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Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

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Eucalyptus plantations as hybrid ecosystems: Implications for species T

conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic forest

A. Tavaresa, , W. Beirozb, A. Fialhoc, F. Frazãod, R. Macedoe, J. Louzadaf, L. Audinof
Departamento de Entomologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, 37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia Evolutiva e Biodiversidade, Departamento de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 31270-901
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais, 38302-222 Ituiutaba, MG, Brazil
Institute for Big Data Analytics, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, 6050 University Ave, Halifax, NS, Canada
Departamento de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Agrosmart, Campinas, São Paulo 13080-650, Brazil
Setor de Ecologia, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais 37200-000, Brazil


Keywords: Novel and hybrid ecosystems present different conservation values for native species. Therefore, the classifi-
Dung beetles cation of modified ecosystems into a novel or hybrid state is an essential step to assist conservation strategies for
Tree plantations biodiversity. During the last decades, plantations of Eucalyptus have increased in the highly threatened Atlantic
Forest management Forest region, highlighting the importance of defining this ecosystem as novel or hybrid. In this study, we
Novelty concept
evaluated whether Eucalyptus plantations are novel or hybrid ecosystems by contrasting biotic components
(dung beetle communities) and abiotic components (local environmental variables) within historical (Atlantic
Forest remnants) and non-historical (pasture) environments in the Atlantic Forest biome, located in Bahia state,
Brazil. Our results show that Eucalyptus plantations should be classified and managed as a hybrid ecosystem in
this biome. Of the 21 dung beetle species found in Eucalyptus, ten were shared with historical forests (52.6% of
Eucalyptus species) and 6 with pastures (31.5%). Eucalyptus plantations have environmental aspects similar to
both historical forests and pastures. Despite presenting similar components to historical and non-historical
ecosystems, Eucalyptus plantations are sufficiently distinct not to be classified as either one of them. Our results
highlight the potential conservation value of Eucalyptus plantations in the Atlantic Forest region as com-
plementary habitat for historical species, and we discuss how alternative management at landscape and stand
(local) scales might increase this value. Although dung beetles are an excellent group to monitor biodiversity, we
reinforce the necessity to perform further studies using another taxon that present different ecosystem re-

1. Introduction range of disturbed, secondary and introduced systems that share species
with primary systems and exhibit similar ecological functioning (Kasari
Anthropogenic activities have altered approximately 83% of the et al., 2016).
planet’s land surface, resulting in a range of disturbed, modified or Both novel and hybrid ecosystems have been extensively studied
secondary ecosystems (Sanderson et al., 2002; Vitousek et al., 1997). and monitored in order to understand and improve their value for
Novel ecosystems are those that have been highly and irreversibly biodiversity conservation (Lindenmayer et al., 2015; Lindenmayer and
modified by human activities, presenting biotic and abiotic components Hobbs, 2004; Tscharntke et al., 2005). Novel ecosystems have been
that differ substantially from the historical ecosystem. These novel shown to have a conservation value for new groups of species and
ecosystems are relatively stable, functional, tend to self-organize, and ecosystem services provided by this biodiversity (Acreman et al., 2014;
are unable to return to their historical conditions. In contrast, hybrid Perring et al., 2013). For this reason, they need to be actively managed
ecosystems exhibit a combination of novel components and elements in order to sustain their high species richness and ecosystem services
from the original system, making a return to the original state possible (Nájera and Simonetti, 2010; Lindenmayer et al., 2015), however they
(Hobbs et al., 2009, 2006). Hybrid ecosystems can potentially include a may have low value in terms of native species, and even to original

