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The Secret About Twins

Twins are the subjects of much interest and attention. Although they have become more
common in recent generations, they are still a relatively rare phenomenon. For every one hundred
people you encounter, only three will be a twin, and much fewer can claim to be a triplet or higher-
order multiple. Because of their scarcity, there are many misunderstandings about them. One of the
most common misunderstandings is the cause of twins and even multiples. (Fierro,2019)

Fierro also added that, not all twinning can be attributed to the same cause. To understand the
causes of twins, it is important to understand that there are two types of twins, classified by zygosity.
They include monozygotic and dizygotic. Monozygotic multiples form from a single zygote (fertilized egg)
that splits after fertilization. Monozygotic twins are more commonly known as identical twins because
they originate from a single egg/sperm combination and share the same genetic background, so they
often look alike and share many of the same characteristics. On the other hand, Dizygotic or multizygotic
multiples form from two or more zygotes, which are separate eggs fertilized by separate sperm that
share the same period of gestation. Dizygotic twins are more commonly known as fraternal twins. With
their own unique combination of genes, they have the same genetic connection as any other siblings but
share a womb during gestation.

Also, according to her, Dizygotic or fraternal twins form in the same way that all humans do, by
the union of sperm and egg. The explanation for dizygotic twinning lies in the cause of hyper ovulation,
which is the release of more than one egg in a cycle of ovulation. Conversely, the causes of identical
twinning are much vaguer. No clear explanation is offered by science. No specific theory has been
confirmed as to why a fertilized egg splits and develops into two embryos.

Based on my research, studying the differences between identical twins to pinpoint the
influence of environment, and comparing identical twins with fraternal ones to measure the role of
inheritance have been crucial to understanding the interplay of genes and environment in determining
their personalities, behavior, and vulnerability to disease. In my own understanding, this only explains
that even through twins are genetically identical, they are also different with each other in terms of
personalities, behavior, and vulnerability to disease because of the level of impact of environment has
on an individual and the influence genes they have.

Some belief about twins says that they have a short life expectancy. I do not agree with this
because I believe that even you are a twin or not, if you want to live a longer, healthier life, develop a
strong social network and close relationships. The emotional and physiological impact can not only add
years to life, but it can also enrich those years, filling them with laughter, tears, and love. “Research
shows that these kinds of social interactions, or social bonds, are important in lots of settings,”
according to Sharrow. “Most people may not have a twin, but as a society we may choose to invest in
social bonds as a way to promote health and longevity.” Of course, it works on a personal level, too.

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