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During the summer of 2020 I was a full time intern for Kaiser Permananete.

Due to

covid, we had to experience this opportunity online. One of the biggest cirrius that we

had to meet standards for was completing a project about our dream field- mine was

NASA. Additionally, we had to become specific and point out what exactly within that

field was of interest the most.

My project on Women of Nasa was mostly a verbal speech since our goal was to

improve communication skills. It lasted 10 minutes long and I was graded by multiple

Kaiser professionals. To me, this is one of the best works I have ever completed, if i had

the recording I would include it also.

What I got out of my project was the ability to work on something that was

inspirational to me and this made me feel confident as I was talking to my virtual

audience. My audience benefited from this presentation by gaining information about

my favorite field and perhaps anelighting future women to participate in a company like


It took me about two weeks to completely complete my speech considering that

although it was long, it was very information packed. This speech also determined if I

received a stipend or not. Fortunately, they lied and I passed as well and received a

stipend for my time at Kaiser. I am very thankful that Kaiser did this because it prepared

me to be able to talk for 10 minutes without following a script.

In conclusion, out of my whole high school career, this is my best work.

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