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((Poemof Mulan" !!!.
A sigh, a sigh, and then again a sigh­ iii'
From Mulan was sitting at the door and 'Yeaving. ::,
One did not hear the sound of loom and shuttle, :::
Mulan: five versions of a classic One only heard her heave these heavy sighs.
When she was asked the object of her love,

Chinese legend with related texts When she was asked who occupied her thoughts,
She did not have a man she was in love with,

edited and translated by Shiamin There was no boy who occupied her thoughts.

Kwa and Wilt L. Idema

"Last night I saw che summons from the army, 0
The Khan is mobilizing all his troops. C

Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., .,


The list of summoned men comes in twelve copies:
Every copy lists my father's name!
My father has, alas, no grown-up son,
And I, Mulan, I have no adult brother. (D
I want to buy a saddle and a horse, tc
To take my father's place and join the army:' ::,

The eastern market: there she bought a horse; 0.
The western market: there she bought a saddle, 0
The southern market: there she bought a bridle; .,
The northern marker: there she bought a whip, 0
At dawn she said good-bye to her dear parents,
At night she rested by the Yellow River.
She did not hear her parent.s' voices, calling for their daughter,
She only heard the Yellow River's flowing water, always splashing, splashing.

At dawn she left the Yellow River's bank;

At night she rested on Black Mountain's top.
She did not hear her parents' voices, calling for their daughter,
She only heard the whinnying of Crimson Mountain's Hunnish horsemen,

1 The Chinese term lm,which we here translate as "Hunnish," generally refers to the no­
madic populations on China's traditional nothern border (in modern Inner Mongolia),

"Poemof MHlan" 3
2 Anonymous

Myriads of miles: she joined the chicleof battle, Her army buddies were all flabbergasted:
Crossing the mountain passes as if flying. "We marched together for these twelve long years
Winds from the north transmitted metal rattles,2 And absolutely had no clue char Mulan was a girl!"
A freezing light shone on her iron armor.
"The male hare wildly kicks its feet;
A hundred battles and the brass were dead;
The female hare has shifty eyes,
After ten years the bravest men returned.
But when a pair of hares runs side by side,
When they returned, they met the Son of Heaven, Who can distinguish whether I in fact am male or female?"
The Son of Heaven seated on his throne. 3
Their honorary rank went up twelve steps, Translated by Wilt L. Idema
And their rewards were counted in the millions.
The Khan asked Mulan what he might desire-
"L Mulan, do not care for an appointment here at court. 4
Give me your racer good for a thousand miles, 5
To take me bade again to my old hometown."

Hearing their daughter had arrived, her parents

Went out the city, welcoming her bad: home.
Hearing her elder sister had arrived, her sister
Put on her bright red outfit at the door.
Hearing his elder sister had arrived, her brother
Sharpened his knife that brightly flashed in front of pigs and sheep.

"Open the gate to my pavilion on the east,

Let me sit down in myold western room,
I w,ill take off the dress I wore in battle;
I w:illput on the skirt I used to wear."
Close to the window she did up her hair;
Facing the mirror she applied makeup.
She went outside and saw her army buddies-

The Chinese commentators here explain the "rattle" as a small iron three-legged pot, which
was used for cooking food at daytime and for bearing out the watches during nighttime.
The Son of Heaven ( the emperor/khan) is said in the original to be seated in the Hall of
Light, a ceremonial structure described in ancient books.
More precisely, an appointment as Secretarial Court Gentleman,
That is, a horse ( or, according to some editions, a camel) chat can run a thousand Chinese
miles in a single day ( the Chinese mile is roughly one third of an English mile).

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30 Xu Wei

I was ~--woman till I was seventeen,
Was a 'man for twelve more years.
Passed under thousands of glances,
Which of chem could tell cock from hen? Mu Lan Joins the Army (1903)1
Only now do I believe chat a distinction between male and female isn't told by
Who was it really occupied Black Mountain Top?
The girl Muian went to war for her pop.
Part I
The affairs of the world are all such a mess,
Muddling boy and girl is what this play does best.41 DraftingTroops

Translated by Shiamin Kwa MockingElderBrother

TakingLeaveefOne} Parents
SettingOutfar theBorder


ZHAO JING, performed by supporting Jing

MU I.ANS FATHER, performed by old sheng

MU LAN'S MOTHER, performed by old dan

MU LAN, performed by dan

MU LAMS YOUNGER SISTER, performed by additional dan

MU SHU, performed by little ch011

•J.lTheplayis followedin the earliestprinted editionbythe followingadditionalnotes: "When

lvfulantries out a weapon and changes clothes and shoes, she absolutely must do wonderful
kidcs and jumps.When eachpart of the stagework is done, then she willsing, othenviseit
will be a mess." The translation is based on A Ying, 1959, pp. 294-303.


