2020 Épilepsie, Psy Et Neuro Inflammation

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Epilepsy & Behavior 117 (2021) 107869

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Behavioral comorbidities of epilepsy and neuroinflammation: Evidence

from experimental and clinical studies
Elena M. Suleymanova
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS, 117485 Butlerova 5A, Moscow, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Currently, a significant amount of data is accumulated showing that neuroinflammation is one of the key
Received 13 January 2021 processes in the development of brain pathology in trauma, neurodegenerative diseases, and epilepsy.
Revised 14 February 2021 Various brain insults, such as prolonged seizure activity, trigger the activation of microglia and astrocytes
Accepted 14 February 2021
in the brain. These cells, in turn, begin to synthesize pro-inflammatory cytokines. The inflammatory
response to the insult causes a cascade of processes leading to a wide range of pathological effects,
including changes in neuronal excitability, long-term plastic changes, astrocyte dysfunction, impaired
blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability, and neurodegeneration. These effects may ultimately contribute
to the development of chronic spontaneous seizures. On the other hand, neuroinflammation contributes
Neuropsychiatric disorders to the pathogenesis of a number of neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, neuroinflammation can be a
Neuroinflammation link between epilepsy and its comorbidities, such as mood and anxiety disorders and memory impair-
ment. The mechanisms behind these behavioral and cognitive impairments remain not fully understood.
In this paper, clinical evidence of an important role of neuroinflammation in epilepsy and potentially
comorbid neurological disorders is reviewed, as well as possible mechanisms of its involvement in the
pathogenesis of these conditions obtained from experimental data.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of a wide range

of neurological conditions including anxiety and depression, psy-
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, chiatric disorders, and cognitive impairments [6–9].
which affects large populations of people across the world. Even In this paper, clinical evidence of the involvement of neuroin-
though new epilepsy treatments are constantly developed and flammation in epilepsy and potentially comorbid neurological dis-
improved with time, the problem of a decrease in the quality of life orders and experimental data on possible mechanisms of its
still remains relevant. Mood and anxiety disorders, as well as other involvement in the pathogenesis of these conditions are reviewed.
neuropsychiatric conditions, are common comorbidities of epi-
lepsy and even further worsen the condition of patients with epi-
lepsy, reduce the quality of life, and can interfere with treatment 2. Epilepsy and neuropsychiatric comorbidities
compliance [1–3]. Since behavioral comorbidities can seriously
affect the prognosis of a patient with epilepsy, investigation into Comorbid depression in patients with epilepsy was reported for
possible mechanisms of these disorders and search for the new over decades. Depressive disorders are the most common neu-
therapeutic targets draw significant attention. Moreover, the possi- ropsychiatric comorbidities in patients with epilepsy [10]. It is gen-
ble common mechanisms underlying epilepsy and its comorbidi- erally accepted that the risk of depression in patients with epilepsy
ties can be of great interest from the fundamental research point is much higher than in general population: studies report up to 80%
of view, because understanding these mechanisms would provide of patients with epilepsy with subjective feeling of depression [10],
more insights into how the brain functions in the state of altered and in various populations, depression is reported in 20%–40% of
excitability associated with epilepsy. It is known that inflammation cases and up to 77.5% in patients with pharmacoresistant temporal
is involved in the mechanisms underlying increased excitability lobe epilepsy (TLE) [11–13]. Depression also seems to be more
and epileptogenesis [4,5]. On the other hand, neuroinflammation prevalent in epilepsy compared to other chronic conditions [11].
Another common comorbidity in epilepsy is anxiety, which is
the second most prevalent comorbid disorder after depression
E-mail address: suleymanova.em@ihna.ru [12]. Anxiety significantly worsens the quality of life of patients

