Public Relations Plan Overview

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Public Relations Plan Overview

The [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] staff will develop and implement a comprehensive
public relations plan and timeline that fits the budget, targets the desired markets and promotes
the [YOUR ORGANIZATION PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. The objectives of our promotional
efforts will be to:

 Increase awareness of available services

 Increase donations
 Position [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] as a positive, vital force in the community
 Establish viable working partnerships with business and industry [or other group(s)]
 Increase positive recognition, enthusiasm and support for [YOUR ORGANIZATION
NAME] as a leader in delivery of quality [list services].

This strong, working public relations plan will include:

 Identifying and targeting existing markets

 Identifying and targeting partnership opportunities for business and industry [or other
 Identifying reasonable timelines to achieve the desired goals
 Developing appropriate tools to effectively communicate the desired message or
messages to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] target markets as follows:

Internal Markets
2. Board members
3. Staff
4. Advisors/committees
5. Vendors
6. Alumni
7. Volunteers
8. Additional internal audiences identified by your organization

External Markets, Current and Potential

1. General population markets including the following current and potential markets in
o Families and individuals seeking assistance from your organization
o Women
o Men
o Elderly
o Adolescents
o Children
o Donors
2. Business and economic community including
o Employers
o Referral agencies and social support organizations
3. Community service leaders and organizations
4. Political markets including legislators, mayor and civic officials
5. Neighbors - businesses, homes in the immediate geographic location
6. News media

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Increase enrollment, heighten public awareness and enlist active moral and financial support for
[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] as a [list type of resource] for the [give community name].

Utilize proven communications tools to effectively reach the target audiences.

Tactics: Staff Recognition

Recognize and reinforce staff recognition of the important role each member plays in the public

 Invite staff participation in public relations activities

 Provide a paging system to provide immediate assistance
 Promote staff via news releases, email and web features, news pictures, radio/television
appearances and interview opportunities as appropriate
 Assist staff in obtaining speaking opportunities
 Assist staff in preparing for appearances at expos, trade shows, fairs, parades, etc.
 Promote image of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] by publicizing success stories of volunteers and
staff through monthly awards in publications/ press/email
 Develop and present award certificates and prizes to client, volunteer and staff winners.
 Publicize awards through appropriate media including "hometown" news items.

Open House
Enhance visibility and image through annual public open house. Establish committee. Write and
supervise production of appropriate materials. Design interactive activities/entertainment for
guests. Prepare budget. Coordinate invitations and events. Publicize event. (click here for event
Special Event
Identify and coordinate participation opportunities for [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] in
community and charitable events.

Performance Measures
Increased awareness and heightened support and enthusiasm for [YOUR ORGANIZATION

Research, write, design and supervise production of publications developed to reach each of the
target audiences with the appropriate message as well as continue to develop and maintain
[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] mail and email lists of contacts, prospective contacts,
business and industry leaders, internal audiences and media.

Publications Examples

Research, write, produce and distribute by in house mail, regular mail and/or email, a quarterly
newsletter to business and civic, community, lawmakers, local, regional and state political
leaders, advisory committees, friends, staff, board members,, administration. Focus is on
contribution of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] to the educational, economic and social
welfare of the community and include features on organizational success stories, programs and
courses designed to help others, articles which position your organization as a significant
contributing force to the economy and as a partner with business and government in overall
contribution to the community.

Legislative Update
Research, design, write and distribute (mail or hand carry) Legislative Update describing your
organization and its programs to lawmakers, staff and board members.

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Descriptive Brochures

Research, design, write and produce brochures giving information on specific programs available
through your organization. Distribute brochures to target publics including business and industry,
current and prospective donors, volunteers and clients` through mailed requests as well as
through various public and private entities.

Design and produce fliers as needed for programs. Distribute via mail, email and through
advisory committees, temporary agencies, chambers of commerce, boards of Realtors, etc.

Promotional Materials

Research, write, design and produce appropriate promotional materials as needed, including
invitations, hand-outs, letters, etc.

Work with staff members on development and delivery of appropriate printed materials packages
as needed for direct mail and/or personal contact.

Video and Website Materials

In the ongoing effort to more effectively reach the audience targets with information about
[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME], explore opportunities for Internet access, including
development of a [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] website and publicize website access

Appearances, Tours and Display Opportunities

In order to establish and maintain a high visibility image in the community, it is important to
identify opportunities for personal visits and appearances to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]
projected by the target publics. In order to take advantage of these opportunities we will:

 Research, design, organize, update and maintain trade show display booth
 Identify appropriate trade show opportunities at school/business/educational/community trade
shows/expos on year-round basis
 Schedule and arrange for booth setup at trade shows, career fairs, schools, etc.