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32 Ana1rymous M1tLanJoinstheArmy(1903), Part I 33

(ZhaoJing entersin militarydress,whippinghishorseand holdinga.flagof commarul) MU LAN: Daddy, don't worry! Cousin Bashi may be idly loafing about now
that he is still young, but I believe he is a real man full of enthusiasm and fer­
vor. As long as you, dear Father, don't forget that he is our closest relative and
(Preludeco1tplet) instruct him in a stern, fatherly way, he is bound to turn out all right in the
Executlilg the orders of the imperial court;
Drafting troops throughout the wide world. MU LAN'S FATHER: My child, you are mistaken! (Sings:)
(Speaks:)I am Zhao Jing, an officer under the command of General Huo, the A true man is characterized by his noble courage:
great rnarshal before the throne of the Son of Heaven of the Great Han. At the What he says while seated he'llexecute in action.
order of the imperial court I am widely drafting men for the army. On my mis­ Since ancient times trouble comes from empty talki
sion I have used the pretext of requiring one adult male from every household. Without serious study nobody later turns out right.
These Common people 1 who all fear death 1 beseech me to do them a favor, so I
MU LAN: Dear Father! (Sings:)
have received quite some bribes. I have now arrived in Dingtao County, In this
county,· I've learned, lives a rich man of modest means, who has achieved his The nature of a young man is not yet established:
wealth by diligence and thrift. He has only one daughter, who is called Mu Lan. Once he drops the butcher's knife, he's a Buddha.
She is bewitchingly beautiful, and she has no brother who can join the army for If you teach and instruct him in a fatherly way,
its northern campaign. I'll have to use once again the pretext of requiring one All of a sudden the blunt iron will turn into gold!
adult ~ale from every household and extract a few more bribes. ( Acts out nodding
(MuShuentersin militarygarb)
hishead~ndsmilingtahimse!f)Lee me apply the whip to this horse, and I'll be off!
I'm sneaking away from places of song and dance;
(Mu Lm~fatherandMu Lan~motherenterwithM11
Lan, in simplecost1tme,
and M1tLan1s
Washing my eyes by banks of streams and clouds.
with hangingbangsandg@dily dressed)
co1tplet) I am Mu Shu, and my style is Boshi.2 As a child I lost both my parents,
1 and growing up I have loved the martial arts. With my roaming knight-errant
MU LAN S FATHER: Into old age I1vebeen a commoner in the countryside.
friends we form bands and gangs, and when discussing the situation of the
MU LAN'S MOTHER: The whole family happily manifests Heaven's norms. world, we blame Heaven and Earth. I have been raised by my uncle, but today I
have almost turned twenty. It's too bad that my uncle is such a tightfisted old
father and Mu Lans motheract out sittingdown together)(Mu Inn and MuLan~
scrooge. He doesn't have any son of his own, but he is unwilling to let me freely
act outpayingtheirrespects) spend his money-I have no idea why this old guy without a son is holding on
MU u\N S MOTHER: Sit down by our side! (Mu Inn andMuLan~yoimgersister to his money! This morning I heard people in the marketplace tell that the em­
act 011ts.ittingdown) pire is drafting soldiers to go on a northern campaign and fight the bandits. But

MU LAN's FATHER: My children, your cousin Bashi has not come home
these last few days, and I have no idea where he may be hanging our. These last 2
Upper-classmen in traditionalChinawould haveat least two names.They receivedtheir
few days my eyes, I felt, were seeing better, but my heart is truly filled with wor­
personalname (ming) soon after birch;this name they would often use for self-designation.
ries. Just think, my strength is diminishing day by day, and my energy is less and Upon reachingadulthood,they would choose their adult nameor style ( zi),which would be
less with every day. If something untoward should happen to me, I have no idea used by others when addressingthem. Mentioning both personalname and scyle is a com­
what kind of suffering might be the fate of you two girls. mon element in self-introductions.

