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A Research Project
Presented to the Research Council

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Technical and Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track Senior High School Curriculum




REYES, Resalyn
TENEBROSO, Trishia Kate

Calumpang, General Santos City

February 2021
Chapter I

Background of the Study

Fruits are an excellent source of minerals and essential vitamins, and they are

high in fiber. It serves as an extension to the life expectancy of every human being.

Fruit offers a variety of antioxidants, including flavonoids, that improve health. A diet

high in fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of a person being cardiovascular,

cancerous, inflammatory and diabetes. Citrus fruit and berries can be particularly strong

for disease prevention. According to the blog of Let’s Eat Healthy that tackles about

fruits, fruits like potassium, folate (folic acid), and antioxidants like polyphenols, are an

integral part of a healthy eating plan and the source of several vital nutrients.

Phytochemicals that are being tested for their added health benefits are also found in

fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and citrus

One of the fruits that has been discussed as an important fruit because of its

benefits that people can take. A fruit that has a spike-like green leaves rising up like

flames around it, the fruit looks like a hot pink or yellow bulb – called Dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit is a nutritious fruit that can support the body and your taste buds, not to

mention colorful. Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, looks like a

straight-out thing. It is a pink oval on the outside with green scales (hence the term

"dragon"). It has white flesh inside with tiny black seeds. Dragon fruit is an excellent

source of fiber and a healthy bacterium in your gut may help digestion and even reduce

colon cancer risk. It has a ton of beneficial vitamins and minerals that will surely enjoy
by the children and adults (Cleveland Clinic, “All About Dragon Fruit: 3 Health Benefits +

How to Eat It”).

On the other hand, there is also a beverage that is common to people especially

to adults that are mostly seen in celebrations like wedding and birthdays – this is the

wine. Wine is an alcoholic drink made of fermented grape juice (By the way, wine

grapes are different than table grapes). The distinction between the two common

beverages, wine and beer, is that fermented grains are involved in brewing beer. Wine

is literally made from fruit, while beer is made from grains. It takes a whole season for

wine grapes to ripen as stated in Wine Folly (2015), and wine is thus made only once a

year. Hence, the root of the vintage term. For the year it was made, “Vint” stands for

'Winemaking' and Age. It has also lot of benefits that people may acquire like drinking

wine supports longevity of life, helps keep people’s hearts healthy, can keep depression

at bay and etc.

Upon reading the definitions and benefits that may take in dragon fruit and wine,

there is a stepping stone that it would be a perfect match if the two terms stated above

would be mix. Meaning, as all people know, wines were commonly made of grapes,

thus, it would be interesting if it would be made up with dragon fruits. By fermenting

dragon fruit extract, dragon fruit wine can be made. It is possible to turn any sweet fruit

into wine. In order to change the sweetness, sugar may be added if the fruit is not sweet

enough. The created Dragon fruit wine has a moderately clear, moderately bright yellow

color, a moderately complex detectable aroma, a fair texture, a good balance of a

number of detectable flavors and a smooth and rich taste that, after swallowing, lingers

in the mouth. And the connection of the topic was to test what its impact to adults.
A research study suggested addressing the problems of the effect of Dragon fruit

as a processing wine and the level of satisfaction among adults that focuses more on

the effect of dragon fruit when it is processed as a wine and how it associates the level

of satisfaction among adults who are typically people who enjoy the drink. This research

also tries to define and demonstrate the essential relationship between the two

variables described above.

The researchers therefore chose this form of problem because it was common to

individuals, meaning that anyone would relate to the problem, and there is an

experiment among cooking students on what would be the effect of dragon fruit, and

many have not fully solved or tried it. In addition to students being concerned, the

researchers also tried to find an acceptable solution to the problem. This research

would serve as a way of improving the industry's wine class and supporting the dragon

fruit as a processing wine.

Statement of the Problem

This study will describe the of the impact of Dragon fruit as a processing wine

and the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang General Santos


Specifically, it seeks to answers the following questions:

1. What are the impacts of dragon fruit as a processing wine, in terms of its:

1.1 Appearance;

1.2 Texture;

1.3 Flavor; and

1.4 Aroma?

2. What is the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the impacts of dragon fruit as a

processing wine and the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg Calumpang?


Ho 1: The impacts of dragon fruit as a processing wine significantly influence the

level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses mainly on two major variables: impacts of dragon fruit wine

and level of satisfaction among adults.

