationship. I Placement Brochure LL.M. 2021 42

Visiting The Campus

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