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Taurus Love Compatibility

Taurus and Aries love compatibility

Both are highly sensual, but Aries may be annoyed by the deliberate pace and
unimaginative lovemaking of Taurus. Aries is a fun seeking person and will be trying
to entertain him/herself constantly. The thrift of Taurus, who seldom makes anything
spontaneously, will irritate. Taurus is good at making money but Aries is even better
at spending it. The long haul can be hard going, though if they hang on long enough
Aries will come to appreciate Taurus's steadiness and dependability. If Taurus allows
Aries to take a lead role, they will find out the new opportunities of sensual pleasure.
Otherwise it will be difficult to get a desirable balance. The relationships are usually
short term.

Taurus and Cancer love compatibility

Usually this makes a good combination. Both need security and a sense of
permanence, and both are loving, affectionate, and passionate as well. The Cancer
adds to this union more sensuality and imagination. Both are passionate and do not
need any extraneous help to be pleased with each other. The Taurus is capable to
understand changes in the mood of the Cancer, and can help smooth the problems if
any appears. The Taurus is usually an attentive person. The Cancer is responsive. This
relationship can and will improve with age and hard work, as these are such different
personalities, and in many ways ones strength supports the others weakness. Cancers
sex life is affected by the way they are getting along in the evening and if there is
arguing or other unpleasantness Cancer will not make love to Taurus and too much of
this could build a wall between them. The understanding of each other problems will
help the existence of pleasant connection. A successful marriage is possible if case
these two are willing to give rather than get.

Taurus and Libra love compatibility

This couple shares a love of music and art, but hasn't much else in common. Taurus is
the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra. Taurus likes to plan life
but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on
both sides. Libra dislikes Taurus's dictatorial ways and quickly loses patience with
Taurus's stodgy attitudes. To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle
nature. They are sexually in tune, so a lot of pleasant games are possible but not a
sound union.

Taurus and Capricorn love compatibility

Both partners having mutual understanding of each other's personalities. Both the
Capricorn and the Taurus like money, and sure that the safety is really important.
While the Taurus is a patient person the Capricorn is ready to work for both of them.
Taurus can get through to aloof, cautious Capricorn and give the encouragement and
responsiveness needed. Both have earthy, passionate natures, and sensual Taurus can
tap the deep well of romanticism that lies under Capricorn's reserve. This couple can
conceive everything in the field of sex - every idea will come truth. Capricorn's sexual
appetite can be either over indulgent, or he/she may abstain altogether if affected by
outside pressures. Taurus will need to be sensitive to Capricorns tension and be
willing to discus it and ease his burden of guilt he/she may feel because of it. There
are perfect prospects for that couple and it can turn out to be a very compatible

Taurus and Taurus love compatibility

This isn't the most exciting union ever, for both are domestic creatures who prefer
safety to adventure. They are also not always sexually compatible. The woman is
more sentimental in love, the man on the contrary is more terrestrial nature. The
Taurus- man would rather prefer an other men's company. The Taurus- woman can't
bear a deceit or inattention. On the other hand both share a fondness for money, are
hardworking, loyal, and affectionate. The perfect solution is for each to develop some
outside hobbles and friends without raising the possessive hackles of the other. The
connection can and be pleasant, but marriage is under the question.

Taurus and Gemini love compatibility

An unpromising match, though at the beginning Taurus responds to Gemini's sparkle
and Gemini is intrigued by Taurus's uncomplicated directness. The Gemini's
representatives are usually double-faced ,changeable people. The Taurus'
representatives are tend to a constancy. Taurus is attracted by an artistry and riches of
imagination of the Gemini. However The Gemini are irritated by the Taurus' slow
reaction. Taurus with the innate need to possess will never be able to hang on to the
unsettled Gemini. Gemini loves change and Taurus resists it. Their sex life is
gradually affected by the Gemini moods which are very changeable. Gemini behaves
as the playful, mischievous little kid one minute and the next minute he/she will turn
basic and animalistic in his/her sexual appetites. The typical Taurus reaction to this
action will probably drive him/her into someone elses bed. This is a tasteless
connection and there are not the best prospect for a marriage.

