Health Budget 2021

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Hitting the right notes with the health budget

The Union Budget has laid a strong foundation to increase the resilience of the health sector in the post-COVID-19 era
hub of the world. Further, to en- salaries and administrative costs. ness. There is considerable
sure food and nutrition security Further, PMANSBY lays emphasis potential for promoting ayurveda

for the poor and the vulnerable on the health system being streng- and yoga as well as integrative
during the COVID-19 crisis, the Go- thened at all levels, including esta- health-care approaches in the
vernment of India launched the blishing integrated public health post-COVID-19 scenario, especially
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan laboratories and institutes of virol- for stress reduction and the man-
Rajiv Kumar & Package for providing free food- ogy. This is crucial as experts have agement of chronic diseases.
Urvashi Prasad grains to 800 million beneficiar- repeatedly highlighted the need
ies. To facilitate access to subsi- for enhancing disease surveillance States must act too
dised grains across the country, and diagnostic capabilities to be Undoubtedly the budgetary allo-

ealth care has taken centre the ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ count of either diarrhoea or better prepared for disease out- cation for health needs to be
stage due to an unfortunate scheme has been enabled in 32 pneumonia. Suboptimal access to breaks. Additionally, the emphasis ramped up over time. We also
novel coronavirus pandem- States/Union Territories covering clean water and sanitation is di- on expansion of health and well- have to ensure adequate funds for
ic that has devastated lives and li- 690 million beneficiaries. rectly linked to diseases such as ness centres under PMANSBY, to- critical and closely-linked sectors
velihoods across the globe. Alth- With respect to the “padding” diarrhoea, polio and malaria. Mo- gether with a ₹13,192 crore Finance such as nutrition, water and sani-
ough India has performed of the health Budget, with alloca- reover, water contaminated with Commission grant for strengthen- tation. The onus of increasing
relatively better in its COVID-19 tions for water, sanitation, nutri- heavy metals such as arsenic in- ing the primary health system health spending, however, does
management, even compared to tion and clean air, as pointed out creases the risk of developing through local government bodies, not lie with the Centre alone but
countries with highly developed by some commentators, it is im- heart ailments and cancer. is also noteworthy. also with the States also. In fact, as
health systems, the impact of the portant to appreciate that the pre- Another important public Another point of discussion in elucidated in the National Health
outbreak on society and the eco- sentation of a combined ‘health health-related announcement in relation to the health Budget is the Accounts 2017, 66% of spending
nomy is undeniable. Against this and well-being’ budget, which sets Budget 2021 was the government’s stagnant allocation for the Prad- on health care in India is done by
backdrop, the Union Budget 2021– the tone for greater integration of decision to expand the coverage of han Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM- States. It is imperative, therefore,
22 was an eagerly awaited one and these areas, is in fact a welcome the pneumococcal vaccine across JAY), a flagship scheme launched that States increase expenditure
the announcements for the health step. The National Health Policy the country. Pneumococcal pneu- by the government in late 2018 as on health to at least 8% of their
sector, in particular, have been (NHP), 2017, highlights the close monia is a major killer of children part of the Ayushman Bharat in- budget by 2022 as recommended
widely discussed. links between health, water and under the age of five years. Once itiative. Despite being a relatively by the National Health Policy
sanitation. This year’s Economic universalised, this indigenously new scheme, the Economic Sur- (NHP), 2017 and the Fifteenth Fi-
Context of packages Survey too recognises that im- developed vaccine could save up vey estimates a 20% decline in the nance Commission.
It is important to view the Budget provements in access to bare ne- to 50,000 lives annually. The Fi- infant mortality rate between The health sector has found a
in the context of the various Aat- cessities such as water, sanitation nance Minister has also made a 2015–16 and 2019–20 in States that prominent place in the govern-
manirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan pack- and housing are strongly correlat- special allocation of ₹35,000 crore adopted PM-JAY, compared to a ment’s agenda over the last few
ages announced by the Govern- ed with progress in health for the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021– 12% decline in States that did not. years, with the implementation of
ment of India, which also include indicators. 22, which could be increased if re- It is important, therefore, to per- a series of well-thought-out and
several short-term and longer- quired. India has already delivered sist with this highly ambitious carefully sequenced reforms.
term measures to strengthen the Good water, vaccine coverage over eight million doses of the vac- scheme and accelerate its roll-out While much remains to be done,
health sector. Production-Linked The substantive allocation for the cine to health-care and frontline as the absorptive and governance the Union Budget 2021–22 has laid
Incentive schemes have been an- newly launched Jal Jeevan Mission workers thus far — the fastest vac- capacity of States improve. a strong foundation to increase the
nounced to boost domestic manu- (Urban) is especially commenda- cination drive in the world. resilience of the sector in the post-
facture of pharmaceuticals and ble as access to adequate, good The priority accorded to capital Promoting ayurveda COVID-19 era and achieving Un-
medical devices. Mission COVID quality water supply has major expenditure through the launch of A less talked about aspect of the iversal Health Coverage by 2030 as
Suraksha has also been launched positive externalities for the health the Pradhan Mantri – Atmanirbhar health Budget is the nearly 40% part of the Sustainable Develop-
to promote the development and sector. A report released by the Swasth Bharat Yojana (PMANSBY), hike for the Ministry of Ayurveda, ment Goals agenda.
testing of indigenous vaccine can- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School is also a much-need step. Capital Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Sidd-
didates. At least 92 countries have of Public Health in 2019 suggested expenditure has, historically, con- ha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). Rajiv Kumar is Vice Chairman, NITI
approached India for a COVID-19 that nearly one out of every 100 In- stituted only a small percentage of The pandemic has catalysed a be- Aayog and Urvashi Prasad is Public Policy
vaccine, thus bolstering the coun- dian children does not live to cele- the overall health Budget, with the havioural shift in favour of preven- Specialist, NITI Aayog. The views
try’s credentials as the vaccine brate their fifth birthday on ac- majority of funds going towards tive care, holistic health and well- expressed are personal

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