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34 Anonymous Mu LanJoinstheArmy(I 903 ), Part I 35

I eat my own rice, 3 so why should I make any efforr on behalf of the state? I'd (M11LemandMtt Ian'syoungersisteractout beingjlusteredi
theyspeakto Mu Shu andAfo
better sneak away and hide myself for a while at home and then later make new Ian'sfather)
plans. While talking I have already arrived at the gare of our house. (Actsoutenter­
MU LAN: Daddy, there is someone at the door calling for you.
Uncle and Aunt, please accept my best wishes.
(Mu Im,~fatheractsoutholding
MU LAN ' S FATHER an d MU LAN ' S MOTHER: D ear son, you 've come
unableto speak)(ZhaoJingenters,andMu Lan andMu Ian'syoungersisteractout avoiding
him[by leaving})
MU LAN: (rises,andspeaks:)
Cousin Boshi, you have come home/ That's great,
ZHAO )ING: Ar rhe order of His Majesty the Emperor I have come to your
because my parents were concerned about you. (Acts outgreeting)
district to draft adult males. If you have any son or cousin who will join the
MU LAN'S FATHER: My son Boshi! (Sings:) army, quickly report his name!

Ev~r since you left home, we never received any news, MU LAN'S FATHER: (replying
in a quaking
yes! I have one full nephew
And as a result, we were constantly thinking about you. named Mu Shu.
We were afraid you might suffer from hunger and cold­
MU SHU: ( on thegroundreplyingin a panic:)I'm not, not, not his nephew, I
White-haired and waiting, we were filled with anxiety!
From now on you should tame your unbridled mind 1 won't go!
And make sure to glorify your parents by making a name. ZHAO )ING: Tell him to report fot duty at our garrison tomorrow in the rhird
A ffian's achievement all depends on his personal effortsj quartet of the hour of noon. If he tries to flee or to hide himself, this will mean
If you don't put in the effort, how can you achieve fame? you will have transgressed military law, and I will have you, old fart, arrested and
MU LAN: Cousin! (Sings:)

My dear elder brother, now please attentively listen to me. MU LAN'S FATHER: (replyingin a quaking
Yes, yes!
Yoh have to take your closest relatives into consideration! ZHAO JING: (leavingthehouseandactingout beingsurprised)
I had clearly been in­
Ala,5,our father and mother are now in a desperate situation, formed that Mu Lan had no elder brother, so where did she find this cousin)
An'd they have no other son whom they can call their own. Let's wait. till tomorrow at the barracks and question him once again. (Exits)
All-under-heaven is in turmoil, and no region is pacified­
You should make every effort to make your plans quickly. (Mu Ian'sfatheractsout wipingawayhis tears.Mtt Lan1s mothe,;Mu Lan1 andMu Ian's
Ym/re a man in the strength of his years, filled with vigor: youngersisteractout appearing
againandactout helping
Mu Shu ta hisfeet.)
If you do not grab this opportunity, you will never succeed, MU LAN's FATHER: Dear Bashi! (Sings:)
(The militaryofficerZhaoJing,carrying
theflag of command,
enters) He calls out: My dear Bashi, you now listen to my order/
ZHAO )ING: Here I have arrived outside the gate of Mu Lan. Let me give them This is your opportunity to go out and to have a career.
a scare! (RoarsliketheGorges:)
Anybody inside? If you now go out and exterminate all those barbarians,
You'll be ennobled as a marquis with a hundred towns!
(Mit Lan1s (Mu Shuactsoutbeingsoscared
fatherandM1tIan's motheractoutbeingjrightened)
that'heJal~ to theground) (Speaks:)
My son, this is your lucky moment! Quickly get ready for your depar­
ture, and don't miss out on this chance to establish merit. My only wish is that
I~ ocher words, I have never received an appointment or a salary from che state, so there is you will leave early and return soon, so we, these old people, may witness your
no obligation for me to repay any favor shown to me by the state. glory! ( Sings:)

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36 Anonymam MuInn JoinstheArmy(1903), Part! 37

Deaf Bashi, quicklyset out on yourmany-dayjourney! And all alone on a single horse beyond Yangguan:'
Throughout your life you've said you have the abilities. Kill off those barbarians so none was left to flee!
Right now ir1sthe moment to displayyourstatesmanship,
1vfU SHU! Little Sister, don't brag. You're a girl, so what do you know about
And I want you to go out and make a determined effort,
So history books for all eternity will transmit your fame. the sufferings of the battlefield? (Singsto therapidbeat:)
Dear little sister, now please don't be upset at me,
MU SHU: Dear Uncle! (Sings:)
Please keep your mouth shut and don't blabber on.
He addressed him as dear uncle, please let me explain, If you'd raise your sword,
I am only a little student of books, so young of years! Spur on your horse,
You can't believe the empty words of my earlier days­ And arrive at the border,
Why,do you want me to be a soldier and join the army? Your soul, too,
In case I would lose my life out there on the battlefield, Immediately would fly off
You'd be bereft of the only person who can be your heir. To beyond the ninth heaven.
Dear:Unde!(Acts out weeping)Dear Uncle, If I indeed am afraid to die and mal<epeople laugh,
Why don't you
You,. you, you have to come up with some secret scheme, In my place
Because I desperately cling to this miserable life of mine. Join the army and put on armor?
Please go and bribe that officer, and ask him for his mercy;
Givehim some gold and silverso he will go on his way! MU LAN: (singingto th, rapidbeat:)
1 Dear elder brother, there's no need to mock me now:
MU-LAN S FATHER: (actingout turningtowardMu Lan andpointing)Now what?
Since ancient times there have been female generals.
I knew all along that he would turn out to be a good-for-nothing. (Acts oat wip­
I definitely want to report my name at the garrison,
ingaway his tears)
And with raised sword assist Commander in Chief Hua!

