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Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma

Author(s): Michele Cantarella
Review by: Michele Cantarella
Source: Books Abroad, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Apr., 1933), p. 225
Published by: Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
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Accessed: 21-06-2016 18:59 UTC

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(For other boo\s in Italian, see "Head-Liners")

• Carlo Meucci. Casanova Finanziere: The biographer has stressed the tragic side
Avventure di denaro e d'amore. Milano. of Pirandello's life to the almost total exclusion
Mondadori. 1032. 25 lire. - The jolly Paduan of its brighter moments in order to prove that
student with Spanish blood in his veins was the philosophy of the great Italian writer is
destined to lead a varied and checkered career the fruit of his experience and that his char*
and leave a name for himself in history little acters, plots and dramatic situations, far from
to be envied. The literature concerning Casa' being cerebral and artificial have been drawn
nova's amorous adventures fills many volumes, from real life, not a few of them from the
but until the present work by Carlo Meucci author's own life.
the side of his life as financier has been little Nardelli, convinced that autobiography is
dwelt upon. Casanova dabbled in a dozen dif- an instinct in writers, ransacked Pirandello's
ferent professions, as abbot, preacher, ecclesi' works for passages to confirm the involuntary
astical secretary, lawyer's clerk, merchant, co- confidences and information which he had
median and magician gleaned. The effort to permit Pirandello's
the leads in Venice whence he escaped to works to illustrate his life causes the author
Paris determined to discover the magic powder to quote too much and too often. This, and
of "pirimpimpina.'' Fortune soon favored him, the comments in parentheses which occur at
and the impecunious adventurer became one least once on every page, jar the reader and
of the wealthy financiers of his time. At the distract him. On the whole, to those who do
end of three years, however, "l'aquila e diven* not expect depth or scholarly dimensions this
tata un'oca" . . .what else was to be expected volume will prove interesting for the informa'
of a Casanova! The story is wittily told, but tion which it imparts. - Michele Cantarella.
even Meucci peppers his pages with the shady Smith College.
side of the Venetian's life. - The Italian Liter*
• Arturo Cronia. Lazar K. Lazarevic.
dry Guide Service. Anacapri, Italy.
Roma. Istituto per l'Europa Orientale.
• Federico Vittore Nardelli. L'Uomo Se* (Piccola Biblioteca Slava, No. XVIII). 1932.
greto. Vita e Croci di Luigi Pirandello. 5 lire. - An excellent summary of the life and
Milano. Mondadori. 1932. 25 lire. - In a works of Lazar K. Lazarevic, one of the out'
comparatively short time Nardelli has given standing writers of Serbia in the middle of
us two biographies of the most outstanding the nineteenth century. To this is added a
Italian writers. The first, Gabriel, the Archan* very satisfactory evaluation of the significance
gel, written in collaboration with Arthur of this novelist's work. The volume speaks
Livingston, was published in the United well for the growing interest in Slavonic
States; the second, UUomo Segreto, has just studies in Italy. It is also almost the only study
appeared in Italian. These two subjects were made of this author in any other than a
not chosen at random but because of the
Slavonic language and as such it will be of
dramatic contrast offered by the public and value to all students of the cultural life of
private lives of these two great men. D'An* Serbia and the Serbs in the last century. -
nunzio, the prototype of the superman, whose Clarence A. Manning. Columbia University.
source of inspiration is love; and Pirandello,
the enigma, whose creative medium is suffer* • Mario Rapisardi. Raccolta di poesie scelte
ing. dai poemi e dalle liriche, con introduzione

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