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Fiddling with hair, Nervousness I want to be heard.

touching face.
Uses hand gestures, Hurt and disbelief but I want to be justified.
shaking head. desensitised.
Staring into the Thoughtful, saddened I want to be
distance, looking down and putting on a brave understood.
Swallowing front.
Hand gestures continue, Passionate, explanative. I want to be
eye contact and understood.
nodding with
interviewer to assure
they understand.
Smile however with sad Discomfort, I want to be humorous/
eyes, slight breathy nervousness. connect with the
laugh slight shake of the interviewer.
Tensed shoulders Discomfort I want to be heard.
grinding teeth, biting
Hands shaking, tensed, Bravery and I want to be honest and
outstretched hands. anxiousness. express my emotion.
Licking lips, furrowing Honesty, openness. I want to be
eyebrows, blinking understood fully for
often and swallowing. myself and my struggle
as well as tell my
mother’s intentions.

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