1525-5050/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
E.M. Suleymanova Epilepsy & Behavior 117 (2021) 107869

with epilepsy as well; furthermore, mixed depression/anxiety dis- icantly decline in comparison with the levels before surgery
orders aggravate the drop in the quality of life of these patients [19,31].
even more [2]. Therefore, there is a large body of evidence showing that
Patients with epilepsy are also known to carry higher risks of inflammatory processes take place in the epileptic brain and are
other types of neuropsychiatric disorders such as personality disor- directly associated with seizures.
ders, interictal dysphoric syndrome, and psychosis [14]. These dis- Studies on experimental models provide more insights into how
orders are less frequent than mood disorders and anxiety: the neuroinflammation is involved in pathologic processes taking
overall prevalence is 6%, and the prevalence in patients with TLE place in the epileptic brain. Animal experiments allow more
is 7% [15]. detailed research of the central immune response to seizure in
In addition, patients with epilepsy often show a persistent absence of many factors such as treatment with antiepileptic
decrease in cognitive function, including memory, attention, and drugs, so the results of multiple studies provided a large body of
language deficits [9,16,17]. data about time course and mechanisms of neuroinflammatory
response to epileptic activity [4]. Various experimental brain
insults result in an increase in levels and gene expression of pro-
inflammatory cytokines and their receptors. For example,
3. Inflammation in epilepsy enhanced gene expression and elevated levels of cytokines were
found in the brain in the experimental status epilepticus [33,34].
An increase in serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in Early and lasting upregulation of IL-1R1 receptors that mediate
patients with epilepsy is well established [18,19]. Blood serum the IL-1 effect on neuronal excitability occurs in neurons shortly
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of cytokines are reported to after the induction of status epilepticus; in astrocytes it is transient
be increased in patients with epilepsy both postictally [20] and and detected in a few hours after seizures [35,36].
interictally [21]. The levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1b),
interleukin-6 (IL-6), interferon gamma (IFN-c), and interleukin
17A (IL-17A) are elevated in patients with epilepsy; and the postic- 4. Inflammation in psychiatric disorders
tal CSF level of IL-17A is higher in comparison with its interictal
level [22]. In patients with TLE, CSF and plasma concentrations of At present, more and more evidence of the involvement of
IL-6 are increased postictally in comparison with baseline levels, inflammatory pathways in the development of various neuropsy-
while the IL-1b level does not significantly change [23,24]. In CSF chiatric diseases is accumulated. Conditions associated with
and serum of patients with different types of seizures, IL-6 levels inflammatory response, such as stroke, tumors, and brain trauma
increase postictally, and moreover, IL-6 levels correlate with sever- are long known to induce symptoms overlapping with neuropsy-
ity of seizures. The IL-6 level dramatically increases after recurrent chiatric disorders, and more recently, neuroinflammatory abnor-
generalized tonic–clonic seizures; and after single tonic–clonic or malities were discovered in patients with neuropsychiatric
prolonged partial seizures, it increases to a lesser extent [25]. Inter- disorders [8]. Interestingly, medical conditions associated with
ictal levels of cytokines are reported to be similar in temporal and chronic inflammatory and immunological abnormalities, including
extratemporal lobe epilepsy [21,26]. At the same time, a study on a diabetes, malignancies, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclero-
cohort of over 1200 patients with epilepsy has shown that interic- sis, are the risk factors for depression and bipolar disorder [8,37].
tal levels of interleukins IL-6, IL-8, IL-17a, and the interleukin-1 For example, elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines correlate
receptor antagonist IL-1Ra depend on the severity of seizures: IL- with self-assessed levels of anxiety and depression in patients with
6 is the most ‘‘universal” and correlates with all studied severity type 2 diabetes [38]. Overexpression of pro-inflammatory cytoki-
scaling systems in temporal, extratemporal, and idiopatic types nes, such as IL-6, is found in patients with obesity; and obesity
of epilepsy, IL-1Ra is a biomarker of seizure severity in temporal has a strong association with depression [39,40]. Therefore, inflam-
and extratemporal epilepsy, and IL-8 and IL-17a correlate with sei- mation clearly links neuropsychiatric and metabolic conditions.
zure frequency in all types of epilepsy [26]. While inflammation-associated disorders increase the risk of
The studies of cytokine expression in surgically removed human psychiatric disorders, these neurological conditions, in turn, are
epileptic tissue show upregulation of multiple genes related to associated with peripheral and central inflammation. There are
neuroinflammation [27–29]. The comparison of IL-6 and IL-1b pro- multiple reports of increased serum levels of inflammatory cytoki-
tein levels in the neocortex of patients with TLE with postmortem nes, such as IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF-a, in patients with depressive dis-
controls with no preexisting neurological conditions shows a sig- order [41–44]. Increased cytokine levels can be reversed by
nificant increase in these proteins levels in the patients with epi- antidepressant treatment [43].
lepsy [30]. The increased levels of cytokines in resected brain Cytokine levels can have a predictive value for the severity of
tissues of patients with TLE are region-specific: the highest levels the condition and response to treatment. In adolescents, plasma
of IL-6, IL-1b, and macrophage inflammatory protein 1a (MIP-1a) levels of cytokines IL-6 and IFN-c positively correlate with self-
are found in the temporal cortex; the highest levels of IL-17A, IL- assessed symptoms of anxiety and depression [45]. Studies of cyto-
2, and IL-4 are detected in the hippocampus [31]. kine levels in the CSF of patients with depression have shown ele-
In the resected olfactory bulbs of patients with chronic intract- vated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1b, IL-6 and TNFa
able frontal lobe epilepsy, who underwent surgical removal of the [46]; moreover, the increased level of IL-6 is associated with a
orbito-frontal area, a significant increase in gene expression of pro- higher risk of suicide attempts [47]. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of
inflammatory cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor a pro-inflammatory cytokines correlate with the severity of clinical
TNFa) is found, i.e., an increase in expression of genes involved manifestations of depression [48]. Increased levels of TNF-a, IL-6,
in inflammation can also be observed in structures not directly and IL-1b in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder
involved in epileptic process, which could probably contribute to or anxiety disorders can predict the lack of response to treatment
cognitive and olfactory dysfunction among patients with intract- with fluoxetine [49,50].
able epilepsy [32]. Therefore, there is a large body of clinical data providing evi-
It is interesting that in patients with intractable TLE who under- dence of the involvement of inflammation in the pathogenesis of
went surgery and became seizure free, the plasma levels of pro- psychiatric disorders. This link between inflammation and
inflammatory cytokines IL-1b and IL-6, TNFa, CCL3/MIP-1a signif- psychiatric disorders is bidirectional: elevated expression of
E.M. Suleymanova Epilepsy & Behavior 117 (2021) 107869

pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with various conditions ticity, and regulate the local blood flow and the brain–blood barrier
and metabolic syndromes increases the risk of the development (BBB) function [62]. The increased excitation of neurons in the
of neuropsychiatric conditions. epileptic brain induces the activation of microglia and astrocytes,
In patients, it is usually difficult to distinguish the endogenous which in turn synthesize inflammatory cytokines [62–64]. The
mood disorders and the result of stress from chronic pain, disabil- activation of astrocytes and microglia was reported in both human
ity, and social stigma. For example, in patients with juvenile idio- and experimental TLE [65–67]. Astrocytes in the epileptic brain
pathic arthritis, anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated undergo both morphological and functional alterations [64], and
with pain and disability, but not with the peripheral levels of the disruption of astrocytic function is possibly one of the patho-
pro-inflammatory cytokines [51]. The mechanisms underlying logic mechanisms underlying changes in the neuronal activity
the role of neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of these disor- and promoting epileptogenesis [68]. Reactive astrocytes in the
ders are still unclear and require further clinical and experimental epileptic brain play a role in the change of neuronal excitability
studies. via various mechanisms including the impaired regulation of
extracellular K+ concentrations and glutamate reuptake [62].
Microglia, the resident immune cells in the brain, are very sensitive
5. Neuroinflammation in the epileptic brain
to the brain damage and disease, including such pathologic pro-
cesses as epileptic activity, and rapidly acquires the so-called acti-
How does neuroinflammation develop in the epileptic brain?
vated state [69]. Activated microglial cells can affect neuronal
Many recent findings suggest that nervous and immune systems
excitability via an increase in Na+ current density [70]. Activated
are not autonomous, but mutually affect each other [52]. Neuroin-
microglia give the critical input into the neuroinflammatory
flammatory mediators take part in various signaling pathways and
response to brain insults by rapidly secreting a wide range of
can have a significant neuromodulatory effect. The activation of
pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Microglia are acti-
cytokine receptors in neurons rapidly alters their excitability via
vated earlier than astrocytes, and in turn, induce astrocyte activa-
modifications of ion channels, presynaptic changes in neurotrans-
tion [71]. In vitro studies of the effect of the endotoxin
mission, and activation of many signaling pathways. Proinflama-
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration showed that neuroinflam-
tory mediators also can modulate neuronal excitability via
mation in the neuron/astrocyte/microglial cortical network modu-
mediating inflammation-related interactions between glia and
lated neuronal activity inducing prolonged bursting ‘‘seizure-like”
neurons that play a role in reducing the seizure threshold [52].
activity [72].
For example, IL-1b can induce phosphorylation of the NR2B sub-
unit of the NMDA receptor thus facilitating NMDA-mediated Ca2
5.3. Blood–brain barrier dysfunction
+ influx into neurons [53].