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Tavares).
Received 30 June 2018; Received in revised form 28 October 2018; Accepted 30 October 2018
0378-1127/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Tavares et al. Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

ecosystem services (Acreman et al., 2014; Nájera and Simonetti, 2010; used for cattle grazing and that are almost exclusively associated with
Perring et al., 2013). In contrast, hybrid ecosystems are able to conserve plateaus. The landscape now comprises a mosaic of a few historical
local species from the historical ecosystem, thus maintaining part of the forest fragments and patches of regenerating forest (at varying different
original biodiversity and ecological functions (Acreman et al., 2014; stages of regeneration) immersed in a matrix of human-managed ha-
Kasari et al., 2016; Perring et al., 2013). Consequently, in recent years bitats, mainly pastures and Eucalyptus plantations (Galindo-Leal and
some authors have emphasized the importance of considering the Câmara, 2003).
“novelty concept” as a premise to improve conservation strategies at The studied region presents a tropical rainforest climate type Af,
local and landscape scale (Acreman et al., 2014; Doley and Audet, according to the Köppen classification, with rains well-distributed
2013; Hobbs et al., 2014; Lindenmayer et al., 2015; Perring et al., across the year and high and fairly constant temperatures (Kottek et al.,
2013). 2006). It receives approximately 1600 mm of precipitation annually,
Eucalyptus plantations have well-documented conservation value for with temperatures ranging from 18.9 to 27.9 °C, achieving an average
biodiversity, often supporting some of the species present in the original of 22.6 °C (Veracel, 2007).
pool, regardless of the taxon (Barlow et al., 2007a, Boelter et al., 2011;
Brockerhoff et al., 2008; Calviño-Cancela et al., 2012; Gardner et al., 2.2. Studied ecosystems
2008b). However, the novel or hybrid nature of these ecosystems is still
inconclusive (Barlow et al., 2007c; Calviño-Cancela et al., 2012; Rocha We sampled dung beetles in five areas in each of the following
et al., 2013). This ambiguity becomes of utmost importance to biodi- ecosystems: (i) mature Eucalyptus plantation areas (∼10 years old), (ii)
versity conservation since these plantations are increasing worldwide Atlantic Forest areas (historical ecosystem of the region), and (iii) in-
(FAO, 2015). In 2015, 291 million hectares were covered by planted troduced exotic pastures (non-historical ecosystem with both biotic and
forests, increasing at a rate of 3.3 million hectares per year over the last abiotic features contrasting from the historical one) tested previously in
five years (FAO, 2015). The growth rate of planted forests has remained Audino et al. (2014) and collaborators. Each sampling area was sepa-
constant in Africa, North-West Asia, South America and Oceania, re- rated by a distance of at least 1 km, and contained four independent
gions in which many of the countries are considered megadiverse (FAO, sampling points, resulting in 20 sample points per ecosystem type.
2015). Eucalyptus plantation areas were located in Veracel Celulose S.A.
In this study we used dung beetles as a model group to investigate landholding and historical forest areas were located in the Veracel
the status of Eucalyptus monocultures as novel or hybrid ecosystems Station Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (RPPN Estação Veracel).
within the Atlantic Forest biome. The Atlantic Forest is considered a This reserve contains around 6000 ha of preserved forest and is one of
biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al., 2000), and is being constantly the largest reserves in the Atlantic Forest biome.
threatened by its replacement for Eucalyptus plantations (Joly et al.,
2014). Today, in many regions, small remnants of Atlantic Forest are 2.3. Biotic components: dung beetle sampling
immersed in a matrix of Eucalyptus plantations by pulp companies
(Fonseca et al., 2009; Joly et al., 2014). In order to verify the status of We used pitfall traps baited with 25 g of human faces, carrion (bo-
Eucalyptus plantations as novel or hybrid ecosystems, we compared vine spleen) or rotten banana, in order to attract coprophagous, ne-
their biotic and abiotic components with a historical (historical Atlantic crophagous and carpophagous dung species, respectively. The pitfalls
Forest) and non-historical modified ecosystems (introduced pastures). consisted of a plastic container (11 cm height, 19 cm diameter) buried
Therefore, our two alternative hypotheses are: (1) Eucalyptus planta- flush with the ground surface, and a bait recipient (5 cm diameter, 5 cm
tions are hybrid ecosystems that share biotic and abiotic components height) suspended in the centre of the trap. To protect the trap from
with the historical forest ecosystem and/or other ecosystems; (2) Eu- rain and sun a plastic lid cover was held 20 cm above it using wooden
calyptus plantations are novel ecosystems that do not share biotic and stakes. Dung beetles attracted by the bait fell into a saline and detergent
abiotic components with the historical forest ecosystem. solution.
Dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) are an excellent study The four sample points per area were spaced 100 m apart, posi-
model due to their high sensitivity to environmental change (Bicknell tioned along a 300 m linear transect (placed 50 m from the area edge,
et al., 2014; Spector, 2006) and extensive use in determining the con- approximately). Each sample point received three pitfall traps, one for
servation value of land uses (Barlow et al., 2010; Korasaki et al., 2013). each bait type, that were placed 3 m away from each other. Traps were
Furthermore, these beetles offer great potential to examine the cascade left in the field for 48 h. Sampling was done between May 12th and
effects of mammal loss, allowing an integrated assessment of ecosystem June 3th, 2012. Dung beetles were identified to the species level by Dr.
health (Culot et al., 2013; Feer and Boissier, 2015). Ultimately, our goal Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso).
is to discuss management practices for Eucalyptus plantations in order to
increase their biodiversity conservation value. 2.4. Abiotic components: environmental conditions

