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An antidote to Islamophobia, within and beyond

The Muslim laity must shed its docility and challenge the ‘religious authorities’ to be open to Islam’s pluralistic teachings
gained currency, Frantz Fanon, bad for India.”? kistan whose blatant misuse has
the celebrated anti-colonial writer Apart from the aforementioned resulted in the murder of both
and psychoanalyst, had engaged reasons, the answer lies in the fact Muslims and non-Muslims. The Is-
with Islamophobia without men- that Muslim religious leaders have lamically baseless concept of ghaz-
tioning it, and saw it as an expres- done nothing to encourage the wa al Hind (war against India) is
sion of religious racism of the colo- community to win the trust of oth- another issue on which the Indian
A. Faizur Rahman nising West. er people, a basic requirement for ulema are silent. The issue conti-
In The Wretched of the Earth, peaceful coexistence. Unlike polit- nues to be invoked by the Hindu
which Fanon wrote in the context ical trust in liberal democracies right to question the loyalty of

f Islamist terror is a major inter- of the French occupation of Mus- which according to British author Muslims, and thus, is yet another

national issue today, so is the lim Algeria, he described “the Marek Kohn is founded upon the reason for Hindu-Muslim mistrust.
response to it. For instance, the church in the colonies,” as “the Thoughts on Pakistan he wanted suspicion that the powerful will be
UN ‘Special Rapporteur on free- white people’s Church, the fo- the Hindus to concede Jinnah’s de- tempted to abuse power, social Overcoming the suspicion
dom of religion or belief ’ flagged reigner’s Church. She does not call mand for a separate Muslim state trust (as argued by American polit- If this climate of suspicion has to
the “epidemic proportions” of an- the native to God’s ways but to the because without Pakistan, India ical scientist Eric Uslaner) is based be overcome, the Indian ulema
ti-Muslim hatred with the lament ways of the white man, of the mas- would have to contend with 65 on the optimistic premise that must emphatically declare the
that member states responded to ter, of the oppressor.” million Muslims, while after its although people may follow diffe- concept of ghazwa al-Hind to be
security threats “by adopting mea- creation, this number would fall to rent religions or secular ideolo- unIslamic apart from clarifying
sures which disproportionately The West’s fear 20 million thus greatly reducing gies, they hold fundamental va- that India is not darul harb (abode
target Muslims and define Muslims Despite this depressing reality, the the proportion of Muslim to Hindu lues in common. of war). They must also announce
as both high risk and at risk of West’s fear of Islam or Muslims has seats in central and provincial le- The Muslim clergy has misera- that the word kafir has no pejora-
radicalization”. little to do with religion and eve- gislatures, which would further bly failed on this front. It saw the tive overtones and does not refer
rything to do with cultural fric- fall once weightage was cancelled. illegal demolition of the Babri Mas- to non-Muslims. Apostasy and
Exploring the reasons tions and political rivalries as Gra- It is this same unfounded fear of jid as condemnable act of religious blasphemy have also got to be re-
In fact, the spread of Islamophobia ham E. Fuller rightly concluded in Muslim numbers that reflects in extremism but remained a mute moved from the list of capital
across the globe has been so ram- A World without Islam. In the case the recent enactment of laws spectator when a Hindu temple crimes under Islamic law.
pant over the last couple of de- of India too it was the tussle for against “love-jihad” by several In- was burnt down in Pakistan a few In short, what is needed is a rad-
cades that it is now considered an power that made people like Ban- dian States, and raucous calls for a months ago. And when Pakistan’s ical rethink of Muslim theology. As
industry and a subject of study in kim Chandra Chatterjee, Chandra- population regulation law in India Supreme Court ordered its recon- this is not possible in India with
psychiatry. Springer, one of nath Basu, Lala Lajpat Rai, and to “tackle the problem of declining struction, no Muslim religious or- the outdated madrasa system in
world’s leading scientific publish- Bhai Parmanand suspect the Hindu population and to stop the ganisation welcomed the decision. existence, it is up to the Muslim lai-
ers, brought out a volume in 2019 Muslims. rise of non-Hindu population”. However, provocative televange- ty to shed its deferential docility
titled Islamophobia and Psychia- If in Ananda Math, Bankim list Zakir Naik issued a statement and start challenging the self-pro-
try: Recognition, Prevention, and Chandra Chatterjee fictionalised The Muslim contribution that non-Muslims in a Muslim state claimed epistemological suprema-
Treatment. Hindu nationalistic sentiments by But what is inexplicable is, more do not have the right to construct cy of “religious authorities” and
The Cambridge dictionary de- narrating how “everyone was an- than seven decades after Partition, their places of worship even with pressurise them into completely
scribes Islamophobia as an “un- gry with the Muslims for the anar- anti-Muslim sentiment not just ex- their own funds. The unIslamic revamping the madrasa curricu-
reasonable dislike or fear of, and chy and lawlessness of their ists but continues to surge in India. conversion of Hagia Sophia into a lum to harmonise it with the plu-
prejudice against, Muslims or Is- reign”, in the early 1900s, Rai and Why is this so if Muslims have con- mosque was also greeted with ralistic teachings of Islam and mo-
lam.”But the All-Party Parliamen- Parmanand floated the idea of ter- sciously stayed away from terro- either deafening silence or quiet dernity. There is no other antidote
tary Group on British Muslims ritorially separating Hindus and rism and never betrayed the faith support. to Islamophobia from within.
(APPG) goes further and equates it Muslims long before Jinnah ima- reposed in them by Prime Minister Similar clerical hypocrisy pre-
with racism that targets expres- gined Pakistan. Narendra Modi who in September vails when it comes to condemn- A. Faizur Rahman is Secretary-General of
sions of Muslimness or perceived Even B.R. Ambedkar was not 2014 had said, “Indian Muslims ing draconian laws in Muslim the Islamic Forum for the Promotion of
Muslimness. The APPG has a point sure about the political stability of will live for India. They will die for countries such as those pertaining Moderate Thought.
because long before the term an undivided India. In his book India. They will not want anything to blasphemy and apostasy in Pa- E-mail:

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