MU LAN: Cousin Boshi! ( Singsto therapidbeat:)

MU LAN's MOTHER: My child, you are a girl, so how can you go?
Your little sister has something she wants to say to you;
Pleas.e listen attentively, and don't be secretly annoyed. MU LAN: I definitely can go. I have always wanted to join the army and shame
Since. ancient times great heroes, Chinese and foreign, those men. ( Acts out kneelingdown and takingherleave)
All have been willing to risk their life for their country. (MuIan'sJ.1therand Mu Ian's motheract out weeping)(Mu Lan and Mu Shu act out r.x­
HoWcome you are such a weakling and good-for-nothing, changing
Who •clings to life afraid of death, making people laugh?
They:JI say you're just a big straw bag, big but of no use! MU LAN:
It's too bad that I a,;,
still only so very young indeed, In front of the hall I take leave of my father and mother,
And that on top of that I was born as a beautiful girl. And I tal,e leave of my elder brother and younger sister.
If 4imy current existence I had only been born as a boy,
MU SHU: Then what? (lvfoLan resumessinging:)

I would grasp in my hands a lance or a spear, 4

Y.111gguan is the name of a borderstation on the westernedge of Gansu.It was immor­
I would hang at my waist a bow and a sword, talized in a popularpartingsong byWangWei (d. 761).
Mu LanJoinstheArmy ( 1903 ), Part I 39
38 Anonymo11s

(Ac~Sout takingleaveofM11Shuand Mu Lan1s youngersister) (Mu Shuactsout imitating You said you were filled with hatred for the enemy 1
Jemh/egaitanddress) But I see your courage is less than that of a pig or dog,
It doesn't measure up to that of one single beautiful girl.
(Acts 0111 mockingMu 5h11bypullingafaceat him)
I h~Vesomething to say that I want to impress on you:
Elder brother and younger sister should live in harmony. MU LAN'S FATHER and MULAN's MOTHER: Little girl, this is just the
Elder Brother, from now on you must learn to behave, way he is, so don't mock him. Let's go inside. (Exeunt)
Don't go and join your old cronies foe all kinds of mischie£
When I go and establish major merit on Rouge Ridge,
It will be you, Elder Brother, who'll enjoy that great fame.
I will in final analysis remain a woman, so in my thoughts
I will always be at home, filially serving my two parents.
Coo·scantly, morning and evening, make sure theyare fine,
And comfort our parents whenever they are depressed.
IfI will be lucky enough to survive and come back home,
I wiUonce again express my feelings over our separation.
At .this moment I cannot fully express my heart's feelings,
As I am about to leave for the army to report my name.

(Mu Lan actsout weepingas sheleav~ artsoutwalking,actsoutturningaroundta look,and ex­

its) (MuIan'sfather,Mu Ian's mother;andlvfoInn'syoungersisteract outwavingtheirbands)

MtJ, SHU: She is gone. What are you still standing here for? (PullsMHIan'sfather
and.Mu Ian's motheraway)

MULAN'SYOUNGER SISTER: Slowly, Cousin Bashi/ Slowly! Listen to what

I hi~e to say! ( Sings:)
When a man lacks all shame he is truly despicable:
Yo~ truly are just a silverlilcewax-headed spear!5
He~ring about barbarians, you retract your head, 6
Unwilling to shed your blood on the batrlefield.

De~ brother Bosh~

It's fiat that I, your little sister, am mocking you,

But'from now on I wouldn't go and brag anymore.

A :•~silverlike,wax-headed spear" may look very pretty but is of no use on the battlefield.
6 Th., at 1s,
· you act 1 ce a curcle. "1iur cle "
l'I was a common curse war d meanmg
· "pimp
' " or
"cu cf-old."