2. Material and methods We characterised the Eucalyptus plantation, historical forest, and
pasture areas according to six environmental aspects: canopy cover,
2.1. Study region understory cover, distance among trees, tree basal area, leaf litter depth
and percentage of sand in soil samples. Vegetation variables were used
The study was carried out in the northeastern part of the Atlantic as a proxy for microclimate and habitat heterogeneity. We recorded
Forest biome, in the municipalities of Eunápolis (16°22′S, 39°34′W) and canopy cover above each sample point of three traps using hemi-
Porto Seguro (16°27′S, 39°3′W), Bahia, Brazil (see Appendices Fig. A.1). spherical photographs taken with a Nikon D40 coupled with a fisheye
The area is considered a highly biodiverse region of the Atlantic Forest hemispherical lens 0.20×, and measured canopy openness using Gap
(Rocha et al., 2013; Thomas et al., 1998). However, during the 1960s Light Analyzer 2.0 software (Frazer et al., 1999). To measure unders-
and 1970s, most of the Atlantic Forest was cleared for cattle grazing. At tory cover we took photographs of the understory at each of the sample
the beginning of the 1990s, cellulose companies began to be established points using a black sheet (1 × 1 m) as background, placed perpendi-
in the region, primarily due to its high potential for Eucalyptus plan- cular to the ground. The photographs were analysed with the software
tations. Nowadays, the company Veracel Celulose S.A. present a huge Sidelook 1.1 (Nobis, 2005). We calculated the distance among trees and
influence in the studied region, occupying near 210.000 ha across 10 basal area by recording the distance from the centre of each sample
municipalities, of which 96.000 are covered by Eucalyptus plantation. point to the nearest four trees (with circumferences higher or equal to
Veracel generally plants Eucalyptus in areas that has been previously 10 cm at 1.3 m above the soil) and measuring the perimeter of those

A. Tavares et al. Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

trees. Distance among trees was estimated as the average distance (in species), six in pastures (31.5% of Eucalyptus species), and one species
cm) between each tree and the centre of the sample points. Basal area was shared with both historical forests and pastures (5.2% of Eucalyptus
relates to the mean size of the trees and was calculated using the fol- species). Only four species were exclusive to Eucalyptus plantations
lowing formula: AB = P2/4π, where AB is the tree basal area and P the (21% of Eucalyptus species). Historical forests presented 29 dung beetle
perimeter. Leaf litter depth was measured within 3 m from the sample species, of which 18 were exclusive to this system. About 34% of all
points using a digital vernier calliper. The sand percentage in the soil species sampled in historical forests were also found in Eucalyptus
was quantified through the collections of soil samples (taken from 10 to plantations. In pastures, six of the 13 recorded species were exclusive to
20 cm depth), obtained at each sample point, in each study area. These this system. Around 46% of all species sampled in pastures also occur in
samples were analyzed for texture (proportion of sand, silt, and clay) at Eucalyptus plantations. Historical forests and pastures did not share any
the Universidade Federal de Lavras, Departamento de Ciências do Solo species, with the exception of the one species that was found in all
(Department of Soil Science). systems (Fig. 2).