The impact of dragon fruit wine is one of the major variables that have sub-

variables that focuses on the specific condition of the fruit: Appearance the way that the

fruit looks, texture which referred to the visual or tactile surface characteristics and

appearance of something, flavor which refers to the perceptual impression of food or

other substances and aroma which means the distinctive, typically pleasant smell. On

the other hand, level of satisfaction among adults as a second major variable targeted

the level of contentment among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang upon tasting and taking

that impacts of dragon fruit wine.

Significance of the Study

The following are the beneficiaries and benefits of this study.

Students. This study will give them satisfaction in terms of learning. It also will

give them the concept of what was the outcome of having a dragon fruit as a wine to the

adults. Also, it will serve as a way for the students to make a solution or prevention in

the result of their experiment.

Adults. This study will serve as a way to improve the class in beverages that

these people commonly take or drink. This study will serve as a key to answer the

curiosity of adults on the impacts of drinking dragon fruit wine.

School Principal. This study will give a positive outlook in school, and it will

increase skills at work for this problem and the solutions will be drawn will be

established in the name of the researchers and school.

Classroom Advisers. This study will give more confidence to the advisers and it

will encourage them in motivating their students to improve their learning in trying

different things on their chosen skills since it has significant importance. The advisers

will be inspired in providing their professional competence to the students.

Parents. This study will help them know if their children are satisfied or not when

it comes to gaining knowledge and it gave them the idea on how to guide their children

in applying the skills the students in cookery learned.

Researchers. This study will give them the learning insights about the

relationship of the impacts of dragon fruit as a processing wine and how it associates

with the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang. It will also help the

researchers to reach an appropriate solution to the problem they are studying about.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as reference data in conducting new

researches. Also, it will give them the overview of the study to centralize the different

concepts provided and categorized for a new source of data.

Chapter II

This chapter discusses the body of knowledge of the impact of Dragon fruit as a

processing wine and the level of satisfaction among adults. It includes the variables of

the study and justification, literature that presents the ideas, concepts and

generalizations, the study which contained findings and recommendation of finished

study, and conceptual framework which identifies the dependent and independent

variables of the study.

A. Related Literature

For several, the deep pink, almost bright red skin of the dragon fruit may be a

little bit off-putting. The green parts of its skin may look like thorns from afar, but the

dragon fruit could easily be mistaken as poisonous and inedible. Studies from all over

the world, however, have shown that the dragon fruit is more than a cactus ornamental

tree. When explored, this stunning, enigmatic fruit provides a wide variety of health and

economic benefits (Agribusiness, 2019).

On the Appearance. Accordingly, dragon fruit known elsewhere in Asia as Pitaya,

some equate its earthy sweetness to a cross between a pear and a strawberry, while
others identify it as something like a kiwi. The incredible properties of dragon fruit apply

to its flowers and roots, too, and it's not just the fruit pulp or flesh that's filled with good

things. Vegan, organic products such as dragon fruit soap or medications that enhance

blood circulation can be made using these parts of the dragon fruit. It is truly distinctive

in taste. Its specific taste is often difficult to pin down or thoroughly explain.

Also, Hylocereus undatus is a vine-like cactus that is sometimes cultivated as an

ornamental plant that flowers at night and as a fruit crop. With a bright red shell,

studded with green scales, the fruit is highly decorative. The flesh, with tiny black seeds,

is white, juicy and delectable in taste. Its exact native range is unknown, but in Central

America it is known to be. It has been widely planted as a fruit crop on a commercial

scale since the late twentieth century in many tropical regions, particularly in Vietnam

and other South-East Asian countries, and has largely escaped cultivation, become

naturalized and, in many instances, become an invasive weed, often threatening native

plants and habitats (Cab Organization).

On the Texture. Schmidt (2020), stated that the Dragon fruit is a lovely tropical

fruit that is sweet and crunchy, also known as pitaya or the strawberry pear. Actually,

the plant from which the fruit comes is a type of cactus of the Hylocereus genus, which

includes around 20 different species. While its pinkish red skin and light green scales

can look daunting, it is simple to prepare this unusual fruit. You can enjoy eating it in

fruit salads, it can be used to make delicious drinks and desserts, and on its own, it's a

perfect, balanced snack.