' T., ...,..,., .........., ...,...., ..,., ,'
MuLanJoinstheArmy( I 903 ), Part II 41

Part II (Mu Lan changed

into malecostumein
militarydress,with a bow and arrowson her back,a
swordat herside,andcarrying
a lance)

TheLostBattle MU LAN:

TheVictoryCelebration (Preludecoup&t)
Cheeks like lotus flowers and a waist like a willow:
TheCourtAudience While a helmet covers my head I brandish a sword.
The GloriousReturn (Speaks:)I am Mu Lan, and I am determined ro join the army in place of my
father 7 and to establish merit beyond the border by exterminating the caitiffs.
Since I have taken leave of my parents 1 I am on my wayto the garrison to re­
port for duty. Who could have thought that I as a girl would have such a great
Characters: opportunity today!

MU LAN, performed by dan (Singsto theslowbeatasthesuona 8 isplayedbackstage:)

Storm-driven dust
HUO QUBING, performed by ( old) sheng
Extends ro the Central Plain,
ZHAO JING, performed by supporting jing An endless expanse of yellow sand;
The breath of death is rising,
GUARDS, performed by extras
Spreading east, west1 north, south,
KHAN, performed by jing To the very edges of the earth.
Who could have foreseen
BARBARIANS, performed by extras Thar the written order to serve
WEI QING, performed by young sheng Would drop down in front of my embroidery window?
It promptly filled me,
HAN SOLDIERS, performed by extras This female hero,
A BARBARIAN SPY, performed by chou With an all-overpowering, towering rage!
Ac the shortest moment
EUNUCHS, performed by extras I had taken my leave
EMPEROR, performed by jing
Of my white-haired aged parents.
I've abandoned
My inner-chamber companions 1
Who do embroidery and pick their flowers;

7 Curiously, in Part I the imperial emissary Zhao Jing never claims that Mu Lan's father has
to serve!
8 For a description of the suana,see Wichmann, 1991, p. 232.


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42 Anonymous Mu Lm Joi11s
theAnny ( I 903 ), Parr II 43

I've-abandoned (Speaks.-)
I am so elated! (Twirlsherlanceandexits)
The applicationof rougeand powder, ( H110Qubingiwitha redface andwhitebeard dressedas commander,
The burned incense and fragrant musk;
I've abandoned
The singingshirt and dancingsleeves, HUO QUBING:
And the lute with its many strings.
I've ·come to compete in
Ascending the terrace with raised sword,9 A general in the field, a chancellor at court:
Lifting the lance and grabbing a horse; My painted portrait is seen in Unicorn Hall.
I've Come to see
The forest of spears and trees of sabers, (Whilemusicisplayedbackstage
And people killed in great numbers. In the Han camp the great flag and pointed banners are arrayed;
I've ~ome to compete in Ennobled to the highest rank I command the walls of the border.
• The number of heads of slain fighters, When I as general issue an order, even the mountains make haste;
For the reputation of being a man; In one movement I clear away all alarms to celebrate uGreat Peace."
I've tome to hear
The rustling poplars of the border lands, I am the commander in chief of the Great Han, Hua Qubing. I have received
And the barbarian reed pipe of the steppe. the orderof the imperialpalacefor a punitivecampaignagainstthe Xiongnu,
Just fook at me and I am currently drafting troops and buying horses in order to link up with
As I look around, filled with confidence, the advance troops. Soldiers! Hang out the poster, and if there are persons who
Raising winds and clouds by my roar; wane to volunteer, quid<lyreport their names.
Just look at me (MuLanentersin militarydressandwhippingherhorse.Actsoutdescendingjrom
- As I earn merit, achieve noble rank,
And establish a mansion withrows of banners; MU LAN:
Just look at me
••As I will lead the captured barbarians
To bow down at the emperor's feet! Setting out on my trip to the battlefield,
I risk my life for the sake of the country.
On this journey ... (Sings:)
I definitely will (Speaks:)
Anyone here at the gate? I have come to join the army.
Slaughter the dragon with my bare hands, ZHAO JING: (acts outcomingoutandgreetingher)There you are! Report at the gate
And achievemerit in this acrobatic performance, and enterl
But who will know
,That I am one MU LAN: (actsotttbowing)Mu Shu reports for duty and enters.
As light as a swallow,
manner)(Mu Langlances[l.eftand)right,actsout
(Theguardsact outshoutingin a threatening
As beautiful as a flower!
a respecifal
In ~[derto emphasizethe importanceof the occasion,Liu BangappointedHan Xin as THE GUARDS: Commander in Chief, a young fighter outside wants to join
his commanderin chief on a raisedterrace. the army and requests an audience.