2.5. Statistical analysis 3.2. Abiotic components

To test if the environmental conditions of Eucalyptus plantation were According to NMDS, the ecosystems can be organized into three
different to historical forest and pasture areas, we did a non-metric distinct groups in relation to the environmental variables. This pattern
multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and an analysis of similarity was confirmed statistically by ANOSIM analysis (R = 0.907;
(ANOSIM) analysis. All measured environmental conditions were used p < 0.001) (Table A1). However, in NMDS, it is possible to visualize
to calculate a triangular matrix based on Euclidean distance. We stan- that Eucalyptus plantations are more similar to historical forest than to
dardized the environmental data prior to analysis as they present dif- pastures, indicating a higher abiotic similarity with the historical
ferent base units of measurement. forested system (mean Euclidian distance = 2.84) compared to the
We also built generalized linear models (GLMs) to test for en- open non-historical system (mean Euclidian distance = 4.29) (Fig. 1a).
vironmental differences between systems. We used ecosystem type When environmental variables are analysed individually, it is pos-
(historical forest, Eucalyptus plantation, and pasture) as an explanatory sible to verify that Eucalyptus plantations share environmental char-
variable and the environmental variables (canopy cover, distance acteristics with both historical forests and pastures (Fig. 3). None-
among trees, basal area, leaf litter, understory cover, and sand content) theless, the systems were statistically different in relation to canopy
as responses. We used a Gaussian error distribution to do GLM analyses cover (F12,14 = 1630.200; p < 0.001), tree basal area
and subsequently did a contrast analysis to verify which categories were (F12,14 = 28.643; p < 0.001), distance among trees (F12,14 = 506.360;
distinct in relation to the response variables. To check for the error p < 0.001), understory density (F12,14 = 5.309; p = 0.022) and litter
distribution and adequacy of the model we did a residual analysis. depth (F12,14 = 52.073; p < 0.001; Fig. 3). Percentage of sand in the
To verify if dung beetle species composition of Eucalyptus plantation soil was the only environmental variable that did not differ statistically
was different or similar to historical forest and/or pasture areas, we among the systems (F12,14 = 1.742; p = 0.217; Fig. 3). Canopy cover
performed a NMDS and an ANOSIM. The similarity matrix of the spe- was higher in historical forest than in Eucalyptus; and with 0% canopy
cies composition was calculated based on presence and absence of cover, pastures unsurprisingly had significantly lower canopy cover
species using the Jaccard similarity index. The NMDS was used to than the other land use types (Fig. 3). Tree basal area and leaf litter
graphically represent similarity between sites and ANOSIM to test for depth did not differ between forest and Eucalyptus, but both systems
significant differences in species composition between the three groups were markedly different from pastures in relation to these variables
of ecosystems. We also evaluated the number of shared species between (Fig. 3). Sampled pasture areas did not present any trees, for this
the systems and plotted it in an infographic. reason, there was little leaf litter, and it was not possible to obtain
All statistical analyses were done using R v.3.4.2 (R Core values for tree basal area. Distance among trees was higher in Eu-
Development Team, 2017). NMDS and ANOSIM analyses were im- calyptus, followed by forest and pastures (Fig. 3). Understory density
plemented using the vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2017). was higher in historical forest in relation to Eucalyptus plantations and
pastures, while the latter two were found to be similar according to this
3. Results variable (Fig. 3).