Epileptic activity, especially during prolonged severe seizures

5.1. The role of cell death such as status epilepticus (SE), causes at least transient disruption
of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). This was shown both in patients
Experimental data from rodent models show that seizures can with TLE and experimental models [73–76]. The BBB damage
induce high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain occurs almost immediately after the onset of SE and is observed
regions involved in the generation and propagation of epileptic to some extent during the chronic period after SE. The use of con-
activity [36]. Focal seizures induced by kainic acid activate micro- trast agents or serum albumin as a marker showed that BBB break-
glial cells and induce an increase in the IL-1b level 24 hours after down can be detected minutes after the onset of seizures [77].
seizures [54]. In the lithium-pilocarpine model of status epilepti- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the rat brain after
cus, an increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression SE show that BBB leakage is observed as early as 2 h after the onset
occurs in the regions that are most prone to neurodegeneration: of seizures and is still present 6 weeks after SE [78,79].
IL1-b, NF-jB, and cyclooxygenase-2 expression is found in degen- Blood–brain barrier leakage and disruption of neurovascular
erating neurons during status epilepticus; however, it is absent in interactions lead to neuronal hypersynchronization and epilepti-
the latent period despite continuing neurodegeration [55]. Severe form activity caused by serum albumin uptake by astrocytes and
seizures during status epilepticus are known to induce massive cell subsequent downregulation of inward-rectifying potassium (Kir
death via necrosis [56], which is accompanied by a dramatic 4.1) channels in astrocytes, which results in reduced buffering
change in ion balance in the tissue; but in addition severe seizures and accumulation of extracellular potassium [80]. As a result of
induce neuroinflammation with rapid increase in the level of pro- the initial BBB damage, a positive feedback loop is formed: epilep-
tein and gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines [36]. Neu- tic activity induces barrier leakage leading to more seizures,
roinflammation triggered by the initial impact may lead to further thereby promoting epilepsy progression [81]. Neuroinflammation
neurodegeneration, which is known to progress during a long time is one of the mechanisms contributing to the formation of this pos-
after the initial damage [57,58]. It is interesting though that neu- itive feedback loop. The BBB disruption leads to infiltration of
roinflammation apparently can lead to increased excitability and immune cells from systemic blood flow to the cerebral tissues.
cause epileptogenesis even in the absence of prominent neuronal However, the migration of blood leucocytes to the brain parench-
death [59]. At the same time, neuroinflammation is clearly yma is reported to be insignificant and does not correlate with
involved in the neuronal death. Pro-inflammatory IL-1b is known acute and chronic seizures [82]. At the same time, monocyte infil-
to be involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury in vari- tration, activation of microglia and perivascular macrophages are
ous degenerative diseases presumably via regulation of glutamate increased in the hippocampus of both patients with TLE and rats
release and NMDA receptors activation resulting in enhancement with post-SE spontaneous seizures, and the number of activated
of NMDA-mediated [Ca2+]i current [53,60,61]. perivascular macrophages positively correlates with the BBB
breakdown [77].
5.2. The role of glia activation Therefore, the growing body of data shows that seizures induce
a complex of pathologic events including the rapid activation of
Neuron-glia interactions are complicated and underlie normal microglia and subsequent activation of astrocytes, the release of
functioning of the nervous system. Glial cells regulate water and a wide range of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which alter neuronal
ion balance, modulate neurotransmitter release and synaptic plas- excitability directly via neuronal receptors and indirectly via
E.M. Suleymanova Epilepsy & Behavior 117 (2021) 107869