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44 Anonymous MuInn JoinstheArmy(1903), Part II 45

HUO QUBING: Tell him to come in. (Mu Lan actsDIii entering) (Huo Q,1bing
gets HUO QUBING: Mu Shu, don't talk such nonsense! I will appoint you as a cav­
011 hisftet and actsout observing
hercarefully.Acts ottt mrprise.) alryvanguard commander to test your capabilities. Mu Shu, listen to myorders,
I order you to lead five hundred mounted soldiers and link up with Generalis­
HUO QUBING: You're such a handsome young man-you look just like a
simo Wei. In case of any failure or mistake, you will be punished according to
tender girl. What kind of courage and schemes do you have that you dare ap­
military law.
pear here before me, making light of a rhousand trials? Soldiers, chase him away!
MU LAN: Yes, sir!
MU LAN: Just wait! (Singsto thelead-inbeat:)
Commander in Chief, please sit down in your tiger tent, HUO QUBING: All dismissed! (All exe11nt)
And listen while I, Mu Shu, tell you a comparable case. (Mu Inn enters costumedas a soldier,together
withfour mountedsoldiers)
In earlierdays, Chu and Han had many great generals,
But none measured up to rhat young man Zhang Zifang. ro MU LAN:
To this veryday his portraitis seen in LingyanTower, (Preludecouplet)
His face as handsome as that of some flowerlike maiden.
In commanding troops, all depends on tactics and strategy, Once I have the power to command,
So how can one judge a person on the basis of his looks? I will givemy orders to the many troops,
Htjw can one rashlyjudge the world'sgreatestheroes? (Speaks:)I am Mu Shu. I have received the order of General Huo to cross the
Please do not wrongly reject me, rhis young man Mui borderfor warand to link up with GeneralissimoWei. Officers!Our troops will
HUO QUBING: What capabilities do you have that you dare brag in such a depart for the steppe.
1 musicis played.Extras bringlnnce and horseand
Mu Lan acts out mountingthe
MU I.AN: Please listen. (Singsasabove:) horse.)(Theycirclethestagethree1imes
and exeunt)
(Extras enteragainand lineup sidewaysat theedgeof thestage)(Mu Lan enters)
You~ GeneraL are one of the pillars and beams of the state;
You \vill have your own considerations, your own ideas. MU LAN: What is the name of this place where we have arrived?
The Xiongnu basically are the leaders of nomadic tribes,
But for a long time rhey have troubled China on its borders. EXTRAS: This is the Bend of the River.
If ,Ve do not completely clean out their nests and burrows, MU LAN: Then let's pitchcamp right here. (ExtrasshoutuYessir"andretire.Exeunt.)
There never will be an end to the problems theymay cause.
I, Mu Shu, consider myself a commander who can lead­ (Mu Lan enterswrappedin a.feathercloak,withextraho/Jinga candle)(ActsDIii enteringthe
Unless I behead the king of Loulan, I will not return home. 11 tent) (MuInn hol.dsthecandleand looksall around.Extra e.xitsunobtmsively.MuLan acts
out mbbingherryesand sleeping,acts out beingstartledawake,actsout heavinga sigh.)( Sings,
to thelevelbeatofflute
Followingthe collapseof the Qin dynastyupon the deathof the FirstEmperor,a civil Ah, who could have known
war broke out among different contenders for the throne. The two final contenders were That fate would be against us,
the higem □ n-king of WesternChu,XiangYu,andtheking of Han,Liu Bang.Eventually, That our country is suffering decay!
XiangYu was defeatedby Liu Bang,who was ableto relyon the adviceof manyfine gen­ Unfeelingly
erals.flis most importantadviserwasZhangLiang(Zifang),
I have abandoned
Lou.Ianwas the name of a small kingdom in CentralAsia in the second century B.C.E. My white-haired aged parents.
chat ~e'peatedlyfought off Han conquest. Removing hairpins and bracelets,

.i'-:.i:ii- .a:- ,.- -~•--·~·--· ,.,_-:,=•·•·''-··---'····----· ..,_•'·"'•"",. ... ,- .. _. ----· - , ..-