Similarly, although dragon fruit is a cactus pear relative, there are main

distinctions between the two fruits: first, pitaya seeds are edible, just like kiwifruit;

second, the fruit usually does not have spines, but instead has different colored

protective shoots covering the baseball-sized fruit. From white (with pink or yellow skin)

to hot pink or deep red with tiny black seeds, dragon fruit flesh can vary. Flavor is

associated with the color of the flesh: although darker, redder flesh may be sweeter and

juicier, whiteish dragon fruit also has a mild taste (Blue Book Services “Dragon Fruit).

On the Flavor. The oval fruit can be up to six inches long, its size is usually

weighty and comes in beautiful pink or more golden/yellow hues in either dragon. The

pulp is a juicy white variety of kiwi fruit with a high-water content, with hundreds or

thousands of small black seeds spread in the pulp. It has no kiwi tartness or sharpness,

but a more subtle, fun and thirst-quenching, melon, vitamin C- taste (Market Manila,


On the Aroma. The dragon fruit is also called green dragon, dragon pearl fruit, or

dragon crystal fruit, in colloquial terms. Its fragrant flowers, which bloom only at night,

are given the peculiar names of 'night blooming cereuses,' moonflower' and 'night

queen'. The red-fleshed, sweet fruit of many varieties of cactus. Pitahaya, pitaya or

strawberry pears are often referred to (Alli, 2015).

Satisfaction on Adults. According to the blog of The Green Gocer, a perfect

source of monounsaturated fats, Dragon Fruit helps the heart remain in excellent

condition. Digestion helps. Dragon fruit assists in the digestion of food and constipation

due to its abundance of fibers. Eating healthy protein-containing flesh and seeds will
keep your body strengthened and happy. Studies also indicate that Dragon Fruit

stimulates the production of probiotics. Digestion helps. Dragon fruit assists in the

digestion of food and constipation due to its abundance of fibers. Eating healthy protein-

containing flesh and seeds will keep your body strengthened and happy. Studies also

indicate that Dragon Fruit stimulates the production of probiotics.

Likewise, according to the Medical News Today (2020), a positive correlation

between moderate consumption of red wine and good health of the heart over the

years. The study, however, is limited, and before knowing the true effects of red wine on

gut health, doctors need more data. The researchers conclude that ethanol in wine

plays a key role in glucose metabolization and that it can also lead to non-alcoholic

ingredients. To validate the results, they call for further studies. However, it is important

to remember that drinking too much alcohol can lead to high blood pressure and

arrhythmias, or irregular rhythms of the heart. This is partially because it produces body

contaminants, destroys the tissues of the body, and causes oxidation.

Lastly, according to Sobel (2019), there are many foods and drinks which are rich

in antioxidants, and wine is one of them. Compounds that avoid cellular damage caused

by inflammation and oxidative stress are antioxidants. Oxidative stress is a disease

caused by a cell-damaging mismatch between antioxidants and reactive molecules

called free radicals.

B. Related Studies

As a tropical country, there is a wide variety of fruits manufactured in the

Philippines, the bulk of which are seasonal, resulting in oversupply and under-use of the
peak season. At a time of abundance, the prices for the specific fruit are low; indicating

timely prices the fruit is processed and stored. When processed, it is possible to make

fruit available even during the off-season; in particular, in places where supply may be

restricted or where supply may be limited, the fruits are by no means available. Peel

processing—processing damaged dragon fruits also transform raw fruits from non-

marketable High-value products, such as wine.

A study conducted by Dimero and Tepora (2018) entitled “Processing and

Development of Dragon Fruit Wine”, fruit from the dragon often referred to as pitaya,

was successfully grown in the Philippines and has an annual production average of 25

Tons per hectare. The study uses fully mature peel-damaged but not rotten fruits

supplied by Silan Agri Farm, Philippines were used in the production of wine as a

research design. The fruiting seasonality and elevated rate of fruiting the primary loss

due to peel damage in the dragon fruit is factors that can impede and increase its

development in the nation, popularity. The Philippines has had its own tradition for

centuries of fermenting and drinking wines made in different parts of the world. Since

there is an abundance of a range of tropical fruits readily available throughout the year,

a variety of fruit wines produced either for home or commercial consumption can be

found everywhere, indicating that the Philippine fruit wine industry is highly viable.

