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Ladies and gentlemen, dear fellow citizens.

before anything else I would love to

welcome you to this rather important gathering in which I as a presidency candidate will be
presenting an anti-corruption program that I’ve been working on for a while now and will be
adopting providing I am elected as president.

Before I start stating the strategies to fight corruption, we should first know why does
corruption exist in the first place and what are its effects on us as a society? As you all know,
this evil phenomenon comes in many forms such as bribery, nepotism, counterfeiting,
money laundering and so on.

Corruption usually occurs because of the lack of transparency, low administration

employees salaries and most importantly because of the lack of professional ethics and
regulations. And as dangerous as it sounds; its drawbacks are huge and it gets in the way of
every low and middle-income country and basically destroys it. It undermines development
goals, causes economic loss and inefficiency, poverty and inequality and no sight for
democracy, freedom or justice would be there.

My plan or may I say OUR plan includes you, in other words I will need your help.

First of all, I will form committees to keep track of public supplies and funds and
associations to keep everyone aware of where is the public money spent.

Furthermore, I’ll raise transparency and social awareness by making small events and
campaigns where everyone will be invited to make and design posters, banners and even do
small courses to teach and learn about this issue. I’d love you to start reporting corruption
cases in all its forms, it would help us expose and identify corrupt activities and people.
Without mentioning that I will be assigning rewards for everyone who will participate in
combating against corruption.

Moreover, I’ll make sure to well-pay civil employees and servants in addition of hiring
dedicated youth that believes in change and development.

Now I would like you all to listen to me carefully and consider what I’ll say. The fight
against this deadly plague isn’t only my business but yours as well, because you citizens of a
great country are the first victim, you are the first people to be in contact with the
bureaucratic practices, the first ones to receive and give bribes, I urge you all to say no to
this offense that threatens our stability. We will win this battle if and only if you join hands
not alone but with me. Together we will overcome this and lead our beautiful country to the
right way; to a better future where equality will prevail.
Why can’t we cancel our touching sense like we do with the others


Bonjours monsieur,

On nous a informé que vous vous etes en arret de travail pendant un

mois. Je voudrais donc savoir si vous allez bien..


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