Ubd 1

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Stage 1 - Desired Results

Established Goals: (Content TLAC Techniques (Circle all that apply):

Standards/Competencies/Work Habits) Manage - Threshold, 100%, Double Plan

Seventh Grade Standard 4. Civics Engage - Begin with the End, No Apologies,
Analyze the civic similarities and differences of within At Bats, No Opt Out, TOD, Do Now
Governmental Systems in the eastern Hemisphere
Teach - At Bats, No Opt Out, Ticket Out the
Door, Do Now
Work Habits:
Collaboration, Compare/Contrast, Research Techniques,
QUestioning, Making Connections,

Understandings/Real World Applications: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that....

- Governments control differently
- Different governments give more How do Governments vary across the
or less control to the citizens world in power, law making, and
- Rulers can gain power in different structure?
- Governments and Economies are
- Economies allow different
freedoms to citizens

Key Vocabulary:

Citizen, Vote, Governments, Power, Laws, Rulers, Democracy, Republic, Monarchy,

Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Theocracy, Autocracy, Economy, Market, Supply and
Demand, Command Markets, Capitalism, Citizens

Students will know... Students will be able to...

What a government is - List the characteristics of a government
- Define the role a government plays in our everyday lives
- Assess the government of the United States
- Summarize the US government system

The Types of Governments seen - List the different types of Governments

around the world... - Define the government type
- Investigate the types of rulers in the governments
- Analyze a government’s power structure within a

How to research a government - Identify a country of their choosing

and identify its structure.... - Classify the type of government found there
- Assess role of the ruler in that country
- Analyze how they hold power in that country

The types of Economies around - List the types of Economies

the world and how they fit into - Summarize the different economies with a peer
Government systems.... - Draw Conclusions about how they work differently from
each other
- Connect how certain economies fit within Government

The amounts of rights given to - List how citizens of the United States have rights in their
citizens can look different government
between governments... - Explain how these are rights for all citizens
- Compare a country that has a different structure and
how they give rights to their citizens
- Apply Concepts to understand how these governments
rulers either are/are not responsible for the amount of
rights citizens have in that country
Stage 2 - Evidence of Learning
Performance Task: To create a presentation on the country you have researched
throughout the unit. They will assume the role of a reporter that is preparing a
slideshow to show to their peers. The slideshows must include the government of the
country, information about the ruler, the economic system they use, and how citizens
are able to participate in these systems. The slideshow must explain how their
country's government is similar or different to that seen in the United States. They are
trying to determine which government system or economic system they would prefer
to live under and utilize (exemplary).

Scoring Criteria Grasps

Emerging: Create a slideshow, but do not Goal: To compare government structures

present to class.
Role: Reporter for UN
Progressing: Create a slideshow and
create a video presenting your country to Audience: Peers at UN
the class.
Subject: Government/Economic
Meets Expectations: Create a slideshow Structures of a Country
and report on your country in front of
class. Then compare any similarities it has Product: A slideshow
with the government of the United States.
Scoring Criteria: See rubric
Exemplary: Create a slideshow and
report in front of class. Then compare and
contrast the similarities and differences of
the country’s government to that of the
United States. Explain the benefits or
drawbacks of your country's system.

Understanding Students will be able to... Evidence of Learning Collected

Different - List the different types - Do Now: Define government
governments of Governments - In Class: List the types of governments seen
give more or - Define the in video
less control to government type - In Class: Research/Explain how citizens
the citizens - Investigate the types work/fit within a government structure
of rulers in the covered
governments - In Class: Synthesize your findings from
- Analyze a above with a classmate doing a different
government’s power government
structure within a - TOD: Match how the governments and
government voting processes fit together (ie: vote for
representative/ no voting)

Governments - Identify a country of - Do Now: Find a country and name the

control their choosing government system they use
differently - Classify the type of - Assignment: Explain how the ruler of the
government found country gains their power
there - Assignment: Participate in class project
- Assess role of the listing the government type and ways
ruler in that country students found they elect/give power to the
- Analyze how they rulers
hold power in that - TOD: Display some level of knowledge
country about voting processes seen around the

