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22 GUIDED READING The Scientific Revolution

Section 1

A. Determining Main Ideas As you read about the revolution in scientific thinking,

take notes to answer the questions.

How did the following help pave the way for the Scientific Revolution?

1. The Renaissance

it encouraged a lot of modern day knowledge. and it also caused people to question old


2. Age of European Scientists took time to navigate around the world which led to exploration of astronomy and

exploration mathematics and found out it didnt match ancient beliefs.

What did each scientist discover about the universe?

3. Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the


4. Johannes Kepler

laws of planetary motion, and his books Astronomia nova

5. Galileo Galilei made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of

materials and to the development of the scienti c method.

6. Isaac Newton invented the calculus

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What important developments took place in the following areas?

7. Scientific instruments measuring physical quantities, used in labs

8. Medicine Hospitals

9. Chemistry used for scienti c labritories back then.

B. Determining Main Ideas On the back of this paper, explain how the scientific
method is based on the ideas of Francis Bacon and René Descartes.
In order to test their hypotheses, Bacon made a method where scientists set up experiments
to manipulate nature and attempt to prove their hypotheses wrong and had very good ideas
and knowledge to in fact produce the scienti c method.
Enlightenment and Revolution 25

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