Taurus and Leo love compatibility

Both are fixed signs, so neither will give an inch. Leo merely becomes angrier and
Taurus more obstinate. Leo considers that it is natural for him/her to be a leader in the
bedroom. Taurus will supply the attention that Leo requires but will expect it to be
returned. Leo loves to dominate and eventually Taurus being strong willed but more
patient, will raise the sword when their needs are not being met. Thrifty Taurus is also
appalled at Leo's careless spending habits. Taurus is cautious and deliberate; Leo
expansive and extravagant. Taurus stubbornly refuses to give Leo constant worship,
and Leo is too self-centered to give Taurus the devotion it needs. On the other hand
excellent physical qualities and great sex appeal are there for both partners in this
match. There is a strong physical and emotional attraction but too many obstacles to

Taurus and Virgo love compatibility

There will be love at first sight- Both are homebodies and they share the same
intellectual pursuits. Virgo, while making love prefers simple ways/positions. The
Taurus is not against simplicity, but his/her style in sex can be disturbing for Virgo.
But in the other aspects of life they don't have many problems. Taurus's tenacity and
Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for success as a team. And Taurus keeps a
careful eye on expenditures, which pleases thrifty Virgo. A good connection is
possible, but it demands to be more patient from the representatives of the both signs.
Taurus and Scorpio love compatibility
With a strong sexual urge both will find much in common. They are both equally
active in sexual affairs. None of them needs to cheat on each other. On the other hand
both are very jealous and stubborn. The difference between these two is that Taurus
wants to own a lover, like a valuable object, and Scorpio tries to possess in an
emotional sense. Taurus can be obstinate in his irritation and Scorpio can be
dangerous if he/she is angry. So, this affair is complete of the problems, and marriage
is possible only if both of them are very tolerant and intelligent people.

Taurus and Sagittarius love compatibility

They are two very different personality types. Extremely sexual Taurus will be
pleased with the Sagittarius, but also angry with his/her aspiration to search for love
wherever it is only possible. When Taurus refuses to join in with the Sagittarians
sporting ways, he/she will find someone who will. There are few, if any natural
domestic talents in Sagittarius (unless the stars are well placed) and the Taurus
domestic abilities are not given a second thought. Sagittarius hardly notices the
Taurus' ability to keep or provide a comfortable home for him/her. They may feel
happy together, but there is a short future for this pair.

Taurus and Aquarius love compatibility

Aquarius's careless attitude toward love will baffle and finally enrage highly
passionate Taurus, who doesn't want someone just to play with. The Aquarius is
inclined to analyze everything and not very interested in getting pleasure from making
love. The Aquarius would rather prefer to talk, but the sensual Taurus will not be
satisfied with such type of love. Taurus will seem to be too requiring for the Aquarius.
These two are stubborn in very different ways: Aquarius refuses to be conventional,
while Taurus rigidly adheres to the values of family and security. Aquarius is
interested in humane concerns; Taurus is single minded about itself and its
possessions. Aquarius puts a low emphasis on sex and places it far down on the list of
necessities. This attitude could cause Taurus some major upsets as he/she will not be
able to accept the problems of the whole world sharing his/her bed, which could cause
Taurus to become over demanding in Aquarius' eyes.

Taurus and Pisces love compatibility

This usually is a very happy combination. Taurus is a strong, authoritative figure who
can provide security and stability for vacillating Pisces. Trying to help Pisces make all
of their dreams come true, tactfully and reliably encouraging them, a persevering
Taurus can achieve all what he wants from these relationships. Success of their sexual
harmony depends on the Taurus. These two can share a great deal of their
appreciation for beauty, art, sensuality and just about any of the finer things in life.
Pisces is easily clouded by emotion but can be brought to reality by Taurus' down to
earth nature. Taurus can be helped to dream by the Pisces personality. There are good
prospects for interesting affair as well as for healthy marriage.
Your lover must approach you properly in order to win your heart. You love good
cooking and fine wine. The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach. You
are turned off by individuals who exaggerate or color the truth. You like to be
admired and will respond if your lover is encouraging. Your connection to someone
born under the same sign as yourself or one of the remaining eleven signs is as

TAURUS & ARIES: - This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your
possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.

