Actividad para Cuarto Año.

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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del P.P.P. La Educacion

L.B”Dr.Juan Pablo Rojas Paul”
5º año seccion “A”


Profesor: estudiante:
Juan Isaac Espinoza

Marzo, 2020.
March, 24th 2020.
Teacher: Lcdo. Juan Romero.
English class.
Present perfect tense. (Presente perfecto).
Es un tiempo que usamos particularmente para hablar de una acción que comenzó en el
pasado pero continúa en el presente. Se forma con el auxiliar have o has, dependiendo del
sujeto de la oración, más el participio pasado de los verbos. El participio pasado de un
verbo son aquellos que en español tienen las terminaciones: ado, ido. Por ejemplo: hablado,

Estructura gramatical de la formación del tiempo:

Subject (sujeto) + Have/has + + Verb en participio pasado + complemento.
Have----haven´t (have not).
(I--You—We—They) + Sustantivos en plural.
Has--------hasn´t (has not).
(She—He—It) + Sustantivos en singular.
Cambios que debemos hacer al responder:
I------You. You------I. My------Your. Your------My. Me------You.

1) I have eaten fish whole day.
a) Yo he comido pescado durante el día.
b) Have I eaten fish whole day?
c) Yes, you have.
d) Yes, you have eaten fish whole day
e) No, you haven´t.
f) No, you haven´t eaten fish whole day.
2) They have watched TV during the night.
a) Ellos han visto televisión durante la noche.
b) Have they watched TV during the night?
c) Yes, they have.
d) Yes, they have watched TV during the night.
e) No, they haven´t.
f) No, they haven´t watched TV during the night.
3) She has spoken French in the trip.
a) Ella ha estado hablado francés en el viaje.
b) Has she spoken French in the trip?
c) Yes, she has.
d) Yes, she has spoken French in the trip.
e) No, she hasn´t.
f) No, she hasn´t spoken French in the trip.
4) These girls have looked at you for a long time.
a) Estas muchachas te han visto por un largo tiempo.
b) Have these girls looked at you for a long time?
c) Yes, They have.
Yes, they have looked at me for a long time.
d) No, they haven´t.
No, they haven´t looked at me for a long time.
5) That boy has worked at the supermarket.
a) Ese muchacho ha trabajado en el supermercado.
b) Has that boy worked at the supermarket?
c) Yes, he has.
d) Yes, he has worked at the supermarket.
e) No, he hasn´t.
f) No, he hasn´t worked at the supermarket.

Actividades para resolver.

Resolver según los ejemplos dados anteriormente:

1) I have looked at you for a long time.

a) Te he mirado por mucho tiempo
b) Have I looked at you for a long time?
c) Yes, you have
d) Yes, you have looked at you for a long time
e) No, you haven’t
f) No, you haven’t looked at you for a long time
2) You have done the exercises in class.
a) Has hecho los ejercision en clase
b) Have you done the exercises in class?
c) Yes, I have
d) Yes, I have done the exercises in class
e) No, I haven’t
f) No, I haven’t done the exercises in class
3) Those women have played piano during the party.
a) Esas mujeres han tocado el piano durante la fiesta
b) Have those women have played piano during the party?
c) yes, they have
d) Yes, they have played piano during the party
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t played piano during the party
3) The children have swum in the sea.
a) los niños han nadado en el mar
b) Have the children swum in the sea?
c) Yes, they have
d) Yes, they have swum in the sea
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t swum in the sea
4) This woman has looked for you all morning.
a) esta mujer te ha mirado a ti por toda la mañana
b) Has this woman has looked for you all morning?
c) Yes, she has
d) Yes, she has looked for you all morning
e) no, she hasn’t
f) No, she hasn’t looked for you all morning
5) We have sent him the letters.
a) Les hemos enviado las cartas
b) Have we sent him the letters?
c) Yes,
d) Yes,
e) No,
f) No,
6) Those boys have written your name on the blackboard
a) esos muchachos han escrito tu nombre en la pizarra
b) Have those boys written your name on the blackboard?
c) Yes, they have
d) Yes, they have boys written your name on the blackboard
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t boys written your name on the blackboard
7) They have given them the pencils to write on the notebook.
a) Les han dado los lapices para escribir en los cuadernos
b) Have they given them the pencils to write on the notebook?
c) Yes, they have
d) Yes, they have given them the pencils to write on the notebook
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t given them the pencils to write on the notebook
8) Peter has kissed her.
a) Peter la ha besado
b) Has Peter kissed her?
c) Yes, he has
d) Yes, he has kissed her
e) No, he hasn’t
f) No, he hasn’t kissed her
9) They have bought the books.
a) Ellos han comprado los libros
b) Have they bought the book?
c) Yes, they have
d) Yes, they have bought the books
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t bought the books
10) These girls have gone to work to Caracas.
a) Estas chicas se fueron a trabajar a Caracas
b) Have these girls gone to work to Caracas?
c) Yes, they have
d) Yes, they have girls gone to work Caracas
e) No, they haven’t
f) No, they haven’t girl’s gone work Caracas

Responda las siguientes preguntas personales:

1) Have you studied in Carúpano?

No, I haven’t studied in Carúpano
2) Where have you studied?
I have studied in Rio Caribe
3) Has Antony spoken English in class?
Yes, he has spoken English in class
4) What has Antony spoken in class?

5) Have you studied French at night?

No, I haven’t studied French at night

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