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SIOP Lesson Plan - Jillian O’Donnell (level 4)

Subject: English / Language Arts

Unit Focus: Parts of Speech

Lesson #1 Length of Lesson: 1 day

Standards: Standard - CC.1.4.9-10.L

Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Lesson Topic: Types of Nouns

Objectives: Write on Board

Language: Students will …

● Define new vocabulary visually by seeing color coded parts of speech and
graphics that easily explain the topic.
● Define new vocabulary in writing through index cards, writing examples, and
writing on the board.
Content: Students will …
● Identify and differentiate between the different type of nouns
● Demonstrate how different nouns are used in sentences
● Collaborate with others to discover new words and their meanings

Key Vocabulary: Proper noun, common noun, concrete noun, abstract noun,

Materials: Laptops, markers / colored pencils, index cards

1. Look at a sentence. Tell me the noun, verb, and direct object.
2. Have students go up three at a time to do that for ten sentences

Let’s look at our language and content objectives today. Students will … (read
Warm Up / Building Background (15 Minutes)

● Students will be broken up in groups of four or five. They will each be given a list
of five sentences. Give the students each a different color marker or pen or
colored pencil. Each student is given a role to find the subject (noun), verb, direct
object, and indirect object of the sentence.
○ Expand the collaboration into a whole group based one. When students
have finished in their small groups (will have indicated by putting their
writing utensils down), one member of each group will go up and write one
of their sentences up on the board. They will then walk the class through
their sentence. After each group has gone, allow room for questions
before transitioning into the discussion on nouns.
● Write the word noun on the board, following four branches off of it. Write each of
the types of nouns under each branch
○ Have students tell you the definition of a noun (person place or thing).
○ Also have students guess / give examples as to what they think each type
of noun is
Presentation (10 Minutes)
● Play the noun song from Grammar House Rock
○ When finished, take a minute or two to discuss whether the definition that
students came up with matches with the actual definition
● Follow this up by playing the Noun Town Song
○ After watching the video, take a few minutes to write the definitions of
each type of noun with the class working together to provide at least three
examples of each
Practice / Application (10 Minutes)
● Have students write each noun type and noun definition on their vocabulary
● Have students write five sentences with at least one example of each type of
○ When they have finished, call on students who want to write their
sentences on the board and have the other students identify which noun
type was used (if they want, they can identify the other parts of speech as
Review/Assessment (5 Minutes)
● Students must all show that they have correctly completed their vocab cards
● Students must submit their created sentences to be graded for completion and
● Discuss with students whether the language and content objectives were met
Comprehensible Input Directions for Sentence Group Work Activity

“Okay guys, can I get you all to look at the screen? They will have the directions that I’m
going to explain in a minute. You all have your group numbers (1-5), right? Good. I want
you all WHEN I SAY GO to meet with your number groups. From there, I am going to
give each of you a different color marker. Working with your group mates, you are going
to underline, circle, whatever each part of speech in this list of sentences I will be
handing out to you (hold up papers so class can see). The person I give the RED
marker to will be finding the subject. The person I give the BLUE marker to will be
finding the predicate / verb. Whoever has the GREEN marker will be finding the direct
object. THe person with the YELLOW marker will be finding the indirect object. I will be
circling around to answer any questions you may have. This should not take too long to
do, but take as much time as you need. Are there any questions?”

Three strategies:
1. Learning Styles - I know that sitting in a desk for six hours a day is a lot to ask of
students. Because of this, and because some of my students may be kinesthetic
learners, I have incorporated movement, whether it be to the board and back or
to their number groups. It is my hope that this movement helps students learn
better and make an effort because they will be getting up and writing their
examples on the board.
2. Index cards - Whether these be online such as the ones we completed or
physical, these index cards are a great way for students to retain and chunk
information and new terms into 8X10 cards. I aim to also chunk the information
out so that it is easy to transcribe onto an index card. An example of this is the
noun tree, which is a drawing that all students can replicate.
3. Exit ticket - This is a strategy that I see myself using frequently in my future
classroom. I have noticed that when teachers assign application and practice
work without collecting it to check, students will not try as hard or do the required
assignment. By collecting these for completion, I can both see that students
understood what was taught and see that they are actually doing the assignment.

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