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The adventures of Pablo

the phone.
Pablo started off as most things do. In the ground 6,000 feet below yours. He
started off as oil patiently waiting to be mined for thousands of years.
Then pablo was sucked up out of the ground by an oil drill the drill puts the oil into
a boat now we just hope that I dont become an oil spill.
Pablo is then turned into plastic to be used for components of a phone.
Pablo is shipped to a factory to be put together.
After Pablo is assembled he is shipped to stores all over the place to be sold to
people like you.
Pablo is sold to a man named james who uses him for 3 years and the sees that a
new phone is outdated
Pablo is then taken to a recycling center where he is either reused or sold as used
to another person who will use it and will most likely end up throwing it away.
If pablo were to be thrown away he would be sent to a landfill and never

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