46 Anonymous Mi<LanJoinstheArmy(1903), Part II 47

I've changed my dainty dress, That will be for our

Assuming the lilcenessof a man. Wocld of women
Alas, ·there was no one else A first-time, fully unprecedented event,
To take my father's place And it will teach that
And serve the country at the border. Crowd of blushing stalwarts
For this reason, To deeply bow down before my toilette table.
I carry lance and spear
To give battle in front of the troops.
Leading these MU LAN: Officers and men, where are you? (Extras as mountedsoldiersenterfrom
, Five hundred men, leftandright)The sky is already bright, so let's break up camp and move on to
I'll establish my fame on the steppe. link up with Generalissimo Wei. (Exeunt)
(Acts,out sl.eeping.
Acts out beingstartledawake.Acts out heavinga sigh.) (The khaneftheXiongnu12 and barbarians.H'eiQing and Han soldiers.Thet\vopartiesen­
gagein afiercebattle.Theyfight threetimes
far threerounds.Wei Qingis difeated.
MU,cLAN: Just listen to the mighty flow of the Yellow Rivet! How it startles
my mind and moves my soul! (Sings,to thelevelbentojf/1tteandfife:) (Thekeyto thewholepinyisfaund in thisscene,
is allowed.~
(MuInn enterSin a whitecoatand holdinga lance)
I hear the river'sflow,
Descending from heaven, MU LAN: Here we have arrived at the foot of Mt. Rouge, so let me climb to
And flowing toward my home village. a high spot so I can have a good look, to see where our General Wei is killing
In dreams of my home village those rebels.(Mu Lan actsoutascendingthemountainandstandingatopa highterrace.Back­
It still seems as if stage,thesoundsofbattleareprodmed.M11Lan acts011tbeingsta11led.)
In the distance, where
I am in my embroideryroom: dust is rising, I see defeated soldiers coming down, [like locusts] darkeningthe
Carrying plate and basin, sky!Those must be the Xiongnu who flee in defeat. So let's go and fight them,
Testing the water's temperature, so they will be atraclcedfrom both sides!
I am waiting on my father and mother
( H'eiQing enters,fleeingin defeat,fallowed by thekhan,who hotlypursueshim, YVeiQing acts
With pleasant mien and fragrant dishes;
outgivingbattleandbeingdifeated. Exeunt.)
With Lirtle Sister
· I play by the balustrade, MU LAN: That's, that's, that's not good! How it is possible that we Han people
Or buy flowers for my hair in the quiet alley. are defeated by the barbarians?Let me advanceand save GeneralWeil (Actsout
Acts out beingstartledawake,Acts out heavinga sigh.)
Wait till I, chis little Mu Lan, throttle those barbarians-
MU LAN: This is an unprecedented joy for a woman, so why am I so sad and In a moment I will trample this steppe completely flat!
depre~sed?(Sings,to thelevelbeatofjlute andfife:) Don't mock me for being only a weak and tender girl-
If I can with Just watch me splattering this battle gown with blood!
· The strength of my arms
(H'eiQing enters,defeated,Thekhanpursueshim,acts outfightinghim.MuLan entersimob­
. Capture the bandits, capture their king,
acts011/ blocking
andfightingthekhan.)(The khanorderstheextrastofightMu Lan
I will be able
, To command a large army, 12 Historically, the highest ruler of the Xiongnu was not designated "khan" or kebnn,but
Dispatch troops and order the generals. sbnnyu.

c~.~,==7· .., ·-._, "". '

48 A11orrymo11S M11Lm JoinstheArmy(I 903 ), Pare II 49

from all sides.Mu Lanfiercelyfightsthekhanin a man-to-mancorifrontation.Thekhanactsout WEI QING: You are right!
beingdefeatedand exits.) (Wei Qing turns aroundand comes011t1 and acts out expressinghis
MU LAN: Please.
gratitudeto lvfoLm)
(Togetherthrytwirl theirlnncesand exeunt)
WEI QING: Who may you be, General, who just arrived? Allow me to express
(The khanentersleading
troops)(On thebackdrop thesignsof ocean
my gratitude for saving me,
MU LAN: I am Mu Shu of the cavalry vanguard under the command of Gen­
THE KHAN: My children, this place here is the Northern Ice Sea, so where
eral Huo. General, please pardon my crime of being late in linking up with you.
can we hide ourselves?
WEI QING: General, many thanks for saving me. Now please lend me a hand
ALL: We can hide ourselves on the icebergs for a while.
in exterminating these barbarians.
THE KHAN: At this moment we have no other solution, so let's cross the ice.
MO LAN: Yes, sir! I will immediately fight my way into their camp!
(Act out stumblingandfalling down on theslipperyice,and nmning away in orderta escape)
(~i Qing and Nfo Lan twirl theirlances.Exeunt.)
thewar dmms aresounded)(WeiQing and Mu Lan enterin pursuit)
THE KHAN: My children, you have seen how terrible these two manziwere. 13
MU LAN: Where have we come now? How come we don't see even a single
They gave me such a beating that I couldn't get in a stroke, so what should we
shadow of a barbarian?
do now?
WEI QING: We have arrived ar the Northern Ice Sea. The barbarians must
A SPY: The enemy troops have already arrived!
have been beheaded and killed to the last man by the Han troops, so I would
ALL: Check the situation out once again! propose to you, General, that we return with our troops and report to the throne.