 Develop materials and incentives to draw customers to trade show booth

 Recruit staff volunteers to assist with display staffing
 Train staff on booth set up, to include obtaining contacts for follow-up and evaluation
 Develop materials and incentives to draw customers to trade show booths
 Make speeches as required
 Write speeches as required

Increase and maintain visibility with general public by appearance in community parades.
Supervise making application, obtaining insurance forms, help coordinate recruiting volunteers
to appear, write description for announcer, publicize participation.
Additional promotional ideas

(click here for 101 Promotional Ideas)

 Award/recognition banquets
 Award/recognition/networking breakfasts
 Award/recognition/networking luncheons/business after hours
 Make buttons promoting events
 Provide certificates of recognition
 Join chambers of commerce
 Join service clubs
 Obtain a proclamation from the mayor/governor promoting your special day/month
 Write a newspaper column about your services

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Assisting Staff in Promoting Goodwill for the Organization

Increase visibility, enlist active support for [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] as a valuable
community resource.

Recognize the importance of the public relations role of each staff member in promoting the

Assist staff as follows:

 Provide information sources to staff

 Hold seminar on marketing for staff
 Invite staff participation in public relations activities
 Obtain free publicity on staff accomplishments via news releases, news pictures, radio/television
appearances and interview opportunities
 Assist staff in appearances at expos, trade shows, fairs, parades, etc.
 Hold regular promotional brainstorming sessions with staff
 Encourage staff to engage in community service activities

Performance Measures:
Increased enrollment and heightened support and enthusiasm for [YOUR ORGANIZATION

Generating Strong Business Community Ties

Provide appropriate tools for identifying and targeting business and industry partners.

Establish and maintain updated working file of decision makers in the business community.

Network with:

1. Chambers of commerce including the Business Chambers, Hispanic Chamber, Women's

Chamber, Asian Chamber, Black Chamber, Indian Chamber
2. Community business organizations
3. Personal business contacts
4. Civic organizations

Suggest ways for members of staff to personally network with business.

Develop and deliver appropriate sales tools and promotions packages as needed for direct mail
and/or personal contact with audiences above.

Work with chambers of commerce to provide businesses with information organization services.

Provide appropriate exposure of partnerships, appearances and speaking opportunities generated

by network participation through the news media.

Performance Measures:
Strengthen current and develop new business relationships, raising awareness, bringing new
revenue potential, increasing volunteer base and positioning organization as a leader [list

Strengthening and Devloping Political Relationships

Increase funding and support of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME].

Work to increase awareness of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME], its role and contribution to
the community with business and industry, referral agencies and political entities.

Continue to develop materials to inform boards, lawmakers and other political entities of [YOUR
ORGANIZATION NAME] products/services.

Prepare quarterly impact materials to update boards, lawmakers and others on [YOUR

Designate and work with staff political liaison/lobbyist to communicate needs to boards,
lawmakers and others with periodic visits to ensure continued funding.

Work with political liaison/lobbyist to cultivate legislative, school board and other political
relationships by inviting key representative to tour physical plant, visit with clients and inform
them of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] products/services.

Work with staff to identify specific organizational needs and encourage business to make
equipment and/or financial donations to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME].

Build and maintain alumni/donor lists.

Keep lawmakers informed about [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] and its successful track

Schedule, coordinate and attend annual coffee for lawmakers at the capitol, producing and
distributing invitations and newsletter for legislators.

Performance Measures:
Increased funds translating to continuation of programs, better equipment and service to the
community and business.

News Media Relations

Increase enrollment, heighten public awareness and support of [YOUR ORGANIZATION
NAME] as a valuable educational and training resource.

Name a staff member to act as mass media contact for [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME],
working with newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, cable outlets on a year-round basis to develop
good press relations as follows:


 Write and supervise distribution of press kits and news releases

 Book interviews and appearances
 Feed stories and ideas for live coverage
 Do taped interviews
 Line up taped interviews
 Develop ideas and book guests for live broadcasts
 Provide materials for station website


 Write and supervise distribution of news kits and news releases

 Book appearances
 Work with special projects editors on ideas for special features
 Feed stories and ideas for live coverage
 Provide materials for station website
 Provide information for taped coverage
 Provide information and incentive ideas for live coverage and coordinate with crews
 Work with special projects editors on ideas for documentaries

 Provide copy and information for Cable TV and public access channels
 Write and supervise distribution of press kits and news releases
 Feed ideas to business editors
 Feed ideas to entertainment editors
 Contact picture desks on photo opportunities
 Feed stories and ideas for live coverage
 Provide materials for publication website

Performance Measures:

Increased awareness and exposure resulting in increased support and enrollment.

Increase enrollment and awareness of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] among target publics.
Develop appropriate advertising budgets and materials, research opportunities and place ads in
media which fit the target markets as required for [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME].

 Budget and place buys for TV, radio, Internet and print advertisements
 Script, film, supervise production of video advertisements
 Create and produce print advertisements
 Script and distribute broadcast PSAs as required
 Budget and place telephone directory advertising
 Buy and design billboards/busboards

Performance Measures: 
Increased exposure to target audiences resulting in increased awareness and assistance.

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