Governments - List the types of - Do Now: Recite the economies and

and Economies Economies governments onto a paper
are connected - Summarize the - Assignment: Classify the different
different economies economies and how they fit within
with a peer government systems with a classmate
- Draw Conclusions - Assignment: engage with an in class quiz
about how they work about the economies and how they work
differently from each with governments
other - TOD: Write down things you learned about
- Connect how certain economic systems and how they play a role
economies fit within in our everyday lives as a citizen of a
Government systems country?
Different - List how citizens of - Do Now: Identify what “rights” may mean
governments the United States for citizens of a country
give more or have rights in their - Assignment: Summarize how the United
less control to government States allows its citizens access to
the citizens/ - Explain how citizens government, like voting.
Economies of the US access their - In Class: Work with a classmate that is using
allow different government a different country from the previous
freedoms to - Compare a country research. Explain the rights citizens in your
citizens that has a different country have to your partner. Take notes
structure and how while listening to their country.
they give rights to - TOD: Create a paragraph comparing the
their citizens country you chose and your partners. Look
- Apply Concepts to at how they allow citizens to vote, how rulers
understand how are elected, and how laws are passed.
these governments
rulers either are/are
not responsible for
the amount of rights
citizens have in that

Rulers gain - Define the role of the - Do Now: Identify the structure of the United
powers in President of the States government.
different ways. United States, - In Class: Explain how these officials in the US
Congressmen, and are elected or given their positions
Supreme court - Kahoot: Matching the officials and their
officials. election processes, Also overs length of term
- Classify how each of served.
these different - Assignment: Research how their country
officials are elected. from the previous project elects their officials
- Cite Evidence or how they gain power.
showing how their - Collaboration: working to show how
country of research different governments may elect their
elects officials. officials in different ways, term limits, or
- Analyze and votes.
Connect how their - TOD: Write a paragraph explaining what you
country and a and your partner found between the 2
classmate's country counties you chose.
elect their officials.
Do they vote the
same/is the ruler the

Collaboration - Work with a partner - Work with a partner and stay on task
- Compare and - Assignment: Finishing the compare/contrast
Contrast their sheet with their partner’s country
countries with a - Assignment: Peer review in class on a
partner classmates report
- Help give feedback - TOD: Glows and Grows sheet for the
on a peers report students that presented in class (Video or In
- Listen attentively to front)
others reports in class
Discussion Questions

1) What do governments do?

2) How do they impact a person’s life?
3) What are the types of governments covered by the
4) Why is the United States a Demoratic Republic?
a)How do they vote?
b)Who gets to vote?
5) What is a dictatorship?
a)Name a country still like this today?
6) Are all rulers of a country elected?
a)How do they gain power otherwise?
b)Are term limits placed on every ruler?
7) How do different countries allow their citizens to access
the system?
a)Are all systems of government equal in this?
b)Explain and give examples.
8) What are the proper ways to conduct your research for
this project?
a)Remember the smart strategies we have discussed
in class and how can they be used?
9) How do economic systems fit with governments?
a)Open markets and democracy?
b)Command markets and Authoritarian
10) Compare and contrast your country with a
classmate. What are the similarities and differences of
the systems?

Stage 3: Daily Learning Plan

Learning Targets:
I can- Identify the 3 types of power governments have
I can- Identify the 5 types of government
I can- research and Identify a country's government structure

Do Now:
Question: How do governments play a role in the lives of people?

emerging progressing meets expectations exemplary

I can list the types I can list the I can write a few I can write a
of governments I government's I good sentences paragraph about
know of. know of. about the 2 different
government's I government types
I can define how know and how I know of and
these they differ. compare/contrast
governments the two systems.
work. (make sure to
include ruler type,
voting type)

Readiness Check (what am I looking for in the Do Now):

In this check I am introducing them to the topic of governments and their

structure. Through this question I am hoping to gain knowledge of their current
level of understanding they have on the topic. I am hoping to see them using
words like Democracy, Republic, Dictatorship, President and a few others
depending on the level they choose.