THE KHAN: In front of us there is nowhere we can go, and behind us the MU LAN: I'm overjoyed! (Singsto thelevelbeat:)
en~y comes in hot pursuit, so where can we flee for safety?
My teaming up with you, my general,
ALL: Let's fight them one more time to see who will be victorious in the end! Resembled the wind following the tiger,
The dragon following the clouds,
TH.E KHAN: So let's fight! Fight!
As together we went to the borders and secured the state.
( WciQingandMu Lanentertogether.
in battle[withtheXiongnu)
far afiw rounds. Just look, from now on the cosmos is at peace,
ande.xeunt.) And a unified globe now celebrates Great Peace.

MU' LAN: Where have we arrived? WEI QING: Congratulations!

WE~ QING: We have already arrived in foreign territory. (All act0111shouting

in mpport)( WciQingandMu Lan twirltbeirlances,
(EunuchsandEmperorWt1of theHan mter)
MU LAN: General, we cannot slacken in our efforts. Let's pursue them closely
and kill them till no single piece of armor is left! EMPEROR:

lvfanziis a common derogai:ory term used by northerners for southerners. le may be U5cd
by dorchern Chineseto refer to southern Chinese in a rude manner. Here it is used by the To seek revenge and wash away shame
Xiohgnu to denigratethe Chinese, Is the old ambition of a man of the Han.

•.•=~~~ ,---~,
50 Anonymous M11LanJoinstheArmy(I 903 ), Part II 51

(Sp,~ks:) MU LAN: Please allow me a few words. ( Sings:)

Within the phoenix walls colored clouds rise above towers and pavilions; Your servantoriginally is
SlU:ubs and trees are always in bloom, and both sun and moon are at ease. Only a common citizen
Thi: myriad countries, each in their costume, line up beforethe throne, From the rustic countryside,
As the Son of Heaven of the house of Han rules the rivers and mountains. But ro wield shield and lance
In defense of Altar and Grain 14
We are Liu Che, the emperor of the Han dynasty. To Our disrress the Xiongnu Is the responsibility of a subject.
have for years on end been troubling the Central Plain. Repeatedly We sought To exterminate the barbarians 1
to establish peace through interdynastic marriages, but that did nor in the lease And protect race and kind,
assuage the later problems. That's why the whole world shared in Our rage. We Was the basic ideal of your servant;
ordered generals to lead Our army on an extermination campaign against these I did not act on behalf of
barbariansco seek revengefor the people of the Han and wash awaytheir shame. The Son of Heaven of the Han
Eunuchs, transmit Our orders: if anyreport arrives from the borders, inform Or the dynasty of the house of Liu.
Us immediately! I did not aim for
Great riches or high status,
witha redJaa andwhitebear~entersiholding
The ephemeral fortune of a moment;
HUO QUBING: Nor did I aim for
My share of the spoils,
co11plet) And an idle fame that has no value.
Red banners recently reported victory, I only request that our
So I will thus inform my lord and ruler. Sage and enlightened ruler
Will retract the edict he pronounced,
This old servant Hua Qubing reports to And, as I lay down my commission,
Yoi.t'rMajesty: with the assistance of the valorous general Mu Shu, Wei Qing He will allow the bones of my body
recently annihilated the Xiongnu. These generals have returned to court and To return to my native hills and groves.
req~est an audience.
EMPEROR: Even if that may be your wish, how could We not properly dis­
EMPEROR: This is all thanks to your efforts as a chancellor. Let it be known tribute awards?General Hua and General Wei, please take the cap and girdle for
that We will see Wei Qing and Mu Shu, so We may reward and \ihnoble them. Mu Shu with you.

Qing and M1tLan enterwhilepeiformingthedanceefobeisance.

(lil1:i Theyact out enteringthe (The emperorand extrasexeunt)
tbnn.1e down.)
HUO QUBING and WEI QING: Our congratulations, Marquis Mu! Tomor­
EMPEROR: Please rise! You two have great merit in exterminating the caitiffs. row we will send Your Lordship off to his home village.(Act 0111smiling.
Please report your glorious achievements in detail.
Translated by Wilt L. Idema
(M1!sicis pnjormed backstage. Qingpresentstheregisterof meritoriousachievements.
J11ei The
actsout readingit.)

EMPEROR: Mu Shu has such great merits that he may be ennobled as a Mar­ M "Altarand Grain"rendersthe Chinesephrasesbeji, which refersto the altarto the earth

quis Within the Passes. Let him accept this reward and retire. and the god of millet, symbols of the nation.

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