3.1. Biotic components: dung beetles 4. Discussion

In total we recorded 5355 dung beetle individuals representing 45 By using an ecosystem level approach and a spatially replicated
different species across the three land use types. The highest numbers experiment, our study provides evidence that Eucalyptus plantations can
were found in the historical ecosystem with 4467 individuals and 29 be categorised as a hybrid ecosystem. Biotic and abiotic components of
species, while in the non-historical ecosystem (introduced pastures) we Eucalyptus plantations were statistically different from the historical
registered 13 species and 551 individuals, and in Eucalyptus plantations forest and non-historical (exotic pasture) ecosystems. However,
21 species and 337 individuals were recorded. Eucalyptus plantations still share biotic and abiotic components with
Eucalyptus plantation, historical forest, and pasture were organized these systems. For this reason, it should not be considered a novel
in three distinct species composition groups according to NMDS ecosystem. Our findings contrast with the findings of Lindenmayer et al.
(Fig. 1b) and ANOSIM (R = 0.868; p < 0.001). Dung beetles in Eu- (2015), which suggested that commercial tree plantations, such as Eu-
calyptus plantations were more similar to pastures (mean Jaccard si- calyptus plantations, should be classified and managed as novel eco-
milarity = 17.62%) than to historical forest (mean Jaccard simi- systems. We present empirical evidence that these plantations are not
larity = 11.21%; Fig. 1b). As expected, historical forest and pastures novel ecosystems and that these systems present a potential to sustain
presented completely distinct dung beetle communities, with a mean historical species. We recommend that conservation planning should
Jaccard similarity of only 0.54%. According to ANOSIM, all land uses establish management strategies for Eucalyptus plantations that seek an
were significantly different in relation to species composition (see Ap- equilibrium between conservation and production.
pendices Table A1).
Most of the species found in Eucalyptus plantations also occur in 4.1. Rethinking hybrid ecosystems concept
historical forests and/or pastures. Of the 21 species found in Eucalyptus,
ten were also sampled in historical forests (52.6% of Eucalyptus By definition, hybrid ecosystems present a combination between

A. Tavares et al. Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

Fig. 1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). (a) The environmental conditions (Canopy cover, Tree basal area, Understory density, Distance among trees,
Leaf litter depth, and Sand percentage) using a triangular matrix constructed from Euclidian distances (Abiotic components) in three different ecosystems. (b) Dung
beetle species composition using a similarity matrix constructed from Jaccard similarity index (Biotic component) in three different ecosystems. Historical Atlantic
Forest (triangles); Eucalyptus plantations (circles) and Non-historical pastures (squares).

Fig. 2. Shared dung beetle species among the three ecosystems evaluated. For each shared species, the coloured circles indicate in which ecosystem the species
present higher relative abundance. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

novel and historical components and a capacity to return to historical plantation to return to a historical state (as proposed by the theory),
condition (Hobbs et al., 2009, 2006). Here, we categorize Eucalyptus several studies already showed that if properly managed these ecosys-
plantations as hybrid ecosystems, because they present a mixture of tems can become very similar to the historical ecosystem (e.g. Fonseca
biotic and abiotic components from the historical and non-historical et al., 2009; Lopes et al., 2015; Lugo, 1992; Martello et al., 2018). So,
ecosystem. Although we did not test the potential of Eucalyptus they have the potential to become more similar to the original state, but

A. Tavares et al. Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

Fig. 3. Mean ± SE of abiotic components sampled in three different ecosystems: historical Atlantic Forest remnants (Forest), Eucalyptus plantations (Eucalyptus)
and non-historical pastures (Pasture). Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant difference (p < 0.005) among the ecosystems.

not necessarily will return to this state. In our opinion, the obligation of ecosystems between the historical and novel condition, presenting
returning to the historical state as a requirement to categorize an eco- biotic and abiotic components from both extremes. Moreover, hybrid
system as hybrid is a failure of the concept, making it strict and not ecosystems are dynamic and due to their modification degree, they can
useful for conservation. We have to be extremely careful with the idea be near or far from historical or novel condition. Hence, all ecosystems
of an ecosystem returning to a historical state (climax), because it is a with historical components have the possibility to return to historical
utopic situation. There are several studies in the area of restoration trajectory but not necessarily will. So, the trajectory that the hybrid
ecology showing how it is difficult to restore an ecosystem. Restoration, ecosystem will go through will depend on direct or indirect human
both active or passive, usually improve the conditions of a modified intervention.
ecosystem in relation to its degraded state, but these ecosystems never
become 100% similar to the reference ecosystem, not even secondary 4.2. Biotic components
forests (e.g. Barral et al., 2015; Crouzeilles et al., 2016; Rey Benayas
et al., 2009). In this context, thinking about the possibility to return to Ecosystems with similar abiotic conditions may present similar
the original condition does not allow listing the best areas for con- biological communities and share more species among them (Baker
servation that are located in the middle range between novel and his- et al., 2002; de Bello et al., 2013; Evans et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2015;
torical ecosystems. Zhang et al., 2014). For presenting a combination of abiotic conditions
Few studies have tried to understand the hybrid state and, although typical of forests and open environments, Eucalyptus plantations har-
the literature presents this definition, low efforts have been done to bour a mixture of species from both historical forests and pastures.
investigate this condition (Miller and Bestelmeyer, 2016). Therefore, Community assembly is mainly driven by the combination of abiotic
with the intent to expand the theory and clarify the understanding (environmental and management) and biotic (interactions among
about the hybrid state, we propose a new interpretation for hybrid groups) filters, which determine the establishment of populations into
ecosystems. Thus, hybrid ecosystems are a continuum of modified new areas (Lebrija-trejos et al., 2010; Pakeman and Stockan, in press;