changes in water and ion balance and neurotransmitter release. mission in the basolateral amygdala, and this effect can be reversed
Neuronal death and BBB damage, on the one hand, are caused by by fluoxetine [100].
epileptic activity, and on the other hand, lead to its further propa-
gation via activation of neuroinflammatory processes. In their turn,
7. Conclusion
released pro-inflammatory cytokines can further affect BBB perme-
ability by activating receptors on astrocytes and endothelial cells
To summarize, a lot of data show that neuroinflammation
[83] and also enhance the microglial activation, which also can
accompanies various kinds of brain disorders including epilepsy
have an effect on epileptogenesis not just via immune response
and behavioral and mood disorders. It is well established that neu-
and cytokine release but also via nonimmune mechanisms: there
robehavioral disorders appear in patients with epilepsy much more
is evidence that elevated mTOR signaling in microglia and micro-
often than in general population, and depressive-like and anxious
glial activation without any substantial pro-inflammatory cytokine
behavior is common in animal models of chronic epilepsy. The
release is sufficient for epileptogenesis [84].
mechanisms underlying these comorbidities are yet to be under-
stood. In the brain pathology, an initial insult triggers a cascade
of various processes that can mutually enhance each other and, if
processes maintaining the homeostasis fail, lead to the develop-
6. Neuroinflammation and behavior
ment of a novel functional state of the brain with increased
excitability. At present, accumulated data suggest that neuroin-
It is well established that systemic inflammation induced by
flammation plays one of the central roles in the development
injection of LPS or other pro-inflammatory agents causes anxious
and maintaining of this state. Neuroinflammation is also clearly
and depressive-like behavior in rodents [85,86]. A systemic
involved in the pathogenesis of neurobehavioral disorders and
increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory factors, such as IL-1b
could be a link between these conditions and altered excitability
and TNF-a cytokines, induces behavioral impairments (‘‘sickness
in the epileptic brain.
behavior”) including decreased motor activity, decreased food
and water intake, social withdrawal, impaired sleep, and cognitive
behavior [8,87]. Administration of LPS also induces a decrease in Conflict of interest
cognitive function in rodents [88,89].
Depression models in rodents are associated with an increase in I have no conflict of interest to declare.
pro-inflammatory cytokine levels [90]. Forced swimming induces
an increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1b, IL-
Declaration of interests
6, and markers of microglia activation in rodents with stress-
induced anhedonia [91]. Stress in a learned helplessness paradigm
leads to activation of microglia in rats, which can be suppressed by
the administration of antidepressants [92]. On the other hand, ani-
mal models of conditions associated with inflammation are charac- Acknowledgements
terized by depressive-like behavior. It is known that ‘‘sickness
behavior” induced by systemic inflammation is reversible, but after This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
it is resolved, the depressive-like behavior remains [87]. Repeated Research, project no. 20-015-00468.
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