TAURUS & TAURUS: - Not bad sexually, however this union is somewhat dull in
other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch
potatoes eating in front of the television.

TAURUS & GEMINI: - Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will
drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really
a likely combination.

TAURUS & CANCER: - Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You
offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and
loyalty you desire.

TAURUS & LEO: - This is not only an unlikely connection but one that is built on
deception. If your financial position is good you will attract the Lion however, this
partner will want the freedom to roam.

TAURUS & VIRGO: - Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other
areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well. You are both practical and hard

TAURUS & LIBRA: - Compromise is necessity if you want this union to work.
Your Libran mate will be far too indecisive for you and you lack the sophistication
that the Scales demand in a partner.

TAURUS & SCORPIO: - Polarity attraction, sexually dynamic, however you are
both fixed signs that can cause difficulties. Your stubbornness and the Scorpions
jealousy will result in a no win situation.

TAURUS & SAGITTARIUS: - This combo is better left as friends. The archer likes
to gamble, free-spirited and taking each day as it comes. You on the other hand could
never live without routine and would frown up the Sagittarians irresponsibility.

TAURUS & CAPRICORN: - This is not a bad alliance as you both have the same
interests where money, possessions and security are concerned. The biggest drawback
is the old 'all work and no play' syndrome.

TAURUS & AQUARIUS: - You are both fixed signs with a totally different concept
of life. The water-bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or
possess your partner.
TAURUS & PISCES: - This combination can work, however the Fish lack
practicality which can be a deterrent for you. On the other hand your Pisces mate may
leave if you become too domineering.

the love compatibility for Taurus and Capricorn, according to

astrology and their characteristics.

This combination of signs is definitely a love connection. Taurus and Capricorn were
made for each other! This is one of those relationships that others are jealous of. Both
Capricorn and Taurus enjoy stability and commitment, warmth and communication.
Venus rules Taurus and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and these two planets have a
natural, harmonious blend. If you are a Taurus and your partner is a Capricorn, look
for a long-lasting relationship with all the things each of you crave. Chances are, you
have found your soul mate.

Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth signs. This means that both of you love to live
the good life, with all the material possessions and trimmings. Your home will most
likely be filled with beautiful things that are pleasing to the eye, if not the
pocketbook! The good news is that both of you tend to be hardworking in nature; so
living well is not beyond your means.

Values are extremely important to both of you, but you both have the same kind and
level of values. You are disciplined, with high standards that former mates may not
have appreciated. Others find it hard to live up to the moral standards expected by the
two of you, yet for Taurus and Capricorn, it is second nature. You are both practical
and sensible, with a down-to-earth outlook that is a relief to find in another person.
Neither one of you likes crazy surprises because you both prefer to plan
things instead of doing them on the spur of the moment. You also have a lot of things
to talk about. Your mutual interests provide you with a million things to talk about
and do. You do not get bored with each other. Taurus will teach Capricorn to take the
occasional break and enjoy life and Capricorn will show Taurus the most effective
ways to follow through with goals.

Your sex life is bound to be steamy, yet intimate, once Taurus gets past Capricorn’s
initial cautious and somewhat modest nature. You will be able to bond on many
levels, both physical and mental. Taurus finds Capricorn’s love of irony enticing and
charming-a total turn-on. Capricorn will find that the earthy Taurus is an indulgent
and sensuous lover that provides the emotional security a Capricorn needs to feel
loved. These two signs can be fully dedicated to one another, with no desire to look
outside this totally satisfying relationship. Other signs will look at this pairing with
envy, because this level of commitment and intimacy is not easily found elsewhere.

These two signs can also work well together. Capricorns love to be creative and come
up with great ideas, and Taurus’ love to make these ideas a reality and keep them
going. Your natural affinity for hard work and good communication skills make a
working relationship between the two of you positive and healthy.
All in all, a more comfortable and confident pairing cannot be found. On every level,
Taurus and Capricorn are compatible and find mutual satisfaction and joy. These two
signs meet each other’s every need and can combine to be friends, lovers and
companions in every sense of the word. Lucky are the Taurus’ and Capricorns of the
world, because you do not need anyone else but each other.

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