A. Tavares et al. Forest Ecology and Management 433 (2019) 131–139

Stegen et al., 2012). We found some exclusive species in Eucalyptus microorganisms (Wu et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2013) which make this
plantations, which is a possible indication of certain exclusive condi- system impoverished and similar to pastures.
tions of this system in relation to forest and pasture, such as uniform
distance among trees and homogeneous forest cover (Gardner et al., 4.4. Implications for biodiversity conservation
2008b). Therefore, while Eucalyptus plantations show similar conditions
to surrounding ecosystems, they are sufficiently distinct not to be Novel ecosystems are classified following the degree of irreversi-
classified as either of them, reinforcing its designation as a hybrid bility in their biotic and abiotic conditions (Acreman et al., 2014; Hobbs
ecosystem. et al., 2014; Hobbs and Cramer, 2008; Morse et al., 2014). Ecosystems
As previously reported in the literature, Eucalyptus plantations share classified as novel can no longer naturally return to their original
more species with historical forests than with cleared agricultural lands condition, while any restoration efforts towards a historical condition
(Korasaki et al., 2013; Lindenmayer and Hobbs, 2004; Solar et al., would be costly and inefficient (Hobbs and Cramer, 2008; Miller and
2016). Moreover, several scientific studies have shown the potential of Bestelmeyer, 2016; Seastedt et al., 2008). Hence, in such situations, the
Eucalyptus plantations to shelter forested species or benefit the con- only strategy is to improve the local abiotic conditions in order to en-
nectivity between forest patches of various taxa, such as large felids hance species diversity, maintain ecological functions and provide more
(Paviolo et al., 2018), fruit-feeding butterflies (Barlow et al., 2007b), ecosystem services (Acreman et al., 2014; Doley and Audet, 2013;
epigeic arachnids (Lo-Man-Hung et al., 2007), herpetofauna (Gardner Hobbs and Cramer, 2008; Perring et al., 2013).
et al., 2007), ants (Martello et al., 2018) and vascular epiphytes Once an ecosystem is in a hybrid condition, the strategies for con-
(Boelter et al., 2011). This pattern is reinforced by our results high- servation may be more complex (Miller and Bestelmeyer, 2016). Pri-
lighting the forested nature of Eucalyptus plantations. Thus, it is sug- marily, the direction in which a hybrid ecosystem changes depends on
gested that Eucalyptus plantations present potential habitat or corridors whether anthropic disturbances are intensified or mitigated (Acreman
for certain tolerant species, evidencing their conservation value when et al., 2014). Subsequently, the direction of ecosystem change may also
contrasted to other agroecosystems (Barlow et al., 2007a, 2007b; Biz be determined by decision makers, in accordance with the scientific
et al., 2017; Hawes et al., 2009; Rocha et al., 2013). community, that must identify and define feasible restoration strategies
It is important to highlight that there is no information in the lit- for each situation (Hobbs and Cramer, 2008; Jackson and Hobbs, 2009;
erature about how many shared species should a modified system have Miller and Bestelmeyer, 2016). Therefore, whether the main goal of
with the historical ecosystem to be considered hybrid. Is there a magic/ management is the conservation of historical and/or threatened species
optimum number? Here, we show that 34% of all species sampled in or maintenance and enhancement of ecosystems services, the decision
historical forests were also found in Eucalyptus plantations. Some can must be made by several stakeholders (Acreman et al., 2014; Hobbs
argue that this number is low. However, even primary forests areas et al., 2014).
located in the same region presents a high beta diversity among them, The hybrid condition of the Eucalyptus plantation can be a starting
and for this reason, also do not share so many species (Beiroz et al., point to increase the conservation of Atlantic Forest remnants, not as an
2017; Condit et al., 2002; Solar et al., 2015). However, we emphasize alternative habitat, but rather as a continuum for this habitat
