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Quiet Backwater Shawl

А в Тихой Заводи
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А в Тихой Заводи
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Ирина Беларусова

This is a triangular shawl, knitted from the top down. There is a lace pattern on RS
only, on WS it is purled. The Central stitch is not shown on diagrams but you
should work it as K on RS and as P on WS.
The diagrams should be read from right to left before and after the central stitch.

Yarn: about 80-90 g (650 m) of Aade Lõng 8/1 (100% wool, 875 yards
(800 meters /100g).
Circular needles: US 2,5 – 3mm , US 4 – 3,5 mm (30ins)
Crochet hook 3,5 mm; 0,6 mm (for beads).
Beads size 6 TOHO 20 g.
Blocked size: ~ 200/100 cm (79/39 ins). It also depends on your choice of yarn as
well as the individual manner of knitting.

Quiet Backwater 2015 Olga Bochkareva

For personal use only. Free pattern.
How to work:
Cast on 5 stitches. Purl the return row stitches. Chart
Continue with Chart A 1-6 rows. BL BR
Сhart А

You have 13 stitches on the needle.

Knit the following row: row 1 of Chart BR – 5 stitches (the right border),
row 1 of Char C -1 stitch (this is the right part of the shawl), 1central stitch (CS),
row 1 of Char C - 1 stitch (this is the left part of the shawl),
row 1 of Chart BL – 5 stitches (the left border).
Repeat rows 1to 16 of Charts BR/BL until the end of the shawl.
Work Rows 1-32 of the Chart C.
Work Rows 17-32 of the Chart C 6 times (pink color indicates the repeat sts).
Work Rows 129-162 of the Chart C.

!!! The size of the shawl can be reduced or increased by reducing or adding replays rows 17-32 of the Chart C.

Cast of all sts very loosely as follows: K2, pass them on the left needle, knit 2 stitches together through the back loop, * K1, pass them on the left needle,
knit 2 stitches together through the back loop *, repeat from * to * until the end of the shawl.
Alternative cast-off manner: slip your shawl with a hook, as it is marked on the last Row of the Chart B and C.
Wet your shawl gently, then block.

Sorry for my English.

Enjoy yor Quiet Backwater Shawl!
Quiet Backwater 2015 Olga Bochkareva
For personal use only. Free pattern.
Chart С

Quiet Backwater 2015 Olga Bochkareva

For personal use only. Free pattern.

Quiet Backwater 2015 Olga Bochkareva

For personal use only. Free pattern.

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