Furthermore, Filipinos have studied and learned, in particular, to establish the culture of

wine drinking for high-end members of society.

Similarly, processing is important for the production of value-added items from

the edible and non-edible parts of the fruit and plant, while minimizing the perish ability

and waste disposal problems of the fruit. To optimize the production of fruit pulp wine,
betacyanine and fruit peel jelly, soft drink from plant stems, and tea from flowers, a

number of studies have been performed (Dam, “Development of Different Processed

Products from The Edible and Inedible Parts of The Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus

Undatus”). This is relevant to the current study since it discusses the things that made

the dragon fruit as availability for wine.

In addition, a study of Tepora (2019) entitled “Problems and Opportunities of

Dragon Fruit Production in the Philippines”, stated that the fruit of the dragon is among

the world's most nutritious and wonderful tropical foods. The cultivation of dragon fruit is

a lucrative enterprise and a promising means of raising farmers' incomes in the

Philippines. Since its introduction, since its introduction, research and development

activities have continued to brighten the dragon fruit horizon in the Philippines, the

continuously growing land area planted by the dragon fruit indicates its great potential

as a commercial crop era. Support from government departments such as the DOST

Department of Science and Technology, the DA Department of Agriculture and local

government units that support local agricultural communities.

Likwise, in the region, dragon fruit is an introduced crop. In the early 1990s,

cultivation in the Philippines began on a small scale. It has grown over the years in

areas that have expanded and production has increased tremendously. This is due to

the introduction of many technology promotion campaigns through the continued efforts

of different organizations and individuals in most parts of the archipelago to hit the

grassroots (Pascua et al., 2014). Also, Dragon fruit features a light sweet taste, an

intense shape and color, watering the mouth, not forgetting its excellent flowers. This

beautiful fruit boasts a lot of water and other essential minerals with different nutritious
ingredients, in addition to being delicious and refreshing. Dragon Fruit Processed in

markets, goods are rarely available and there has been very little work done on the

processing of dragon fruit in our region (Islam et al., 2012).

Furthermore, there is a need for more concerted efforts among supply chain

players, as the production volume for fresh and processed goods will increase and more

players will be involved in the chain. A Dragon in order to have greater bargaining

power in the supply chain, fruit growers should further strengthen their cooperatives and

alliances (Tagay, 2017). A newly formed red-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus

Britton and Rose) is species of cactus crops were introduced in Claveria, Misamis

Oriental; Northern Mindanao has a lot of potential for new, refined, industrial and

medicinal uses. In the local agro ecosystem, crop agronomy, including its nutrient

management, is still not very well known. The objective of this study was to determine

the growth, quality of fruit and economic efficiency of red-fleshed dragon growth

(Gonzaga et al., 2017).

Moreover, Rodeo (2018) entitled “Postharvest handling of dragon fruit

(Hylocereus spp.) in the Philippines”, stated that the locally known as "saniata,"

because of its health and nutritional benefits, the fruit has gained popularity in the

region. Over the years, growing demand for pitaya and its reputation for profitability

have prompted more farmers to venture into its production. The crop is adaptable to

local conditions and will bear fruit after planting within two years. The fruiting season

begins in early May, with a peak from July to October. Up until November, the crop will

bear fruit.
In the same way, according to Department of the Agriculture (2017) on its

““Bureau of Plant Industry”, by spooning out the flesh, or in slices, fruits with red or pink,

leathery skin are eaten. It is possible to turn the fruits into juice, ice cream or wine. For

tea or scent therapy, beautiful flowers, which only bloom at night, are used. Fruits are

safe and nutritious (high in vitamin C, fibers, anti-oxidants). It improves the human

immune system and is used in diabetes care. Crop and stem medicines encourage

blood circulation. Dragon Fruit can also be sold as a prestigious 'health food'.

Hence, dragon fruits are typically directly eaten by individuals or transformed into

juice. The main by-product of dragon fruits, therefore, is the peel. Dragon fruit peels

have higher antioxidant levels as a by-product than pulp, especially for White Dragon

Fruits (Hylocereus undatus). This research is carried out to determine the amount and

sensory antioxidant of the dragon fruit peel tea that has been produced by a partially

fermented process (Sari and Hardiyante, 2013).