the urgent need to investigate if there is a specific number (threshold) (Lindenmayer et al., 2015; Miller and Bestelmeyer, 2016) (Fig. 2). If
of shared species between historical and modified ecosystems to be able properly managed, these hybrid ecosystems could increase the habitat
to categorize an ecosystem as a hybrid or with a high conservation extent for historical species (Kasari et al., 2016; Lindenmayer et al.,
value. 2015). Appropriate management practices have the potential to main-
tain production, generate employment and conserve historical species,
4.3. Abiotic conditions which are fundamental for the sustainable development in this region
(Hartley, 2002). The huge economic interest in Eucalyptus plantations
Eucalyptus plantations share abiotic components with historical and the urgent necessity to preserve Atlantic Forest biodiversity high-
forest and pastures (non-historical ecosystem) and this aspect allows us lights the importance of establishing effective measures that improve
to classify these plantations as hybrid ecosystems, being in an inter- the conservation value for biodiversity and ecosystem services within
mediate state between both historical and non-historical ecosystems these systems.
(Hobbs et al., 2009, 2006). These similar characteristics between his-
torical and modified ecosystems may be a starting point to understand 4.5. Managing hybrid ecosystems
whether modified ecosystems will progress towards historical or novel
conditions (Hobbs et al., 2014; Perring et al., 2013). Currently, management applied in Eucalyptus plantations has re-
In this study, Eucalyptus plantations presented a tree basal area and sulted in ecosystems with low diversity, new species compositions, and
leaf litter depth similar to historical Atlantic forests. These aspects are a limited range of ecosystem services (Calviño-Cancela et al., 2012; Guo
important to biodiversity conservation in forested ecosystems; tree and Gifford, 2002; Solar et al., 2016; Zhou et al., 2017). However, even
basal area has been considered an important metric to assess habitat under conventional management, Eucalyptus plantations still share
quality (Arroyo-Rodríguez and Mandujano, 2006), biodiversity main- species with native ecosystems (Barlow et al., 2007b). Hence, we should
tenance (Bradford and Bell, 2017) and carbon storage (Gilman et al., classify them as hybrid ecosystems and suggest management alter-
2016), while leaf litter depth is related to nutrient cycling and is an natives that enhance the potential to maintain historical species in these
important variable to assess ecosystem functioning (Aerts, 1997; Pei modified environments, approaching them to historical state. Particu-
et al., 2017). In contrast, Eucalyptus plantations also presented some larly in highly threatened ecosystems, such as the Atlantic Forest, hy-
abiotic conditions similar to pastures, such as low understory density. brid ecosystems (such as Eucalyptus plantations) may be fundamental to
Traditionally, understory vegetation has been considered a limiting the maintenance of native species and ecological functions.
factor in planted trees ecosystems in terms of production, because un- Here, we provide some management suggestions for Eucalyptus
derstory plants compete with overstory species for nutrients and water plantations at two levels: forest stand and landscape level. In both cases,
(Nambiar and Sands, 1993). For this reason, understory vegetation is the goal is to integrate economic productivity and conservation value
typically removed in Eucalyptus plantations (Chang et al., 1996; (Lindenmayer and Hobbs, 2004). In general, management practices at
Nambiar and Sands, 1993; Zhou et al., 2017). This type of management each level aim to improve abiotic conditions. At a landscape level,
of Eucalyptus plantations decrease habitat provisioning capacity for abiotic conditions can be improved by altering the matrix quality in
native species (Millan et al., 2015; Simonetti et al., 2013; Teixeira et al., order to create an increased variety of habitats and allow connectivity
2017) and reduce the ecosystems services provided by soil between historical forest remnants (Costa et al., 2017). Landscapes with

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