Unit 1 You Will What For?

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English Department
Teachers: Jacqueline Gallardo / Fernanda Luco / Mauricio Guerra

Name Mark

Total score 80 pts. Required

Unit 1 “My first Job” percentage
Final score pts. 60%

Objectives To introduce vocabulary of the unit 1 and their meaning in Date April, 2020.-
order to use these words in a written story
Grade 3°____
e-mail englishdepartmentlgrc@gmail.com / jacqueline.gallardo.escudero@gmail.com /
mr.guerra.c@gmail.com / english.fernandalucop@gmail.com


- Show comprehension of main and explicit oral - To show comprehension of oral and written
information about first Jobs. You will also expression.
identify structures to report information and
identify target sounds. - To show comprehension of texts, and apply
speaking and writing strategies to express
- Read informative, descriptive, narrative and ideas about the texts.
expository text about Jobs. Identify topic
MY FIRST JOB vocabulary and expressions. - To express opinions and ideas about a first
job, incorporating topic vocabulary and
- Communicate orally by means of dialogues and structures of the unit and join them
monologues, making use of varied strategies coherently by using connectors.
and intelligible pronunciation.
- To write cohesive and coherent texts, making
- Communicate in written form by means of use of different strategies and structures and
sentences, short and simple descriptive and the vocabulary provided throughout the unit.
narrative texts, all related to Jobs.

I Translate into Spanish of the words related to Job, and then, find their English synonyms. (2 pts. each)

1. According to
2. Nice to meet you
3. Talk about
4. Get sacked
5. Get fired
6. Tricks of the trade
7. Break your back
8. Vacancy
9. Resign / Resignation
10. Resume
11. Boost their confidence
12. Gain experience
13. To apply for
14. To earn
15. Paycheck
16. Time-management skills
17. Hard work
18. Tardy work
19. Part-time job
20. Full-time job
21. Being my own boss
22. Have a good salary
23. Workplace
24. Hard-earned money
25. To save money
26. To Hire / to Fire
27. Disabled workers
28. Student loan
29. Having fun
30. Have a lot of free time

II Use the words from above and write a poem, a rap, a song, or a short story using the words above. You
have to write 120 words. (20 pts.)

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