C. Conceptual Framework

The impact of Dragon fruit as a processing wine in terms of appearance, texture,

flavor and aroma was the independent variable because the researchers will collect and

gather the data from the respondents without any support from the other variable and

because impact of dragon fruit is the main focus of this study.

However, any attempt to study the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk.

Saeg, Calumpang will consider as the dependent variable since the researchers cannot

proceed with the study by simply searching for the students’ satisfaction itself.
Therefore, impact of Dragon fruit as a processing wine can stand independently

unlike the level of satisfaction among selected adults which need a support from the

other variable. These variables were closely related to each other to complete the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Impact of Dragon fruit wine

 Appearance
 Texture
Level of Satisfaction
 Flavour
 Aroma among Adults
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Chapter III

This chapter presents the description of the research design selection,

respondents, locale of the study, map of the location, instrumentation, procedures, data

analysis and interpretation, and operationalization of variables that will be applied in this



The present study used descriptive-correlational research design for it will

describe the phenomena that are useful to the different conditions and situations

obtained among subjects and determined the relationship of two variables (Calmorin,

The first variable is the impact of dragon fruit as a processing wine where it

collects the details and information about the wine. It will describe in this design and the

result of this variable will serve as the basis in determining the relationship of level of

satisfaction among adults which was the second variable.


The respondents of this study were 100 selected adults in Prk. Saeg,

Calumpang. These were the chosen respondents since they are the people who has

experienced in drinking different beverages especially wines and the result of the data

will then assume that it comes from the people with fair experiences in tasting wines.

Also, the researchers can easily relate and get the standard calculated data by the

respondents because they are Grade 12 Cookery students and it will guide them to their


Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Calumpang which was constituted as a separate

Barangay on March 8, 1999 by virtue of plebiscite of the residents of its mother

Barangay Labangal, General Santos City. The initial personnel were of a Barangay

Captain; six (6) Kagawads as Sanggunian, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Tax collector

and two (2) clerks. The Barangay Hall was originally established at Ramos Building in

old sitio Calumpang (now Calumpang Avenue). Then transferred to its first Multi-

Purpose building located at its proposed Public Market site, which is now being used as

one of the commercial building at Calumpang Public Market. On December 1991 the

said office was then transferred to its present location, occupying the first floor of the
half-finished Barangay Hall. The Barangay staffs were fully housed in the new hall after

the turnover of the contractor of the Barangay Captain on December 20, 1993. This said

location of the Barangay Hall of Calumpang was granted by the late Mayor Antonio

Acharon having an estimated area of 50,000 square meters more or less, being a public

land (History of Brgy. Calumpang).

Prk. Saeg is the specific Purok that will be setting of the current study. It is for the

reason that the place is one of the places in General Santos City that has a highest

number of populations, and has a highest chance that large number of people in the

place drinks alcohol or wines. Hence, the place is suitable for the research that is being

propose. The next page showed the map of the location of the study.
Figure 2. Map of the General Santos City National High School


The impact of dragon fruit as a processing wine and the level of satisfaction

among selected adults’ instrumentation will be created by the researchers based on the

related literature and studies. It focuses on the statements that will answer the research

question about the impacts of dragon fruit wine specifically in terms of appearance,

texture, flavor, and aroma. Another questionnaire will be created by the researchers that

contain statements that will answer the research question about the level of satisfaction

among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang. The questionnaires will be created, validated

and evaluated by three experts where each one of validators will give their rates on the

questions provided.
Data Collection

The following steps are to be followed in the conduct of the research and the

procedures for data collection as follows:

Formulation of a research questionnaire to be used in this study and ask

permission to at least three experts by writing a letter of validation invitation to evaluate

and approve the questionnaire. Also ask permission to the principal by writing a letter of

approval to conduct a study outside the school and letters for Brgy. Calumpang Captain

and Prk Saeg Chairman. Then, give the letter with approval of principal to the concern

Brgy. Captain and Prk. Chairman to allow the adults in the said place to be the

respondents of the study. Conduct the survey with selected adults in Prk. Saeg as the

qualified respondents; and analyze and tabulate the data that will be gathered to get the

result of the survey.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The study will use frequency distribution and percentage to describe the

demographic profile of the respondents. To determine the SOP 1: What are impacts of

Dragon fruits in terms; appearance, texture, flavor and aroma is to use survey forms

and conduct a one-on-one interview to state the impacts.