Real- World Application (what is the “WHY” of today):

It is important to understand the different types of government structures seen

around the globe. In understanding them, we are able to make connections
between our lives and create a larger picture of world politics. It also helps to
see how many are not given the same access to these processes that are
seen in the United States.

Key Vocabulary:
Government, Democracy, Democratic Republic, Monarchy,
Autocracy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Power, Laws, Voting

Ticket out the Door:

emerging progressing meets expectations exemplary

I can find a I can find a I can find a I can find a

country and their country and their country and their country and their
type of type of type of type of
government government government government
through research. through research through research. through research.
and list a few Then write these Then analyze the
I can insert photos aspects of this down in a good government type
of the flag and system. sentence. in 3-4 sentences.
current ruler into
the document. I can insert photos I can identify the I can identify
of the flag and name of their what year this
current ruler into current ruler and country joined the
the document. his title. United Nations.

I can insert I can identify the

photos of the flag name of their
and current ruler current ruler and
into the his title.
I can insert photos
of the flag and
current ruler into
the document.
What am I looking for in the TOD?
I am looking to see signs of their research processes used to find information
about their country. I am also looking for their knowledge on the governments at
the end of class. From here I will be able to see what either needs to be covered
again tomorrow or if it is ok to move on. I will also gauge each student

Stage 3: Daily Learning Plan

Threshold/ Do Now (5-7 minutes)
TASK Student Move Teacher Move Evidence Access Point Extension

Enter Come into Greet Seeing Coming Coming

Room the room everyone everyone into the into the
that comes room room with
in a positive
and an
open mind

In class Answer Interact with They will Listing the Compare/

question students as answer a governmen Contrast 2
on the they work question ts they governmen
slideshow and tell know ts you
what they know in a
know paragraph

Overvie Listen to Tell the plan Students Students Students

w teacher for the day listening to sitting in listen to
the plan desks and follow
along with

Mini- Lesson/ Workshop Time (10 minutes)

TASK Student Move Teacher Move Evidence Access Point Extension

Video Watch Help students Watching Watching Taking

video that may the video the video notes while
need help in class watching
with tech with the video

Question Answer the Help students Are the Listing the Naming
s questions along the students governmen the
way working on ts covered governmen
the in the ts and
assignment video describing
in google each one
classroom in a
and a real
example of

Check in Check with Check it was Looking at Showing Walking

teacher completed/ the work of me they me through
give the are done their ideas
feedback students

Student Work Time/ Teacher Conferencing (25 minutes)

TASK Student Move Teacher Move Evidence Access Point Extension

Research Find a Help students The country Student A student

country with smart they finds a finds a
they want strategies choose country country,
to research and interact and through analyzes
and begin in the progress research, their govt,
to. classroom. made in their flag, describes
report. and govt. the role of
type. the ruler,
and inserts
Collab Tell their Listen to A loud They are Can go
country groups as vibrant able to above and
and info they work room with discuss beyond by
gathered together, discussion what they helping
to a ensure they occurring have each other
partner stay on task in groups already refine their
found. reports.

Check In Call me Work with Telling me Telling me Explaining

over to every group what they about their their
check as they are discussed partners partner’s
ready with their country country
partners and how
each other
refine their

Ticket out the Door (3- 5 minutes)

TASK Student Move Teacher Move Evidence Access Point Extension

Show Have a Check The Finding a Finding a

complet slideshow students finished country country
ed work completed research on product and its and giving
to have their country they will govt. some
checked have on characteris
their Inserting tics of the
slideshow photos govt.


Based on the TOD- how am I modifying the next day’s plan?

Based on the progress made, this will determine if we are jumping into
economic systems and making connections to government systems. However,
if we are not able to move forward we will continue to look at governments by
engaging in an online game that I have created helping to further their use
with governments.

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