To describe SOP 2: What is the level of satisfaction among selected adults in Prk

Saeg, Calumpang, the weighted mean will be used where the average on the answers

of the respondents will be computed. It will be observed according to the mean of the

sets of arithmetic of all the answers and will then interpret through range of level.

Range Interpretation
1.00-1.49 Very Low Level
1.50-2.49 Low level
2.50-3.49 Moderate Level
3.50-4.49 High Level
4.50-5.00 Very High Level
In SOP3, to identify the relationship of the impact of the dragon fruit as a

processing wine and the level of satisfaction among adults in Prk. Saeg, Calumpang,

Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be utilized wherein identifying the relationship

of two variables will be observed. It will interpret the correlation of variables according to

the coefficient. Also, it will determine if the two variables have significant relationship if

the P-value is greater than 0.05 or 95% level of significance.

Operationalization of Variables

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined


Adults - this refers to the main respondents that will answer the statistical

instrumentation of the study.

Appearance – this refers to the looks of the dragon fruit that may have an effect on

the selected adult’s satisfaction.

Aroma – this refers to the pleasant smell of the dragon fruit that may have also an

effect on the level of satisfaction among adults.

Dragon Fruit – this refer to the fruit that will be used to answer the existing problem

in the impact of dragon fruit wine to the satisfaction of adults.

Flavor – this refers to one of the sub-variables of the study and the which means the

taste of the dragon fruit that may have an impact to the satisfaction of dragon fruit.
Impact – this refers to the strong effect to the adults who will drink the wine and the

first variable of the study in terms of appearance, texture, flavor and aroma.

Prk. Saeg, Calumpang – this refers to the specific setting of the study wherein the

data will be collected.

Processing Wine – this refers to wine being make or the process of mixing and

fermenting the wine using dragon fruit.

Satisfaction – this refers to the second variable which means contentment of the

adults in tasting the dragon fruit wine.

Texture – this refers to the feeling of touching the dragon fruits surface and may also

have an impact on the satisfaction of adults.


Agribusiness (2019), “Enter the Dragon Fruit”


Chibundler (2019), “5 Reasons Why Dragon Fruit Has Become a Filipino Favorite”

Cabi Organization, “Hylocereus undatus 

(dragon fruit)”

Alli, Natasha (2015), “Dragon Fruit”


Schmidt, Darlene (2020), “What Is Dragon Fruit?”


Market Manila (2007), “Pitihaya/Dragon Fruit”

Blue Book Service, “Dragon Fruit”


The Green Gocer, “Organic Dragon Fruit”

Medical News Today (2020), “Is Red Wine Good for you?”

Sobel, Ashley (2019), “Can a Glass of Wine Benefit Your Health?”

Dimero, Fe N. and Tepora, Teddy F. (2018), “Processing and Development of Dragon

Fruit Wine”




Tepora, Teddy F. (2019), “Problems and Opportunities of Dragon Fruit Production in the


Pascua, Leonardo T., Pascua, Meriam E., and Gabriel, Maura Luisa S. (2014), “Dragon

Fruit Production And Marketing In The Phillipines: Its Status, Constraints And



Islam, M.Z, Khan, T.H and Rahman M. (2012), “Studies on the Processing and

Preservation of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus) Jelly”




Gonzaga, Nelda R, Gonzaga, Apolinario B., Taylaran, Reynante D., Pajinag, Rainier T.,

and Quirino, Rosalito A. (2017), “Productivity and Fruit Quality of Red-fleshed

Dragon Fruit, Hylocereus polyrhizus (Britton and Rose) under Jasaan Series”

Rodeo, Arlan James, Angelo, Castro, Esguerra, Elda (2018), “Postharvest handling of

dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) in the Philippines”


Department of Agriculture (2017), “Bureau of Plant Industry”,

Sari, Anjar R. and Hardiyanti Ratih (2013), “Antioxidant Level and Sensory of Dragon

Fruit (Hylocereus undatus) Peel Tea Infusion Made by Partially Fermented


Let’s eat Healthy, “Fruits”


Cleveland Clinic, (2020) “All About Dragon Fruit: 3 Health Benefits + How to Eat It”

Wine Folly, (2020), “Wine and Health: A Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective”



Calmorin L.P (2016), Research Thesis Writing with Statistical Computer

Application.Manila Rex Bookstore Incorporation. pp. 137,138

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